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What If India officially request to join CPEC?

What If India officially request to join CPEC?

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Speaking of ill conceieved notions

  • India started the demonoterization with out planning and failed miserably economic loses
  • 4-5 Independence insurgencies Kashmir , Khalistan, East Indian and South Indian seperation movement
  • India made the biggest mistake by being participant in 1971 actions talk about ill concieved planning
  • Surgical strikes , collapsed India's own stock exchange
  • Selected a Extremist Hindu as head of state
  • Destruction of religious symbol for Muslims of state , marginalized millions
  • Ethnic housing planing just to create special zones for extremist hindus to get elected
  • Teja failed to fly for decade
  • Continuous failed SAM projects
  • Killed Sikh leaders in their own holy place , briliant Indian planning got own PM killed
  • Gas line blunder , one of the dumbest economic decision

If this is the halmark of briliant Indian planning I rather be a cave man
Bhaii, you have no idea of India then:what:

1. Majority of people support of buying back old currency with valid accounts

2. All these insurgencies wont make 0.01 difference in Indian constitution and regarding we south Indians asking sperate country - I I'll say u misunderstood our patriotism vs inner cultural hate regarding Northen states. India is first for us:-)

3. Our stock exchange capitalism for both NSE and BSE is above 2.5 trillion . Which I'll come top 10 in global level. The one day drip of 200 points is not even a event to analysis

The rest I I'll say a BS:p:
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Without Kashmir... no entery to indians anywhere near Pak state let alone CPEC.

The indians need to remian boxed in the plains....

Sino-Pak Friends, can try all they want but they will never change the deep rooted hatred that indians have for Sino-Pak Axis.

Besides, indians have delusions of grandeur and want to be masters in Asia Pacific and Afro-Asian Ocean region.

Therefore, request denied..until further notice. Thank you, indians. But the answer is NO.

You normally say no to a request made...not to something that you yourself come up with and then start deciding on it and putting conditions on it and saying no on it in your own twisted neurotic minds.
nothing is more important than pakistan national security.we are having this terrorism problem just because of indian influence inside afghanistan.we can't afford to allow them to trade.it will be a suicide for pakistan.pakistan's national security should be the first preference.another threat is the dream of indians to capture azad kashmir.this threat isn't over yet and they will never allow us to trade using CPEC.they will create more hurdles in the future.they can even attack azad kashmir.we will be foolish if we allow them to use CPEC.
Excellent thread :

OP presuming Indian REQUEST for joining CPEC is a Pakistani fellow.

Every Pakistani member on this Forum is either dead against this (Presumptive) IDEA or wants it only on certain conditions.

Every Indian member is finding this notion is a Pakistani wishful thinking.

Everybody feeling good :-)

OP deserves to be rewarded :yahoo:
Excellent thread :

OP presuming Indian REQUEST for joining CPEC is a Pakistani fellow.

Every Pakistani member on this Forum is either dead against this (Presumptive) IDEA or wants it only on certain conditions.

That's because many pakistanis actually believe this is true, in fact, they believe in it so much that they have offered cpec to every country out there - even to India ffs.
can you please keep india out of your cpec project.

this is no use or benefit to india
no, your thinking that Pakistan cant say "No" to China is clownish, rest all world is dependent on each other, just like you are dependent on Russians and US for arms and NSG backing does that mean you cant say no to these countries?, Pakistan is too dependent on US and Chinese arms.. Pakistan is opening new doors for arms which include Turkey, Italy, Russia, south Africa, Brazil etc

USA and China give you aid or soft loans for buying F-16s and JF-17s. France and Russia won't which is why the PAF is not flying Rafales and Su-35s
Please would be grateful if avoid trolling the thread and stick to the comments based on your voting.

I totally understand that India is not interested on CPEC and thats also suit to Pakistan and China. However please note that the thread is based on the PRESUMPTION only. If CPEC will be successful which we all Pakistanis and Chinese believe that it will be, and for any reason India request to be part of CPEC (now or latter), then what WOULD be the reaction of Pakistan?

If Indians offended by this thread then do not reply and please avoid trolling as this thread is purely related to Pakistanis members only...
USA and China give you aid or soft loans for buying F-16s and JF-17s. France and Russia won't which is why the PAF is not flying Rafales and Su-35s

we will buy less, or buy late ? what it changes for us? anyways i dont want my country to waste money on conventional weapons, we should work on minimum credible nuclear deterrence to keep our enemies at bay..

We should invest in health and education..
What If India officially request to join CPEC?

Arrogant Modi never will!
Without Kashmir... no entery to indians anywhere near Pak state let alone CPEC.

The indians need to remian boxed in the plains....

Sino-Pak Friends, can try all they want but they will never change the deep rooted hatred that indians have for Sino-Pak Axis.

Besides, indians have delusions of grandeur and want to be masters in Asia Pacific and Afro-Asian Ocean region.

Therefore, request denied..until further notice. Thank you, indians. But the answer is NO.
Lol request denied? Get out of your fairy tale bud!!
I hope india does make that request so that the butt hurt indians here will cry more rivers :rofl:

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