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What do u think is the way forward for Pakistan?

proper leadership, accountability; anti-corruption efforts; honest and disciplined management of state entities and state institutions (avoiding regional-type politics) investing more in training of police to ensure better law & order; media ethics......list goes on
First foremost make peace with india and patch up.
2nd Internal social reforms.
3rd Rooting out all sort of active violent groups.
4th Integrate economy with neighbors and economic reforms.
the way forward for pakistan hmmm

1. let the army train the common people of there duties and liberties

2. total weed owt of feudal system

3. make Police and civil services free from plotical interfearences

4. let the conpiracy therorist and rumor mongers is solitary confienment and keep mullahas away from politics

5. above all teach common pakistani why and who were reali behind the creation of pakistan and what there wested interests have brought to pakistan

6. teach common pakistani that muib ul wtan means love for ones nation not hate for the others(India )

7. stop thekedaaree of the world and concentrate more on the growth of there own society and nation

last but not the least love your fellow citizens not on there relegious background but on there merit ...if pakistanies have guts follow these simple steps as they say things some times are just that simple it onli takes a brave leadership with honest intentions to do that but publikk sentiments should also be there to take hard steps for better future other wise keep waiting for a mesiahh to rescue you llzzzz

i agreed with some of your points till i saw garbage like number 5 where u basically insult the creation of Pakistan which was a legitimate movement...and youre nobody to question it

oh and may I request that you utilize a spell checker because honestly man, it does no justice to you to have the spelling of a "slow" person
i agreed with some of your points till i saw garbage like number 5 where u basically insult the creation of Pakistan which was a legitimate movement...and youre nobody to question it

oh and may I request that you utilize a spell checker because honestly man, it does no justice to you to have the spelling of a "slow" person

bhai mere shukriya but never think that we indians regret being sepprated by pakistan well thats the biggest thing ever happened to india and hindus in genral in last 1000 years or so but to tell the truth there is one alama masherki of pakistan take his vies in this context and youl know but yeah i do spell bad but its ok as they say ...BHAWNAO KO SAMJHO YAAR HE HE HE HE


kindly google his views on partition and pakistan movement
"Distorted History" speech by Allama Mashriqi's Grandson, Nasim Yousaf (Scholar & Historian) - YouTube
No jamati yet on this thread claiming that Pakistan is today like this only because it deviated from the path of Islam. I guess they have nothing constructive to offer. Nice posts by somebozo et all though.
Education......good healthy education to the masses is the only way forward for Pakistan at this messey time .
And plzz for gods sake bring some validity and truth in your history books !!
Change the education system particularly the social sciences and history . Tell your kids the truth , both that of glory and shame .

Reign in the mullahs and armed forces .

Everything else will fall into place .
While I have great love and admiration for ZAB, he did have his faults, not least about the East Pakistan debacle. I am ambivalent about his socialist tendencies: certainly, extreme laissez faire capitalism needs to be reined in, but private entrepreneurship must also be supported.

I would also like the army to take out the feudals, but I can understand why they can't do it. Can you imagine the uproar, especially from the liberals and the global media, if the army did such a thing? International pressure would force the army to restore the feudals back to their perch. The feudals hide behind the charade of democracy, and are supported by their foreign champions of "democracy" who wish to keep Pakistan mired in this morass. Propping up dictators is not the only way to keep a country down.

That is why the only way out of this mess is through a civilian, democratic revolution. Once the right leadership with the proper mindset comes to town, getting rid of the feudals is a piece of cake. Carefully tailored legislation can make their life so miserable that they would willingly surrender their lands unless they can provide proper restitution to their serfs.

ZAB was nothing but another fedual like Zardari & Co.

The bolded part is your own hidden fear, nothing to do with reality. There will be no uproar if the army confiscates their lands and forces them into truce or exile. Same has happened everywhere in the world and nothing special if it happens in Pakistan. We can also hide behind the charade of democracy.

Our army is mostly responsible for the fedual mess we see today.
Mush reinstated all the corrupt politicians through NRO.
Zia did not take out the feduals despite being in power to do so.

I am not saying everyone must be taken out, we need land reforms. Hundreds of waderas in Sindh, only few are bad apples with big influence. Many are just small land owners and are struggling for their bread and butter.
Build a national identity to promote strong social cohesion, unity and peace.

Ban on all religious parties + anyone using religion to compete in politics.

reduce the influence of religion in affairs if state - separate of mosque and state.

Take out the manipulated and rootless history from national text books and replace it with the true history of the region starting from the ancient period. Islam came to Pakistan just like Christianity, Bhuddism and Hinduism also came. There is nothing special about the invaders in the name of Islam when much of the rural Pakistan is still adheres to jahilya era customs and traditions.

