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What ethnic group are Afghan Hindus?

And Pakistanis like you have 25% Arabian, 25% persian, 25% central asian and 25% chinese genes which makes you cross breeds kanjar category :lol:

Nope, as i said i have done gentic test. 23andme.com, only cost 99$. South Asians are mixed of ANI and ASI. 50% ASI put you in bhangee category, 98% Indians are bhangee. Nothing wrong with being bhangee anyway. You should be proud of your roots.

No, I am not sad or insecure enough too. I have nothing to prove and lack the same desperation that you have you snow white Punjabi rape victim.
So any way Mr White man, the Indian government has bigger problems than genetic tests.:rofl:

Pakistani Punjab is whore of South Asia. Invaders from across Asia go there and rape the inhabitants and the Punjabis submissively accept it.

The reason they dont allow simple collection of samples is because ugly truth will come out, that so calles rajouts also are bhanghee category hindus because of mixing.
Nope, as i said i have done gentic test. 23andme.com, only cost 99$. South Asians are mixed of ANI and ASI. 50% ASI put you in bhangee category, 98% Indians are bhangee. Nothing wrong with being bhangee anyway. You should be proud of your roots.

The reason they dont allow simple collection of samples is because ugly truth will come out, that so calles rajouts also are bhanghee category hindus because of mixing.
Show me results of Rajput then come back you rape victim.
This Punjabi is so insecure he wasted his money to try and prove something. I bet you cry yourself too sleep at night. Post your results here Chamar?
Nope, as i said i have done gentic test. 23andme.com, only cost 99$. South Asians are mixed of ANI and ASI. 50% ASI put you in bhangee category, 98% Indians are bhangee. Nothing wrong with being bhangee anyway. You should be proud of your roots.

So you already got yourself the certificate of being a crossbreed kanjar. Whether ASI or ANI my genes are still Indian i dont need any test for that, what about you cross breed kanjars, check out whose genes are prominent in you and to whom you owe more loyality ;)
Show me results of Rajput then come back you rape victim.
This Punjabi is so insecure he wasted his money to try and prove something. I bet you cry yourself too sleep at night. Post your results here Chamar?

Actually i didnt waste any money, millions of people do it. Only insecure people dont because they are scared of ugly truth. Thats why india have banned it. Its better then believing to be aryans. Lol Harappadna have rajastan results, 48% south indian.

My results are normal for any Pakistani punjabi, nothing special. Im jatt.

S-Indian: 29%
Baloch: 39%
NE Euro: 9%

Then the rest few.

So you already got yourself the certificate of being a crossbreed kanjar. Whether ASI or ANI my genes are still Indian i dont need any test for that, what about you cross breed kanjars, check out whose genes are prominent in you and to whom you owe more loyality ;)

YEs you are indian no doubt, just bhangee indian nothing wrong with it either. Be proud of your self.
Actually i didnt waste any money, millions of people do it. Only insecure people dont because they are scared of ugly truth. Thats why india have banned it. Its better then believing to be aryans. Lol Harappadna have rajastan results, 48% south indian.

My results are normal for any Pakistani punjabi, nothing special. Im jatt.

S-Indian: 29%
Baloch: 39%
NE Euro: 9%

Then the rest few.
LOL, I'm asking you too post specific Rajput DNA results, most Rajasthanis are Bhils or Gujjars. You are insecure lmao, you try acting like you have something to prove on Internet forum that you are light skinned Caucasian.:rofl:
This is why you Punjabis are stereotyped as insecure rape victims.
YEs you are indian no doubt, just bhangee indian nothing wrong with it either. Be proud of your self.

I wish i could say the same for you self hating kanjars, try being proud of you identity like us Indians so what if you are a crossbreed Kanjar .
Big deal, at least we were not the first ones to become part of British empirw but last ones. And hindus betrayed punjabis, ironically they remember their ghairat in 1857. But it was to late, by that time most bad *** army of south asia was already with British. Whi fucked whole resistance movement, karma is bharati whore. South asia could have been free of british sooner if not for hindus.
Ha ha and the fun part is you are a punjabi muslim-who were subservient to everyone there were-be it mughals or sikh empire or british..And instead of sikh empire vs british empire its punjabis vs hindus..lol..and you take pride in helping british crush independence movement under bahadur shah conveniently calling it punjabi revenge on hindus..
Ha ha and the fun part is you are a punjabi muslim-who were subservient to everyone there were-be it mughals or sikh empire or british..And instead of sikh empire vs british empire its punjabis vs hindus..lol..and you take pride in helping british crush independence movement under bahadur shah conveniently calling it punjabi revenge on hindus..

I doubt many punjabis were in mughal army, only few. Mughal army was of indian stock hindu/muslims, they were badly beaten by marathas. Punjabi muslims joined ranjeet singh because of common interest of defending punjab, majority of punjabi army was muslim. so once punjab fall in hands of british they become part of british empire. So punjabi muslims continued to be majority in british army.

Empires fall and new ones are formed, nothing shocking. And yes it was punjabi revenge on hindus of india for betraying. Especially when now days we have to hear crap of maha bharat when the reality is hindu baniya is friend of no one. South asia kingdoms always fought against each other.

LOL, I'm asking you too post specific Rajput DNA results, most Rajasthanis are Bhils or Gujjars. You are insecure lmao, you try acting like you have something to prove on Internet forum that you are light skinned Caucasian.:rofl:
This is why you Punjabis are stereotyped as insecure rape victims.

Results from Rajasthan rajputs.

S- Indian: 48%
Baloch: 35%
Caucasian: 5%

Here is results of rajasthan rajputs. If you want to see non bhangee rajputs then come and visit Pakistan. Can you break down rajasthan population in caste? Rajputs, jats, bhils etc

I wish i could say the same for you self hating kanjars, try being proud of you identity like us Indians so what if you are a crossbreed Kanjar .

We call kanjar who are in entartaiment industry or their mother does mujra like yours probably. Dont use kanjar words just like that.
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Results from Rajasthan rajputs.

S- Indian: 48%
Baloch: 35%
Caucasian: 5%

Here is results of rajasthan rajputs. If you want to see non bhangee rajputs then come and visit Pakistan.
Show me source, that's the exact same from normal Rajastahni.:rofl::omghaha:

Now Shan has been exposed as a liar, he can't provide source and plagiarises results from normal Rajasthanis and claims it's Rajasthani Rajput.:sarcastic:
Show me source, that's the exact same from normal Rajastahni.:rofl::omghaha:

Now Shan has been exposed as a liar, he can't provide source and plagiarises results from normal Rajasthanis.:sarcastic:

Normal rajasthani? You have lost it, whats wrong with 48% asi? Do i cry because of 29% asi? Be proud of your bhangee self. Can you breakdown population of rajasthannby caste? How many rajputs, bhils, etc are there?
We call kanjar who are in entartaiment industry or their mother does mujra like yours probably. Dont use kanjar words just like that.

We call kanjars whose mothers enjoyed with different men and who are doubtful of their real fathers like yours probably.
Remind me off 7 vs 1, we are used to it. LMAO

ah ok you was describing your mother activities. Kanjar also mean something similar in our part,

I'm not a cross breed kanjar like yourself nor do i have any doubts about my ancestry. Its kanjars like you who are doubtful of your real fathers , probably you should keep an eye on your mother's activities.
Normal rajasthani? You have lost it, whats wrong with 48% asi? Do i cry because of 29% asi? Be proud of your bhangee self. Can you breakdown population of rajasthannby caste? How many rajputs, bhils, etc are there?
Just show me source for Rajasthani Rajput and then talk you submissive slave.:yay:
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