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What ethnic group are Afghan Hindus?

I'm not a cross breed kanjar like yourself nor do i have any doubts about my ancestry. Its kanjars like you who are doubtful of your real fathers , probably you should keep an eye on your mother's activities.

Ok ok, i know meaning of kanjar now. No need to give exemple of your mother so i can understand bettee.

Just show me source for Rajasthani Rajput and then talk you submissive slave.:yay:

WTf? yOu cant even break down rajasthan population?
@shan What were your maternal and paternal haplogroups? (Don't share it if you don't feel like)
55% of British Pakistanis(mostly Punjabis and Mirpuris) are married to their cousins.:rofl:
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Newsnight | The risks of cousin marriage

I don't have source, I have experience from living here. There are no breakdowns too my knowledge.

Big deal, punjabi khatris who dominate bollywood because rest of population is bhangee looking are also famous for marrying cousins. Its done so wealth stay within family. Now days mostly in rural areas. Even then i dont know anyone married to cousin.

Anyway just found out that Rajputs are 20% of population? Is this true?

@shan What were your maternal and paternal haplogroups? (Don't share it if you don't feel like)

Paternal: R1a1a, maternal M39b.
Paternal: R1a1a, maternal M39b.
Interesting! You have one of the oldest mtDNA haplogroups. Possibly the source of your ASI percentage. Do the Baloch people also have M haplo in substantial percentage?
Big deal, punjabi khatris who dominate bollywood because rest of population is bhangee looking are also famous for marrying cousins. Its done so wealth stay within family. Now days mostly in rural areas. Even then i dont know anyone married to cousin.

Anyway just found out that Rajputs are 20% of population? Is this true?
Wow, lmao your so retarded so show me the source rape victim? Marrying cousins is disgusting habit practiced by Punjabi rape victims lmao. I would have though Rajputs would have been slightly higher to be honest what's the source?
55% of British Pakistanis(mostly Punjabis and Mirpuris) are married to their cousins.:rofl:
BBC NEWS | Programmes | Newsnight | The risks of cousin marriage

You should stop embarrassing yourself. Started discussion with Afghan then pick on pahstun and then punjabi and then rajput and chura, bhangee,chamar and now cousin marriages . It seem you just want trolling

Chura (Punjabi: ਚੂੜ੍ਹਾ) is a caste in Punjab and other northern Indian states whose traditional occupation is sweeping. Churas are largely followers of Sikhism and secondlyChristianity. A small minority practice Valmikism, an off shoot or cult form of mainstream Hinduism which still incorporates elements of Sikhism in its practices. They are treated as untouchables or Dalits as they occupy the lowest category in Hinduism's religious hierarchy

In Sikhism
Main article: Mazhabi
By the 15th century Guru Nanak the founder of Sikhism brought a new message and spoke out against the caste system.[7] He stressed that all people were equal and the new religion forbade the caste system.The Churas flocked to the new religion, though in practice discrimination against Mazhabi Sikhs by upper caste Sikhs (Jatts, Rajputs) persists, and intermarriage is uncommon.

Amongst Sikhs, the Churas are known as a warrior landowning caste called Mazhabi Sikhs,[10][11] they have a fine and feared reputation as soldiers; a reputaion made famous by their service in the Sikh 10th Light Infantry.[12]

In Christianity
The Churas were largely converted to Christianity in North India during the British raj. The vast majority were converted from the Mazhabi Sikh communities of Punjab, and to a lesser extent Hindu Churas; under the influence of enthusiastic British army officers and Christian missionaries. Consequently, since partition they are now divided betweenPakistani Punjab and Indian Punjab. Large numbers of Mazhabi Sikhs were also converted in the Moradabad district and the Bijnor district[13] of Uttar Pradesh. Rohilkhand saw a mass conversion of its entire population of 4500 Mazhabi Sikhs into the Methodist Church.[14] Sikh organisations became alarmed at the rate of conversions among the Mazhabi Sikhs and responded by immediately dispatching Sikh missionaries to counteract the conversions.

