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What are US soldiers dying for?

What you have just vomited forth is standard propaganda that had its roots in the cold war, and has been only slightly modified by the haters of the U.S. in the last two decades. The key phrases stick out like a sore thumb:

Prove that the U.S. is "stealing oil." You cannot. It is purchased on the open market. And it makes no sense to launch a trillion $ conflict to "steal" billions in oil. Besides, only a small minority of it comes from the middle east. The vast majority of our crude is from Canada and Mexico.

Where did you get this whopper from? Ridiculous. Our oil reserves are nowhere close to the largest, unless you count shales and tar sand.

And 9/11 had nothing to do with our presence in Afghanistan? Unless you are one of the conspiracy loons... Besides, there is little of value in Afghanistan.

Again with the stealing. It's like a broken record. WHAT ARE WE STEALING FROM NIGERIA?

Let me guess, zionists at work, right? Unlike State-sponsored news sources, our media live and die by the veracity of their reporting. No one "invents" scandals to alter public opinion. Yes indeed, Clinton had sex with Lewinsky, Congressman Cunningham took bribes, etc etc. All actually happened.

And our jeeps and guns just hurled themselves at the enemy.

It wasn't thousands of U.S. soldiers surrendering to Saddam's Republican Guard... it was thousands of THEM surrendering to 5 or 6 U.S. troops. In Afghanistan, U.S. soldiers patrol openly with rifles, and the Taliban decline to fight. They hide instead. There is nothing soft about a U.S. soldier.

Please keep your baseless and false notions of my country to yourself.

you are trying to debate folks who think 911 was an inside job, who despise the US not matter what- yet , ironically, they wear American branded clothes, listen to American music and sit and talk about the evil ameriki in American themed coffee houses and would jump the line to vacation there:)
I am glad that the US is gradually loosing all it's allies in the ME .They are dictators and they oppress their people.First it was Ben Ali and now Hosni Mubarak.There are protests in Yemen too to ouster the dictator there who is also an US ally.Well done Arabs!!!

I would wait to understand foreign policy and realities on the ground before breaking such statements.
I would love to see you fight and see what its like to loose a friend, brother, Sister, daughter, son wife or husband
or see a comrade that you became friends blown to bits.

I have watched men auger in, buried friends, attended far too many funerals in my life. I was patrolling West Germany skies and getting lit up by SA-5's while you (in all likelihood) were less than a fertilized ovum. You want to play "the experience" game? Go for it. I know what sacrifice is. I strongly suspect you do not.

But you won't. Because you're a coward sitting behind a screen, typing meaningless gesture, falsifing facts

BY ALL MEANS, challenge me on facts, as opposed to childish name-calling and straw-man arguments. What facts have I falsified? Search my posts, pick 'em out, and show everyone how smart you are.

acting like a headless chicken when someone won't agree with you whilst the real men and women fight for your
pathetic excuse of your existence, so you can come here and act like loosers.

Ask Abu Zolfiqar about my praise for Pakistan's effort in this battle. I have been doing it for a LONG time, both here, and on Iran Defense.

In the mean time, name-calling simply shows your level of maturity, or lack thereof.

Do US and the Soilders who fought this war a favour, quit posting .
YOu are an embarressment to yourself, America and it makes soilders to think twice fighting for their country when they read such crap on the internet. Perhaps thats why its taken you guys 10 years in Afganistan and still the jobs not done. Get the picture you're dishearting them. Have some dignity and stop it.

I have more personal involvement in this conflict than you'll ever know, and I'll not go public with it. Again, debate the points. Use logic. This is what grown men do.

By the way, my screen name is not Chorgy.

The ball is in your court. Man up and debate the facts.
Buddy the foreign policy is simple . Do anything to project power by whatever means possible. I don't blame them , this is exactly what the British did when they were the world's sole superpower. The point I was trying to make is that the US has not right to lecture a few nations if it is not willing to admonish it's allies.
Buddy the foreign policy is simple . Do anything to project power by whatever means possible. I don't blame them , this is exactly what the British did when they were the world's sole superpower. The point I was trying to make is that the US has not right to lecture a few nations if it is not willing to admonish it's allies.

the point of my reply was the absurd statement that the US is losing allies. if anything the wiki leaks showed how the ME runs to the US and now they have Iraq and Afghanistan as allies too.
What a bunch of bulls.
I admire your passion for your country, but let's not play religion with this issues. Let's be able to differentiate whats right and whats wrong, instead of blindly believing everything your govt does. The war on Afganistan was pretty inevitable and they paid a huge price for it and you can't really deny that. but its time to pull out the troops. What about Iraq? They attacked because they were suspicious that they might have weapons of mass destruction and where are this weapons of mass destruction your media speaks of? and I have met many Iraqi people who believed the situation in Iraq was not half as bad as it is now.