A strong national economic policy to promote industrialization, manufacturing, services and high tech sectors of Pakistan.

The tribal areas need to be integrated into the society at fifth province, time to modernize or face the force. No more idotic pukthoon wali codes and "ealaqa ghair" status. Similarly no more Waderas and Sardars in Sindh and baluchistan. These people should be asked to pack their bags and leave. If they want to feel like an emperor they should find an island to buy. Dubai has got some for sale.

Deweaponisation of entire country, disbanding of all political partners and much larger integration under a limited 2 or 3 party system.

Reach a settlement with Afghanistan, our national security lies in mutual respect of each other interest. Presence of NATO, Ruskies and Americans don't help anyone else. Indians will find no place in Afghanistan if Pakistan can come to accept the reality of government in Kabul. Build a strong regional alliance with China, CAR, Afghanistan and Russia.

Kashmir has been forever occupied until India or Pakistan can afford to wage a war and annex a portion from another. Does not work out in the regional interests. Better to reach a settlement and improve the lives of Kashmir citizens. The forever growing population of Asia can turn Kashmir into an international security risk of not tackled correctly.

Pakistan and India will forever live in each other neighborhood. Sinister designs against each other are in nobody interest. Time to end the obsession and take a civilized approach to problem solving.

Terrorism thrives because since the day of Independence until now, we have regarded tribal regions as an alien part of the country and putting too much trust on the tribal leaders with very little government input. The result, no jobs no industry and only mullah economy. When someone has to send his kids to a madrassah for making ends meet, then its a ripe recruitment ground for terrorist activities. The reason why general population of India has very little motivation to engage in subversive activities is because India has put a strong emphasis on education and skill development.

Few years ago I had a chance to attend a luncheon hosted by Saudi-French Business Forum, attended by number of French diplomats and various dignatries, CEO's etc. The word of TOTAL Middle East CEO still echo in my mind.....

"we see Pakistan has a land of limitless opportunity..it has one of the world largest young population and when you look at that as a petroleum giant that means engineers, doctors, consumers and skilled workers. These people are going to get married, have a family and will be buying cars, laptops, furniture, everything. And Total has raw material for every walk of life...We are investing today for the future."

a mature solution i must say..

as long as the army stays under democracy a country always develop inspite of all the odds
a mature solution i must say..

as long as the army stays under democracy a country always develop inspite of all the odds

Our biggest problem is identity, our youth has been left to wander identity less as the history taught is highly manipulated and ignores a lot of historical fact. This has turned us into an identity less illegitimate nation and people try to soul search their roots in various ideologies or religious dogma.

Instead of turning facts into taboo's it is better to come at peace with them. Yes idol worshiping prevailed in Pakistan but so it did in Makkah too. Most of the sahabas were converts from centuries of idol worshiping. Turning something into an obsession or cult will lead to total destruction of national identity which will eventually allow other other cults to grow stronger.

Today, no one can define the meaning of being Pakistani. The best they can go is replay a few statement from Jinnah and Iqbal or cite a few details about Mohammed Bin Qasim. But cannot trace their true sense of belonging to this land. We have become worst that Israel and America in this regards - despite both countries being made up of foreigners entirely.

Solve the identity crisis and the appeals for various religious, social and separatist cults will automatically die. Ethnic frictions are rising up because being a "Pakistani" has failed to create any sense of unified identity.
Our biggest problem is identity, our youth has been left to wander identity less as the history taught is highly manipulated and ignores a lot of historical fact. This has turned us into an identity less illegitimate nation and people try to soul search their roots in various ideologies or religious dogma.

Instead of turning facts into taboo's it is better to come at peace with them. Yes idol worshiping prevailed in Pakistan but so it did in Makkah too. Most of the sahabas were converts from centuries of idol worshiping. Turning something into an obsession or cult will lead to total destruction of national identity which will eventually allow other other cults to grow stronger.

Today, no one can define the meaning of being Pakistani. The best they can go is replay a few statement from Jinnah and Iqbal or cite a few details about Mohammed Bin Qasim. But cannot trace their true sense of belonging to this land. We have become worst that Israel and America in this regards - despite both countries being made up of foreigners entirely.