In Hinduism
The caste system with all its inequalities is closely identified with, and supported by the Hindu religion.[15] In sharp contrast to a Brahmin a sweeper born of sweeper parents is considered to be born "Inherently polluted".[16] The Churas occupy the lowest rank in the Hindu religious hierarchy.[17] Maintenance of purity is especially important for upper castes in the Hindu religion[18] and if an upper caste were to accept food or drink prepared by members of lower castes, they would become polluted.[19] For a Hindu to accept food from a Christian or Muslim it would be considered "Highly polluting"[20] for the upper caste.[21] If a Brahmin where to accept food and drink from a sweeper, he would immediately become polluted and would expect social rejection from his caste fellows.[22] from that moment, Brahmins following traditional "pollution rules" would refuse food touched by him and would abstain from traditional social interaction from him.[23] He will not be welcome in other Brahmin homes and would be barred especially from ritually pure kitchens.[24] He and his relatives would also not be considered eligible marriage partners by other Brahmins.[25]

A minority of Punjabi Churas based around the Jallandhar area have undergone "Hinduisation"in the form of the "Valmiki cult"

In Islam
Islam despite placing great emphasis on social equality and brotherhood among all Muslims did not address the problem of untouchability for the Churas or Bhangis, even if they did convert.[30] As a result, only a very few members from this community ever embraced Islam.

Unfortunately, this is the effect of Hinduism on some Muslims, who by practising untouchability have gone against explicit Quranic emphasis of equality. The Quran says " O humankind, We created you from a single pair of a male and a female, and from it you become nations and tribes, so that you may recognize one another. The best among you in the sight of God is the most righteous. GOD is Omniscient, Cognizant." ( Chapter 49 Verse 13 ). And the Prophet Muhammad said " No Arab holds greater esteem over a non-Arab; nor a Black person over a red person; except on the grounds of the one having greater righteousness than the other.' (Tirmidhi)

Churas adopted the externals of Islam by keeping Muslim names, Namaz, Viz, observing Ramadan and burial of the dead.[31] However they never underwent circumcision.[32] Only a few cases of circumcision have ever been recorded for Churas or Bhangis[33] and these were Churas who lived very near Jama Masjid.[34] The Churas did not accept Mohammedas their prophet[35] and also continued observing traditional Hindu festivals, such as Diwali, Raki and Holi.[36] Just like their Hindu brethren they continued with their traditional caste work.[37] in India and the caste system was fully observed by Muslims

Chura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is chamar/Bhangi and see where they exist more

Chamar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bhangi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hope now you will stop making fun of yourself and your people

Paternal: R1a1a, maternal M39b.
Where you are getting all this information about genetics ?
Interesting! You have one of the oldest mtDNA haplogroups. Possibly the source of your ASI percentage. Do the Baloch people also have M haplo in substantial percentage?

I have one person in my 23andme, he is Baloch. Because his name end in Baluchi, and he has maternal M3a. I dont know about overall Baloch population.

Wow, lmao your so retarded so show me the source rape victim? Marrying cousins is disgusting habit practiced by Punjabi rape victims lmao. I would have though Rajputs would have been slightly higher to be honest what's the source?

Latest source put rajput population in 15% in Rajasthan, damn this is low.
Big deal, punjabi khatris who dominate bollywood because rest of population is bhangee looking are also famous for marrying cousins. Its done so wealth stay within family. Now days mostly in rural areas. Even then i dont know anyone married to cousin.

Anyway just found out that Rajputs are 20% of population? Is this true?

Paternal: R1a1a, maternal M39b.
Strange mine is paternal:L3* and maternal M4a. We may share the surname though. Does your start with G??
Strange mine is paternal:L3* and maternal M4a. We may share the surname though. Does your start with G??

I doubt it because majority of South Asians have M maternal anyway. Are you jatt? My surname start with L, name of our jatt clan. Also L3 is found Baloch and punjabis as well. I think it originated from somewhere Pakistan. There are also L1 and L2 which are believed to be from India.
I doubt it because majority of South Asians have M maternal anyway. Are you jatt? My surname start with L, name of our jatt clan. Also L3 is found Baloch and punjabis as well. I think it originated from somewhere Pakistan. There are also L1 and L2 which are believed to be from India.
Yeah jatt Pre 47 from sialkot. Its weird because a lot of jatts with my surname are L3*. Its also common in kalash and chechens

My closest DNA relative in 23andme is a guy with cheema surname from sialkot area
I have one person in my 23andme, he is Baloch. Because his name end in Baluchi, and he has maternal M3a. I dont know about overall Baloch population.

Latest source put rajput population in 15% in Rajasthan, damn this is low.
Exactly, so using Rajasthan as a way of classing Rajput people is wrong.

