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What Does China Have To DO To Become THE World Power?

Those stupid ideas will only leave China to become headless.

Who gonna control PLA if it is not CPC? The rich lobbyists right?

Yeah, let's the rich control everything, and Chinese people keep getting enslaved just like 100 years ago.

You know why KMT today has losing its position? Because of giving up the control on the SOE and military.

Chiang Ching Kuo was the biggest idiot of all time, even a bigger joke than his father. No wonder he got a such brilliant successor!

And no, how can China become the second largest economy when running by a bunch of political idiots?

We are not naturally superpower, without CPC, we are practically fcked.

During the pre-CPC era, we even cannot defend ourselves against a tiny Japan, let alone against the entire West.


It is can be said that you don't know, or at least don't want to face the truth, why China is strong today. It is not because of 1 single person or party, but because of the hard work and the sacrifice of entire 2-3 generations of Chinese people, most imporantly the so called "migrant workers" , most of who work best parts of their lifes getting a pittyful salary making the shinning cities of China and countless ships of export for China today.

The Party didn't make those great things. The only 2 things the party has done are:

i. allow Chinese people to get rich ( ironically , without the party 1980s' China would have been like 2015's China, and mighty tiger you didn't need to leave your seemingly beloved China and take a refuge in a third-world poor country like Canada today) , and

ii. by "allowing" normal Chinese people to live as said in i, the Party has taken the lion share of the wealth created by the Chinese people in the process, bearing in mind that those migrant workers have been working very hard and getting a very low salary already. A heavy cut in their salary to make low iq, corrupted and parasitical party members millionaires, if not billionaire, enjoying their and their families' high/low lifes in Canada, Australia and the US with multiple high end real estates, is a slam in the face of morals of any decent human being, a crime against the decency of humanity if you ask me.

The question is not why today's China is strong, but why today's China wasn't much much stronger?

The further question is not why China could or could not achieve superpower in the future, but why China hasn't achived it already long ago, given the fact China has 1.3 billion higherly intelligent hard-working people - literally the signle biggest and best human resources in the world?

Whom should PLA serve? How about serve the country - China? and the normal Chinese people? not some party members.

Apparently you don't seem to have a clue on why China lost to Japan pre-WW2 and suffered unbearable losses in WW2 either. It was bacause of the much weaker industrial might of agricultural China at a time, which in essence thanks to, guess whom, another great bunch of dear low IQ, low moral, and utterly corrupted "Party officials" - the late Chïng Dynasty officials.

Last not least, throughout history China's greatest asset ever has always been the normal Chinese people, their intelligence, industrialness, discipline, and determination, not some party members or little emporers. China's natural role of being a superpower is because of Chinese people as a whole being an unstoppable superpower force, not because of some low iq corrupted party members, who instead are the real obstacle indeed denying Chinese people's true glory in the sun. If China had done like KMD did in Taiwan in the 1990s, today's China would probably have already taken over the US in most technological fields already, and a tiger like you wouldn't have to hide in a 3rd world hole like Canada in the first place, would you?
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It is can be said that you don't know, or at least don't want to face the truth, why China is strong today. It is not because of 1 single person or party, but because of the hard work and the sacrifice of entire 2-3 generations of Chinese people, most imporantly the so called "migrant workers" , most of who work best parts of their lifes getting a pittyful salary making the shinning cities of China and countless ships of export for China today.

The Party didn't make those great things. The only 2 things the party has done are:

i. allow Chinese people to get rich ( ironically , without the party 1980s' China would have been like 2015's China, and mighty tiger you didn't need to leave your seemingly beloved China and take a refuge in a third-world poor country like Canada today) , and

ii. by "allowing" normal Chinese people to live as said in i, the Party has taken the lion share of the wealth created by the Chinese people in the process, bearing in mind that those migrant workers have been working very hard and getting a very low salary already. A heavy cut in their salary to make low iq, corrupted and parasitical party members millionaires, if not billionaire, enjoying their and their families' high/low lifes in Canada, Australia and the US with multiple high end real estates, is a slam in the face of morals of any decent human being, a crime against the decency of humanity if you ask me.

The question is not why today's China is strong, but why today's China wasn't much much stronger?

