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What can Hezbollah do that it couldn't do in 2006?

Nice answers people, although, I would please want it answered the way I asked in number format. Those specific questions. So far me, and a few others have done so. But some answers are talking about aftermath, not the actual strategy and outcome.
:omghaha::omghaha: FYI for me cowards are the ones who attack civilians and their supporters

July 2006 War was initiated by Operation True Promise Military Strike from Hezbollah. Which resulted in 2 MILITARY humvees destroyed, 3 SOLDIERS killed, and 2 SOLDIERS taken hostage. The failed Israeli rescue that ensued resulted in 5 more --->SOLDIERS!!<-- killed.

Israel's response: Air Strikes and Naval Bombardment of Rafic Hariri Airport, on the sleeping civilian neighborhood of Al Dahiya Beirut, and other targets such as city squares, dairy farms, etc.

Let's try to be an adult next time you respond and say something true, supported by evidence. Instead of, as i ALREADY mentioned, the cowardice which is already known on this one. Everything from your boyish antics to your comments indicates exactly what side we are dealing with here.

1300+ Lebanese Civilians Killed.
44(EXACTLY) Israeli Civilians Killed.

Israel is incapable of defeating Hezbollah so they want for the Lebanese to do it. Israel attacks the Lebanese in hopes they will turn but it only feels the heart with more fire.
No sources pure fanaticism have you attended University before or are you really just living off US government Handouts?

No Sources. No Proof. NO INTELLIGENCE.
1) From 2000-2006 Israel was fighting against Palestinian terror, while Hezbollah prepared to the war, digging bunkers and equipping modern anti tank missiles and making small provocations.
2) In 2006 Hezbollah attacked Israel what sparked a war.
3) During the war 120 Israeli soldiers and 500-600 hezbolloons were killed. This happened despite Hezbollah was prepared and IDF caught by surprise.
4) As result Hezbollah afraid to fire a bullet towards Israel since then. All they can do is cry victory while hiding in bunker and tell stories about brave hezballoons and coward Israelis.

All these are plain facts. You cant counter any of it.

According to Haaretz.

An Israeli elite unit stumbled into a Nature Reserve near Maroun ar-Ras and suffered heavy casualties. "We didn&#8217;t know what hit us," said one of the Maglan soldiers. "In seconds we had two dead." "We expected a tent and three Kalashnikovs &#8212; that was the intelligence we were given. Instead, we found a hydraulic steel door leading to a well-equipped network of tunnels."
After the battle of Maroun ar-Ras, the head of IDF Northern Command Maj.-Gen. Udi Adam forbade any further attacks on Nature Reserves. "A nature reserve can swallow an entire battalion," he said. According to Haaretz "[t]hroughout the war the General Staff and the Northern Command restricted offensive operations into these areas, following the initial encounter&#8230;[at] the "nature reserve" code-named Shaked near the town of Maroun al-Ras."
Israeli light infantry attacked well dig enemy on mountain and prevailed. Read about Italian campaign in WW2. Americans lost entire battalions in similar situations.

1300+ Lebanese Civilians Killed.
Rubbish. 1,191&#8211;1,300 - thats total number of dead accoridng to Lebanese officials, which is obviously inflated number. And Hezbollah always lied about its killed: first they claimed that only 69 were killed, when it was too ridiculous they admitted 250. Although even pro Arab UN estimates 500-600 killed Hezballoons.

These crocodile tears are especially pathetic after Assad together with Iran and Hezbollah slaughtered nearly 100,000 people in Syria.
First of all, the 'palestinian' thread starter seems rather eager/keen for war. A trait that's sadly common amongst his people.

Secondly, this topic should be in Iranian section - not Arab. There's nothing Arab about Hezbollah. They are an Iranian militia who work for Tehran.

Thirdly, it would be a huge mistake for Hezbollah and their cheerleaders to become too emboldened. This has happened before and you got swatted.

I can tell you this right now. In the next war provoked by Hezbollah - Southern Lebanon will cease to exist. I can tell you that because I have spoken to someone in the know about this. It's not a secret or confidential really. It's something that has been relayed via channels to the enemy. The next conflict with Hezz will see a complete elimination of Southern Lebanon.

Thankfully, the major destruction in 2006 in Lebanon has made it very difficult for Hezz to justify more attacks against Israel - which is why they haven't sent a rocket since.
1.) BS, I didn't indicate that at all, but of course that doesn't prevent you from making a racist and fascist remark.

2.) Also BS, Hezbollah is Arabic, even if that fact bothers your sleep.

3.) I highly doubt Hezbollah would provoke a war, we all notice Israel is likely to provoke the next war simply because Hezbollah acquired weapons to defend their airspace.

