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What if Imran and TUQ belonged to Sindh or Baluchistan?

Before to reply to your post I would like to quote the signature of our fellow member of the forum @Fracker
"Problem is not the knowledge, but it's preconceived Ideas"
such a great message fracker is spreading for all of us .....

Now I am having a feeling that you are not reading any of my post carefully, in my previous post I asked a simple question repeatedly which you are ignoring till now .....

now just give few minutes to these questions as well ...

Who is responsible to create a situation of confrontation b/w the forces of state and citizens of the state ...???

Who used violence first in the current Political unrest .... ???

Who is responsible to convert a Political unrest in to a mild mobocracy or nihilism ....???

Who shot the first bullet .... ???

After all of this you are expecting them; not to react, not to respond .... lot of people are showing their concern regarding the sticks those protesters have in their hands, but there is no concern about the increase crime rate, murder rate, extortion rate, rapes, Kidnapping .... why .. ???

Just compare the crime rate of Pakistani Punjab and Indian Punjab you would be surprised and these "two Shareef characters" are ruling this province from last 7 years consecutively, people should not react, people should not stand, people should not respond.

My dear action and reaction are in the nature of Human beings, it is the rule of The Nature. I can't imagine in which world these special breed of elites and their sympathizers lives who are expecting common people not to react ,not to respond, is there no law and no rule applicable in their world not even the Rules of Nature ..... ???

That might not be the biggest tragedy in this country, but just because of this reason one should not stand , should not protest, should not ask for justice, should not try to make it the "LAST INCIDENT" , or do you want them to become the practical example of this ????

Hadsey se bara SANIHA ye hua
k loog thehrey nahi hadsa dekh kar

& should wait for another Fall of "....." ????

Let me remind you that the said FIR also have a 7 ATA clause of Anti terrorism act in it and according to the Anti Terrorism Act sec 21-B clause-1, a JIT has to be formed to investigate the matter, I am sure; you must be aware that till now no JIT has been ordered, as CM Punjab is the one who has the authority to form the JIT.

Qadri may have the citizenship of Canada, but those who were murdered that day was the citizen of Pakistan ..... can you deny Justice to them just because a Canadian citizen is raising his voice for them ..... ???

I am not quit sure and correct me if I am wrong, according to citizenship law of Pakistan Canada falls under the category of the countries allowed for Pakistanis to have DUAL NATIONALITY ....

Has Qadri denounce his Pakistani Nationality can you confirm this ....???

& 'If' he still hold Pakistani Nationality how can anyone deny his right to participate in local politics ???

Is there any Law, which can bar or deny the basic right of Qadri ???

Right to seek Justice, Right of assembly .....????

How the Law will work my dear ... How ???

its almost 3 months have passed and the investigation has not been initiated till now .... IS THIS THE SYSTEM OF JUSTICE you want to prevail ....???

CM is the Head of the provincial Police & Police higher-ups who are still on duty are the part of accused persons list under that FIR and you are saying "let the law work" .

Is the hierarchy or the machinery of law is working .... ???

An achievement indeed ....

But really it is or its the practical example of incompetency of our system and subjugation of our whole nation that after almost two and half months, coming from Lahore to Islamabad and at cost of around 8 more deaths and the unknown number of arrest Qadri got the FIR registered .....

Is it really an achievement .... ???

Or it is something to be ashamed off ..... ????

Your call .....

its your understanding .... you call them miscreants .... you call them anarchist

But I consider them as someone who stands for my rights, for your rights, and for their right of Justice.

Ya they can't force the media, but someone actully tried to force the media whom you are forgetting ... "GEO KA NAM LO GEO KA" ....???

Taking cameraman out of the van and giving him the treatment of the Hospitality of Punjab Police.

Try to understand that currently Islamabad is facing mobocracy a "Mild Mobocracy", one can only influence a mob to a certain extent not beyond that, before it goes out of hand its Government responsibility to defuse the situation but no ..... Main Tu Istifa nahi don ga , Main tu Bandey Maron ga ..... because I am the PM got elected in a rigged election. who care if my legitimacy is dubious.

Now as far as PTV is concern I have said earlier It was a condemn-able act, but who did it can you point toward those without any doubts .....???

I ask you previously Why the PTV building was not protected as any other Building of Red zone .... ???

If you remember Radio Pakistan office in the red zone was shifted to Rawalpindi in the very first few days of Dharna, but no proper measures were there to protect the PTV, why ....???

Why the "Angry Mob" not entered in Pakistan Secretariat Building just opposite to PTV ....???

Angry Mob attacked the PTV, but PTV restarted its transmission in less than half an hour or some say with in twenty minutes .... such a controlled attack ..... No Major Damage ... just job done ????
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Is there any Law which bar any Citizen of Pakistan to protest Infront of PM house .....???

Is PM above the all of the Nation ....???

Why four more killing ... ????

Easy solution accepts the demand of Election audit, close the chapter .... hang every single person who was involved in the rigging .....

It does not matter if they belong to PTI

Why government is still hesitant to accept this demand .... ?????

Hang him .... is IK more important for the Government or the people of Pakistan ...???

Give to people; what they want, isolate the IK 'if' he is a liar; what is stopping the government they have all the power to do whatever they wnat as per their wishes ....???


Yes every other person is a fool but not the NS and their supporters.....

- If Pervaiz Khatak's family is getting undue benefits than Why the nooras and diesel are still tolerating them they should throw PK's family out, present your case to the public & convince them rule the KPK what the big deal ???

- has every other provincial government conducted local government elections ....??? , PPP and PML-N is in government from last 7 consecutive years ....