Do you consider listing facts and verifiable sources as blindly believing everything? Is not your disagreement less credible without verifiable evidence? Time and again we see claims that all point to the same authors who would have us ignore mountains of facts in favor of a conspiracy theory which is more convenient to your world view of accusation without evidence. Where do you see us playing with “religion”?

As stated before, the US went to Afghanistan to remove terror networks and our progress in the region is strong proof that we are leading Afghanistan towards freedom and democracy. The people of Afghanistan have begun enjoying the normality of a free country and the Taliban control far less territory than they did years ago.

U.S. Central Command | Gates: Afghanistan Progress Exceeds Expectations

In fact here you can read about a program that gives Afghan a reason to refuse Taliban and promotes relations between the US and locals.

U.S. Central Command | US persuades Afghans to put down weapons, pick up shovels

Here you can read about the Taliban surrendering their weapons and joining the reconciliation process.

Insurgents from Farah and Herat Join Reconciliation Process | ISAF - International Security Assistance Force

Do you see how factual information completely differs from your personal propaganda point of view?

We will witness the drawdown of our troops from the region in accordance with the Afghan government. Our long term commitment to the region ensures Afghan security forces receive proper training to independently protect the people of Afghanistan. Our phased drawdown in Iraq provides a perfect example of our future direction in Afghanistan.

“What about Iraq?”

Can we deny the wrath inflicted upon the people of Iraq under Saddam’s dictatorship? Do you really believe Iraqi people are worse off living in freedom today? Here you can watch Latif Yahia tell horrific stories about Uday’s brutality under Saddam’s dictatorship.

The intelligence may not have revealed WMDs, but it did unmask how much Saddam's people were ready to topple with his regime.

Defector admits to WMD lies that triggered Iraq war | World news | The Guardian

Curveball admissions vindicate suspicions of CIA's former Europe chief | World news | The Guardian

Today Iraq is free with a democratic government. We can go into a long debate about how US forces were welcomed and then Al-Qaeda infiltrated the ranks of Saddam's disbanded military who then went on a murderous rampage. Most Iraqis were killed in the aftermath of Iraq's liberation but today they are on path to recovery. As promised by President Obama our combat troops are already out of Iraq and soon the few trainers who are left will be leaving. Iraq faces some challenges, which will soon be resolved, when you will see Iraq as a beacon of freedom and democracy in the Middle East and around the world.

CDR Bill Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

U.S. Central Command
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Lets get things propective here we can't see all American people as anti-muslim. Afterall some of things I have put as link are done by Americans as well. However there are some who ruin for all & theres alot to be said about allied troops:

1) I have met a lot of America and British Solders crying the same thing "What is this War for "and they are right. Most of the time they only sit in their bunkers waiting for something happen. Some were lucking not to see action at all just sending logistic and medical equipment for the Afgan or Iraqi people.

Public Diplomacy in Afghanistan: Delivering humanitarian aid in Bamyan, Afghanistan

Some have seen action, seen vast destruction on their enemies for a period and after that the enemy strikes back. All that hard-fighting going down the drain

2) I was told at School that any country that invades another is consider to be the bad guy: No matter it was Germany invading Poland, Iraq invading Kuwait, India invading East Pakistan, Russia invading Afghanistan, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq against Israel Argentina invading the Folk lands or Indonesia invading east Timor.
But when the US invades Iraq on 2003 its deemed ok – Solders don’t get that
People like Desiman, Chorgy, Gambit, Illuzion, centcom fail to understand that if you invade a country then you will meet resistance against such aggression, a resistance to be free quite the oppisite. The US is not always peace keeper, fore front of freedom values for every nation around the world. More like the Capitalist aggressors for Western Values.

On the same level for Muslim living in the west should they see SOilders as evil doers like how the Jew see German solider as such ? Afterall every Muslim knows what happen in Ausfits ?