4.)' South Lebanon will cease to exist' ....thanks again for showing your true colors that your country shares. Intentions of genocide and mass murder. But it's so appalling why in the media you guys tell the world you're simply innocent little bunnies wanting to defend themselves strictly. Now, but you're strange nationalistic and emotionally charged response aside and lets talk reality for a second. I know. I know...you can't carry out your fantasies, no matter how much you wish you could.
1) From 2000-2006 Israel was fighting against Palestinian terror, while Hezbollah prepared to the war, digging bunkers and equipping modern anti tank missiles and making small provocations.
2) In 2006 Hezbollah attacked Israel what sparked a war.
3) During the war 120 Israeli soldiers and 500-600 hezbolloons were killed. This happened despite Hezbollah was prepared and IDF caught by surprise.
4) As result Hezbollah afraid to fire a bullet towards Israel since then. All they can do is cry victory while hiding in bunker and tell stories about brave hezballoons and coward Israelis.

All these are plain facts. You cant counter any of it.

Israeli light infantry attacked well dig enemy on mountain and prevailed. Read about Italian campaign in WW2. Americans lost entire battalions in similar situations.

Rubbish. 1,191&#8211;1,300 - thats total number of dead accoridng to Lebanese officials, which is obviously inflated number. And Hezbollah always lied about its killed: first they claimed that only 69 were killed, when it was too ridiculous they admitted 250. Although even pro Arab UN estimates 500-600 killed Hezballoons.

These crocodile tears are especially pathetic after Assad together with Iran and Hezbollah slaughtered nearly 100,000 people in

I can not debate with liars. It is counter productive. Cite your sources. I have yet to see one Citation. Meanwhile I showed you articles from Haaretz about what your generals said.

Americans in Italy got the job done. Israel failed, they were ordered not to attack Hezbollah bunkers. Northern Command Maj.-Gen. Udi Adam. from Haaretz.

Lies and fanaticism. The Israeli is most similar to the North Korean in every field.


1.) BS, I didn't indicate that at all, but of course that doesn't prevent you from making a racist and fascist remark.

2.) Also BS, Hezbollah is Arabic, even if that fact bothers your sleep.

3.) I highly doubt Hezbollah would provoke a war, we all notice Israel is likely to provoke the next war simply because Hezbollah acquired weapons to defend their airspace.

4.)' South Lebanon will cease to exist' ....thanks again for showing your true colors that your country shares. Intentions of genocide and mass murder. But it's so appalling why in the media you guys tell the world you're simply innocent little bunnies wanting to defend themselves strictly. Now, but you're strange nationalistic and emotionally charged response aside and lets talk reality for a second. I know. I know...you can't carry out your fantasies, no matter how much you wish you could.

1) You did seem quite keen in that opening post for war.

2) Bullshit. Hezz has done nothing for Lebanon but turn it into another failed state. Now controlled by Tehran. Their pictures on their walls - are they of Arab leaders? no. They're of the Mullahs

3) Well, Hezz provoked the 2006 one with a cross-border raid. So bang goes your theory.

4) No, not genocide. There will be leaflets dropped before the elimination of Southern Lebanon. It's inescapable because of Hezz actions in deploying thousands of rockets and digging tunnels.

Very dangerous to enter and no time to take out rocket launchers singly. Too many of them. So it will have to be a wholesale destruction carpet bombing.

Unlike you though, I'm hoping Hezz does not act even under pressure from Iran and the quiet on the border remains. Even with palestinians sometimes firing rockets from Lebanese territory trying to cause trouble and start conflict.
Yet again making assertions without backing up any of your statements.

I can not debate with liars. It is counter productive. Cite your sources. I have yet to see one Citation. Meanwhile I showed you articles from Haaretz about what your generals said.

Americans in Italy got the job done. Israel failed, they were ordered not to attack Hezbollah bunkers. Northern Command Maj.-Gen. Udi Adam. from Haaretz.

Lies and fanaticism. The Israeli is most similar to the North Korean in every field.



Absolutely true. They make all these claims with nothing to back them up or prove them. Only lying and deceiving.
July 2006 War was initiated by Operation True Promise Military Strike from Hezbollah. Which resulted in 2 MILITARY humvees destroyed, 3 SOLDIERS killed, and 2 SOLDIERS taken hostage. The failed Israeli rescue that ensued resulted in 5 more --->SOLDIERS!!<-- killed.

Israel's response: Air Strikes and Naval Bombardment of Rafic Hariri Airport, on the sleeping civilian neighborhood of Al Dahiya Beirut, and other targets such as city squares, dairy farms, etc.

Let's try to be an adult next time you respond and say something true, supported by evidence. Instead of, as i ALREADY mentioned, the cowardice which is already known on this one. Everything from your boyish antics to your comments indicates exactly what side we are dealing with here.

1300+ Lebanese Civilians Killed.
44(EXACTLY) Israeli Civilians Killed.