KPK government is working on the system of local government

- On the one hand some people say PTI and IK are the Taliban supporters but also termed the rallies of PTI and their political gathering as Dance parties and musical functions they should make up their mind.

- As far as dialogue with Taliban is concerned, plz name me any party who oppose the Dialogues with them not even PML-N, JUI-F, PPP, MQM or ANP ....

- If PTI has failed to perform in KPK, then this should not worry the NS & their supporters PTI will be history soon .....

yes it was the collective wisdom of the Nation of Pakistan which supported the army, but not a single political party was representing that wisdom at that time ...

popular votes of the last elections tell a a different story .....

Never under estimate your opponent .... PTI is the second biggest party of Karachi by popular votes and manages to get the 2nd highest votes even in Layari and in 90 area ....

It was IK and TUQ who killed 14 people in Lahore ??

It was IK and TUQ who rigged elections ????

It was IK and TUQ who denied the registration of FIR ????

It was IK and TUQ who is hesitant till today for election audit ...???

It was IK and TUQ who killed 4 more in Islamabad ???

It was IK and TUQ who blocked the roads of Lahore and Islamabad ??

It was IK and TUQ who besieged the Model Town Lahore for 10 days ???

It was IK and TUQ who used 35 punchers .... ???

Fanboys of IK oh come on dear don't be so naive IK played cricket in 70s & 80s get retired in 92 world cup since then 2 generation of cricketers has passed and third is playing now. IK is gathering support from teens and young people of less than the 30 years and you are saying his fanboys are supporting him ....

Do you remember any single match of IK, hack even I remember only one ball of World Cup in which he got the wicket & that too because of the PTV and all other channel who repeated it so many times. IK is around 62 years old guy, a member of the old generation and you are saying that Young generation is supporting IK because he won World cup when most of his supporters and voters were not even born or were in their childhood .... ????

Oh bhai not even the attire of IK is of this era ..... and you think people follow him because of Charisma or Glamour ????

In Mulatn , In Azad Kashmir, In Sialkot all those people who were chanting "GO NAWAZ GO" were the fanboys of IK or the Murideen of TUQ ...???

BTW if we do not have the right to call us whole of the Pakistan than no one hold that right .....

So you are still stuck up in the era of Ayub Khan Martial Law, hack even the constitution and laws were different at that time .... BOLTA PAKISTAN zada maat deka karooo ....... :)

again your opinion and you are free to have your opinion .... but the crux of the this debate is simple

"How a Parliment , Government , Prime Minister, and the whole of the system which came in existence in the results of an election who's moral and legal authority is dubious can remain functional ?????

have already replied this part above in this post .....

additionally I want to Know

Military is supporting Imran Khan Mehsud & writing a script for him ...... such a nice jock don't you think ???

already replied earlier in this post ...

file a petition .... Oh come on you are also a Karachiit can you deny this fact ???

BTW I would advice you again to check, just for the sack of knowledge who many Police officer of 92 operation are alive today ... ???

was only DJ butt arrested that day Dear 3,165 is the official figure of the arrestees; send to jail on judicial remand .... :)

its not just my choice its my conclusion .....

- Was there any FIR against those workers ???

- Was there any Judicial Order against those workers ??

- Was there any Warrant of arrest against those workers ???

- What laws those worker have violated ???

- Why Police officer was saying "Shaib Majoobroi Hai" ... ??

I am sure you must have listen this in the video, and if you have watched that video carefully you must have noticed that after the release of innocent and common Pakistani from Police their belonging were in possession of the Police officers/ personals

Do you even know under Pakistan Penal Code clause number 359, 362,365, 365A & 368 Police were committing the crime of Kidnapping and the punishment for Kidnapping is 7 years of Jail and fine ...????

& you believe that IK committed an unlawful act ....

Responded above .....

Bahi Mare Doosri Shadi kay liya PM ban na Zaroori nahi hai ......

Dear are we here to debate for the sake of debate or to analysis the situation?

If we are here just to debate than really non of my so many questions which I have raised during our conversation are really that important, as you are here to tell your side of the story, belives and preconceive ideas and I am for my side of the story, but if that is not the case then try respond every single question not to me but to yourself. That's how I reached to this conclusion, with which you may agree or disagree.

As of now, for you and for so many others; IK and TUQ is so much important that all of their debate and arguments are based on these two personalities not on their demands, even if IK is a liar and TUQ is a joker people are with them out there , why the government is not trying to win the hearts of people and defeat both of these PERSONALITIES ??? Why ???

What those people are demanding Justice, Social Equality & Election Audit are these unlawful or unconstitutional demands.... ???

You have your truth and your side of the story and I have my truth my story, neither you could convince me with your arguments, nor I prefer to convince you.

I can live with it.

It is useless talking to you guys. Waste of time. Feels like you are talking to a TTP guy. No matter what logic you give the guy would come up with some twisted logic to justify his acts. No wonder people call PTI fans youthiyas.

God speed to you guys. May your struggle to bulldoze and demolish Pakistan meets success. After all we are supposed to make naya Pakistan.
It is useless talking to you guys. Waste of time. Feels like you are talking to a TTP guy. No matter what logic you give the guy would come up with some twisted logic to justify his acts. No wonder people call PTI fans youthiyas.

God speed to you guys. May your struggle to bulldoze and demolish Pakistan meets success. After all we are supposed to make naya Pakistan.

Just wanna say ....... :kiss3:

freedom is state of mind.jpg

BTW Are coming to Jalsa of PTI this Sunday .... :whistle:
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