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What does Pakistan need most from China?


May 23, 2011
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Pakistani brothers, I want to make a survey, each person can only answer an answer, thank you!

4: Yuan SSK
5:052C DDG
6:99G MBT
7:return ticket to Chinese space station
8:093 SSN
9,054A FFG
10,Economic cooperation and investment
Bro, we need economic corporation and Huge invesment in Our countrey and plz Take those corrupt politicions of us and throw them into Gobi Desert with out food and water.
1. economic cooperation
2. energy sector cooperation
3. cooperation in education [fast track program on training teachers]
4. infrastructure building cooperation [fast track]
5. polytechnic learning cooperation [fast track training to local population on various polytechnic skills]
banay jao diaye jao meray bhai............thanks to China..............lol
Pakistan needs economic cooperation and investment the most, but we also need China's cooperation regarding the Indus River that originates in Tibet, China, goes through Indian Occupied Kashmir into Pakistan.

Also Pakistan and China should cooperate more in defense especially Navy. Both Pakistan and China will benefit if China has a navy base in Gwadar, Pakistan.

Permanent Friendships and mutual benefits for both China and Pakistan!

1. economic cooperation
2. energy sector cooperation
3. cooperation in education [fast track program on training teachers]
4. infrastructure building cooperation [fast track]
5. polytechnic learning cooperation [fast track training to local population on various polytechnic skills]
Brother, you consider the very comprehensive
Mutual economic cooperation

Political support

Military co-operation.

Tht will help not just 1 side but both countries.

P.S=Ingore the retarded indian troll.
Highway connection with China.

High speed trains connection with China.

Industrial Parks managed by China.
Economic cooperation - that's what Pakistan needs the most from China - a fast developing economically vibrant Pakistan is in the best interest of Pakistan, China, India and the world.
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