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What has Democracy solve for India? Lesson for us.

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Oct 19, 2010
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Certainly not corruption.

Asia Times Online :: South Asia news, business and economy from India and Pakistan

India bled by robber class
By Ranjit Devraj

NEW DELHI - A new report suggesting that illegal transfers of funds into accounts abroad by corrupt Indian politicians, officials and businessmen average US$19.3 billion a year could turn out to be a "gross underestimate", watchdogs warn.

The latest estimate by the Global Financial Integrity (GFI) program of the Washington-based Center for International Policy says more than $125 billion was spirited out of the country in 2000-2008.

GFI, which tracks cross-border flows of illicit money that is "generally the product of corruption, bribery, kickbacks, criminal activities and efforts to shelter wealth from a country's tax

authorities", says India cannot afford to ignore such massive leakages of funds.

"Had India managed to avoid this staggering loss of capital, the country could have paid off its outstanding external debt of $230.6 billion (at end 2008) and have another half left over for poverty alleviation and economic development," GFI said in the report "Drivers and Dynamics of Illicit Financial Flows from India: 1948-2008" released on November 16.

Since independence from British colonial rule in 1947, India has lost $462 billion, in a "conservative estimate". If gaps in statistics can be covered, the estimate could well reach half-a-trillion dollars, the report said.

Following a World Bank model, the report measured the difference between recorded sources of funds, such as borrowings and foreign direct investment, and actual use of funds, like financing the current account deficit.

Staggering as the GFI figures are, they only represented a small fraction of the "black money" (funds hidden from the tax man) generated in the country, said Professor. Kamal Nayan Kabra, a leading economist and consultant who specializes in India's huge "parallel economy".

Kabra, who has taught at the prestigious Indian Institute of Public Administration, which trains senior bureaucrats, told Inter Press Service (IPS) that there was a "correspondence between the leakage of funds into safe havens abroad and the rate of generation of black money through such activities as property transactions, underreporting of contracts and the payment of speed money.

"It is important to note that as the country liberalizes and there is more freedom to make external transactions, there will be greater leakages of Indian funds into foreign markets," said Kabra. "What we are seeing is a trailer of what would happen once India goes in for full convertibility of the rupee that the liberalize-globalizers are pushing."

Kabra said one factor in the transfer of money abroad was the removal of restrictions on foreign travel - imposed on Indians for several decades prior to the start of free-market reforms in 1991 - allowing them to physically carry amounts abroad and set up the links for stashing away unaccounted wealth.

Indians travelling abroad spent $392 million in 1991, and $9.2 billion in 2008.

According to Kabra, joint ventures abroad also provide opportunities to move funds generated though bribes, kickbacks and commissions into accounts held in tax havens. "You can see black money generated from the recent scams surrounding the Commonwealth Games and the grossly underpriced sale of telecom licenses."

The GFI report, in line with Kabra's views, admits that India's vast underground economy (estimated to be at least as big as the formal one) is a significant driver of illicit financial flows.

In a preface to the report, GFI director Raymond W Baker said that deregulation and trade liberalization had accelerated the outflow of illicit money from the Indian economy. "The opportunities for trade mispricing have grown, and expansion of the global shadow financial system accommodates hot money, particularly in island tax havens."

Vineet Narain, an investigative reporter and campaigner against hawala (a system of illegal fund transfers through non-banking channels), told IPS that despite pious promises made at election time by political parties, the system has become so entrenched that there is little hope of ever dismantling it.

Narain shot into prominence after he filed a public interest litigation in the Supreme Court that resulted in several cabinet ministers being charged in 1997 with involvement in hawala transactions, and landmark rulings by the court on a system hushed up by a "conspiracy of silence" orchestrated by powerful politicians, bureaucrats and businessmen.

A ruling in Narain's case laid down a three-month limit for the government to respond to complaints of corruption. The Supreme Court, earlier this month, reprimanded the government for failing to observe it in dealing with complaints of losses worth $40 billion in the sale of telecom licenses.

"The judgement in the Vineet Narain case has fixed a certain time limit for grant of sanction [to prosecute - in this case union telecom minister Andimuthu Raja over vast corruption in granting of licenses] by the competent authority," the court reminded government counsel November 16. Raja had resigned over the scam two days earlier, but it continues to rock parliament.

