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What are US soldiers dying for?

I think they are dieing becasue the corporations need to pass oil and gas pipelines and the talibans wanted 100% profits from the pipelines so it was not good deal they Corporations wanted a fair share of 90% and 10 % for Talibans

So they had to get rid of Talibans

9 uno uno was a inside job likely a planned item to allow US to unconditionally try to topple Iraq and Afghanistan and build bases to monitor Russia and China and prevent them from access to Middle east

Russia has unlimited supply of oil and gas , in case of war if Russian ever cut off middle east from world US and allies would starve with no energy source which is why US tries to store HUGE surpluses of oil in reserves
Soldiers are soldiers, obedient to commanders, not important command is right or wrong but they have to complete given task, it is general or universal phenomena in any army. Thread title should be "Which interests are secured by US Army and why?"
Its just a strategic long term interest of US i.e Western world needs power with out power they are sitting ducks to Russia who is their eternal Nemisis

Russia has huge oil and gas reserves so they sell it to Europe to make money , of course but US wants to secure , its share of oil and gas , it does not wants the Middle east to fall in Russian hands so what they need is buffer zones , early warning systems to halt the march of Russians in case of war

i.e these places now are Iraq - and Afghanistan , and Kuwait some what

Basically US has bases in Japan/ Tiwan to counter China on East Asia Side
They have bases in Iraq to control east side where Russia might get access to Middle east.

Its all about Oil with out ample supply of oil Western Economies will crumble just look recently there was a price hike in Oil 2-3 years ago and it almost broke capitalism in half - even in 70's the economies almost went down hill of course as consequences they assassinated King Faisal etc but that is another story for another day.

So why Are young Americans dieing in Iraq and Afghanistan ? They are securing oil supplies for their brothers who need this resource oil to help run economy back home. Which includes bombing civilians and destroying civilian structures. Which is fine as long as you don't shoot a youtube video and boast about it

There is a well elaborative structure in place to stop the reality from being made public - such matters are hardly ever discussed in media ppl get fired or let go openly its a sensitive subject

One might ask ok but US is also known to have worlds largest oil reserves ? Why don't they use it ? Well simple they want to use the local resources only in case of war or after all other known resources run out so their own economies keep running

US won world war 2 not because of bravery or heart they won because their land was mass producing jeeps , and military gear more faster then other enemy nations - US is strategic country as it is self sufficient in time of war it can bottle up from all corners and it can sustain itself

Its all ABOUT MONEY and business in end if you have the bigger gun you enjoy the best life has to offer sorta speak if you are poor Afghan in some desert tough luck you are only a hinderance.

US corporations that steal resources from places like Nigeria or else where they end up paying taxes back home and that fuels the BEAST...

In US 5% of people control all wealth they are the same people who controlled Oil in 1800's they control gov , they control media , and they control fate of 95%

A perception of freedom is created - to make people think they are the ones who decide who will be ellected president , but in reality the media is controlled by them and they spread false stories and lies to effect public opinion :P

Its amazing how quickly a candidate's rating goes from 70% to 5% with a mere scandal reported in media

In reality is the same 5% who decide who will be ellected as new leader of the empire

Strangely enough these are some 5% who suddenly decide to pull all cash out from Stock Market , and collapse and pressure any gov , and when every thing goes cheap they go back in and buy 100% more items due to reduced stock prices

Stock Prices don't all go down together unless someone or some group knowingly pulls all money out by selling their shares.....at once
What you have just vomited forth is standard propaganda that had its roots in the cold war, and has been only slightly modified by the haters of the U.S. in the last two decades. The key phrases stick out like a sore thumb:

Its all about Oil with out ample supply of oil Western Economies will crumble just look recently there was a price hike in Oil 2-3 years ago and it almost broke capitalism in half

Prove that the U.S. is "stealing oil." You cannot. It is purchased on the open market. And it makes no sense to launch a trillion $ conflict to "steal" billions in oil. Besides, only a small minority of it comes from the middle east. The vast majority of our crude is from Canada and Mexico.

One might ask ok but US is also known to have worlds largest oil reserves ?

Where did you get this whopper from? Ridiculous. Our oil reserves are nowhere close to the largest, unless you count shales and tar sand.

