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What Does China Have To DO To Become THE World Power?

There are many charts around showing Chinese gdp as a percentage of world gdp. A casual glance of any atlas will show if the current Chinese state is a shadow of its former self.

lol, but can GDP really measure how great a country is back in like 120BC??

Most country do not use money or any financial system to operate back then, in deed there are a world share of GPD by the Chinese but, if GDP is of any "truth" in measuring the prowess of a country, even today, then I guess US would be outdone by EU.

And I did not say China is a shadow of a former self, I said the Greek and Italy is the shadow of East and West Roman culture. It is true to China too, if you had studied Chinese History, how many of the old tradition and Chinese Value were lost during any of those empire/dynasty changes?? Today Chinese Culture is just a fraction of the Old Chinese value we saw in maybe 300BC or 250 AD during Qin and Jin Dynasty.

The world changes that is true but China has been around through all that change and remained a massive pillar of human achievement,

lol so does Persian, India, Egypt and Aztec, the problem is, you can see the world is changing, if you don't it does not matter who you are, you would only ended up with an entry in a history book.

It seems u got my point ... lol, In past "no king last forever" (u said), at today "no superpower last forever" (i said) ... the human history repeat never end in U.S ... whatever here China just waiting for mistakes made by US themselves.

no, you don't, what I am saying is, it will not be any superpower after US, simply the world of superpower would no longer exist

US will not make a mistake, even if they do, it will be the world that pay for its mistake, and when the time come the US have to step down, the world will already be almost equal to take it place, you will have India probably the same, if not similar economy than China, EU, East European union and North American Union. Those are where the power are. And there will not going to be a single entities than US, and there will not be any superpower. But a globalised world.

Or do you think only China can challenge the US?? In maybe 50 years time??
lol, US actually made money off Iraq and Afghanistan war...

lol, do remember, US using Chinese money to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq, and sell them arms and get USD back, none of those USD they earn will go back to the Chinese pocket...lol (It was like 5 trillions debt before Iraq and Afghanistan and 16 after, and about 20% of those are paid for by China)...

So, in fact, it's Chinese money the US is toying with in Iraq and Afghanistan...

Thank you China, I heard G.W. Bush said once

:rofl: And what make you think that China didnt used US for our gain? after the collapse of Soviets, US was the sole superpower as Gorge Jr. Bush claimed, China was just a "nobody" country at that time but with Chinese money we help Amercains bleed in middle east's war and distract them away from China. With all the American debt (over trillions) , we have shown the world that our economy was on the good shape and we didn't have financial issue, they can be confident to do business with us and Invest in China which was the key to build & strenghtening our country.

When Americans woke up they were so scare to see the present situation because they have trapped for decade for their sole ambition to dominate the world and made war in Midldle east which allowed China to slip away from their radar screen that let China to make a smooth sail with peacefull rising: become a world 2nd economical power and also the world 2nd military budget country. Now Americans are paniking and they're paying a little attention toward China with their so call "Asia's Pivot" and playing the contaiment game against China.

China's military might still not match to US but plotting behind our enemy and play the world geopolitical game, we're not inferior to Americans.
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:rofl: And what make you think that China didnt used US for our gain? after the collapse of Soviets, US was the sole superpower as Gorge Jr. Bush claimed, China was just a "nobody" country at that time but with Chinese money we help Amercains bleed in middle east's war and distract them away from China. With all the American debt (over trillions) , we have shown the world that our economy was on the good shape and we didn't have financial issue, they can be confident to do business with us and Invest in China which was the key to build & strenghtening our country.

When Americans woke up they were so scare to see the present situation because they have trapped for decade for their sole ambition to dominate the world and made war in Midldle east which allowed China to slip away from their radar screen that let China to make a smooth sail with peacefull rising: become a world 2nd economical power and also the world 2nd military budget country. Now Americans are paniking and they're paying a little attention toward China with their so call "Asia's Pivot" and playing the contaiment game against China.

