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what do you think who is behind to creating insurgency in pakistan

TTP Taliban couldn't carry out such sophisticated attacks themselves.

There is a foreign force working with TTP Taliban against Pakistan. A foreign force who has all the equipment, intelligence, and resources to carry out such attacks and also hates the existence of Pakistan more than anything.
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man you only alleged Taliban it is not fair for you if you are Pakistani if no than may be :smokin:

But it is the Taliban........... How can you say it's not when it clearly is lol...... That's like saying "Who created the insurgency in Afghanistan? Batman did" LOL. :lol:
TTP Taliban couldn't carry out such sophisticated attacks themselves.

There is a foreign force working with TTP Taliban against Pakistan. A foreign force who has all the equipment, intelligence, and resources to carry out such attacks and also hates the existence of Pakistan more than anything.

Omar as fatman pointed out in other thread there is a possibility that local groups like LeT and JuD provided logistical support..Those groups are banned in Pakistan now and they prefer some groups who encourage their actions will be on power..

As you know Mumbai terror attacks was a new level of terrorism..They were not mere terrorists who blown themselves in a mob but were well trained people ..Its not hard for them to provide logistics and intelligence to TTP..and mind you If TTP get the same level of training as Mumbai terrorists did then I have to say it will be pretty hard for the Pakistan and India ...
Omar as fatman pointed out in other thread there is a possibility that local groups like LeT and JuD provided logistical support..Those groups are banned in Pakistan now and they prefer some groups who encourage their actions will be on power..

As you know Mumbai terror attacks was a new level of terrorism..They were not mere terrorists who blown themselves in a mob but were well trained people ..Its not hard for them to provide logistics and intelligence to TTP..and mind you If TTP get the same level of training as Mumbai terrorists did then I have to say it will be pretty hard for the Pakistan and India ...

TTP and LeT had disagreements before, LeT said it can never fight against Pakistan, their fight is over India Occupied Kashmir, and TTP told LeT to get out of their region ie FATA/NWFP, this was back in the beginning of this year.

Besides, LeT has neither the resources, intelligence, or that much power to help TTP carry out these sophisticated, well-planned attacks in the same week....if they did they would already reach their primary goal which was to free India Occupied Kashmir from India.
TTP and LeT had disagreements before, LeT said it can never fight against Pakistan, their fight is over India Occupied Kashmir, and TTP told LeT to get out of their region ie FATA/NWFP, this was back in the beginning of this year.

Besides, LeT has neither the resources, intelligence, or that much power to help TTP carry out these sophisticated, well-planned attacks in the same week....if they did they would already reach their primary goal which was to free India Occupied Kashmir from India.

It is clear that the aim of LeT is not Kashmir. If it was Kashmir why did they attacked Mumbai.
TTP and LeT had disagreements before, LeT said it can never fight against Pakistan, their fight is over India Occupied Kashmir, and TTP told LeT to get out of their region ie FATA/NWFP, this was back in the beginning of this year.

Besides, LeT has neither the resources, intelligence, or that much power to help TTP carry out these sophisticated, well-planned attacks in the same week....if they did they would already reach their primary goal which was to free India Occupied Kashmir from India.

Omar this month only Pakistan government indicted Let heads...They are pissed off at you as they were at us..For them they needed a safe heaven for their activities ..with the recent actions done by the Pakistan Govt against these groups made them work together against the common enemy and also not too long ago TTP declared that after Pakistan India will be their target
It is amazing that so many Pakistanis are scared to death of "Blackwater"! How hard could it be to find and kill all the Yankees who are doing this?** Come on, are the Pakistani forces and intelligence so pi$$ poor that they can't neutralize a few American contractors? It's ridiculous.

**Hint, it is so hard because Blackwater isn't actually doing anything that the ISI doesn't know about and approve of ........
In my opinion our lusty and fool politician are responsible first secondly US,INDIA AND ISRAEL because the passage given to NATO for supplies to Afghanistan is used to transport indian/US provided explosives distributed to militants in FATA by organized RAW agents which in turn train Poor an ignorant people there for sucide attacks.

summary:People of pakistan should stand against these beast politicians to stop the NATO supplies/support from pakistan then all thing will autimatically be settled.
In my opinion our lusty and fool politician are responsible first secondly US,INDIA AND ISRAEL because the passage given to NATO for supplies to Afghanistan is used to transport indian/US provided explosives distributed to militants in FATA by organized RAW agents which in turn train Poor an ignorant people there for sucide attacks.

summary:People of pakistan should stand against these beast politicians to stop the NATO supplies/support from pakistan then all thing will autimatically be settled.

yes i agree with you but
with the bad policies of politicians there is Black Water who is most involving in all terror attack:sniper:

i thing it is multifunction theory the terror using know with their mutual setup.
But it is the Taliban........... How can you say it's not when it clearly is lol...... That's like saying "Who created the insurgency in Afghanistan? Batman did" LOL. :lol:

but how much you surly to say that there is all Taliban,s:cool:
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