YouTube - Rethink Afghanistan War (Part 4): Civilian Casualties

3) A lot of the solders only want to follow orders just doing their jobs. In some cases brain-washed about the wars they fight – however there are some who use this prejudice to rape, torture

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Troops 'took turns' to rape Iraqi

BBC NEWS | Middle East | US soldier admits Iraq girl rape

Investigator: U.S. soldier poured kerosene on raped, slain Iraqi - CNN

YouTube - Stop Killing Pashtun=Afghan Children, Women & Elderly 'These people just want to be left alone'

US Soldier Describes Thrill Kill of Innocent Civilians in Afghanistan - ABC News

..and least we forget the atrocities in Abu Gharib 2003

4) I have notice a lot Pakistani posters defending Western soldiers in their involvement especially in PDF forum

But I have yet to see US posters make same level on Pakistani Soilders

These Pakistani Soilders risking their lives so you can go about your daily life

Pakistan army paying heavy price in war against terrorism | Pakistan Daily

Pakistan has done much in anti-terror war: Malik | Pakistan | DAWN.COM


or how about Muslim in US and UK armed forces fighting against Terrorists

Muslims in the U.S. military are as loyal as any, chaplain says


BBC NEWS | UK | Striving for "truly British" armed forces

RAF Community - Faith Matters

WHY DON’T YOU Desiman, Chorgy, Gambit, Illuzion, centcom go and tell to those Muslim families who lost their loved one who were defending your freedom (which is pretty much a waste,) THAT THEY NEED TO DO MORE and insult their belief.

When 9/11 or 7/7 happen every Pakistani, Arab Muslims alike had to know about
Actrocities that happened that place, the time, every person that got killed.


Pakistan Assessment 2010

Pakistan terrorists target more civilians in 2009 - CSMonitor.com

Civilian Deaths Spike in Afghanistan, Pakistan - CBS News

But do you Desiman, Chorgy, Gambit, Illuzion, centcom know
- The number of terrorist attacks happened in those Muslim land …No
- The number of people died…… No
- The people who died…… No
- The exact Time and day and year when it Happened….No

Or what about other killings done by western forces on Civilians in this so called War onTerror

US Killed 700 Civilians in Pakistan Drone Strikes in 2009 -- News from Antiwar.com

Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan

Least we forget them

Care to give your thoughts and condolence to their families lost…No ?
Don’t give us the Bull that you never heard of it

What is the point of all this ? Whilst some glorify the Action of western Soilders invading sovereign countries being back by corrupt, murderous western govt, the action done by Muslim fighting for freedom against terrorist is purposely ignored
Just like Desiman, Chorgy, Gambit, Illuzion, & centcom, (going on a murderous rant against peaceful loving Muslims), how they want it .
You never hear anything from them of How these Muslim fought for our safety or the loss of life that Muslim civilians suffered period.

It is becoming very clear .as US and her allies continue to kill civilians, insults us to say it was collateral damage and colour it with idea of doing good in those countries
and people like Desiman, Chorgy, Gambit, Illuzion, and centcom, continue lie and spread unnessesely hate on Muslim .. it is becoming very clear who is really spreading the hate.

Furthermore the definition of Terrorism:

the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear

define:terrorism - Google Search

The US action on Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan and any other Muslim country or Non-Muslim alike can be describes as Terrorism.

Desiman, Chorgy, Gambit, Illuzion, & centcom your post is nothing more than disgrace to Americas way of life, freedom, and all of humanity. Even your Soilders will find you degusting for writing such tripe.
YOu keep going on falsing facts on the war in ME yet you havent even fought a war.
Gloringfying death, kills and explosion like a child who had played too many Xbox games or watch too many movies.

I would love to see you fight and see what its like to loose a friend, brother, Sister, daughter, son wife or husband
or see a comrade that you became friends blown to bits. Or Soildres that had regrets fighting because they might have killed an inncocent victim the mental toture and the other mental toture where when coming out of the army , when their training is still active - and they can't tell if they are at war or at home.

But you won't. Because you're a coward sitting behind a screen, typing meaningless gesture, falsifing facts
acting like a headless chicken when someone won't agree with you whilst the real men and women fight for your
pathetic excuse of your existence, so you can come here and act like loosers.

Do US and the Soilders who fought this war a favour, quit posting .
YOu are an embarressment to yourself, America and it makes soilders to think twice fighting for their country when they read such crap on the internet. Perhaps thats why its taken you guys 10 years in Afganistan and still the jobs not done. Get the picture you're dishearting them. Have some dignity and stop it.

