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What Does China Have To DO To Become THE World Power?

Why N.o2 need to catch and overtake the N.o1 ? Nononono ... N.o2 just need wait on the position until the N.o1 collapsing like USSR due to internal issues of financial system, the winner laughs best who can laugh last.

This is the marathon between N.o1 and N.o2 nations ... maybe 50 years or 100 years.
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well, you can wait your turn, but meh.
What China has to do?

Quality of people is key. Educated, well nourished, orderly well behaved, and cultured.

Once the population properly follows Confucian values and become more virtuous, ascendancy will surely follow. Become selfish, indolent and crass and walk a path of self destruction. A path Chinese know too well, unfortunately.

If chian has to fight a war to diaplace US,that is not going to happen as along as CCP is having the power,china cannot rather CCP cannot risk a long war.:-)

And vice versa - no country in the world can risk a war with China. Its simply out of the question. To take no 1 position by fighting the U.S.A is foolish dumb arsery.
If chian has to fight a war to diaplace US,that is not going to happen as along as CCP is having the power,china cannot rather CCP cannot risk a long war.:-)

it don't need to be China fighting a war with the US per se, US took the crown from the Brits not by fighting the Brits, but by waiting long enough before getting in a war that devastated the UK.

But to be fair, who are US gonna fight near the US? Canada, or Mexico?
well, you can wait your turn, but meh.
Bro, in history both U.S and China did the right thing to stand up to the Top1 ... all waiting for the chance from the opponent.

In WWI & WWII U.S didn't directly conflict with Great Britain, just waiting for Great Britain lost power during Europe Wars by their enemies. In Cold War U.S.A also didn't directly conflict with USSR, U.S waiting for USSR collapsed due to their failed economic reform.

So to be China ... waiting for the chance in future years:
1. Internal issues of financial system
2. Enemies make troubles to u & reduce ur power.

The history just repeat once and once again, there's no eternal ROME !:coffee: Waiting for U.S beats urselves due to Economic & Diplomatic mistakes.
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Bro, in history both U.S and China did the right thing to stand up to the Top1 ... all waiting for the chance from the opponent.

In WWI & WWII U.S didn't directly conflict with Great Britain, just waiting for Great Britain lost power during Europe Wars. In Cold War U.S.A also didn't directly conflict with USSR, U.S waiting for USSR collapsed due to failed economic reform.

So to be China ... waiting for the chance in future years:
1. Internal issues of financial system
2. Enemies make troubles to u & reduce ur power.

The history just repeat once and once again, there's no eternal ROME !:coffee:

The problem is, you fail to see one point. If and When US fail, the current superpower system will fail too.

Basically, it will be a multi-polar world to take over the US when US failed, and there will not be a single power great enough to lead or take charge in international affair.

That's why people keep calling the US - The last great superpower. Because after that, you have a globalisation world.

China will NEVER be a superpower, not because of it can't be, but rather the title will probably died with the US.
4/30/2015 @ 7:25上午 4,776 views

Just repeat what America did in the decades following WWII -

1) install a teraWatt of electricity-generating capacity

2) construct a manufacturing base that can support the world’s largest economy

3) develop a robust space program

4) develop an exceptional intelligence network and community

5) gain overwhelming economic and political influence over your neighbors, by hook or by crook

6) build schools, bridges, hospitals, roads and other infrastructure to cover at least 80% of your population,

7) assemble a high-tech conventional military that exceeds all others in size and capability, and

8) build a nuclear arsenal that has adequate first-strike capability against your primary opponents to deter not only an attack, but even just interference in your regional affairs.

Most importantly, your people have to overwhelmingly believe you’re going to reach these goals.

What Does China Have To DO To Become THE World Power? - Forbes

China doesn't need those!

Instead, what China urgently needs are:

1. Independent judiciary system, where LAW >>>>>>> Party (CPC or any party) and anyone

2. (PLA + Police) is loyal to China and Chinese people only, by law, not to a Party (CPC or any party).

3. TRUE freedom of speech, media, and association, ruled by law not by a Party (CPC or any party)

With only these 3 points , China could solve the grave problem of widespread social injustice and corruptions.

Only after the corruption and social injustice are solved or largely contained, China could expect a normal distribution of its Human Potential - so called Human Resources, like all the normal advanced Western and Far Eastern countries in the world generally have. Hence the smart part of (high IQ) Chinese people with high morals could become the central forces of China's upper and middle class - the true social elites who lead a country forward, unlike now where China's political, social and economical "elite" class are by and large low IQ, low moral, and corrupted.

Only after this, China could soon expect a (Han Chinese traditional) Cultural Renaissance, which is the prerequisite of any Technological Renaissance. In other words, without Cultural Renaissance, any Technological Renaissance would be weak and very short-lived.

Then, only then,
1.3 billion Chinese could make China rich (in terms of both GDP per cap and cultural -- both classical and pop -- world/regional leadership) and tenologically the world leader in majority of the fields within 1 or 2 generation or so.

China would therefore naturally become the world superpower as a result. No one can stop it, not even the combination of the entire West.