You should stop embarrassing yourself. Started discussion with Afghan then pick on pahstun and then punjabi and then rajput and chura, bhangee,chamar and now cousin marriages . It seem you just want trolling

Chura (Punjabi: ਚੂੜ੍ਹਾ) is a caste in Punjab and other northern Indian states whose traditional occupation is sweeping. Churas are largely followers of Sikhism and secondlyChristianity. A small minority practice Valmikism, an off shoot or cult form of mainstream Hinduism which still incorporates elements of Sikhism in its practices. They are treated as untouchables or Dalits as they occupy the lowest category in Hinduism's religious hierarchy

In Sikhism
Main article: Mazhabi
By the 15th century Guru Nanak the founder of Sikhism brought a new message and spoke out against the caste system.[7] He stressed that all people were equal and the new religion forbade the caste system.The Churas flocked to the new religion, though in practice discrimination against Mazhabi Sikhs by upper caste Sikhs (Jatts, Rajputs) persists, and intermarriage is uncommon.

Amongst Sikhs, the Churas are known as a warrior landowning caste called Mazhabi Sikhs,[10][11] they have a fine and feared reputation as soldiers; a reputaion made famous by their service in the Sikh 10th Light Infantry.[12]

In Christianity
The Churas were largely converted to Christianity in North India during the British raj. The vast majority were converted from the Mazhabi Sikh communities of Punjab, and to a lesser extent Hindu Churas; under the influence of enthusiastic British army officers and Christian missionaries. Consequently, since partition they are now divided betweenPakistani Punjab and Indian Punjab. Large numbers of Mazhabi Sikhs were also converted in the Moradabad district and the Bijnor district[13] of Uttar Pradesh. Rohilkhand saw a mass conversion of its entire population of 4500 Mazhabi Sikhs into the Methodist Church.[14] Sikh organisations became alarmed at the rate of conversions among the Mazhabi Sikhs and responded by immediately dispatching Sikh missionaries to counteract the conversions.

In Hinduism
The caste system with all its inequalities is closely identified with, and supported by the Hindu religion.[15] In sharp contrast to a Brahmin a sweeper born of sweeper parents is considered to be born "Inherently polluted".[16] The Churas occupy the lowest rank in the Hindu religious hierarchy.[17] Maintenance of purity is especially important for upper castes in the Hindu religion[18] and if an upper caste were to accept food or drink prepared by members of lower castes, they would become polluted.[19] For a Hindu to accept food from a Christian or Muslim it would be considered "Highly polluting"[20] for the upper caste.[21] If a Brahmin where to accept food and drink from a sweeper, he would immediately become polluted and would expect social rejection from his caste fellows.[22] from that moment, Brahmins following traditional "pollution rules" would refuse food touched by him and would abstain from traditional social interaction from him.[23] He will not be welcome in other Brahmin homes and would be barred especially from ritually pure kitchens.[24] He and his relatives would also not be considered eligible marriage partners by other Brahmins.[25]

A minority of Punjabi Churas based around the Jallandhar area have undergone "Hinduisation"in the form of the "Valmiki cult"

In Islam
Islam despite placing great emphasis on social equality and brotherhood among all Muslims did not address the problem of untouchability for the Churas or Bhangis, even if they did convert.[30] As a result, only a very few members from this community ever embraced Islam.

Unfortunately, this is the effect of Hinduism on some Muslims, who by practising untouchability have gone against explicit Quranic emphasis of equality. The Quran says " O humankind, We created you from a single pair of a male and a female, and from it you become nations and tribes, so that you may recognize one another. The best among you in the sight of God is the most righteous. GOD is Omniscient, Cognizant." ( Chapter 49 Verse 13 ). And the Prophet Muhammad said " No Arab holds greater esteem over a non-Arab; nor a Black person over a red person; except on the grounds of the one having greater righteousness than the other.' (Tirmidhi)

Churas adopted the externals of Islam by keeping Muslim names, Namaz, Viz, observing Ramadan and burial of the dead.[31] However they never underwent circumcision.[32] Only a few cases of circumcision have ever been recorded for Churas or Bhangis[33] and these were Churas who lived very near Jama Masjid.[34] The Churas did not accept Mohammedas their prophet[35] and also continued observing traditional Hindu festivals, such as Diwali, Raki and Holi.[36] Just like their Hindu brethren they continued with their traditional caste work.[37] in India and the caste system was fully observed by Muslims

Chura - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Here is chamar/Bhangi and see where they exist more

Chamar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Bhangi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Hope now you will stop making fun of yourself and your people

Where you are getting all this information about genetics ?
How am I a Chura or Bhangi? I'm Tomara Rajput Lmao.
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