China's military might still not match to US but plotting behind our enemy and play the world geopolitical game, we're not inferior to Americans.

My suggestion to you, learn how to "sepeelll" before trying to rant, I have a very difficult time trying to understand what you want to say.
Just repeat what America did in the decades following WWII -

1) install a teraWatt of electricity-generating capacity
China finished it

2) construct a manufacturing base that can support the world’s largest economy
China has three manufacturing bases for whole world trade:
1. Pearl River Delta in GuangDong province of South China
2. Yangtze River delta around ShangHai city of Middle China
3. Bohai sea delta around BeiJing-Tian city of North China

3) develop a robust space program
Soon be finished:
1. 20x BeiDou position&navigation satellites
2."TianGong" space station to finish in 2020.
3. “Long March" series of carrier rockets

4) develop an exceptional intelligence network and community
China smartphones into 4G network, HuaWei will be next Cisco.

5) gain overwhelming economic and political influence over your neighbors, by hook or by crook
Always ! Hundred years ago China culture & economic influence Asian nations ... even today China is their 1st biggest foreign trade partner including Japan, S.korea, Vietnam etc

6) build schools, bridges, hospitals, roads and other infrastructure to cover at least 80% of your population,
Building more ... to improve population quality. Just 2014 China has 7.27 million students graduation from University.

7) assemble a high-tech conventional military that exceeds all others in size and capability, and
That need much more money & high-tech development ... long time to go.

8) build a nuclear arsenal that has adequate first-strike capability against your primary opponents to deter not only an attack, but even just interference in your regional affairs.
China has N00x nukes enough for WWIII, (1st 1964) 50 years experience research nukes including atomic、hydrogen、neutron bombs & miniaturization、enriched uranium.

#4 I think the OP meant develop a network of spies, etc like FBI, CIA, KGB, Mossad
I personally know some East Asian people who hold racist views. Actually racism is a common thing among many people, only its not politically correct. Of course there are some people who are more racist than others:


According to this view, North East Asians have highest intelligence. This again corresponds to this theory:
IQ and the Wealth of Nations - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

This controversial study was done by two Europeans:
Richard Lynn - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tatu Vanhanen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If we look at post colonial world, definitely we see marked wealth and income rise in the purple region, much more so than any other region. This fact sorta kinda validates the above study and its hypothesis. Not that I agree with such views, but something to keep in mind.

Now lets look at the US current position: population 300 million, another 700 million as NATO and non-NATO allies.

China: population 1.3 billion, but no strong alliance structure like the US

The US also has a much stronger technological base, and is the current torch bearer of scientific tradition and advancement of the entire Western civilization spanning several centuries.

China over time will reach parity with the West in science and technology, the gap is closing every year, although it may still take another few decades.

What China also needs is an alliance structure of its own, along with blue water power projection ability.

While the US sits isolated in North America away from Eurasian landmass, China is sitting on one side of this landmass. Trade and economic integration of countries in Asia, EU and Africa using the Belt and Road initiative will help China gain some advantage that is not possible for the US to follow. This is another advantage that China has because of its unique location and it seems that the leadership are trying to make full use of this in the coming decades.

Once these things are in place, because of all the factors mentioned above, then the US will automatically become No. 2 power of the world. As there can be only one No. 1 at any one time.

The points mentioned in OP are all valid, some overlap with my comments above, some don't, but the net result is the same, US becomes No.2 and China eventually becomes No. 1. That is what the current trend tells us. All the stars are aligned and all factors are present for this to happen. The only way the US can escape this fate is if by some fluke the Chinese leadership makes some kind of blunder, which is unlikely.
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I can't see any country stopping China now. The best the US can do is to manage its decline. Its way past its peak and now it sees China changing the status quo and don't know how to react to a gigantic power rising at an astonishing speed while having to manage its own decline.

China will gradually end American monopolies which will lead to a SIGNIFICANT reduction in American power, similar to what we saw with the British.