Therefore, the single biggest obstacle to the Chinese Dream is not the US, nor Japan, nor the West, but China's current low IQ, low moral and corrupted social, economical and political "elites" themselves.
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The problem is, you fail to see one point. If and When US fail, the current superpower system will fail too.

Basically, it will be a multi-polar world to take over the US when US failed, and there will not be a single power great enough to lead or take charge in international affair.

That's why people keep calling the US - The last great superpower. Because after that, you have a globalisation world.

China will NEVER be a superpower, not because of it can't be, but rather the title will probably died with the US.
HAHA ... the history development can not decided by one government or one nation, multi-polar world or a single power world ... it's just like "沧海一粟/a drop in the ocean" in thousands years of human history, if a single power world is good enough for human development, the ROME never DIE !!! :crazy:
HAHA ... the history development can not decided by one government or one nation, multi-polar world or a single power world ... it's just like "沧海一粟/a drop in the ocean" in thousands years of human history, if a single power world is good enough for us, the ROME never DIE !!! :crazy:

Well, you are too simple minded....

You should say, if one power is enough, then Chinese Dynasty will not change hand a hundred time in 5000 years.

What you are seeing is what you saw at present, but you did not see the future, staying in your history will not make you stronger, but in fact, by staying in the past, you ignore the world happening around you, which will almost always only do you more harm than good.

The world is going global, what Rome taught us is, no king last forever, what we have learn is, if there are kings, then there will be power struggle, so for the world to have future, there cannot be a king. This is what Roman fall teaches us.
Well, you are too simple minded....

You should say, if one power is enough, then Chinese Dynasty will not change hand a hundred time in 5000 years.

What you are seeing is what you saw at present, but you did not see the future, staying in your history will not make you stronger, but in fact, by staying in the past, you ignore the world happening around you, which will almost always only do you more harm than good.

The world is going global, what Rome taught us is, no king last forever, what we have learn is, if there are kings, then there will be power struggle, so for the world to have future, there cannot be a king. This is what Roman fall teaches us.

Rome collapsed. Han did not.

What history has taught us is that predicting the next ascendant power is tricky business. During Roman and Han times could any one have predicted that the backward people who paint their skin with woad and runes of protection in Britania would one day rule an empire that spanned the globe?

The number one position has been held by China numerous times in history and even now China is only in the infancy of Chinese resurgence.
Rome collapsed. Han did not.

What history has taught us is that predicting the next ascendant power is tricky business. During Roman and Han times could any one have predicted that the backward people who paint their skin with woad and runes of protection in Britania would one day rule an empire that spanned the globe?

The number one position has been held by China numerous times in history and even now China is only in the infancy of Chinese resurgence.

Han did collapsed. It break away into 2 dynasties. Han as a civilization stays on, much like the modern Italy is the shadow of the Roman Civilization, or Greek Culture to the East Roman Empire.

The fact to the matter is, you can already see globalisation is happening already, it's not 220BC or 400 AD anymore, there are no King of King like the Persian Xerxers or Darius. This is where the world is heading, and even China cannot be complete with the World, other have tried, none succeed, and it's quite vain to think otherwise.

By the way, China never held number 1 position, it was in a way, one of the great in many occasion, but who can say the great Persian Empire, Roman Empire or even Ottoman empire are some what less influential than the Chinese Empire??
Han did collapsed. It break away into 2 dynasties. Han as a civilization stays on, much like the modern Italy is the shadow of the Roman Civilization, or Greek Culture to the East Roman Empire.

The fact to the matter is, you can already see globalisation is happening already, it's not 220BC or 400 AD anymore, there are no King of King like the Persian Xerxers or Darius. This is where the world is heading, and even China cannot be complete with the World, other have tried, none succeed, and it's quite vain to think otherwise.

By the way, China never held number 1 position, it was in a way, one of the great in many occasion, but who can say the great Persian Empire, Roman Empire or even Ottoman empire are some what less influential than the Chinese Empire??

There are many charts around showing Chinese gdp as a percentage of world gdp. A casual glance of any atlas will show if the current Chinese state is a shadow of its former self.

The world changes that is true but China has been around through all that change and remained a massive pillar of human achievement,
no king last forever, what we have learn is, if there are kings, then there will be power struggle, so for the world to have future, there cannot be a king. This is what Roman fall teaches us.
It seems u got my point ... lol, In past "no king last forever" (u said), at today "no superpower last forever" (i said) ... the human history repeat never end in U.S ... whatever here China just waiting for mistakes made by US themselves.
when need is met then comes greed which one cant fulfil ..
China doesn't need those!

Instead, what China urgently needs are:

1. Independent judiciary system, where LAW >>>>>>> Party (CPC or any party) and anyone

2. (PLA + Police) is loyal to China and Chinese people only, by law, not to a Party (CPC or any party).

3. TRUE freedom of speech, media, and association, ruled by law not by a Party (CPC or any party)

With only these 3 points , China could solve the grave problem of widespread social injustice and corruptions.
Sounds like PRC soon to become another TaiWan ... LOL !
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