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What If China Did Invade Pag-asa Island (Thitu island)?


Mar 21, 2013
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An invasion of Pag-asa Island by Chinese forces would certainly be a tragic mistake for China.


By Carl Thayer
January 16, 2014

In the midst of the furor over Hainan province’s new fishing regulations covering nearly sixty percent of the South China Sea, an unnamed Chinese writer penned an article in the Chinese-language publication Qianzhan (Prospects) arguing that China would recover Zhongye Island by force during 2014 as part of a long-term naval expansion plan.

The article likely would have attracted little attention outside China until a summary was translated into English by Chan Kai Yee (who is now often mistakenly listed as the original piece’s author). The summary was published by the China Daily Mail on January 13 under the headline, “China and the Philippines: The reason why a battle for Zhongye (Pag-asa) Island seems unavoidable.”

It is common for retired Chinese military officers and civilian ultranationalists to write about the South China Sea and threaten the Philippines and Vietnam with military action for “stealing” Chinese territory. The Qianzhan article cites unnamed “experts” that the People’s Liberation Army Navy has drawn up a detailed combat plan to seize Zhongye Island this year because of its strategic significance.

Zhongye is better known as Thitu Island or Pag-asa in Tagalog. It is the second largest island in the Spratlys, estimated to cover an area of 37.2 hectares (or 0.14 square miles/0.36 square kilometers). Itu Aba is the largest of the islands in the archipelago and covers an area of 46 hectares in size. It is occupied by Taiwan.

Pag-asa Island lies exposed in the upper northwest quadrant of the Spratlys at the outer boundary of islands and features forming the archipelago. To its west lies the open South China Sea.

Pag-asa Island is designated a town belonging to the Philippine municipality of Kalayaan. It boasts a civilian population of nearly two hundred. Pag-asa contains a number of structures including a municipal building, a community hall, health center, nursery school, water plant, communications tower and an airstrip.

The airstrip, known as Rancudo Airfield, is 1,400 meters in length and services both civilian and military aircraft, including the Philippine Air Force’s C-130 cargo plane. In March 2011, the Chief of Staff of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) Eduardo Oban announced plans to upgrade the airfield and repair army barracks. About fifty AFP soldiers are stationed on Pag-asa.

As the article noted, control over Zhongye Island would enable China to exert control over a vast expanse of the South China Sea if it constructed naval and air bases there. The author argued, “the world’s largest aircraft carrier, the [USS] Ford, costs $12.8 billion to build but only has a deck area of 0.026 square km. An air base established on Zhongye Island will be a dozen times larger and cost much less, but it is unsinkable and has a very long service life.”

How plausible is the Qianzhan‘s scenario?

China could easily achieve strategic surprise and seize Pag-asa Island. China could disguise an invasion force as a flotilla engaged in routine naval exercises in the South China Sea. In March-April last year, for example, China assembled a small flotilla to conduct combat training exercises in the South China Sea.

The flotilla comprised the modern amphibious assault ship Jinggangshan, two guided missile frigates and a guided missile destroyer. When the flotilla reached the waters surrounding Mischief Reef, Chinese state television showed pictures of People’s Liberation Army marines in hovercraft storming the beach of a Chinese-occupied islet supported by armed helicopters.

A similar flotilla could set sail ostensibly to undertake normal combat training exercises. It could achieve strategic surprise by veering off suddenly and invading Pag-asa. The Philippines would have little or no warning time to prepare to its defense. The island would probably be taken in a few hours or less.

This scenario assumes that U.S. intelligence and its associated national technical means failed to detect signs of China’s preparations in advance, thus providing no warning time to take action to deter China. China’s seizure of Pag-asa could be expected to follow some signs of deteriorating relations between China and the Philippines or a worsening security situation in the region. These developments might signal a change in China’s intent. This would normally trigger a closer look at Chinese naval and air activities by U.S. intelligence.

