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What comes next indian options on the table

Indian media should take a break from war mongering so common people in India should be given chance to think rationally hence the cool heads prevail. Escalation and war is not in the interest of both countries and both countries will be the losers. Am sure there are still some sane people on both side of the border. Both countries have made their point and its time to move away from the mind set of showing who have got the upper hand.
Possibly combination of an "attempted" Naval blockade and Air Skirmishes.

Or if they wanna go even further then 65 style "war".

If things get even worse then full out war. And in this final scenario I see need arising for average Pakistanis needing to pick up arms to assist Pak Army. May it never come to that. Ameen
Well Indians on the border are panicking:-


A border area near Jaisalmer. | Photo Credit: PTI

Pulwama attack 2019
Balakot Air Strikes
Prohibitory orders and night-time restrictions imposed
Rajasthan on Wednesday put the four border districts of Sriganganagar, Bikaner, Jaisalmer and Barmer on high alert amid rising tensions between India and Pakistan. Prohibitory orders were imposed near the border areas with instructions to security personnel to not allow anyone within a 2-km distance of the International Border at night.

Rajasthan shares a 1,048-km border, adjacent to Pakistan’s Punjab and Sindh provinces. Earlier, flight operations at Jaisalmer airport were temporarily suspended and the airport was closed to the public in view of the prevailing situation in the wake of the air strikes and ceasefire violations in the northern sector.

Panic gripped some villages near the border in Sriganganagar district when residents reported hearing explosions. Rumours spread in Barmer district in the wake of the reported recovery of some bomb-like objects at Posal and Ratasar villages. Security forces had to resort to making announcements in the region that no measures to evacuate people from the villages were being taken.

High-level meet
Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot convened an urgent high-level meeting and gave instructions for coordination with the Army and the Border Security Force for monitoring the situation and exchanging information. “Full preparedness will be ensured on the fronts of medical care, transport, essential commodities, water and power to meet any eventuality,” he said.

All leave for the Medical and Health Department’s staff in Jaisalmer and Barmer districts was cancelled and primary and community health centres were put on a 24-hour alert for providing emergency services.
They have been brainwashing their people about a supposed f16 being downed, but with no pictures or video the public is not buying it.

It is no longer about tit for tat, but feeding the insatiable ego which Modi has instilled in Indians for murder and blood.

They only need another fake strike or drama to sell it.
What comes next? God only knows.

But if I were a betting man, I would start by replacing Hindutva with Nazis and ask, would Hitler care about what happened today? Or will he use Pakistan's defensive answer to start something much bigger?

Modi, like the megalomaniac Hitler, thinks his Hindus are the superior "Aryan nation" polluted by the minorities.

Oh God, Let 2019 become the beginning of Endia! Ameen.
Possibly combination of an "attempted" Naval blockade and Air Skirmishes.

Or if they wanna go even further then 65 style "war".

If things get even worse then full out war. And in this final scenario I see need arising for average Pakistanis needing to pick up arms to assist Pak Army. May it never come to that. Ameen
Do you think things are calming down or will there be further conflict?
India will definitely not want to let go of the pursuit of aggression. Cuz Modi has history of politics on dead bodies so I dont think him and his Nazis will shy away from open war.

And I believe the 2 IAF bird kills show what Maj Gen Asif Ghafoor said is true i.e "Pakistan will dominate the escalation ladder"

Somehow my heart says that out of this conflict Pakistan will gain some headway in the whole Kashmir deadlock which has been there since Independence.

My heart has also feels a sudden change in wind direction of things in general. I hope it's from God and not shaitan. Im no pir or some dervish but this is my opinion.
Do you think things are calming down or will there be further conflict?

Also we might have weapons which we have never shown to anyone. Even kept safe from PDF or prying eyes of fanboys. Big IF tho
Seems they are going to call it day but hoping that Pakistan will accept some sort of defeat/acceptance
I think India will escalate, unless maybe Masood Azhar is handed over or something.

I think Pakistan will keep shooting your m0f0 terrorist flies from the skies unless you hand over modi terrorists to Pakistan.

Pakistan should be ready to launch about 50 nukes in case of next bharti terrorism against Pakistan, as advised by Gen Musharraf.
They will try to down our jet and capture pilot to bargain for release of their captured pilot
I think Pakistan will keep shooting your m0f0 terrorist flies from the skies unless you hand over modi terrorists to Pakistan.

Pakistan should be ready to launch about 50 nukes in case of next bharti terrorism against Pakistan, as advised by Gen Musharraf.
I’m trying to be very unbiased and objective in my comments on PDF. There’s no point trying to flame me.
Let’s keep our interactions civil. Have a good night.
Whether Modi tried to boost his popularity in the coming elections by the events of last 2 weeks or not, the blunders of last two days--the now-obvious fake '350 terrorists killed' strike inside Pakistan and the utter stupidity of the two IAF fighters falling in Pakistan's trap--have made it a must for Modi to really save face.
I expect something bigger from India. Can't say what. Perhaps a false-flag to justify missile launches and massive targeted air-strikes. Or artillery bombardments along even international borders.
What did Churchill say--something like... dictators ride the tiger and are afraid to get off that lest they be eaten by the tiger.
Forget ..they are crying on single pilot and talking about full scale war
Dude, out of all the bullshet posted by Pakistanis post on PDF, let me tell you what you say is no lie.

The average Hindu Chindu baniya is kayar geedhad kaum. They are mentally and emotionally weaker than you as a people. In that respect 1 Pakistani = 10 Chindus for sure. Not being sarcastic. Fighting is not in their blood, slavery is.

That said, there’s a good portion of level minded Indians too. I expect you to have a fight on your hands soon.
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