Solve the identity crisis and the appeals for various religious, social and separatist cults will automatically die. Ethnic frictions are rising up because being a "Pakistani" has failed to create any sense of unified identity.
u are right sir but as it appears well there can be no solution to it most of the pakistanies specialli in punjab still use hindu caste titels even today such as rao , rajpoot, malik , khokkhar and they proudly call them jutt whish is a derevative of hindu caste jaat which are living in western up , haryana , punjab , rajasthan , MP and Delhi and some in himachal aswell

and the fun realli starts when u look at pakistanee kids mostli girls useing hindu names such as kiran , neelam , komal ,veena , riya and so on u have scores of them on Fb and diff chat forums

and if in west u ask any pakistani that are u a indian its like abusing them but on the other hand most of them when start an interaction with goras they call themselfs indians specially when they go for lookin a good job lolzzzzzz


so in short for most pakistanies there real identity is that they are desendents or Arabs , central asians and what not some even call them selfs true aryans dont know what they realli mean but they love to hate india maybe

dont mind but had to say it please forgive me mods
All these points stated above are good --- however you cant achieve any of them as long as you vote for the same old a----les every time ------ if any one has read the human mental/emotional development theories, he would know that after the teens , there is hardly any change in the personality/way of thinking of a person --- so kids have to be treated as kings in early age as they have no perception of right or wrong--hitting them early in age is confusing and detrimental to there confidence --- yes when they are school going age ''namaz going age'' at that time they have the sence of discipline but have no sexual urge ... it is this time u should whip there ***** ,, however not make them concious of there sexuality---------------- once the kids are not disciplined in this age , they will remain the same dishonest brats all there life time

choose politicians from the newer generation who have never been exposed to politics.. preferably technocrats who know the value of honest living aswell as the capabilty of foresight --- these people will then invest in unity, peace, discipline, electricity and education --obliterating every one who stands in the way... be it feudals , politicians or mullahs --- as you dont get increased literacy the very next day, it requires decades of input to increase your literacy rate , thus increasing the people who can think positively rather than follow like blind sheep

pakistan is not run by islamic laws, there are more islamic welfare laws implemented in the u.s -- we only like the notion of having an islamic country and thus are grinded every single day -- the mullahs who like to chant the slogan of islamic state actually are illiterate and have no clue of the mammoth amount of islamic laws implement in hazrat umer's time --- they only know a couple of islamic laws.. that too misinterpreted

where the gardner/driver runs from his job early , where the clerk doesnt forward the file to the magisterate without the bribe ---- well in this society we are bound to have people like zardari on our head ---- what we need is a bloody revolution --- it cant be peaceful and these families in power wont give away their influence without opposition --- muslims of the subcontinant are dumb ... and decreased literacy would make them dumber .. they wont realize who there enemy is, how to retaliate .. they can only come on the roads and destroy there own property in protest

in the u.s , child services takes away the kids if parents cant look after them --- we cant do this in pak .. however i propose we make housing complexes , and poor families can get a house free of cost if they allow their kids in a gov. school 8-4pm.. a school which will educate them, clothe them , polish them and feed them twice a day ------ start with the families homeless due to natural disasters
u are right sir but as it appears well there can be no solution to it most of the pakistanies specialli in punjab still use hindu caste titels even today such as rao , rajpoot, malik , khokkhar and they proudly call them jutt whish is a derevative of hindu caste jaat which are living in western up , haryana , punjab , rajasthan , MP and Delhi and some in himachal aswell

and the fun realli starts when u look at pakistanee kids mostli girls useing hindu names such as kiran , neelam , komal ,veena , riya and so on u have scores of them on Fb and diff chat forums

and if in west u ask any pakistani that are u a indian its like abusing them but on the other hand most of them when start an interaction with goras they call themselfs indians specially when they go for lookin a good job lolzzzzzz

so in short for most pakistanies there real identity is that they are desendents or Arabs , central asians and what not some even call them selfs true aryans dont know what they realli mean but they love to hate india maybe

dont mind but had to say it please forgive me mods

Not sure where you got the bolded part from. Pakistan is ethinically different than India as it is largely composed of Baluch, Iranic, Sindhi, Central Asian and Arab ancestry. As far as names of girls are concerned, these are common house hold name and has nothing to do with Indian or Hindu influence - no point dreaming India Supah powah here.

Conflict between the souther and western wings of Indian subcontinent is age old but turning it into an obsession it taking us towards destruction.
Not sure where you got the bolded part from. Pakistan is ethinically different than India as it is largely composed of Baluch, Iranic, Sindhi, Central Asian and Arab ancestry. As far as names of girls are concerned, these are common house hold name and has nothing to do with Indian or Hindu influence - no point dreaming India Supah powah here.

Conflict between the souther and western wings of Indian subcontinent is age old but turning it into an obsession it taking us towards destruction.
so in the nut shell your said pakistan will remain as it is today and its people will not change well good keep it up buddy

cheers mate:cheers:
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