China is America's worst possible nightmare with a much bigger population that got a big economy, big consumer market, big manufacturing base, big labour force, advancing rapidly in science and technology, entrepreneurial population, strong government, independent foreign policy, strong military advancing rapidly, lot of natural resources, has its own domestic brands in all sectors.

America will meet its match in China. In fact by 2030, the only advantage America will have will be military which they can never use against another strong military. That means, America becomes the new Russia in that they have a military advantage but what use if you can't actually use it. America buried Russia through economic and financial might. China will bury and utterly humiliate the United States by doing the same thing to the US.
lol, mind if I see your ledgers for this magical accounting?

Dude, that's why you die hard Chinese Nationalist did not see thing like we normal Chinese saw.

The debt, as you put it, is that whether or not the debt can deal anything to the US, the answer is no.

It's not that US cannot pay the external debt, rather, US is NOT WILLING TO PAY.

US Taxation revenue is about 27% to the GDP, that is, for those who cannot calculate, roughtly 4.7 Trillions per year, now, for US to pay off the debt, US can (Not saying they will) raise taxes to 30%, which roughly about an extra 1500 per year, at 30 %, which the current tax rate is 22% average) you get about 6.7 trillions per year, now do so for 5 years, the surplus will pay off 10 trillion debt, which more than enough to cover the foreign bond which is about 6 or 7 trillion anyway.

Now, can an American household live off $1000 less a year? While the average is 55,000 USD per year per person income, that's totally doable, but the fact is, will the American government willing to do so?? No, if you raise tax, then you may as well pack your bag and leave white house.

So, the debt that the Chinese Bought, it's not like we can't pay it back, but rather, we don't want to. And that money, increase over time have gone to finance project in the USA, and including yours truly, The Iraq and Afghan war.

Learn English before you tell others they need spelling lessons. Where did you get this nonsense about the "world number 1" needing an external force to topple them? They almost always decline on their own before a spectacular collapse.

Me English are Badd?? NO way
The problem is, you fail to see one point. If and When US fail, the current superpower system will fail too.

Basically, it will be a multi-polar world to take over the US when US failed, and there will not be a single power great enough to lead or take charge in international affair.

That's why people keep calling the US - The last great superpower. Because after that, you have a globalisation world.

China will NEVER be a superpower, not because of it can't be, but rather the title will probably died with the US.
What these ya-hoos do not understand is that a multi-polar world is an unstable world. Like it or not, absent God, whoever He/She might be, the world needs a policeman, no matter how flawed. The reason people calls US that is because despite our flaws, the world have never seen a benevolent hegemony before. Benevolence does not mean weak or peaceful. It means a generally charitable disposition. But piss US off...:o:
The debt, as you put it, is that whether or not the debt can deal anything to the US, the answer is no.

Yeah, it can. China can start a run on US assets, and that would utterly destroy the US economy.

It's not that US cannot pay the external debt, rather, US is NOT WILLING TO PAY.

The US is paying its debts. If they stopped, foreign investors would pull out and the US would essentially become a third world country overnight.

Now, can an American household live off $1000 less a year? While the average is 55,000 USD per year per person income, that's totally doable, but the fact is, will the American government willing to do so?? No, if you raise tax, then you may as well pack your bag and leave white house.

Uh, you can always employ cuts in spending. The debt imposes a cap on how much can be used on education, infrastructure, health etc which are all declining in quality in the states. Where in your *** did you pull out this arbitrary repayment period of 5 years from?

So, the debt that the Chinese Bought, it's not like we can't pay it back, but rather, we don't want to. And that money, increase over time have gone to finance project in the USA, and including yours truly, The Iraq and Afghan war.

You're just going to be paying China billions in interest every year, and they're fine with that. Once the interest payments stop coming is when China starts seizing US assets :)
Yeah, it can. China can start a run on US assets, and that would utterly destroy the US economy.

The US will only do the same, now, are there more US asset in China or Chinese Asset in the US I wonder??

The US is paying its debts. If they stopped, foreign investors would pull out and the US would essentially become a third world country overnight.

