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What became of Pakistan’s space programme?

Madrasa education or not but I sensed something horribly wrong after that water car phenomenon ...Even average 12 th std science student should be having enough knowledge to reject that but impossible happened !!!

can you believe that the father of pakistani nuclear bomb said this things.

Pakistan’s most celebrated scientists were not far behind. Asked by Anchor Sharif whether a car could run only on water, nuclear hero Dr Samar Mubarakmand replied without hesitation: “jee haan, bilkul ho sakta hai” (yes, absolutely possible). For his part, Hamid Mir asked Dr AQ Khan if there was any chance of this being a fraud. The response was clear: “Main nay apnay level per investigate kiya hai aur koi fraud waraud nahi kiya hai” (I have investigated the matter and there is no fraud involved). The head of the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Dr Shaukat Parvaiz, went further: “hum nay bhi iss pay kam karaya tha” (we had some work done on this too).

The water car fraud – The Express Tribune

jo bhi hay,I want to get into dharamshalla

So what do you recommand?The last i heard dharamshalla is all set to replace the standard education system in the west.

Can Pakistan get a license from india for opening dharamshalla's in Pakistan?

Farhan Bhai : We Hindu Baniyas are cunning!!!! Why we will tell you our secret???? Why we want our long-term enemy to compete with us in SPACE???



can you believe that the father of pakistani nuclear bomb said this things.

Pakistan’s most celebrated scientists were not far behind. Asked by Anchor Sharif whether a car could run only on water, nuclear hero Dr Samar Mubarakmand replied without hesitation: “jee haan, bilkul ho sakta hai” (yes, absolutely possible). For his part, Hamid Mir asked Dr AQ Khan if there was any chance of this being a fraud. The response was clear: “Main nay apnay level per investigate kiya hai aur koi fraud waraud nahi kiya hai” (I have investigated the matter and there is no fraud involved). The head of the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Dr Shaukat Parvaiz, went further: “hum nay bhi iss pay kam karaya tha” (we had some work done on this too).
The water car fraud – The Express Tribune


Yes, we can believe that. It was indeed said.
Pakistan’s most celebrated scientists were not far behind. Asked by Anchor Sharif whether a car could run only on water, nuclear hero Dr Samar Mubarakmand replied without hesitation: “jee haan, bilkul ho sakta hai” (yes, absolutely possible). For his part, Hamid Mir asked Dr AQ Khan if there was any chance of this being a fraud. The response was clear: “Main nay apnay level per investigate kiya hai aur koi fraud waraud nahi kiya hai” (I have investigated the matter and there is no fraud involved). The head of the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Dr Shaukat Parvaiz, went further: “hum nay bhi iss pay kam karaya tha” (we had some work done on this too).

Space is the least of Pakistan's immediate concerns.

Chronic power outages, sectarian violence, terrorism, criminality, corruption, crumbling infrastructure, food shortages, etc...are Pakistan's most pressing needs.
Chronic power outages, sectarian violence, terrorism, criminality, corruption, crumbling infrastructure, food shortages, etc...are Pakistan's most pressing needs.

While the rest of the world is marching ahead at break neck speed. How will Pakistan cope and compete?
can you believe that the father of pakistani nuclear bomb said this things.

Pakistan’s most celebrated scientists were not far behind. Asked by Anchor Sharif whether a car could run only on water, nuclear hero Dr Samar Mubarakmand replied without hesitation: “jee haan, bilkul ho sakta hai” (yes, absolutely possible). For his part, Hamid Mir asked Dr AQ Khan if there was any chance of this being a fraud. The response was clear: “Main nay apnay level per investigate kiya hai aur koi fraud waraud nahi kiya hai” (I have investigated the matter and there is no fraud involved). The head of the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Dr Shaukat Parvaiz, went further: “hum nay bhi iss pay kam karaya tha” (we had some work done on this too).
The water car fraud – The Express Tribune

I cannot understand why are you sabotaging Krantikari Invention of "Water Car" after "Nuklier Boom" which will take the World in NextGen Science Age?????
BS article by self haters. Pak is not divert ing the funds to some ego boosting projects. They r diverting all money to eliminate poverty, elevate eeducation and building toilets and agriculture reform etc etc. Money is also spent on fighting terrorism. @RiazHaq can fill in with stats and links.
can you believe that the father of pakistani nuclear bomb said this things.

Pakistan’s most celebrated scientists were not far behind. Asked by Anchor Sharif whether a car could run only on water, nuclear hero Dr Samar Mubarakmand replied without hesitation: “jee haan, bilkul ho sakta hai” (yes, absolutely possible). For his part, Hamid Mir asked Dr AQ Khan if there was any chance of this being a fraud. The response was clear: “Main nay apnay level per investigate kiya hai aur koi fraud waraud nahi kiya hai” (I have investigated the matter and there is no fraud involved). The head of the Pakistan Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, Dr Shaukat Parvaiz, went further: “hum nay bhi iss pay kam karaya tha” (we had some work done on this too).
The water car fraud – The Express Tribune

That is truth and the so called fathers of Pakistani Nuclear Bumb really said that but then what else can you expect from them. They just transported stolen/smuggled tech to Pakistan and for this contribution of theirs they are called father's of nuke bomb. But looking at their responses on any day, one can easily tell they probably never studied science in their lives or probably studied their religious version of the same.
While the rest of the world is marching ahead at break neck speed. How will Pakistan cope and compete?

What are you talking about ????? Are you talking about Superpower Pakistan or 3rd world India????

These problems are 3rd world Indian problems!!! What Pakistan has to do with this????

Why don't you ask @RiazHaq ????? He is India Expert he will really explain pathetic Indian Conditions!!!
BS article by self haters. Pak is not divert ing the funds to some ego boosting projects. They r diverting all money to eliminate poverty, elevate eeducation and building toilets and agriculture reform etc etc. Money is also spent on fighting terrorism. @RiazHaq can fill in with stats and links.
good we dont want that our enemy become a space power.
And if pakistan itself dont want to be a space power.. Then who has the problem?
They have chinese to send their sattelites.. Taking upto triple than the actual cost..its fine
A few years ago a competition was launched by Foundation X called Google Lunar X prize. In this competition private teams are competing to send a rover on moon. Yes, thats right, not governments but private teams are competing right now to send a rover on moon. Whats interesting is that, Pakistans best Computer Scientist was seriously considering forming a pakistani team and entering that competition. He is a brilliant guy. I am pretty sure he wouldve selected the best brains for his team and attained some degree of success. But he had to drop the plan due to other commitments because this sort of project required complete dedication for some years. The point is, that guy thought it was possible to get people, who could accomplish this task, within Pakistan.
There are people in Pakistan right now for whom making a rocket engine is a piece of cake but these people will never get into SUPARCO or other organizations because the system is rotten. The system that assigns the individuals of this country to different professions and organizations. All we get into these government organizations are village paindoos who got there education from public universities. Usually they dont even know english properly.
I feel SA has huge talent n hardworking masses.... All the respective gov to do is channelize the talent of people .....Certainly there is no dearth of talents in this part all we need infrastructure to reach at par with our western counterparts..... First computer virus created by Pakistani only if m not wrong.....
The most hard working people are Japanese beyond a doubt to me, In general Asian are ahead of westerners in Working arduous way...

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