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What if India becomes superpower? What then?

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No chance...murica would never let that happen. MSM isnt all out demonizing because india isnt a peer rival.
In the case of Pakistan, change USA with China. Then Muslim world will send weapons to Pakistan through Afghan and Iran. Oil and gas embargo
China would send arms what are the probabilities of them directly interfering? If China comes in the equation US and western world will mobilize and in turn support India, Russia will remain neutral.
Also which Muslim countries are staunch supporter of Pakistan right now? i know many supported Pakistan in the 60s and 70s by providing them arms but in today's world India is of much more economic importance and a large gulf population is Indian. Iran, UAE, Egypt have had very good relations with India. Only support i can see is from Turkey who will sell their arms to bolster their domestic market.
Simple. Then west will be after india and trying to bring it down. They want subservients not equals or greater.
Why would the West want to take down an ally like India? both have mutual interests on the global stage
Why would the West want to take down an ally like India? both have mutual interests in the global stage
“Mutual interest” is the keyword. Hypothetical scenario puts india in position to persue its own interests.

Remember China was there ally against Soviet’s back in the days.
India will never become a superpower.......

Whomever absorbs India will however become superpower..... Culturally there is more potential in Pakistan rather then India to rise to something.. With in regards to India potential is dead at arrival..

Pakistan only needs Hidaya thats all nothing more or less which provides them with extra zeal....

Stragetically, tactically, and numerical wise Pakistan can defeat India in a total war and can penetrate India.. All that comes down to smoking Indian armed forces not civil population who will surrender and the Indian armed forces themselves are extremely indisciplined to rise to the occasion when it really matters..

India is just a big ballon and hollow inside.. All you need is to take the initiative and bring the fight immediately to them.. Stragetically outmanuver them and once they realize this shxt is armeggedon proportion and death is certain everywhere that is when the Indian culture will betray him his vegeterianism, pacificism and yoga shirk will kick in you will see desertions and panic in epic porprotions..

When things get dire and critical they are nowhere to be found.. 1000 years where were they? I am not easily fooled just because you have new toys today doesn't mean I can't break your resolve quickly and not to forget I have these new tools myself and Your love of life will betray as per usual
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No chance...murica would never let that happen. MSM isnt all out demonizing because india isnt a peer rival.
The MSM and international human rights organisations already portray India as a backwards, intolerant, and poverty ridden slum country riddled with human rights abuses. They already do enough damage to their reputation by truthfully reporting on their affairs as neutrally as possible.
China would send arms what are the probabilities of them directly interfering? If China comes in the equation US and western world will mobilize and in turn support India, Russia will remain neutral.
Also which Muslim countries are staunch supporter of Pakistan right now? i know many supported Pakistan in the 60s and 70s by providing them arms but in today's world India is of much more economic importance and a large gulf population is Indian. Iran, UAE, Egypt have had very good relations with India. Only support i can see is from Turkey who will sell their arms to bolster their domestic market.

The West will not help you since my context is about India invasion/India aggression. You will be condemned instead by the world. Your economy will be destroyed, your Muslim population will turn against you. The war will be short live.

From where you think Muslim world will prefer India ? Even by just talking shits about our prophet in TV and one of your state try to ban Hijab at school, Muslim world has already been against you. We are talking about your possible invasion into Pakistan that will be much more serious than just talking shits on TV or banning female high school students from wearing hijab in one of your state/province
Prime game in this region is between China and India. Pakistan, courtesy it's Establishment, has, by and large, become insignificant. A few more traitors like Mir Bajwa, and it would become irrelevant.
The only smart Pakistani in this thread.

The gap is only going to get wider and wider and wider.

Pakistan is stumbling from one crisis to another - it suits powers such as the USA and India. Afghanistan is a hell hole and such misfortune for Pakistan to be neighboured to AFG.

I'm not sure how one defines "superpower" but if India is to be one, I'd presume it would become one in the 2040s. So a good 20 years away.