China’s seizure of Pag-asa Island would be an act of war. Currently, the Armed Forces of the Philippines would be unable to mount any meaningful response. Chinese destroyers and frigates would provide air defense if the Philippines scrambled jet fighters from the nearest air base on Palawan Island, over 480 km distant. The Philippine Navy would be woefully outgunned.

The Philippines would immediately seek consultations with the United States under their Mutual Defense Treaty to work out a response.

The political fallout from seizing Pag-asa would be a huge set back for Chinese diplomacy. ASEAN would likely adopt an uncompromising political position and demand the immediate withdrawal of Chinese forces. ASEAN would receive political backing from the international community. Chinese aggression could even be raised at the United Nation,; but China would veto any discussion by the Security Council.

China’s actions in seizing Pag-asa Island would set off a race by claimant states to beef up the defense of their islands. This would likely include increased combat air patrols, anti-shipping exercises, and the deployment of conventional submarines. Several of the larger islands could be expected to house anti-ship cruise missiles.

It is regrettable that Qianzhan’s conflict scenario, like so much commentary churned out by retired Chinese military officers and ultranationalists, does not go beyond the bravado of acclaiming a swift Chinese victory to consider the costs of such action to China’s international standing, damage to its economy, and the risks of escalating military conflict.

Many other Chinese writers and analysts argue in support of China’s peaceful rise and support President Xi Jinping’s initiative for a China-ASEAN Treaty of Good Neighborliness, Friendship and Cooperation. These writers and analysts should criticize the hawkish views by retired military commentators and ultranationalist writers for being counterproductive to China’s longer-term interests.

The Philippines is to be congratulated for not rising to the bait. Official spokesmen declined to comment on an article they claimed was unofficial and unverified. Chinese media have already denied the veracity of the report.
I don't think Chinese military operation planners are 'dumb' .. Any such action will trigger panic, not only through SCS, but also within Japan, where for now people are protesting against their government's military plannings.. Chinese are much aware of the facts and consequences .. So I think any such action is highly unlikely, at least for now...
Yea, we won't do that, not until we achieve true Mad capabilities and Area denial capabilities.

We first must be able to make sure the US won't go too far, with MAD, then we must be able to drive the US away from East Asia and thus make the acquisition of the islands meaningful.

With these in mind, Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia, Malaysia and Indonesia, Myanmar, singapore, and Laos the majority of them must be on our side. If not all of them. I won't discuss the possibilities, but let's just say, China is taking steps right now. At least they should stay neutral if no support.

2020 seems more reasonable, around that time, our navy will have invincibilities within our immediate waters, and economy to rival US, while per capita and HDI will be high enough to suggest going alng with China is good for all.
We are in no hurry。

And we will not take back those islands and reefs piecemeal。

The problem must be solved once and for all when the time is appropriate。

Peacefully or by brutal force。
An invasion of Pag-asa Island by Chinese forces would certainly be a tragic mistake for China.

The first line of texts already sets the tone of the article, So lets just keep it as that.
The UN law of 50 years of effective control kicks in here. Time runs out fast against us
Zhongye island is an important strategic location. Pinoys are reinforcing their presence there both in military and civillian structures
If we do it, its our within a day. We can moor a military / administration patrol vessel there inside of the EEZ of the island if we dont want to escalate to military actions soon. That will do the job!
PRC will not take any Island back from Philippines unilaterally until Philippines start provoking too much. It will be a Scarborough Shoal style of engagement. When Pinoys provokes, PRC takes one of her island as revenge.
How much warning did the Vietnamese get before Chinese took control of Paracels ?
How much warning did the Vietnamese get before Chinese took control of Paracels ?
They only warn South Vn govt. 4 months before the battle happen
The clash in the Paracels in 1974 was ostensibly precipitated by a bold and all-encompassing claim to the Spratly Islands by South Vietnam in September 1973. Saigon consolidated its authority over the Spratlys by incorporating the Islands into the administrative system of the Republic, and then sent hundreds of troops to Spratly and Namyit Island, two of the largest islands in the Spratlys archipelago. Four months after the formal annexation, China denounced Vietnam's decree as a "wanton infringement of China's territorial integrity and sovereignty," and formally reasserted its claim over all the islands and resources of the South China Sea. In early January 1974 Beijing threatened Saigon with military action if its forces were not withdrawn from the Spratlys.
South China Sea / Spratly Islands

anyway: that time, South VN govt almost collapse, US left its ally high and dry , so China could take the Paracels easily.