Its all ABOUT MONEY and business in end if you have the bigger gun you enjoy the best life has to offer sorta speak if you are poor Afghan in some desert tough luck you are only a hinderance

And 9/11 had nothing to do with our presence in Afghanistan? Unless you are one of the conspiracy loons... Besides, there is little of value in Afghanistan.

US corporations that steal resources from places like Nigeria

Again with the stealing. It's like a broken record. WHAT ARE WE STEALING FROM NIGERIA?

A perception of freedom is created - to make people think they are the ones who decide who will be ellected president , but in reality the media is controlled by them and they spread false stories and lies to effect public opinion

Its amazing how quickly a candidate's rating goes from 70% to 5% with a mere scandal reported in media

Let me guess, zionists at work, right? Unlike State-sponsored news sources, our media live and die by the veracity of their reporting. No one "invents" scandals to alter public opinion. Yes indeed, Clinton had sex with Lewinsky, Congressman Cunningham took bribes, etc etc. All actually happened.

US won world war 2 not because of bravery or heart they won because their land was mass producing jeeps , and military gear more faster then other enemy nations - US is strategic country as it is self sufficient in time of war it can bottle up from all corners and it can sustain itself

And our jeeps and guns just hurled themselves at the enemy.

It wasn't thousands of U.S. soldiers surrendering to Saddam's Republican Guard... it was thousands of THEM surrendering to 5 or 6 U.S. troops. In Afghanistan, U.S. soldiers patrol openly with rifles, and the Taliban decline to fight. They hide instead. There is nothing soft about a U.S. soldier.

Please keep your baseless and false notions of my country to yourself.
. .

It wasn't thousands of U.S. soldiers surrendering to Saddam's Republican Guard... it was thousands of THEM surrendering to 5 or 6 U.S. troops. In Afghanistan, U.S. soldiers patrol openly with rifles, and the Taliban decline to fight. They hide instead. There is nothing soft about a U.S. soldier.

Please keep your baseless and false notions of my country to yourself.
And you think that it was a very big achievement ?An army with all of the world's most advanced weaponry backed up by carrier based jets , cruise missiles etc. is up against an army whose capability is heavily blighted due to years of sanctions .

I don't know much about the Taliban hiding from US troops but US troops are getting killed by scores due to IED's and ambushes.Now that is called tactic.You really think that the Taliban will show up in front of the US soldiers so that they can order a drone and blast them into pieces.

Pls note that I am neither supporting the Taliban or Saddam here.

Sorry for being a bit blunt but your country is the biggest hypocrite of this century.On one hand they remove Saddam by claiming that he is a dictator and that he possessed WMD and on the other hand they extend full support to dictators like Hosni Mubarak ,Ben Ali,King of Saudi Arabia so on and so forth.On one hand your country castigates nations like Myanmar and Iran for HR abuses but keeps silent when there are such abuses in countries which the US sees as it's allies.
. .
I am glad that the US is gradually loosing all it's allies in the ME .They are dictators and they oppress their people.First it was Ben Ali and now Hosni Mubarak.There are protests in Yemen too to ouster the dictator there who is also an US ally.Well done Arabs!!!
I don't know much about the Taliban hiding from US troops but US troops are getting killed by scores due to IED's and ambushes.Now that is called tactic.You really think that the Taliban will show up in front of the US soldiers so that they can order a drone and blast them into pieces.

Laughable. You claim that U.S. Marines on open patrol with rifles and machine guns, when confronted by the enemy, would run away, hide, and call a "drone strike." The simple truth is that when Taliban and terrorists face armed soldiers, they run away. Or detonate an IED.

Actual shooting ambushes are almost non-existent these days, because the terrorists know that they will lose, not because of bombs from the sky, but because of traditional squad tactics and accurate fire.

On one hand they remove Saddam by claiming that he is a dictator and that he possessed WMD and on the other hand they extend full support to dictators like Hosni Mubarak ,Ben Ali,King of Saudi Arabia so on and so forth.