The MSM and international human rights organisations already portray India as a backwards, intolerant, and poverty ridden slum country riddled with human rights abuses. They already do enough damage to their reputation by truthfully reporting on their affairs as neutrally as possible.
And despite all of that India is a $3.5 trillion economy, it is the 5th largest in the world and is due to overtake Germany for #4 in 2025 and Japan for #3 in 2026.

The West will not help you since my context is about India invasion/India aggression. You will be condemned instead by the world. Your economy will be destroyed, your Muslim population will turn against you. The war will be short live.

From where you think Muslim world will prefer India ? Even by just talking shits about our prophet in TV and one of your state try to ban Hijab at school, Muslim world has already been against you. We are talking about your possible invasion into Pakistan that will be much more serious than just talking shits on TV or banning female high school students in one of your state

India will commit the miscalculation but Pakistan will absorb north India mark my words due to the miscalculation mistake.. It won't happen today obviously but down the line 30-40 years from now
India will never become a superpower.......

Whomever absorbs India will however become superpower..... Culturally there is more potential in Pakistan rather then India to rise to something.. With in regards to India potential is dead at arrival..

Pakistan only needs Hidaya thats all nothing more or less which provides them with extra zeal....

Stragetically, tactically, and numerical wise Pakistan can defeat India in a total war and can penetrate India.. All that comes down to smoking Indian armed forces not civil population who will surrender and the Indian armed forces themselves are extremely indisciplined to rise to the occasion when it really matters..

India is just a big ballon and hollow inside.. All you need is to take the initiative and bring the fight immediately to them.. Stragetically outmanuver them and once they realize this shxt is armeggedon proportion and death is certain everywhere that is when the Indian culture will betray him his vegeterianism, pacificism and yoga shirk will kick in you will see desertions and panic in epic porprotions..

When things get dire and critical they are nowhere to be found.. 1000 years where were they? I am not easily fooled just because you have new toys today doesn't mean I can't break your resolve quickly and not to forget I have these new tools myself and Your love of life will betray as per usual

Bloody illiterate.
I think at this point, their growing industrial base, large landmass, and tech sector, they will eventually become a second tier superpower like the soviets (who had a lot of poverty compared to the west) what would Pakistans defence strategy be then? They will be treated with even greater respect world wide, have all the Gulf nations (who give us loans) in their sphere of influence and likely be given a Veto vote in the UN and hold strong sway over the IMF (who also gives us loans)
In this senario how would our generals respond? and would we become yet another proxy for a cold war between China & india like we were for the USSR and US?
They won't get veto power as China would veto that preposition

They wouldn't be big wigs in IMF as would have to take a significant Tab for that
Which they won't

Gulf countries already in USA influence but trying to develop some autonomy

Like developing relationships with China and siding with Russia on OPEC forum

So Indian influence won't be like USA level
The West will not help you since my context is about India invasion/India aggression. You will be condemned instead by the world. Your economy will be destroyed, your Muslim population will turn against you. The war will be short live.
India won't be the aggressor unless there is a substantial event in which case it will have the right to use appropriate force. Remember US and West play the moral card only till an extent they will accept whatever comment GOI puts out. If China comes in the picture the rules of engagement changes. Russia turned out to be a paper tiger now USA's biggest rival is China.
From where you think Muslim world will prefer India ? Even by just talking shits about our prophet in TV and one of your state try to ban Hijab at school, Muslim world has already been against you.
Diplomatic spat happens every now and then, didn't affect the relations in any considerable sense, pretty much everyone is over it or barely remembers it now, counting people who make the decisions that is.

We are talking about your possible invasion into Pakistan that will be much more serious than just talking shits on TV or banning female high school students from wearing hijab in one of your state/province
In current world everyone favors their economic and diplomatic relations over "religious relations". Lip service and direct help is another thing.
What exactly can Pakistan offer to the GCC?
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