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What do Indians think of Timurlane?

English is what tie the whole nation of India together. Without English, India would not be what it is today. Indians are proud of this English heritage as they are proud of serving their British master's during WWII as evident by a recent thread.

A classic example of out of mind id!ot.. pray tell me, how can English be a language of integrity when you yourself claim that half of India's population is iliterate ?

Plz don't let your japanese descent play with your mind !!!
Interesting to see Indian attitudes on invaders.
They seem to forget that their language, much of their religion and their very nature are based on these central Asian invaders. They Aryans conquered their land, mind and spirit so much so that Indians get violently upset if you even suggest that they were invaders.

As for Timur lane, he was good for central Asia but a pest for the rest of the world.
Interestingly, Babur was a decedent of Timur lane and justified his conquest of India by saying it was his right to rule India since his for father Timur lane had already conquered it.

The Internet Muslim strikes.
Please dont make such assumptions if you have no idea what you are talking about..He was really a wise man but very cruel..Except for Alexander, he conquered more than anyone else, more than Chenghis Khan..a dumb person cant do that

How did you come to the amazing conclusion that he was wise? Am I right in thinking that anyone who is a successful conqueror was a wise man, in your assessment?
English is what tie the whole nation of India together. Without English, India would not be what it is today. Indians are proud of this English heritage as they are proud of serving their British master's during WWII as evident by a recent thread.

Agree. But the force that tie India together is Hinduism. Without Hinduism, various language and groups would seek its own nation.

Make up your mind. I dont like to get confused in the morning.:butcher:
Dear Bhagne, you tell me (if you are so buddhiman) its Hinduism or English which one works as glue?
Atleast this much favor a mama can expect from his clever bhagne.

well of course its hinduism.
How did you come to the amazing conclusion that he was wise? Am I right in thinking that anyone who is a successful conqueror was a wise man, in your assessment?

Wise as in - Sage/Scholar & the sort...then no probably not !

But wise as in - Having the faculty of mind coupled with its proper usage to pull off what he did - Yup !

P.S Hows the fitting into the dresses for the wedding coming along ? :undecided:

Dear Bhagne, you tell me (if you are so buddhiman) its Hinduism or English which one works as glue?
Atleast this much favor a mama can expect from his clever bhagne.

Itni khalis Punjabi mujhee samajhe nahin aatiii ! :cry:
Funny to see the thread,

The Chinese hate timur, the iranians hate timur, the Indians hate timur but only Pakistanis a country between India, Iran and CHina loves timur.

Timur may be a great warrior but he failed when he slaughtered thousands or tens of thousands of civilian muslims and hindus in Iran and northern India.
Its super power dream that binds indians together!! Not English or Hinduism!
We consider Tamurlane as a savage barbarian.
Indians need be asked only one question,one question only:

Why is it that the British mother tongue is the official tongue of India?

A 2nd question that derives from the 1st is this:what's India's NATIONAL language?

Well , that's because we feel that English is miles ahead of a primitive third class language like Chinese where you have to draw pictures to convey your thoughts, besides, it sounds funny and pathetic.
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