No, US is playing for interest only, if they were paying the debt, the debt will go lower, not higher.

And No, if US become third world country overnight, all Chinese asset related to the USD will become rubbish, that's probably more than 10 times your GDP, yeah, you are welcome to kill the USD, which still are the world reserve currency, at 81% of world trade, I wonder how China can survive with only 19% of trade that were not done in USD...lol

Uh, you can always employ cuts in spending. The debt imposes a cap on how much can be used on education, infrastructure, health etc which are all declining in quality in the states. Where in your *** did you pull out this arbitrary repayment period of 5 years from?

Dude, it is not the first time US use tax hike to pay debt, look up Great Depression,

and No, debt ceiling only limited on how much the US can borrow, if you think the US will cut spending because of the debt, then all I can tell you are, the US have not done so in the last 50 years.

You're just going to be paying China billions in interest every year, and they're fine with that. Once the interest payments stop coming is when China starts seizing US assets :)

lol, what do you plan to seize US asset with??

Don't just stand there and bark, do something, but hey, last time Xi instead "Seizing" US Asset like you said, he try to dump the bond by selling it cheap to Japan, lol, I guess Xi did not get the memo.
You think China will actually allow the US to withdraw its assets from China in the case of a full-blown economic war? i.e. that Americans refuse to pay their debts? You think China is going to let you keep title to the factories, plants, storefronts, etc you own "49%" of?

Dude, I asked, do you think there are more US asset in China or more Chinese Asset in the US??


Do you think the moment you sieze US asset in China, the US will not do the same but let Chinese withdraw their account in the US lol?? Do you even know there are a buying spree of Chinese Buyer in US Housing market ??

It's going to be funny knowing you've paid the principal once or twice over, then the CCP starts seizing US assets. Worth hundreds of billions if not trillions.

Then go ahead seizing it lol, do you think there are less than 2 trillions Chinese asset in China?? lol

Oh okay, so all those spending cuts under Bush were just imaginary.

Dude, I never said there were no spending cut, I said spending cut is not related to the debt lol

We cut spending but did we repay the debt??

How much do you think Americans have invested in China and in China's near-abroad? :) China will lose imaginary paper, you will lose factories, inventory, research. Every single container ship containing products with American invoices will be turned around. Your entire East Asian/global manufacturing supply chain will be derailed for decades. All those Starbucks, Apple Stores, McDonald's, GM dealerships turning ungodly profits in China will be seized - and everything those corporations paid to open them will turn to dust. What do you think that's going to do to their stock?

lol you do know those are hard asset right?? Again, let me reiterate how much the Chinese invest in the US economy??

And since when China can touch US asset in all of East Asia? So you control Japan, South Korea ??
We can also say China is a world power for now for the definition of 'world power' so that it should be more clear. To me, 'world power' means top 1. This question should be planned carefully or it have been planned for decades. :-)

If our neitizens who studied politics, plutonomy and philosophy should know something for it. From the strategy point of view (macroscope), we should achieve the target of '3 steps strategy' that it include medium term and long term(三步走战略,大三步及小三步). So, you can read '到下世纪中叶......(.... until 2050s)'. Yes, it had been planned over 30 years. :-)

I would like to focus on following issues.
1) Build a largest and overwhelming economy entity.which need release more production capacity and consume more energy. Comercial nuclear fushion electricity station building required.

2) Develop leading technologies which can lead to a profound affect to world civilization include space technologies/programs/deep space exploration.

3) Integrate Chinese communities around world and build strong popular culture for everyone.

4) Strenthen military ability which can ensure to protect the country and overseas properties and interests.

5) Help to build a common democratic international community which need a multirole world and China act as an important participant, planner, coordinator, advisor and decision maker. Construct a domestic harmony society where people's living conditions is excellent and the civilization reach to an upper level

Through our culture, what I hope that China will be the country around 2050s which we called '内圣外王'(inner cultivation and exterior action).

Keep fighting, bros. There are still 2 nodes there - 2025 and 2050. If we succeed, then China is the country. :cheers:
China doesn't need those!