"It is not surprising that hawala transactions have grown in size following liberalization, or that it has become even more difficult to eradicate because of the volume of the flows," Narain told IPS.

Narain regards GFI figures for total transfers abroad since independence in 1947 as "grossly understated", and places them in the neighborhood of $1.5 trillion.

In a statement released prior to the mid-2009 general elections, Lal Krishna Advani, leader of the main opposition, the nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP), citing "credible estimates", said the size of money held by Indians in Swiss banks and other tax havens could be as high as $1.4 trillion.

Advani, who was among those charged in 1997 for involvement in hawala transactions, promised to have the illegal funds tracked down and repatriated. But the BJP lost the elections to the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance under Prime Minister Manmohan Singh.

"No matter the outcome the elections or who is in power there is little real intent among the political classes to stanch the hemorrhage," said Narain. "For a start, any disruption would cut into the way political parties are funded.

"However, the BJP's offer of getting the humungous funds residing abroad repatriated and rechanneled into development refocused public attention to a serious problem affecting this poor country with many rich people," Narain said. "India may be losing money faster now than under colonial rule."

(Inter Press Service)
What has democracy given India?? A lot of western Ashirward and still lagging behind much younger countries...
What has democracy given India?? A lot of western Ashirward and still lagging behind much younger countries...


This is what democracy has done for India. With the amount of cultures, traditions, religions, sects, classes etc that India has, any other country would have broken up within 1 year. The Indian democratic structure has held the country together and not once have we been under a dictator or military rule. India has grown exponentially since its inception and yes problems exist, but only democracy can solve them. We might be lagging behind some countries but we are also in front of a whole bunch. The westerns ashirwad your talking about applies to some of our neighbors, India was growing at the same percentage even during the sanctions years. Democracy has given India a stable political environment and a strong national identity which as per PEST Analysis model is key in the long term growth of any country. Our efforts are starting to pay off now and InshaAllah one day we will accomplish all our dreams.

YouTube - I am India

democracy gives us the freedom to do what we want.. whether we want to be poor, middleclass or rich.. it's our choice.
By the way we can have any number of kids we want in democracy!! do they have that freedom in communist China??
Yeah, wonder why Indians always ignore the fact "Caste-System" which is still practiced in India today, will the "untouchables" able to share the same so-called 'freedom" as you preached? and don't give me the routine reply like the law had abolished "caste-system" while you all knew your "caste":D
Democracy+Caste-system=castocracy, when people vote according to caste line and you still got the nerve to lecture us regarding your so-called democracy?:no:

now communists questioning democracy!!!! wow! makes me LOL

democracy gives us the freedom to do what we want.. whether we want to be poor, middleclass or rich.. it's our choice.
By the way we can have any number of kids we want in democracy!! do they have that freedom in communist China??

If the PRC's government had some transparency, I'm sure we'd find similar figures. China doesn't fare that much better on corruption ratings.

Why don't you just simply claim India is way ahead of China in economy and military wise since China had no transparency as we can fool the whole world eh?:lol:
what india learned from gora is democracy is best...
British agent in the sub-continent..
The Indian democratic structure has held the country together and not once have we been under a dictator or military rule. India has grown exponentially since its inception and yes problems exist, but only democracy can solve them.

I'll agree with this much.

now communists questioning democracy!!!! wow! makes me LOL

Your one liners makes me :sick:

If the PRC's government had some transparency, I'm sure we'd find similar figures. China doesn't fare that much better on corruption ratings.

but the fact is it does fare better and Chinese politicians don't have 1.5 trillion in swiss bank accounts (that's more than your annual GDP isn't it?)
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Yeah, wonder why Indians always ignore the fact "Caste-System" which is still practiced in India today, will the "untouchables" able to share the same so-called 'freedom" as you preached? and don't give me the routine reply like the law had abolished "caste-system" while you all knew your "caste":D
Democracy+Caste-system=castocracy, when people vote according to caste line and you still got the nerve to lecture us regarding your so-called democracy?:no:

The caste system exists in the entire Indian subcontinents, including in Muslims.

And btw, why are you mixing communist which is political ideology With religions????? :tdown:
What's your fascination with communism Sen. McCarthy?

i have no fascination with communism, but if given a choice to people, they will chose democracy over Communism.
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