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What are US soldiers dying for?

Still too afraid to come out and admit you are a 9/11 'Truther', eh?

Did you plot the 911? Confess it!

You do know he is Chinese yeah? seditious tendencies are not too surprising--every post he makes, I mean every post literally is anti US. Notice how he brings Hitler into the reply too. If you hate every core of America, I mean every core of it and I challenge you to find this kid say otherwise- is it too far off to ask WTF are doing in Cali china town?

its one thing to be disagreeable about a countries certain policy- I'm all for getting out of Afghanistan and agree Iraq was unnecessary, I even agree Bush should be held for crimes (torture)- but this kid hopes for the worst for the US and only sees the worst in the US and I mean in everything US. ... I swear sometimes I wish the US was China and they would drop kick these you know what out of our shores.

Sure, how could people expect you semi-illiterate know the difference between patriotism and jingoism.

Indian democrazy is driven by jingoism under the disguise of patriotism. That was precisely how Mr. Nehru was driven into “forward policy” by you vast parliament members, resulting in a shame of defeat by the Chinese, leaving you a deep scar in your psychology more than 40+ years unhealed.

In US democracy, true patriotism is reflected in critical thinking, in fearless criticism. G. Washington said, Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair, admitting that he was not good enough. Indians would instead say to Nehru, for instance, if you don’t forward into China, you are hoping for the worst of India, and then swear some words (BTW, many of you have high talent in it – i.e. big-mouthing)… this is why you've ended up having 2,000,000 children die of hunger per year under your democracy, and you have vast illiterate in your democracy, and you are poorer than China even though you were richer when you both started running your own countries. And you are putting shame on democracy.

It works very differently in this democracy than yours. Learn it.

Though unlikely but still hope you kid can get it, because if you want to avoid stupidity, you have to admit the stupidity first.
Did you plot the 911? Confess it!
Still too afraid to come out and admit you are a 9/11 'Truther', eh? I failed to see the justifications for the fear. But what I see is gross intellectual dishonesty and evasion. You know that those 'Troofers' arguments have been debunked long ago.
Did you plot the 911? Confess it!

Sure, how could people expect you semi-illiterate know the difference between patriotism and jingoism.

Indian democrazy is driven by jingoism under the disguise of patriotism. That was precisely how Mr. Nehru was driven into “forward policy” by you vast parliament members, resulting in a shame of defeat by the Chinese, leaving you a deep scar in your psychology more than 40+ years unhealed.

In US democracy, true patriotism is reflected in critical thinking, in fearless criticism. G. Washington said, Let us raise a standard to which the wise and honest can repair, admitting that he was not good enough. Indians would instead say to Nehru, for instance, if you don’t forward into China, you are hoping for the worst of India, and then swear some words (BTW, many of you have high talent in it – i.e. big-mouthing)… this is why you've ended up having 2,000,000 children die of hunger per year under your democracy, and you have vast illiterate in your democracy, and you are poorer than China even though you were richer when you both started running your own countries. And you are putting shame on democracy.

It works very differently in this democracy than yours. Learn it.

Though unlikely but still hope you kid can get it, because if you want to avoid stupidity, you have to admit the stupidity first.

How can one expect a psuedo intellect that is seditious in nature to not hide behind free speech? as I've cited here many times- not a single post you make- does not elude to something anti US. You follow the belief that the US killed it's own on 911- that does not make you in the footsteps of Washington- that makes you a crackpot, who insists on seeing only bad in America 24/7. But your so called literate self is what- a 911 truther- ridiculed as nut jobs world wide? A person who side steps being called out as such and goes into some Nehru hard on, especially when you belong to a country that has dubious distinction of being cited as the trifecta of world leaders who were responsible for the worst crimes against humanity, Hitler, Stalin and MAO... heh

Tarry a moment please.

When the Chinese occupied surreptitiously Aksai Chin, having soft soaped Nehru with Bandung Principles of Panchsheel and renegades, then what should have been the policy? Backward Policy?

No there are no deep scars of 1962. There is much good that came out of it. India realised that all the moral high horse of China was a whole lot of cunning skulduggery. The resultant was India moved out of its ceremonial Army avatar into a modern Army. The result was evident when the Chinese got a drubbing in Chola and Nathu La subsequently and the Chinese backed down after the Sumdorong Chu incident!

In so far as poverty and education, you would do well to see what is the latest in the country of your origin. I haven't had the time to check it out nor have the desire, but I take it that you are a Chinese, though I do not know of your actual origin as to whether you are a nei ren or a wei ren.

A country that classifies it some of its people in history as barbarians, can hardly claim to be civilised, let alone literate or semi literate in mindset.
. . . . .

Tarry a moment please.