Instead, what China urgently needs are:

1. Independent judiciary system, where LAW >>>>>>> Party (CPC or any party) and anyone

2. (PLA + Police) is loyal to China and Chinese people only, by law, not to a Party (CPC or any party).

3. TRUE freedom of speech, media, and association, ruled by law not by a Party (CPC or any party)

With only these 3 points , China could solve the grave problem of widespread social injustice and corruptions.

Only after the corruption and social injustice are solved or largely contained, China could expect a normal distribution of its Human Potential - so called Human Resources, like all the normal advanced Western and Far Eastern countries in the world generally have. Hence the smart part of (high IQ) Chinese people with high morals could become the central forces of China's upper and middle class - the true social elites who lead a country forward, unlike now where China's political, social and economical "elite" class are by and large low IQ, low moral, and corrupted.

Only after this, China could soon expect a (Han Chinese traditional) Cultural Renaissance, which is the prerequisite of any Technological Renaissance. In other words, without Cultural Renaissance, any Technological Renaissance would be weak and very short-lived.

Then, only then,
1.3 billion Chinese could make China rich (in terms of both GDP per cap and cultural -- both classical and pop -- world/regional leadership) and tenologically the world leader in majority of the fields within 1 or 2 generation or so.

China would therefore naturally become the world superpower as a result. No one can stop it, not even the combination of the entire West.

Therefore, the single biggest obstacle to the Chinese Dream is not the US, nor Japan, nor the West, but China's current low IQ, low moral and corrupted social, economical and political "elites" themselves.

Those stupid ideas will only leave China to become headless.

Who gonna control PLA if it is not CPC? The rich lobbyists right?

Yeah, let's the rich control everything, and Chinese people keep getting enslaved just like 100 years ago.

You know why KMT today has losing its position? Because of giving up the control on the SOE and military.

Chiang Ching Kuo was the biggest idiot of all time, even a bigger joke than his father. No wonder he got a such brilliant successor!

And no, how can China become the second largest economy when running by a bunch of political idiots?

China would therefore naturally become the world superpower as a result. No one can stop it, not even the combination of the entire West.

We are not naturally superpower, without CPC, we are practically fcked.

During the pre-CPC era, we even cannot defend ourselves against a tiny Japan, let alone against the entire West.

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lol, US actually made money off Iraq and Afghanistan war...

lol, do remember, US using Chinese money to fight in Afghanistan and Iraq, and sell them arms and get USD back, none of those USD they earn will go back to the Chinese pocket...lol (It was like 5 trillions debt before Iraq and Afghanistan and 16 after, and about 20% of those are paid for by China)...

So, in fact, it's Chinese money the US is toying with in Iraq and Afghanistan...

Thank you China, I heard G.W. Bush said once
The US made money from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan ?:o:

Actually China was borrowing the US money so that Americans can consume more Chinese goods and relocate
more US industries to China.:enjoy: And as a Chinese I thank the Americans for their greed, short sightedness and stupidity.
God bless America !!! :usflag::usflag::usflag:
4/30/2015 @ 7:25上午 4,776 views

Just repeat what America did in the decades following WWII -

1) install a teraWatt of electricity-generating capacity

2) construct a manufacturing base that can support the world’s largest economy

3) develop a robust space program

4) develop an exceptional intelligence network and community

5) gain overwhelming economic and political influence over your neighbors, by hook or by crook

6) build schools, bridges, hospitals, roads and other infrastructure to cover at least 80% of your population,

7) assemble a high-tech conventional military that exceeds all others in size and capability, and

8) build a nuclear arsenal that has adequate first-strike capability against your primary opponents to deter not only an attack, but even just interference in your regional affairs.

Most importantly, your people have to overwhelmingly believe you’re going to reach these goals.

What Does China Have To DO To Become THE World Power? - Forbes


1,2,4 Done
3,6,7 Work in progress at rapid pace
5 i think that would be automatic once the above ones are achieved.

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