If you're are coming back here again and belittleing people due to their beliefs then it only shows how much of an uneducated simplton you are, who only know how to put people down, that has gone too long on the PDF.
Its all you ever do, how sad and pathetic.

An isolated rape by a few US Soldiers does not represent the entire US military. Just like a few Jewish Americans like Jonthan Pollard or like

1997 An Army mechanical engineer, David A. Tenenbaum, "inadvertently" gives classified military information on missile systems and armored vehicles to Israeli officials.

2001 JDL's Irv Rubin arrested for planning to bomb a US Congressman. He dies before he can be brought to trial.

These are just isolated incidents and does not represent the American Jews.

The government in Iraq is definately better than Saddam Hussein.
Isolated rape by a few US soldiers does represent the entire US military when the military lets go of these rapists with nominal sentences...

American Jews support Israel as a majority... people dont need to be told who their enemies are...

The government in Iraq is made up of people who actually lied about WMDs and welcomed the invading Americans (who btw are responsible for murdering more people than Saddam Hussain) and continue to act as puppets of America... So stop defending the indefensible mate...
Remember 9/11, God Bless

God Bless 9/11 victims
but any person with normal brains will ask how many more innocent people USA wants to kill in the name of 9/11

Just think about this and dont need to say anything just think..... 3k ratio to 5 hundred thousand in Iraq and almost all people effected in Afghanistan by this....

God Bless 9/11 victims
but any person with normal brains will ask how many more innocent people USA wants to kill in the name of 9/11

Just think about this and dont need to say anything just think..... 3k ratio to 5 hundred thousand in Iraq and almost all people effected in Afghanistan by this....


Unfortunately it is too late for America at this stage... The only way they can keep control and their dominance and influence is thru more killing because they have foolishly made an enemy out of the majority of Muslims in the world today... The only thing that stands between their total humiliation at the hands of the real Islamic forces (not terrorist) is these puppet regimes... Once they are gone... they ll be handed their on a plate... inshaAllah
What you have just vomited forth is standard propaganda that had its roots in the cold war, and has been only slightly modified by the haters of the U.S. in the last two decades. The key phrases stick out like a sore thumb:

Prove that the U.S. is "stealing oil." You cannot. It is purchased on the open market. And it makes no sense to launch a trillion $ conflict to "steal" billions in oil. Besides, only a small minority of it comes from the middle east. The vast majority of our crude is from Canada and Mexico.

Where did you get this whopper from? Ridiculous. Our oil reserves are nowhere close to the largest, unless you count shales and tar sand.

And 9/11 had nothing to do with our presence in Afghanistan? Unless you are one of the conspiracy loons... Besides, there is little of value in Afghanistan.

Again with the stealing. It's like a broken record. WHAT ARE WE STEALING FROM NIGERIA?

Let me guess, zionists at work, right? Unlike State-sponsored news sources, our media live and die by the veracity of their reporting. No one "invents" scandals to alter public opinion. Yes indeed, Clinton had sex with Lewinsky, Congressman Cunningham took bribes, etc etc. All actually happened.

And our jeeps and guns just hurled themselves at the enemy.

It wasn't thousands of U.S. soldiers surrendering to Saddam's Republican Guard... it was thousands of THEM surrendering to 5 or 6 U.S. troops. In Afghanistan, U.S. soldiers patrol openly with rifles, and the Taliban decline to fight. They hide instead. There is nothing soft about a U.S. soldier.

Please keep your baseless and false notions of my country to yourself.

chogy i deeply respect ur views and u to but i wanna know that if taliban declines to fight u and hide then why are u ppl so wanna get out of afghanistan
Hey, Chogy, you may not believe it, but the US and other powerful countries DO steal natural resources from other countries. Maybe normal Americans, living in a sheltered life do not understand, but let me explain how powerful countries steal natural resources:

Typically what happens is that they make a deal with a corrupt government/military dictator. Either they pay a large bribe to the PM/dictator, or they agree to give the country, say, a few F-16's. In return the corrupt pig agrees to sign over an oil/gas well to a US company. Thus the US steals natural resources form the poor country.

Now, no doubt you will say that its a "legal" agreement, but I'm sorry, every non-American sees it as stealing. This is normal behaviour for rich countries, and happens daily around the world. Of course, if a patriotic government then cancels the unfair agreement, like Mossadegh did, the CIA organizes a coup/ orchestrates a revolution through use of planted "dissidents" or "pro-democracy activists", who topple the patriotic government and installs a US puppet.