The further question is not why China could or could not achieve superpower in the future, but why China hasn't achived it already long ago, given the fact China has 1.3 billion higherly intelligent hard-working people - literally the signle biggest and best human resources in the world?

Whom should PLA serve? How about serve the country - China? and the normal Chinese people? not some party members.

Apparently you don't seem to have a clue on why China lost to Japan pre-WW2 and suffered unbearable losses in WW2 either. It was bacause of the much weaker industrial might of agricultural China at a time, which in essence thanks to, guess whom, another great bunch of dear low IQ, low moral, and utterly corrupted "Party officials" - the late Chïng Dynasty officials.

Last not least, throughout history China's greatest asset ever has always been the normal Chinese people, their intelligence, industrialness, discipline, and determination, not some party members or little emporers. China's natural role of being a superpower is because of Chinese people as a whole being an unstoppable superpower force, not because of some low iq corrupted party members, who instead are the real obstacle indeed denying Chinese people's true glory in the sun. If China had done like KMD did in Taiwan in the 1990s, today's China would probably have already taken over the US in most technological fields already, and a tiger like you wouldn't have to hide in a 3rd world hole like Canada in the first place, would you?

Without CPC's rule, China can never become united, and the civil wars between the warlords would never end.

Then forget about the development.

Why KMT never got a chance to industrialize China, but CPC can? It has to do with the government, without a strong powerful government, China is just the scattered sand where the enemy can take it one by one.

Thanks to Mao and his CPC comrades, China is becoming united with a lot of room for the development.

China always needs to be ruled by a strong centralized government in order to maintain the stability, that was born in our gene.

The purge against the corruption can never be stopped, but CPC's root can also never be forgotten.
Your question is irrelevant. What matters is net assets, and you're considerably more exposed. Sure, you have lots of houses owned by Chinese nationals in the US market. With Chinese people inside of them :)

No, housing market is only ONE OF THE FOREIGN HOLD ASSET.

You have about 100 Chinese Company in NYSE, how many US Company have listing and asset in China??

N share - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why do so many Chinese companies IPO in the US? Does China have a deep public market? - Quora

What you are talking about GM, and Apple, they are hard asset, you seize them, what you seize is some unship IPhone, real estate (Which mostly rental as China have forbade foreigner Own Chinese Real Estate), chairs, table, or so on.

But if US seize the 100 Chinese Company, they seize revenue, that include Stocks, Hard and Soft Asset, Liquid Asset (Money), Trading Right.

And then you have Chinese Business that were not listed in NYSE, and then individual investment.

So tell me, who will hurt more??

There aren't even 2 trillion Japanese assets in the US (not counting treasuries). China would pick you clean.

lol you think??

Do you even know how many US-Japan Join venture in both Nekki and NYSE?? Sony Alone is multi-billion business, and Samsung have a share in google, how many US asset is in South Korea??

Maybe do some research before you type??

And then we have Asset in SK, Taiwan, Thailand, India, Pakistan, are you gonna seie them all too??

Very little. I'd be surprised if it was over $200billion cumulatively, and most of it physically occupied by Chinese nationals.

LOL< go search N-stock in China, and tell me how much all those 100 Chinese Company worth, then you will have an idea how much revenue US is holding those chinese government

Talk is cheap, it's time for some action

It's likely they will work out a deal once they get screwed over by your refusal to repay your debts, and I'm not talking Japan or Korea. Americans are significantly exposed to Southeast Asia, and Southeast Asians will be pissed at your unilateral declaration of never repaying your debts :) So will Arabs and Russia.

lol, you are too late, even China pissed at US non-repayment, yet, they keep buying the US bond, I wonder why??
Doesn't matter how bad my "Chinglish". you sure get my point :lol:.

it's not about Chinglish, but the word itself and how you express your point.

Chinglish is a sort of expression, I understand Chinglish as I speak Chinese too, but what you were saying does not make sense, even if you are using Chinglish
it's not about Chinglish, but the word itself and how you express your point.