Israel is incapable of defeating Hezbollah so they want for the Lebanese to do it. Israel attacks the Lebanese in hopes they will turn but it only feels the heart with more fire.

And what is Hezbollah? A disciplined defense oriented army of which country?
It's funny seeing Palestinians here talking about Lebanon like they care.

Wasn't it the Palestinians that hijacked Lebanon and used the country for attacks against Israel and against the will of the Lebanese?

And wasn't it the Palestinians who then kicked off the chain of events which lead to the Lebanese civil war with 100,000+ dead?
I can not debate with liars.
It shows how desperate you are. Instead showing my supposed lies you just call me names like abandoned girlfriend.

On contrary I pointed at you lie ("1300+ civilians killed").

It is counter productive. Cite your sources. I have yet to see one Citation. Meanwhile I showed you articles from Haaretz about what your generals said.
What I wrote are basic facts. Its like asking the source for 2+2=4. What are u denying? Israel did not fight Palestinian terorr from 2000-2006? Hebzoollah was not preparing and digging bunkers meanwhile? Hezbollah did not make provocations? hezbollah did not attack in 2006? What you deny?

Americans in Italy got the job done.
Americans stormed Gustav line for over a half year! Losing thousands of planes and tanks and tens of thousands of men. This shows how to hard is to fight in mountain region.

Israel failed
Israel succeeded. In one month and minimum casualties dozens of villages and bunkers were taken. And Hezbollah is silenced for the first time since its existence.

Since they fear to fight with Israel anymore, all Hezbollah and their supporters can do is: hide like rats in bunkers and call names.
It shows how desperate you are. Instead showing my supposed lies you just call me names like abandoned girlfriend.

On contrary I pointed at you lie ("1300+ civilians killed").

What I wrote are basic facts. Its like asking the source for 2+2=4. What are u denying? Israel did not fight Palestinian terorr from 2000-2006? Hebzoollah was not preparing and digging bunkers meanwhile? Hezbollah did not make provocations? hezbollah did not attack in 2006? What you deny?

Americans stormed Gustav line for over a half year! Losing thousands of planes and tanks and tens of thousands of men. This shows how to hard is to fight in mountain region.

Israel succeeded. In one month and minimum casualties dozens of villages and bunkers were taken. And Hezbollah is silenced for the first time since its existence.

Since they fear to fight with Israel anymore, all Hezbollah and their supporters can do is: hide like rats in bunkers and call names.

I will break your lies and BS down one by one and as simple as possible so your brain can have a chance at understanding.

Some of your nonsense----->"Israeli light infantry attacked well dig enemy on mountain and prevailed. Read about Italian campaign in WW2. Americans lost entire battalions in similar situations."

1. An Israeli elite unit stumbled into a Nature Reserve near Maroun ar-Ras and suffered heavy casualties. "We didn&#8217;t know what hit us," said one of the Maglan soldiers. "In seconds we had two dead." "We expected a tent and three Kalashnikovs &#8212; that was the intelligence we were given. Instead, we found a hydraulic steel door leading to a well-equipped network of tunnels." Haaretz

Head of IDF Northern Command Maj.-Gen. Udi Adam to Haaretz Newspaper.

2. During searches after the war, 33 such areas - which the IDF euhemistically termed "nature reserves" - were located. These included bunkers and underground tunnels built by Hezbollah south of the Litani River during the six years following the IDF withdrawal from southern Lebanon. Most of the rockets fired against Israel during the war last year were launched from the "nature reserves."

Throughout the war the General Staff and the Northern Command restricted offensive operations into these areas, following the initial encounter July 19, 2006, during which two soldiers were killed in a confrontation with Hezbollah in the "nature reserve" code-named Shaked near the town of Maroun al-Ras.

Please show me where, according to your military,
"Israeli light infantry attacked well dig enemy on mountain and prevailed. Read about Italian campaign in WW2. Americans lost entire battalions in similar situations."

Please attempt to cover your BS on this one, I have more of your lies, and the truth waiting to break your weak defense.

Sources: Zionist Newspaper, .haaretz.com/news/barak-onus-for-conduct-of-war-lies-with-government-lies

Please read this entire article so you can see how badly the Knesset knows you failed. Then you will see all the tish you are full of.
Please explain how "Israeli Light Infantry attacked well dig enemy on mountain and prevailed" when they were ordered to avoid the mountain bunkers at all costs?
Please explain how "Israeli Light Infantry attacked well dig enemy on mountain and prevailed" when they were ordered to avoid the mountain bunkers at all costs?
Maroun a Ras is a large village (about 2300) located on top of the ,mountain (930 m). It was captured by Israeli paratroopers with no casualties. But around Maroun a Ras Israeli troops from Egoz and Maglan units suffered 7 casualties from anti tank rockets fired at them. These rockets were fired mostly from nearby town Bint Jbeil and bunkers around Maroun a Ras.

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