Phillipine soon will get more aid from Japan, so I dont think China can take Thitu island in few months after warning.
Yea, we won't do that, not until we achieve true Mad capabilities and Area denial capabilities.

We first must be able to make sure the US won't go too far, with MAD, then we must be able to drive the US away from East Asia and thus make the acquisition of the islands meaningful.

With these in mind, Thailand, Brunei, Cambodia, Malaysia and Indonesia, Myanmar, singapore, and Laos the majority of them must be on our side. If not all of them. I won't discuss the possibilities, but let's just say, China is taking steps right now. At least they should stay neutral if no support.

2020 seems more reasonable, around that time, our navy will have invincibilities within our immediate waters, and economy to rival US, while per capita and HDI will be high enough to suggest going alng with China is good for all.
so you think those ASEAN countries will support you or stay neutral if you invade the Philippines, a member of ASEAN? an interesting thought.
I guess you further assume that nobody objects you if you countinue to invade Malaysia and Brunei waters, but this time you will get backing from other ASEAN states including the Philippines.
and of course, you calculate that the US will stay away as you have MAD (what is it?). madness?

good luck.
This island is also claimed by Viets...strange monkey logic!

What belonged to China will be Chinese for sure! It doesn't matter if you call upon your Russia Mamma or America Daddy...LOL.
Or ASEAN "brothers"...hh
The UN law of 50 years of effective control kicks in here. Time runs out fast against us
Zhongye island is an important strategic location. Pinoys are reinforcing their presence there both in military and civillian structures
If we do it, its our within a day. We can moor a military / administration patrol vessel there inside of the EEZ of the island if we dont want to escalate to military actions soon. That will do the job!

Oh please, the 50 years law only applies if there is no one disputing the claim. There is plenty of disputing associated with Zhongye island. Also, I have said this many times on this forum, whoever believes minor nations can successfully sue a member of UN permanent security on an UN court needs a serious dose of reality check.
so you think those ASEAN countries will support you or stay neutral if you invade the Philippines, a member of ASEAN? an interesting thought.
I guess you further assume that nobody objects you if you countinue to invade Malaysia and Brunei waters, but this time you will get backing from other ASEAN states including the Philippines.
and of course, you calculate that the US will stay away as you have MAD (what is it?). madness?

good luck.

Myanmar and Laos need China too much to oppose us over something that doesn't concern them.

Thailand's got way bigger problems and China is a way bigger help than whole of ASEAN put together.

Brunei and Singapore are city states, no more threat than fly.

Malay and Indo are big countries, but their military are negligible at best and with the current Asian economic climate, they wouldn't risk it. Besides, China is going to take care of Vietnam and Philippines first before we move on. I'm sure the others know they will be next, but human nature dictates, they will still look the other way as countless others have.

The other thing is, who ever gets involved in a war with China and their party is democratic? They will have doomed their party for the loses will be massive and one sided. The whole or ASEAN put together is weaker than one military region or one fleet.

The US admitted as much that they want supremacy in Asia not protection for states. The Philippines is a perfect case, US will say things, but won't actually get involved. The US knows in a war with China the gain is none, even if we lose, we will still have everything in place to replace everything and the whole situation would be back the way it was within 2 years, except America would have lost a ton of men and the party in charge will be the villains.

BTW MAD is mutually assured destruction.

If I were you I work out a deal, for China has no designs on your land, only the seas in a largely symbolic move. We don't even want the resources, we just want to keep out the Americans.

So ask yourself, how do I get the most out of this situation, defend a sea that can't be defended? (naval battles is all about the tech, unlike land where other things also matters)

Or work out a deal, that may even give your country a better position than the one you started in.

You call.
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