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What does Pakistan school books teach about Hindus?

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PS: Look for comments from Indian muslims.
Yes and the answers of the Hindus are also telling. So what?

On topic:
1. Many Hindus kill their girls. Islam especially condemned the killing of new born girls in the Quran as it was also a tradition of old pagan Arabs.
2. Kafir is used as a distinction for Non-Muslims. It's just a word.
3. We have a common bloody history. Shall we censor facts just to appease Hindus and Sikhs?
4. If you are a minority, it's normal that your classfellow look at you when something comes up which is related to your religion/nation/skin colour. I remember back in school when we talked about Islam the teacher always looked at me to ask me further questions. That's normal when you are a minority. Live with that!
5. Hindus betrayed Muslims to bootlick English masters. Again, why should we censor facts to appease Hindus?
6. Nobody asked you to celebrate it. Have some dignity and respect the fact that we are different. No sane Muslim with BASIC knowledge about his religion would celebrate a Hindu festival! Please, stop this whishy-whashy-BS. Hindus should be proud of themselves (I know...) and not try to appease Muslims either by compromising their religious believes.
7. Thanks for the hospitals. Just treate Hindus if you want to, don't give us this attitude. We owe you nothing. Muslim charities also help everybody regardless of religion. In fact we are encouraged to do so.
8. It's kinda true that Muslims and Christian taught Hindus how to dress properly. Sorry not sorry. We know your "myths" about these topics. So calm down please!
9. Thanks for giving us these upper class Hindus as example. What about the vast majority of Hindus and their treatment of women based on Hindu religion? Is Saati not a thing? Burning widows is an act of love right?
10. Where are the valuable Hindus of Pakistan? All I see is badmouthing, "Islam is bad" and crying 24/7.

Our country, our rules. This is what we Muslims here all the Time in the West even though living here for decades now. So accept the ground realities and try harder to show evil Muslims their place.
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1. Many Hindus kill their girls. Islam especially condemned the killing of new born girls in the Quran as it was also a tradition of old pagan Arabs.
Killing of girls was an abhorent practice done by abhorent individuals. It has nothing to do with religion. No Hindu religion scripture asks / condones this practice.
Blaming Hindu religion for this is similar to blaming Islam for terrorist attacks.

2. Kafir is used as a distinction for Non-Muslims. It's just a word.
That is fine, but there is a lot of negative connotation attached to this word, which needs to be addressed.

3. We have a common bloody history. Shall we censor facts just to appease Hindus and Sikhs?
No need to censor the facts, but it is better to present the facts in their entirety that it happened on both sides and happened during the madness of partition. It is not in the inherent nature of any religion to go on a killing rampage.

5. Hindus betrayed Muslims to bootlick English masters. Again, why should we censor facts to appease Hindus?
Tell me how many Muslim league leaders faced Jail time during British rule. All top Congress leaders faced numerous years in jail. Clearly indicates who were a bigger threat to British rule.

7. Thanks for the hospitals. Just treate Hindus if you want to, don't give us this attitude. We owe you nothing. Muslim charities also help everybody regardless of religion. In fact we are encouraged to do so.
What they (Pakistani minorities) want is that Hindu / Sikh contribution in Pakistan should also be acknowledged. Hindus should not be treated as second class citizens who are merely tolerated. I guess if there are chapters showing the contribution / patriotism of Bhagat Singh, Sir Ganga Ram etc, it would help Pakistanis see that good people are in all religions.

8. It's kinda true that Muslims and Christian taught Hindus how to dress properly. Sorry not sorry. We know your "myths" about these topics. So calm down please!
What was the dress of Hindus before Muslims arrived? What do you define as 'proper dress'? If Muslims know how to dress properly, then why are Christians banning certain Muslim wear in Europe these days? The answer is its all a matter of perspective.
not good

muslims in punjab first started the killing of sikhs in rawalpindi

atleast according to this youtube comment school education is better in india

I'm muslim from🇮🇳 india i proud of india Hume school me equality sikhaaya jata hai..... I love my india
Hindu is savage ancient culture that relegates vast majority of their own co-religionists to subhuman status. Despite banning temple prostitution, Sati, breast tax and other inhumane rituals, whatever exists including caste system need to be banned out of existence.

Do we need to be politically correct and not teach kids the truth about Hindus?
There are certain practices followed by some Hindus which need to be crticized and stopped. These practices have nothing to do with Hinduism, but are just impurities which need to be removed.