You'll get no argument from me regarding U.S. involvement with less than savory characters. My dream is to see U.S. soldiers and assets at home guarding our own borders. The problem is one of inertia. Few people here are old enough to remember the extreme polarization of the Cold war. U.S. assets vs. Soviet. Western Europe survived because of that U.S. presence, and to a lesser extent, Japan and Korea are the economic engines they are today because of it. But those days should be over.

What I find fascinating is the pervasive notion that "if only Amerikka would go home; then, all would be peace, joy, puppies and flowers all around the world. Kumbaya." The reality is that nations were butchering each other by the tens of millions for centuries, long before the U.S. rose to power. From 1776 to WW1, and the inter-war period, the U.S. was isolationist. That didn't work out too well.
Its not you its CORPORATIONS GREEDY bloody thirsty corporations , and they pay taxes for protection against nationalist :P that is what is American interest is

But US only won the war in ww2 due to industrial revolution if US was connected to Europe they would be done and out by German Tanks

Well I saw the effect of media on public , a good candidate like John Kerry was brutally misrepresented

See , in American media the notion is if you lie long enough and repeat it over and over and over again the public opinion changes and that is why you never see a good honest man in power never its always the ultra elite :agree:
They are dying and will remain americans die because ISreal want! America will stay in Afghanistan FORVER! and this bullshit story 9/11 whole world knows about this b****
They are fighting for their country, in terms of fighting for honor, not many armies come close to the American Army.
I may not support the war, but i defiantly support the soldiers fighting it. :usflag: :pop:
I think they are dieing becasue the corporations need to pass oil and gas pipelines and the talibans wanted 100% profits from the pipelines so it was not good deal they Corporations wanted a fair share of 90% and 10 % for Talibans

So they had to get rid of Talibans

9 uno uno was a inside job likely a planned item to allow US to unconditionally try to topple Iraq and Afghanistan and build bases to monitor Russia and China and prevent them from access to Middle east

Russia has unlimited supply of oil and gas , in case of war if Russian ever cut off middle east from world US and allies would starve with no energy source which is why US tries to store HUGE surpluses of oil in reserves

I am not againt the US or the Military, but I am against the fighting. Even I feel that the reason is same as mentioned in the Quote.
We have got wars on Oil. This one is somewhat close to it, with a 'misleading' title.
No offense if anyone here feels bad.
Lets get things propective here we can't see all American people as anti-muslim. Afterall some of things I have put as link are done by Americans as well. However there are some who ruin for all & theres alot to be said about allied troops:

1) I have met a lot of America and British Solders crying the same thing "What is this War for "and they are right. Most of the time they only sit in their bunkers waiting for something happen. Some were lucking not to see action at all just sending logistic and medical equipment for the Afgan or Iraqi people.


Some have seen action, seen vast destruction on their enemies for a period and after that the enemy strikes back. All that hard-fighting going down the drain

2) I was told at School that any country that invades another is consider to be the bad guy: No matter it was Germany invading Poland, Iraq invading Kuwait, India invading East Pakistan, Russia invading Afghanistan, Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Iraq against Israel Argentina invading the Folk lands or Indonesia invading east Timor.
But when the US invades Iraq on 2003 its deemed ok – Solders don’t get that
People like Desiman, Chorgy, Gambit, Illuzion, centcom fail to understand that if you invade a country then you will meet resistance against such aggression, a resistance to be free quite the oppisite. The US is not always peace keeper, fore front of freedom values for every nation around the world. More like the Capitalist aggressors for Western Values.

On the same level for Muslim living in the west should they see SOilders as evil doers like how the Jew see German solider as such ? Afterall every Muslim knows what happen in Ausfits ?

YouTube - Rethink Afghanistan War (Part 4): Civilian Casualties

3) A lot of the solders only want to follow orders just doing their jobs. In some cases brain-washed about the wars they fight – however there are some who use this prejudice to rape, torture

BBC NEWS | Middle East | Troops 'took turns' to rape Iraqi

BBC NEWS | Middle East | US soldier admits Iraq girl rape

Investigator: U.S. soldier poured kerosene on raped, slain Iraqi - CNN

YouTube - Stop Killing Pashtun=Afghan Children, Women & Elderly 'These people just want to be left alone'

US Soldier Describes Thrill Kill of Innocent Civilians in Afghanistan - ABC News

..and least we forget the atrocities in Abu Gharib 2003

4) I have notice a lot Pakistani posters defending Western soldiers in their involvement especially in PDF forum

