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What do Chinese think of Pakistan?

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Ofcourse i "believe" u can tell the difference between northindians n eastern pakistanis,,,,,just like a westerner or pakistani can tell the difference between a chinese n a vietnamese,,,,sure,,absolutely believable
It's like saying that the all westerners and Indians hate Japanese because Japanese all looke like Chinese.
lolz tht must be a shocker for Pakistanis,,,,,what he means to say is he cant differentiate between subtribes of bhayya people.
For him,just like for all non bhayya people u look same as north indians :D
@PAKISTANFOREVER @django @Indus Pakistan
maybe u guys shud make a thread to help nonbhayya people to differentiate bhayya ppl,,,,i mean how can one possibly mistake a central asian,turkic,persian,arabic,nordic,neolithic farmer descendent for a gangoo bhayya :rofl:
This post displays typical trend I have seen in Indians. You guys actually get happy at the thought that you look the same as us or that others can't see the differance between Paks/Indians. On the contrary Pakistan do not take any pleasure out of being told they look the same. This tells us a lot. We get disgusted at being cpmpared to Indians. Indians go into orgasm at being compared to Pakistani's. Need I say more.

On the subject of 'looks' you know if you get a Chinese, Jap, Korean, Central Asian Kazakh, Kirghiz, Pakistani Hazara, Burmese, Tibetan, Indian Ladakhi, Nepali Gurkha, Thai, Vietnamese, Filipino, Malay, Indonesian or anybody with the slightest hint of epicanthic fold she will call them "Chini". Now question are you going to get orgasm out of the fact that some of your countrymen like Ladakhi or from Arunchal Pradesh are often mistaken for your 'friends' Chinese???

And if you go to New York or Washington large parts look like Africa but that does not make Americans Africans does it??

For instance these two Pakistan Airforce Pilots are "Chinese" by my mothers perception. Reality is they are Muslim Hazara descended from Turkic/Mongols.


This post displays typical trend I have seen in Indians. You guys actually get happy at the thought that you look the same as us or that others can't see the differance between Paks/Indians. On the contrary Pakistan do not take any pleasure out of being told they look the same. This tells us a lot. We get disgusted at being cpmpared to Indians. Indians go into orgasm at being compared to Pakistani's. Need I say more.

On the subject of 'looks' you know if you get a Chinese, Jap, Korean, Central Asian Kazakh, Kirghiz, Pakistani Hazara, Burmese, Tibetan, Indian Ladakhi, Nepali Gurkha, Thai, Vietnamese, Filipino, Malay, Indonesian or anybody with the slightest hint of epicanthic fold she will call them "Chini". Now question are you going to get orgasm out of the fact that some of your countrymen like Ladakhi or from Arunchal Pradesh are often mistaken for your 'friends' Chinese???

And if you go to New York or Washington large parts look like Africa but that does not make Americans Africans does it??
Long post,,:D
I am just amused.
N u get disgusted coz u think(wrongly)tht u look superior/different to ganga bhayyas.
N thanks for confirming tht even ur mother cant tell the difference between mongoloid looking hazara n a chinese.Both look similar for her,probably becoz they actually look similar.
Just like the chinese cudnt tell apart indian n pakistani bhayyas
Just like the chinese cudnt tell apart indian n pakistani bhayyas
You know some Americans including a president look African. But why do you feel so inferior that you get excited when your compared with Pakistani's? And my point was to many people there only four type four type of people on earth. White, brown, black, yellow. So stop getting orgasms over some comment by a Chinese.

And those Chinese who actually visit India and Pakistan will notice the differance like I can tell apart a Chinese from typical Filipino or Malay. Of course because we have migrants from India, thus there is some convergence but that does not mean we are exactly the same.
You know some Americans including a president look African. But why do you feel so inferior that you get excited when your compared with Pakistani's? And my point was to many people there only four type four type of people on earth. White, brown, black, yellow. So stop getting orgasms over some comment by a Chinese.
I got no inferiority,,,coz most pakistanis n probably u too will mistake me for one of there higher,deeper,sweeter fraand.
As i already explained,i am amused :D
N so tagged u guys who scream so so very very diffaaarent difaarent,,,maybe its time to explain it to those who cant make out the "obvious" difference :D
Ok im done here,,,btw gud topic
Whoa Pakistanis are finally woking up.
In another forum a person claming to be Chinese member made the following remark when in conversation with a Indian member.