Chinglish is a sort of expression, I understand Chinglish as I speak Chinese too, but what you were saying does not make sense, even if you are using Chinglish

Believe me, it made perfect sense what I said -> 明修栈道,暗渡陈仓 :azn:
It is can be said that you don't know, or at least don't want to face the truth, why China is strong today. It is not because of 1 single person or party, but because of the hard work and the sacrifice of entire 2-3 generations of Chinese people, most imporantly the so called "migrant workers" , most of who work best parts of their lifes getting a pittyful salary making the shinning cities of China and countless ships of export for China today.

The Party didn't make those great things. The only 2 things the party has done are:

i. allow Chinese people to get rich ( ironically , without the party 1980s' China would have been like 2015's China, and mighty tiger you didn't need to leave your seemingly beloved China and take a refuge in a third-world poor country like Canada today) , and

ii. by "allowing" normal Chinese people to live as said in i, the Party has taken the lion share of the wealth created by the Chinese people in the process, bearing in mind that those migrant workers have been working very hard and getting a very low salary already. A heavy cut in their salary to make low iq, corrupted and parasitical party members millionaires, if not billionaire, enjoying their and their families' high/low lifes in Canada, Australia and the US with multiple high end real estates, is a slam in the face of morals of any decent human being, a crime against the decency of humanity if you ask me.

The question is not why today's China is strong, but why today's China wasn't much much stronger?

The further question is not why China could or could not achieve superpower in the future, but why China hasn't achived it already long ago, given the fact China has 1.3 billion higherly intelligent hard-working people - literally the signle biggest and best human resources in the world?

Whom should PLA serve? How about serve the country - China? and the normal Chinese people? not some party members.

Apparently you don't seem to have a clue on why China lost to Japan pre-WW2 and suffered unbearable losses in WW2 either. It was bacause of the much weaker industrial might of agricultural China at a time, which in essence thanks to, guess whom, another great bunch of dear low IQ, low moral, and utterly corrupted "Party officials" - the late Chïng Dynasty officials.

Last not least, throughout history China's greatest asset ever has always been the normal Chinese people, their intelligence, industrialness, discipline, and determination, not some party members or little emporers. China's natural role of being a superpower is because of Chinese people as a whole being an unstoppable superpower force, not because of some low iq corrupted party members, who instead are the real obstacle indeed denying Chinese people's true glory in the sun. If China had done like KMD did in Taiwan in the 1990s, today's China would probably have already taken over the US in most technological fields already, and a tiger like you wouldn't have to hide in a 3rd world hole like Canada in the first place, would you?

So if the government doesn't matter why was the KMT unable to use 37 years to mobilize the populace? Why did Qing Dynasty fail? Why was it that India has hard science Nobel Prize winners yet their countries can barely manufacture a bicycle and Vietnam's Fields medal isn't worth much when the highest form of transport in the country is the motorbike?

Its simple logic - you fail before, you fail again until you prove otherwise. You win once, you keep winning. That's how we evaluate employees and students, why not governments?
What is required of China to become a "world power"?
It will come as we are progressing forward within our plans
If it comes, then the world would recognise it
No need to over-stretching ourselves and getting fussy over these

Applies perfectly to India.

A lot worse in India as shenanigans and abundant human tragedies are filling their fake democracy over the brims


Jingdezhen (Jiangxi) fine porcelain display plate
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It is can be said that you don't know, or at least don't want to face the truth, why China is strong today. It is not because of 1 single person or party, but because of the hard work and the sacrifice of entire 2-3 generations of Chinese people, most imporantly the so called "migrant workers" , most of who work best parts of their lifes getting a pittyful salary making the shinning cities of China and countless ships of export for China today.

The Party didn't make those great things. The only 2 things the party has done are:

i. allow Chinese people to get rich ( ironically , without the party 1980s' China would have been like 2015's China, and mighty tiger you didn't need to leave your seemingly beloved China and take a refuge in a third-world poor country like Canada today) , and

ii. by "allowing" normal Chinese people to live as said in i, the Party has taken the lion share of the wealth created by the Chinese people in the process, bearing in mind that those migrant workers have been working very hard and getting a very low salary already. A heavy cut in their salary to make low iq, corrupted and parasitical party members millionaires, if not billionaire, enjoying their and their families' high/low lifes in Canada, Australia and the US with multiple high end real estates, is a slam in the face of morals of any decent human being, a crime against the decency of humanity if you ask me.

