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What if India becomes superpower? What then?

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Bloody illiterate.

I hit a nerve there.. The only illiterate I see is you..

Lets assume India mobilizes a record 20 million consripts which is unheard of Pakistan can match that..

The key element will be to bring about a great devestation and creating an arena where it is not for the feint hearted... That is when you will see the greatest offensive ever carried out in world history 20-30 million Pakistani's, Afghanis and volunteers will descent upon the gangetic plains all furious as fuk..

I am talking about post nuclear outfall where all cities are hit tit for tat.. Extreme conditions needs to be created to discourage the feint hearted...

Will you be able to stop me in such conditions on that day? Will you be able to stand in my way?

It will be like running thru an unprotected virgin 16 year old girl..

All is off the table at that time... If we don't reach tamil Nadu for the 5th time I will be shocked on these circumstances and consider it a major miracle upset.. Lets say you lose all of the gangetic plains but miraclously manage to defend Tamil Nadu's southern tip I would considered that as major upset victory for you
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India will never become a superpower.......

Whomever absorbs India will however become superpower..... Culturally there is more potential in Pakistan rather then India to rise to something.. With in regards to India potential is dead at arrival..

Pakistan only needs Hidaya thats all nothing more or less which provides them with extra zeal....

Stragetically, tactically, and numerical wise Pakistan can defeat India in a total war and can penetrate India.. All that comes down to smoking Indian armed forces not civil population who will surrender and the Indian armed forces themselves are extremely indisciplined to rise to the occasion when it really matters..

India is just a big ballon and hollow inside.. All you need is to take the initiative and bring the fight immediately to them.. Stragetically outmanuver them and once they realize this shxt is armeggedon proportion and death is certain everywhere that is when the Indian culture will betray him his vegeterianism, pacificism and yoga shirk will kick in you will see desertions and panic in epic porprotions..

When things get dire and critical they are nowhere to be found.. 1000 years where were they? I am not easily fooled just because you have new toys today doesn't mean I can't break your resolve quickly and not to forget I have these new tools myself and Your love of life will betray as per usual
You seem to have a knack for the comedy genre, maybe write the script of a movie or two? let's see what the "intellectuals" think about your arguments.
I always ignore your comments whenever you write such garbage believe me I've seen a lot of your rehased comments in different threads. The reasoning goes beyond the realm of illogical to science fiction lol.
I'm not sure how one defines "superpower" but if India is to be one, I'd presume it would become one in the 2040s. So a good 20 years away.

"Dil kay khush rakhnay ko Ghalib yeh khayaal achha hae"
"Kaun jeeta hae tairi zulf kay sir honay tak"
I hit a nerve there.. The only illiterate I see is you..

Lets assume India mobilizes a record 20 million consripts which is unheard of Pakistan can match that..

The key element will be to bring about a great devestation and creating an arena where it is not for the feint hearted... That is when you will see the greatest offensive ever carried out in world history 20-30 million Pakistani's, Afghanis and volunteers will descent upon the gangetic plains all furious as fuk..

I am talking about post nuclear outfall where all cities are hit tit for tat.. Extreme conditions needs to be created to discourage the feint hearted...

Will you be able to stop me in such conditions on that day? Will you be able to stand in my way?

It will be like running thru an unprotected virgin 16 year old girl..

All is off the table at that time... If we don't reach tamil Nadu for the 5th time I will be shocked on these circumstances and consider it a major miracle upset.. Lets say you lose all of the gangetic plains but miraclously manage to defend Tamil Nadu's southern tip I would considered that as major upset victory for you
Are you mentally disturbed?

Afghans? You mean the same ones who hate Pakistan?
Are you mentally disturbed?

Afghans? You mean the same ones who hate Pakistan?

Yep these same afghans and bunch of them as cannon fodders millions.. Will be thrown at the front.. two birds with one stone
Are you mentally disturbed?

Afghans? You mean the same ones who hate Pakistan?
His entire comment history is either typing illogical crap or personally attacking people.
No valid arguments, he either lives in a delusional world and god forbid actually believes the crap he writes.
You seem to have a knack for the comedy genre, maybe write the script of a movie or two? let's see what the "intellectuals" think about your arguments.
I always ignore your comments whenever you write such garbage believe me I've seen a lot of your rehased comments in different threads. The reasoning goes beyond the realm of illogical to science fiction lol.

Believe in whatever you want.. That is free choice for you to believe.. We will go for the throat in an eventual all out war.. We will attempt to push into the indian-subcontinent by default and as deep as possible..

You shall see how will you scatter around once I come dashing at you in the moment of heat if you are alive during that era
We will attempt to push into the indian-subcontinent by default and as deep as possible
Okay but before that save your economy from defaulting first and fulfill IMF requirements for the next loan. India occupying ambitions can come later pal.
Okay but save your economy from defaulting first and fulfill IMF requirements for the next loan.

If I default will be worse for you... Cause I won't have anything to lose at that point and the only way for wealth will be to search for greener plains and search for ways streach legs...

Worst case scenario for you would be if my economy collapses.... I will eventually open a corridor by force to eat if it even means I take the gangetic river..

We will have nothing to lose at that point and the most dangeorus version
Ukraine now has the 3rd largest military budget, lol. The US just injected another few billions.

Send my congrats to your UkroNazi Zelenskyyyy boi. Now please read to my post# 8 where I replied to you.

Like Afghan before under USSR invasion. They are helped by USSR opponent (USA) and Muslim world, even Indonesia helped Afghan the code name is "Mabur operation," sending many AK rifles and ammunitions.