"Unfortunately Chinese people used to look down on India and Pakistan culture and economic backwardness. Nowadays chinese people see India as a possible trade partner and future economic power but also a strategic competitor. India is also provoking China by encouraging Tibetan seperatists and fielding a secret Tibetan army of some 10-20 thousand strong.

About Pakistan ... Go to Baidu forums and see how chinese people see Pakistanis as. Pakistanis are seen as Indian muslims who are even backward than arabs. They are mocked everyday. But Pakistan is an ally of China. During the worst period of China Pakistan was there as a friend. Pakistan maybe a cesspool of stupid backward arab worshipping people but they have proved to be a loyal friend. You reward your loyal friends even if they are *******s to everybody else."

This could be a rant of one single individual who might not even be a Chinese. Nevertheless this got me thinking. What do Chinese really think of Pakistani's? I don't mean the fancy speaches at diplomatic functions like "friendship higher then mountains la la". That is just business and in business you even deal with people who you find disgusting.

What I mean is the real sentiment beyond the official headlines and what the normal Chinese citizens think of Pakistanis. The problem here is most of us know what the average American, British, Australian or even Europeans like French or Germans think because English is the prevalent language and Pakistani's have a large diaspora communities living there and thus are a very effective barometer of their thoughts.

Chinese are differant. Until recently it a country that is so close officially but so far unofficialy. There has been far less intereaction with the real China then the the West by Pakistani's. So in a sense what Chinese think of Pakistani;s is to large degree masked and insultated from average Pakistani.

Is this important? Yes it is. Whilst business is above everything but the problem is for a long term strategic relationship to develop and mature at differant levels also requires a sense of goodwill between people. Once upon a time USA is also enjoyed a very strong relationship with Pakistan but under it all at the ground level there was friction. Most Americans did not find average Pakistani agreeable. This friction on the ground would along with other factors lead to where we are today.

I guess what I am saying is if Chinese dislike us in private than this China/Pak thing is only going to go so far before the internal contradictions start showing up. There is a essential differance between Chinese and the West. Chinese tend to be more introverted in their thinking and ae not prone in showing what they really think. They might hate you but you won't see it behind the smiling face. However in private and in Chinese fora where they are free to say what they want - hardly any outsiders and even less Pakistani's speak Chinese therefore are sealed off from what is really said. This is unlike the Western style of saying it as it is and being quite forthright in their views. Their media is very accessible as English is the most used language.

From the few objective measure we have things don't look pretty. The "higher then moountain" love only seems to be coming from the Pakistani side. The Chinese are not returning those feelings. Indeed shockingly Chinese have far more favourable image of USA then Pakistan despite Pakistani's regarding China as hevean on earth with 78% of Pakistani's - the top on the list with pro China views.

Indeed the Chinese regard Pakistani only slightly above the Indian's. This does not look like "equal love" and that never bodes well for any relationship.


What other countries thought of China. Pakistan came top in holding pro China views.


Is this important? Very much so because any relationship requires the 'likeability factor' for it to sustain and grow into a viable and dynamic relationship. Further, it gives and should give thought to those in positions of power bith in Pakistan and China to work on improving the image of each other by creating positive people to people contacts and or setting up lobby groups which work to find ways to improve the relationship stock in China.

Another rather disturbing fact is that as China prospers millions of Chinese are on the move and form significant numbers of tourists in the world today. The Chinese also tend to spen far more money then other tourists and are also very well behaved on the whole with no gangs of drunks running wild. Therefore they are sought out by tourist destination countries. London, Paris , Turkey , USA and you name it you will see millions of Chinese tourists.