Muslims also have certain bad practices. Eg. 'triple talak' system which gives a husband undue power over wife. Does it mean Islam is a savage culture? No.
I'm muslim from🇮🇳 india i proud of india Hume school me equality sikhaaya jata hai..... I love my india
1. Why don't you leave for India then? They welcome Hindus.
2. We can see the results of those "teachings" every day.
Muslims also have certain bad practices. Eg. 'triple talak' system which gives a husband undue power over wife. Does it mean Islam is a savage culture? No.
Triple Talak is just fine. The system regulates itself. When you divorce all your wives like this you will end up very lonely and nobody will give you his or her daugther into marriage.
Their country..whatever happens within their country is their problem...But if Hindus want to emigrate to India, then Indian government should provide them legal and material facilities
:pakistan: :pakistan: :pakistan: The books are very kind

Pakistani Books do not cover Indian Act of Terrorism or Sponsorship

1- Full Extent of Indian Sabotage in 1971
2- Bombing in Karachi between 1980's-2010's
3- Support of Terrorist Bombings close to Afghan Border
4- Attack on Chinese Engineers
5- On Going Violence against Muslims in Kashmir by Indians
6- Lack of Basic human Rights for Muslims in India confirming , Two Nation's Theory
7- Indian using Steroids in Olympics and sporting events harming global perception about sports in region
8- The strange CULT like behavior of Naked BABA Culture running around naked
9- Line of Control Acts of Unprovoked Killings of Civilians , no formal count has been released
10- On going SIKH persecution by Hindu
11-Kalbhushan capture, spy red handed
12 - Economic Sabotage by release of flood waters between 1955-1970 to keep East Pakistan Poor

Most kids don't know the full extent of Indian Footprint till they get pretty far in Age
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Triple Talak is just fine. The system regulates itself. When you divorce all your wives like this you will end up very lonely and nobody will give you his or her daugther into marriage.
If this is so fine a system, then why not give the same right to wife too.
There are certain practices followed by some Hindus which need to be crticized and stopped. These practices have nothing to do with Hinduism, but are just impurities which need to be removed.

Muslims also have certain bad practices. Eg. 'triple talak' system which gives a husband undue power over wife. Does it mean Islam is a savage culture? No.

What I'm saying is that Hinduism is not a religion like Christianity, Islam, Bahai, Sikh, Buddhism etc. It has no single founder, it is just a culture of the Indo-Aryan elite from 1500 BC that somehow survived into 21st century which is crazy. Because of it's nature as a culture of an ancient elite, it was not created for the wellbeing of ordinary people. Culture of any elite is always a tool of oppression. How can you have caste system in 2021? Why do you even accept a place in the hierarchy?

You need a revolution my friend and it's overdue by 3500 years. You need to get rid of this culture called Hinduism. Sadly the people of Indian continent are too low testosterone to carry out large scale revolution.
1- Full Extent of Indian Sabotage in 1971
Please do teach about Operation Searchlight as well.

2- Bombing in Karachi between 1980's-2010's
3- Support of Terrorist Bombings close to Afghan Border
4- Attack on Chinese Engineers
Any credible proof of Indian hand?

5- On Going Violence against Muslims in Kashmir by Indians
Kashmiris are just facing the brunt of ongoing anti-terrorism operations. Once terrorism is completely eradicated, they can again live the peaceful life of pre 1987.

6- Lack of Basic human Rights for Muslims in India confirming , Two Nation's Theory
We have seen how 2 nation theory worked in 1971 and what basic rights you gave to Bengalis. Issues between Indians will be resolved by Indians. No need to bring religion in it.

7- Indian using Steroids in Olympics and sporting events harming global perception about sports in region
Cheaters are in all countries. Anyways, what is it to do with Pakistan?

8- The strange CULT like behavior of Naked BABA Culture running around naked
What is it to do with Muslims? Do we question why Muslims cut their own backs in Muharram? Or why millions of innocent goats are murdered in the name of religion on a particular day?

9- Line of Control Acts of Unprovoked Killings of Civilians , no formal count has been released
Regrettable collateral damage when Indian army has to respond to Pak army / terrorists firing on it.

10- On going SIKH persecution by Hindu
There is no Sikh persecution going on. Manmohan Singh was our PM not long ago. Many Sikhs are having High ranks in Armed Forces.

11-Kalbhushan capture, spy red handed
Pak manufactured claim that he was a spy. You could not prove that in international court and hence the ICJ banned you from executing him.

PS: Look for comments from Indian muslims.
If Pakistan schools taught hatred for Hindus, than why there is so much less hatred for Hindus in Pakistan.

And in India it is taught that hatred is taught in Pakistan schools.

And why there is many times more hatred for Muslims in India by Hindus if hatred for Muslims is not taught.

And try getting such reviews by Indian Muslims, they will be lynched brutally by VHP, RSS, bajrang dal goons without any questions asked and police protecting them.

And later on killers will be supported and elected as MLAs and leaders....this is Bharat of today.
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