But I have yet to see US posters make same level on Pakistani Soilders

These Pakistani Soilders risking their lives so you can go about your daily life

Pakistan army paying heavy price in war against terrorism | Pakistan Daily

Pakistan has done much in anti-terror war: Malik | Pakistan | DAWN.COM


or how about Muslim in US and UK armed forces fighting against Terrorists

Muslims in the U.S. military are as loyal as any, chaplain says


BBC NEWS | UK | Striving for "truly British" armed forces

RAF Community - Faith Matters

WHY DON’T YOU Desiman, Chorgy, Gambit, Illuzion, centcom go and tell to those Muslim families who lost their loved one who were defending your freedom (which is pretty much a waste,) THAT THEY NEED TO DO MORE and insult their belief.

When 9/11 or 7/7 happen every Pakistani, Arab Muslims alike had to know about
Actrocities that happened that place, the time, every person that got killed.


Pakistan Assessment 2010

Pakistan terrorists target more civilians in 2009 - CSMonitor.com

Civilian Deaths Spike in Afghanistan, Pakistan - CBS News

But do you Desiman, Chorgy, Gambit, Illuzion, centcom know
- The number of terrorist attacks happened in those Muslim land …No
- The number of people died…… No
- The people who died…… No
- The exact Time and day and year when it Happened….No

Or what about other killings done by western forces on Civilians in this so called War onTerror

US Killed 700 Civilians in Pakistan Drone Strikes in 2009 -- News from Antiwar.com

Civilian Victims of United States' Aerial Bombing of Afghanistan

Least we forget them

Care to give your thoughts and condolence to their families lost…No ?
Don’t give us the Bull that you never heard of it

What is the point of all this ? Whilst some glorify the Action of western Soilders invading sovereign countries being back by corrupt, murderous western govt, the action done by Muslim fighting for freedom against terrorist is purposely ignored
Just like Desiman, Chorgy, Gambit, Illuzion, & centcom, (going on a murderous rant against peaceful loving Muslims), how they want it .
You never hear anything from them of How these Muslim fought for our safety or the loss of life that Muslim civilians suffered period.

It is becoming very clear .as US and her allies continue to kill civilians, insults us to say it was collateral damage and colour it with idea of doing good in those countries
and people like Desiman, Chorgy, Gambit, Illuzion, and centcom, continue lie and spread unnessesely hate on Muslim .. it is becoming very clear who is really spreading the hate.

Furthermore the definition of Terrorism:

the calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear

define:terrorism - Google Search

The US action on Iraq, Somalia, Afghanistan and any other Muslim country or Non-Muslim alike can be describes as Terrorism.

Desiman, Chorgy, Gambit, Illuzion, & centcom your post is nothing more than disgrace to Americas way of life, freedom, and all of humanity. Even your Soilders will find you degusting for writing such tripe.
YOu keep going on falsing facts on the war in ME yet you havent even fought a war.
Gloringfying death, kills and explosion like a child who had played too many Xbox games or watch too many movies.

I would love to see you fight and see what its like to loose a friend, brother, Sister, daughter, son wife or husband
or see a comrade that you became friends blown to bits. Or Soildres that had regrets fighting because they might have killed an inncocent victim the mental toture and the other mental toture where when coming out of the army , when their training is still active - and they can't tell if they are at war or at home.

But you won't. Because you're a coward sitting behind a screen, typing meaningless gesture, falsifing facts
acting like a headless chicken when someone won't agree with you whilst the real men and women fight for your
pathetic excuse of your existence, so you can come here and act like loosers.

Do US and the Soilders who fought this war a favour, quit posting .
YOu are an embarressment to yourself, America and it makes soilders to think twice fighting for their country when they read such crap on the internet. Perhaps thats why its taken you guys 10 years in Afganistan and still the jobs not done. Get the picture you're dishearting them. Have some dignity and stop it.

If you're are coming back here again and belittleing people due to their beliefs then it only shows how much of an uneducated simplton you are, who only know how to put people down, that has gone too long on the PDF.
Its all you ever do, how sad and pathetic.

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