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What do you have to say about PDF?


Nov 15, 2012
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To all members!

For fun as well as communication. Comment about the current state of the forum.

Q1. What do you like about PDF?

Q.2. What don't you like about PDF?

Q. 3. What would you like to see changed?

Not for trolling but do have fun.
I'll go first.

A1. The learned members and the ability to share my ideas with them and learn from them especially about other countries and their people. Love making friends here. You guys are awesome!

A2. The trolling :( why, yar? Makes me sad because it's not even good trolling just street level comments.

A3. Less trolling :D More members

To all members!

For fun as well as communication. Comment about the current state of the forum.

Q1. What do you like about PDF?

Q.2. What don't you like about PDF?

Q. 3. What would you like to see changed?

Not for trolling but do have fun.
Think it's because we have to discuss political and current affairs too and most net savvy people are pro-PTI
It should be military forum....But it became political forum especially a brand ambassador for PTI.

:D I'm apolitical :)
Nahi, yar, mods aren't usually political I'm sorry you felt that way hopefully your perception would change. Bas it so happens people get heated up and the opposing side becomes abusive so it becomes so that they have to be moderated. Just my thoughts.
Make this forum a positive debating point for military bot political bashing arena....Install mods who don't have political associations.

You din't gave me a chance :lol:

@Maarkhoor sorry, bro, I'm a little impatient XD
During my time the member's area was buzzing the most. I sort of miss that.
mods aren't usually political
See my negative ratting...I don't have in years but recently got it from a female mod who openly support PTI....

I don't support any political party because I think current system of Govt is not good for Pakistan so we must need to change it first hence I call my self Politically atheist...But still got hitting when I criticize PTI govt.

sorry, bro, I'm a little impatient XD
Not an issue hence "Sorry" not required...After a long time I am discussing something with friendly Moderator. Thanks for being active again.
Q1. What do you like about PDF?
That I can communicate with you lot across the border without the filter of sansani news etc

What don't you like about PDF?
Lately, being arbitrarily banned without a reason provided.

We have different points of views, so unless someone crosses the bounds of decency etc, why silence and gag people ? You guys are my real news, I also give you on the ground real news from here.. as do other Indians with differing perspectives than mine.

What would you like to see changed?
just be fair in moderating/censoring content.. echo chambers do not help anyone.
Thank you for your comment, bro; it's good to be back, most mods are awesome people they just get a little worn out by the modding they have to do. We're human it affects us too.

Brother, I'll look into it, if it was done then it was wrong but I wasn't here back then so I can't be certain but I'll certainly look into it. We don't want to give this message that we don't welcome people with different political affiliations.
Back in my day here as a youngian I had heated debates with @Zarvan he and I didn't see eye to eye in almost anything but he and I are still on good terms and I always enjoyed talking to him :) I was so happy to see him still active here.
See my negative ratting...I don't have in years but recently got it from a female mod who openly support PTI....

I don't support any political party because I think current system of Govt is not good for Pakistan so we must need to change it first hence I call my self Politically atheist...But still got hitting when I criticize PTI govt.

Not an issue hence "Sorry" not required...After a long time I am discussing something with friendly Moderator. Thanks for being active again.

Taken, brother, if there are faults on our sides, I assure you we'll look into it. Our purpose is to make PDF feel like home to you and opposing views are more than welcomed. We're planning on making changes in the modding and you'll soon be updated. We'd definitely make the process more transparent. I hope you have a nicer stay here from now on.
That I can communicate with you lot across the border without the filter of sansani news etc

Lately, being arbitrarily banned without a reason provided.

We have different points of views, so unless someone crosses the bounds of decency etc, why silence and gag people ? You guys are my real news, I also give you on the ground real news from here.. as do other Indians with differing perspectives than mine.

just be fair in moderating/censoring content.. echo chambers do not help anyone.
Q1. What do you like about PDF?

PDF is a very dynamic forum full of people with different nationalities and opinions. As far as I have experienced, it is the only forum around that deals in defence and politics (and more) that is also so active with such a wide array of different people.

Q.2. What don't you like about PDF?

Like you stated yourself, there are few members that have nothing better to do with their time than to troll. Sadly, when you have a forum as dynamic as PDF, it will naturally also effect people with that type of character.

Q. 3. What would you like to see changed?

I think the administrations and moderators do a fantastic job. if I had to make one suggestion at this moment in time would be to create a mod for the middle east section. I am aware the forum has "international" moderator for sections such as Iranian, Turkish and Chinese forum. I think we could also do with one for the middle east section given quite a few trolls base themselves there.
Imran bahi, long time! I hope you're well. I wasn't expecting that you'd come here :) it's nice to see you, I hope you remember me. I was shocked to see some of your responses I used to look up to you and @MastanKhan :( I hope ap thora hath hola rakh lien gaye, just my request but it's still great to see you!
no changes wanted

@Mr Robot
Hey, you know you remind me of myself when I first came here. It was awesome to meet you here!

Precisely why I joined too. I was promoted for these back then and was just overwhelmed that my thoughts were welcomed here, you may like to check 'em out:


PDF is a very dynamic forum full of people with different nationalities and opinions. As far as I have experienced, it is the only forum around that deals in defence and politics (and more) that is also so active with such a wide array of different people.

Have some changes planned for this aspect.

Like you stated yourself, there are few members that have nothing better to do with their time than to troll. Sadly, when you have a forum as dynamic as PDF, it will naturally also effect people with that type of character.

This is right now priority number one. I'm hopeful that the changes we've discussed would be in effect from within this week and the focus is on this issue as well.
I think the administrations and moderators do a fantastic job. if I had to make one suggestion at this moment in time would be to create a mod for the middle east section. I am aware the forum has "international" moderator for sections such as Iranian, Turkish and Chinese forum. I think we could also do with one for the middle east section given quite a few trolls base themselves there.
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