The question is not why today's China is strong, but why today's China wasn't much much stronger?

The further question is not why China could or could not achieve superpower in the future, but why China hasn't achived it already long ago, given the fact China has 1.3 billion higherly intelligent hard-working people - literally the signle biggest and best human resources in the world?

Whom should PLA serve? How about serve the country - China? and the normal Chinese people? not some party members.

Apparently you don't seem to have a clue on why China lost to Japan pre-WW2 and suffered unbearable losses in WW2 either. It was bacause of the much weaker industrial might of agricultural China at a time, which in essence thanks to, guess whom, another great bunch of dear low IQ, low moral, and utterly corrupted "Party officials" - the late Chïng Dynasty officials.

Last not least, throughout history China's greatest asset ever has always been the normal Chinese people, their intelligence, industrialness, discipline, and determination, not some party members or little emporers. China's natural role of being a superpower is because of Chinese people as a whole being an unstoppable superpower force, not because of some low iq corrupted party members, who instead are the real obstacle indeed denying Chinese people's true glory in the sun. If China had done like KMD did in Taiwan in the 1990s, today's China would probably have already taken over the US in most technological fields already, and a tiger like you wouldn't have to hide in a 3rd world hole like Canada in the first place, would you?
The problem with you is that you think running Taiwan is the same as running China. That's like saying running a local business is the same as running a international corporation. The KMT runned China from 1928 to 1949 and they completed zilch. There is a reason why the KMT lost the war to the CCP. Because the Communists were better at both fighting the war as administrating the area's they control compared to the KMT. The KMT for example couldn't eradicate opium use in all those years they ruled the country the Communists did that in just a few years after coming to power. That is because the KMT were making money from the opium themselves! The KMT even in its heydays during the Nanking decade (1928 - 1937) couldn't defeat all the warlords and were never in full control of the country, once again the Communist did that in a few years after coming to power. Even today Taiwan is losing out against China in business as we speak. Yes, in the early years the CCP made mistakes under Mao and China would have been better off today if it wasn't for those mistakes. But that is now in the past and today China is kicking Taiwan at its own game! Another mistake you make is that you think that the Chinese people can't fully deploy and develop themselves under the CCP. And there you are wrong again China couldn't have come so far and so fast without its people blossoming and putting their talents to good use.

You Can not be a world power with suppression of you r citizen and having a closed system with poor human right record and very bad relations with your neighbor. People see the emergence of these sort of Nation as the destabilizing factor and evil. When you can not win the trust and love of your citizen, how can you expect that whole world will accept you.
China has beter relations with its neighbours than India. The average Chinese live much better than the average Indian and that's a fact no matter how much you talk about human rights. Not winning the trust of its people ? Have you been paying attention to the Chinese members posts here ?
... And there you are wrong again China couldn't have come so far and so fast without its people blossoming and putting their talents to good use.


The point is NOT how strong China has become today.

The point is what if otherwise?

However, there're no what-ifs in history.

CPC won over KMT in 1949 showed:

that China was probably better ruled by CPC in the era of 1940s other than KMT. That's about it.

It didn't show CPC would be better than KMT in 1960s, or 70s, or 80s, or 90s, ..or today.

That means:
yes, CPC perhaps hasn't been too aweful, but KMT could have been better or much better

Under current CPC, 99% of all officials are corrupted. Under current KMT probably 10%. Who is better?

Surely China has come a long way today, but it would be much better to have free media, free speech and independent judiciary system in the process, because it will surely benefit common Chinese folks with more social justice, much less corruptions, much more efficient use and allocations of human resources and China's total assets which have been built by the common folks in the first place.

All these will lead to higher growth, more quality growth, happlier society & people, cleaner environment & air, much more privite innovations and patents, much higher average salaries, much stronger (&more sustained) economy, millitary, cultural influences etc hard & soft power around the world, and hence eventually inevitable statue of back to "the Central Kingdom". .

I don't give a flying hook on which party rules China really.

What I abolutely give a darn, however, is that Chinese people must have free media, free speech, and independent judiciary system, which are the absolute must-haves now for China and the Chinese to prosper continuously in this century and beyond.