Afghan under USSR invasion ? I didn't know he was a USSR citizen :) :


And despite all of that India is a $3.5 trillion economy, it is the 5th largest in the world and is due to overtake Germany for #4 in 2025 and Japan for #3 in 2026.


Congratulations to the brilliant leadership of Pragati Purush Modi jee and his able finance minister Nirmala, graduate from that den of "anti-nationals", JNU. :D

Now please reply to my post# 8.
India will never become a superpower.......

Whomever absorbs India will however become superpower..... Culturally there is more potential in Pakistan rather then India to rise to something.. With in regards to India potential is dead at arrival..

Pakistan only needs Hidaya thats all nothing more or less which provides them with extra zeal....

Stragetically, tactically, and numerical wise Pakistan can defeat India in a total war and can penetrate India.. All that comes down to smoking Indian armed forces not civil population who will surrender and the Indian armed forces themselves are extremely indisciplined to rise to the occasion when it really matters..

India is just a big ballon and hollow inside.. All you need is to take the initiative and bring the fight immediately to them.. Stragetically outmanuver them and once they realize this shxt is armeggedon proportion and death is certain everywhere that is when the Indian culture will betray him his vegeterianism, pacificism and yoga shirk will kick in you will see desertions and panic in epic porprotions..

When things get dire and critical they are nowhere to be found.. 1000 years where were they? I am not easily fooled just because you have new toys today doesn't mean I can't break your resolve quickly and not to forget I have these new tools myself and Your love of life will betray as per usual

Pakistan grit at determination in seen in 1971 war in east Pakistan. Pakistani generals should have fought till death but things turned out to be different.
India will never become a superpower.......

Whomever absorbs India will however become superpower..... Culturally there is more potential in Pakistan rather then India to rise to something.. With in regards to India potential is dead at arrival..

Pakistan only needs Hidaya thats all nothing more or less which provides them with extra zeal....

Stragetically, tactically, and numerical wise Pakistan can defeat India in a total war and can penetrate India.. All that comes down to smoking Indian armed forces not civil population who will surrender and the Indian armed forces themselves are extremely indisciplined to rise to the occasion when it really matters..

India is just a big ballon and hollow inside.. All you need is to take the initiative and bring the fight immediately to them.. Stragetically outmanuver them and once they realize this shxt is armeggedon proportion and death is certain everywhere that is when the Indian culture will betray him his vegeterianism, pacificism and yoga shirk will kick in you will see desertions and panic in epic porprotions..

When things get dire and critical they are nowhere to be found.. 1000 years where were they? I am not easily fooled just because you have new toys today doesn't mean I can't break your resolve quickly and not to forget I have these new tools myself and Your love of life will betray as per usual
Your assumptions are not based on facts in last 75 yrs of our bitter history. 4 wars later, India has proved its might by holding high its superiority and Pakistan has always failed miserably losing half its territory and its economic scene mired in quagmire.
Pakistan grit at determination in seen in 1971 war in east Pakistan. Pakistani generals should have fought till death but things turned out to be different.

India is taking credit for Bengal independence war.. India has never defeated Pakistan on the western frontier not even once but Pakistan has in return done that..

Next time there won't be ceasefires or such things but to the end..

We are extremely confident in our abilities that a well oiled Pakistan can take all of India within a short frame of time.

And expand beyond India.. Where India will be the first to fall but many to follow.. We are confident we have the capability for that we just need slightly to oil our machine..

We are confident that we can become the next world hegemony if win 2-3 big wars down the line
If I default will be worse for you... Cause I won't have anything to lose at that point and the only way for wealth will be to search for greener plains and search for ways streach legs...

Worst case scenario for you would be if my economy collapses.... I will eventually open a corridor by force to eat if it even means I take the gangetic river..

We will have nothing to lose at that point and the most dangeorus version

You have every thing to loose, hunger and poverty will force people to loose confidence in the Idea of Pakistan itself.
India won't be the aggressor unless there is a substantial event in which case it will have the right to use appropriate force. Remember US and West play the moral card only till an extent they will accept whatever comment GOI puts out. If China comes in the picture the rules of engagement changes. Russia turned out to be a paper tiger now USA's biggest rival is China.

Diplomatic spat happens every now and then, didn't affect the relations in any considerable sense, pretty much everyone is over it or barely remembers it now, counting people who make the decisions that is.

In current world everyone favors their economic and diplomatic relations over "religious relations". Lip service and direct help is another thing.
What exactly can Pakistan offer to the GCC?

Regardless of that, both India and Pakistan are nuclear power. Even if your scenario is true, it is India that suffers the most since you will be already have huge industries spreading across India that will be easy target in 2040. China for sure dont want North East India under your territory forever. China will help since they know you are not ready to face both China and Pakistan in full scale of war.

Western nation the least I can speculate (based on your assumption they will help you) will be neutral. They dont want to be against China in face-to-face battle.

Your lost at war will be huge since you will be already very industrialized 20 years from now. Pakistan can target your nuclear power plant either if both of you try not to use nuclear. There will be several places in India with Chernobyl effected region, damaging both economic and life of the people. 200 millions Indian Muslim can be useful during special sabotage operation and bombing many places in India, ruin its reputation as safe place for foreign investment.

Once you already capture whole Kasmir, your economy will already be much suffered. It will be a long war for sure. If both uses Nuke, End of Hinduism power as India is the center of Hindu power economically, technologically, culturally, and it is where 99 % Hindu lives
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