That is the unfortunate truth, and that's the reason why some(many?) people dislike the US.
The US went to Afghanistan to eliminate the terror network responsible for 9/11, and to help bring peace and stability to all Afghans. Dear forum readers, the Taliban inflicted untold damage upon the nation of Afghanistan under their dark regime. The Taliban regime not only kept Afghans brutally repressed, but, with great force and purpose, they kept progress and prosperity at bay. Thousands were massacred, women were forced from the country's schools and jobs, and many were left to beg on the streets for food. Did not the Taliban rule by fear? The rebuilding of Afghanistan is a global commitment, and NATOs International Security Assistance Force coalition in Afghanistan continues to grow; now numbering 49 contributing nations. The people of Afghanistan have begun experiencing the kind of freedom simply unimaginable during Taliban rule, and that can be credited to the efforts of Afghan, US and NATO forces. This alignment of our international effort was on full display at the NATO summit in Lisbon where the coalition committed to a long-term partnership with Afghanistan while laying out a plan for the Afghan government to take responsibility for its own security,

Agreed but that doent either justify Guantanamo

Sir you had put up a great time collecting those youtube links mind if you see this too!
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The US is in Iraq and Afghanistan to expand American power and empire. They plan to build permanent bases in both countries and leave permanent military detachments as well. The recent US adventures are nothing new. They have been flipping governments in South America since forever. In all cases, the propaganda has been democracy or freedom or free trade or what not. But for the propaganda to be true, America must be a race of Mother Theresas. But all you have to do is step across the American border (even to Canada) and you'll be greeted with a more realistic assessment of US goals. They want access to resources, markets for American corporations, and the destruction of any government which opposes American goals. That last part is what sets apart American foreign policy and makes it so deplorable under international judgment.
Unfortunately it is too late for America at this stage... The only way they can keep control and their dominance and influence is thru more killing because they have foolishly made an enemy out of the majority of Muslims in the world today... The only thing that stands between their total humiliation at the hands of the real Islamic forces (not terrorist) is these puppet regimes... Once they are gone... they ll be handed their on a plate... inshaAllah

Is it wise to state: “US have foolishly made an enemy out of the majority of Muslims in the world today”…when we have Muslim ally and partner nations fighting insurgency and eliminating terrorism alongside us? Let’s take Pakistan for an example; where civilians have become soft targets for terrorists’ attempts to destabilize the nation. We also witnessed Taliban’s attempt to take over the Swat Valley. The government of Pakistan reacted immediately and aggressively and after hard fighting drove Taliban out of the area. Did the government of Pakistan seek US approval in protecting its land? Were they acting on behalf of the US government as “puppets” in fighting terrorism? How is defending your own citizens against terrorism an act of prostration to a foreign power?

Our mission in Afghanistan is not to kill Muslims, but to fight insurgents and eliminate the terrorism that has suppressed Afghanistan for decades. It should be noted that more than 80 percent of all civilians killed in this conflict have been by the Taliban, either through their indiscriminate use of IEDs, or simply ruthless attacks against civilian targets, such as this massacre that killed nearly 40 civilians at a bank in Jalalabad, which was captured on video. After watching such an atrocity, can there be any doubt that it is the Taliban who are the enemy of Muslims?

Here you can read about a new US Army program called “Cash for Work” which gives Afghans a reason to refuse Taliban employment and promotes relations between the US and locals.

U.S. Central Command | US persuades Afghans to put down weapons, pick up shovels

Here you can watch US Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) forces rescue not just US soldiers but local civilians and even Taliban.

US and NATO forces work night and day to rebuild Afghanistan and our progress in the region is proof that we are successfully focused on supporting Afghans desire for prosperity and democracy. Our drawdown in Afghanistan will not be the end of our support to the Afghan government and people, but the beginning of a new phase in our relationship with that country. If a new factory restores 175 jobs, a Province has new schools along with teacher training colleges or if another district receives new health centers then how else would you interpret our mission in the region as one of restoring the great sovereign nation of Afghanistan?

U.S. Central Command | Progress in Afghanistan Highlighted by Business Growth, Job Creation and New Infrastructure Projects

This time our commitment will be long standing so that we can maintain the trust built with Afghans who do not want to be left at the mercy of Taliban’s atrocities.

CDR Bill Speaks,

DET, United States Central Command

U.S. Central Command
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