And yes, it might be dangerous at the moment when China does so, because other powers might try to take advantage of some inevitable weaknesses of China shown in this transition. But this transition is the absolute right thing, healthy thing and moral thing to do. I have no doubt about it.

The point is NOT how strong China has become today.

The point is what if otherwise?

However, there're no what-ifs in history.

CPC won over KMT in 1949 showed:

that China was probably better ruled by CPC in the era of 1940s other than KMT. That's about it.

It didn't show CPC would be better than KMT in 1960s, or 70s, or 80s, or 90s, ..or today.

That means:
yes, CPC perhaps hasn't been too aweful, but KMT could have been better or much better

Under current CPC, 99% of all officials are corrupted. Under current KMT probably 10%. Who is better?

Surely China has come a long way today, but it would be much better to have free media, free speech and independent judiciary system in the process, because it will surely benefit common Chinese folks with more social justice, much less corruptions, much more efficient use and allocations of human resources and China's total assets which have been built by the common folks in the first place.

All these will lead to higher growth, more quality growth, happlier society & people, cleaner environment & air, much more privite innovations and patents, much higher average salaries, much stronger (&more sustained) economy, millitary, cultural influences etc hard & soft power around the world, and hence eventually inevitable statue of back to "the Central Kingdom". .

I don't give a flying hook on which party rules China really.

What I abolutely give a darn, however, is that Chinese people must have free media, free speech, and independent judiciary system, which are the absolute must-haves now for China and the Chinese to prosper continuously in this century and beyond.

And yes, it might be dangerous at the moment when China does so, because other powers might try to take advantage of some inevitable weaknesses of China shown in this transition. But this transition is the absolute right thing, healthy thing and moral thing to do. I have no doubt about it.
Only 10% of KMT officials was/is corrupt ?:blink: You must be smoking some bad canola. Yes, the CCP is corrupt but despite their corruption they can get things done. And that's the point.

And all those things you mentioned:

All these will lead to higher growth, more quality growth, happlier society & people, cleaner environment & air, much more privite innovations and patents, much higher average salaries, much stronger (&more sustained) economy, millitary, cultural influences etc hard & soft power around the world, and hence eventually inevitable statue of back to "the Central Kingdom". .

is happening in China today. Go read up on the Chinese economic thread and go to the Chinese military forum. You can find all those things are already happening in China today under the CCP. You can find that information right here on PDF.

Look I don't care who runs the country, but I do care about how well its run and what they are doing for the country and the people. I and I think the majority of the Chinese would have no problem supporting the KMT if they had deliverd when they were running the mainland. They had decades the time to do something for the country and they failed. The CCP like I said many times here have made mistakes in the past and I think they are still making mistakes today but they have done more for the country in the last 36 years than anyone else.

The what if question is moot, pointless and useless. Like what if the dinosaurs never went extinct ?
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Rome collapsed. Han did not.

What history has taught us is that predicting the next ascendant power is tricky business. During Roman and Han times could any one have predicted that the backward people who paint their skin with woad and runes of protection in Britania would one day rule an empire that spanned the globe?

The number one position has been held by China numerous times in history and even now China is only in the infancy of Chinese resurgence.

China never had the number one position in history,it was only a regional power in its backyard.Only two countries truly achieved that goal:the British empire and the US.
China never had the number one position in history,it was only a regional power in its backyard.Only two countries truly achieved that goal:the British empire and the US.

Under what parameters?

GDP? Most certainly China held no.1 numerous times, probably the most.

Population? Again.

Technology? Most certainly.

Culture is too subjective to judge.

Military? Not world wide with power projection like the U.s and Britain but this is only one parameter. China was, has and is still one of the strongest military.

Longevity? definitely.

Empires come and go and the Chinese live on and see all others fall.
Under what parameters?

GDP? Most certainly China held no.1 numerous times, probably the most.

Population? Again.

Technology? Most certainly.

Culture is too subjective to judge.

Military? Not world wide with power projection like the U.s and Britain but this is only one parameter. China was, has and is still one of the strongest military.

Longevity? definitely.

Empires come and go and the Chinese live on and see all others fall.

True,i was refering to power projection ,more to the point to bend others across the globe to your will,by force if need be.In the end you need this ultimate ingredient to be THE major player.
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