Yet, Pakistan hardly is getting any Chinese tourists. What does this show? Chinese business interests are in Pakistan but their heart is in other places. Indeed I have not checked but I suspect more Chinese visit India then they do Pakistan. This possibly cannot be because Pakistan does not have fantastic sites - we have some of the best in the world but why are the Chinese avoiding coming to Pakistan - a country where they would be welcome with open arms?

There is no issue here on the business side of the relationship. The survey below shows most Chinese are supportive of more cooperation with Pakistan.


I invite thoughts on thos from senior Pak members and Chinese members. This is a serious issue that despite being uncomfortable needs looking at so that this problem can be addressed. What do they say? Accepting you have a problem is half of the solution.
And to think I started this madness by tagging only 24 hrs ago
You do. Your excited reaction exposes it. It never occured to you that to the unitiated everrybody falls within four branches of humanity.
Ok,,now u r just projecting.
I have been telling u guys tht bhayya ppl look all same to nonbhayya ppl on the numerous look measuring threads on pdf.but u guys never believe me.
Today another poster said it too n thn u confirmed similar assertions made by ur mother.
Btw i dont believe u can tell apart a malay n a filipino by looks
There are some despicable japs and Korean s learned some Chinese words and pretend them Chinese people in Pakistan in, order, to get better treatment in, Pakistan and a lot of them never been found out and shocked pakistani bros when some one do be found out.
Japs and koreans,stop pretend chinese in pakistan!
There are some despicable japs and Korean s learned some Chinese words and pretend them Chinese people in Pakistan in, order, to get better treatment in, Pakistan and a lot of them never been found out and shocked pakistani bros when some one do be found out.
Japs and koreans,stop pretend chinese in pakistan!

Adam, I am assuming you are an ordinary Chinese person. You obviously would know what your countrymen and women think of Pakistan. What do they think about Pakistan? Please elaborate.
Adam, I am assuming you are an ordinary Chinese person. You obviously would know what your countrymen and women think of Pakistan. What do they think about Pakistan? Please elaborate.
We Chinese people know that Australians are just a running dog of the Americans, no more no less.
Therefore, as a country without sovereignty like Japs, the words of the Australian government and Australians are nonsense and are not worth listening to at all coz what you say does not count anyway.

Whatever the Western media said, based on common strategic interests and development interests, the alliance between China and Pakistan is only getting stronger and stronger!

We use the Word Cesspoles on Australia but definitely Not on Pakistan.
Running dog of Yankees,Get it!!!

2)In addition, although all you Australians believe that the Chinese are devils, your "beloved"Australian government is still asking adn even begging the Chinese CCP Government to buy your iron ore.....
Your "beloved"Australian government can give up "human rights", "freedom", and "dignity" and everthigns in front of money.
We Chinese people know that Australians are just a running dog of the Americans, no more no less.
Therefore, as a country without sovereignty like Japs, the words of the Australian government and Australians are nonsense and are not worth listening to at all coz what you say does not count anyway.

Whatever the Western media said, based on common strategic interests and development interests, the alliance between China and Pakistan is only getting stronger and stronger!

We use the Word Cesspoles on Australia but definitely Not on Pakistan.
Running dog of Yankees,Get it!!!

2)In addition, although all you Australians believe that the Chinese are devils, your "beloved"Australian government is still asking adn even begging the Chinese CCP Government to buy your iron ore.....
Your "beloved"Australian government can give up "human rights", "freedom", and "dignity" and everthigns in front of money.

Yea Australians have a alliance with US and we are not going to ditch it for China - NO WAY. But this is not what I asked. I asked what Chinese thought of Pakistanis? The reason I asked is cause I have some family roots in Pakistan although I was born here. I am really interested in to know people to people impressions.

By the way, you can bad mouth Australia, but Chinese are desperate to come here. I have dealt with huge number of Chinese who have moved to Australia, and who ran away from China, and who want a life style is Australia. You say that Australia is US's lap dog, but then your own countrymen want to desperately move here to Australia. Does this mean your countrymen are lap dogs of Australia??

@TruthTheOnlyDefense what do you think mate? I have seen desperate Chinese wanting to come Australia. Not sure what your experience has been?
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