When the Chinese occupied surreptitiously Aksai Chin, having soft soaped Nehru with Bandung Principles of Panchsheel and renegades, then what should have been the policy? Backward Policy?

No there are no deep scars of 1962. There is much good that came out of it. India realised that all the moral high horse of China was a whole lot of cunning skulduggery. The resultant was India moved out of its ceremonial Army avatar into a modern Army. The result was evident when the Chinese got a drubbing in Chola and Nathu La subsequently and the Chinese backed down after the Sumdorong Chu incident!

In so far as poverty and education, you would do well to see what is the latest in the country of your origin. I haven't had the time to check it out nor have the desire, but I take it that you are a Chinese, though I do not know of your actual origin as to whether you are a nei ren or a wei ren.

A country that classifies it some of its people in history as barbarians, can hardly claim to be civilised, let alone literate or semi literate in mindset.

you are trying to reason with Gpit , a guy who always brings his legend in his own mind IQ ratings. But he is so literate vs others, so smart -as to challenge 911 , to say it was Americans who did it to themselves- when there are tapes of Osama bin laden confessing with glee he planned it, when there is KSM ( Khalid sheik Mohamed ) explaining in detail how they did it- where is videos of those were on the planes saying they were under the guidance of AQ and osama. AND his great IQ and literacy challenges that! --- as I said he always 24/7 as per posting here too- sees worst in America. I know of only one thing that is debatable when it comes him...and I made it clear.
Most average US Amrican does not benefits with these so called US interest abroad , who gains most are the RICH class in USA 5% who control all wealth in USA.

The finance all political leaders with their corporate money , and they want to expand abroad but poor countries resources when needed they used the Gov agencies to achieve their goals of purchasing foreign resources

The poor class in US they work 9-5 for minimum wage and paying taxes is all what they do

The top 5% rich class is the real problem not 95% of US population.

These SUPER rich class 5% were the people who bought lands where oil was found back in 1800 something .. and its their generation that controls US , while giving people a false illusion that they are in control

When they want a gov to topple their media outlets start media campaigns and public opinion changes in months and they get rid of any politician that does not goes with their plans
How can one expect a psuedo intellect that is seditious in nature to not hide behind free speech? as I've cited here many times- not a single post you make- does not elude to something anti US. You follow the belief that the US killed it's own on 911- that does not make you in the footsteps of Washington- that makes you a crackpot, who insists on seeing only bad in America 24/7. But your so called literate self is what- a 911 truther- ridiculed as nut jobs world wide? A person who side steps being called out as such and goes into some Nehru hard on, especially when you belong to a country that has dubious distinction of being cited as the trifecta of world leaders who were responsible for the worst crimes against humanity, Hitler, Stalin and MAO... heh

Don’t you find yourself in such an ecstasy mood when you see seditious Tibetans in exile? Aren’t you craving for seditious movements in Xizang and Xinjiang of China?

All of sudden, you start to hate sedition?

Is that because your bi-polar disorder relentlessly sinks you into another desperate pole? Or is it because you are unable to conceal your deep-rooted hypocrisy anymore?

In fact, even Hitler did not allow to starve his 2,000,000 children to death per year, but your Indian democrazy has done. :tdown:
I have seen a lot of Indians lying in this forum, as I myself debunked couple of them.

But, frankly, I haven’t seen a liar so blatant and so shameless as you. You win the championship of lying. While ancient Indian kings craved for Maharajadhiraja (greatest king of all kings), and you are now the Maha-liar of the liars, if you can’t provide evidence of your lie:
... But he is so literate vs others, so smart -as to challenge 911 , to say it was Americans who did it to themselves- ...
you are trying to reason with Gpit , a guy who always brings his legend in his own mind IQ ratings. But he is so literate vs others, so smart -as to challenge 911 , to say it was Americans who did it to themselves- when there are tapes of Osama bin laden confessing with glee he planned it, when there is KSM ( Khalid sheik Mohamed ) explaining in detail how they did it- where is videos of those were on the planes saying they were under the guidance of AQ and osama. AND his great IQ and literacy challenges that! --- as I said he always 24/7 as per posting here too- sees worst in America. I know of only one thing that is debatable when it comes him...and I made it clear.

You have some biases about 9/11, from what I gather.
The US is not some innocent virgin. 9/11 is blowback from imperialistic american foreign policy in the middle east.
The Inescapable Irony of 9/11
Keith Hazelton
March 19, 2007
American essayist Agnes Repplier said humor brings insight and tolerance but “irony brings a deeper and less friendly understanding.”

As our collective grief and anger slowly dissipate in the years since 9/11, an inescapable irony emerges in the aftermath which must be confronted, and which, with hope, may bring us understanding and, more importantly, the courage as a nation and its leaders and as a people to change.

How could they do this to us? How could they hate us this much?” We rhetorically have asked ourselves these questions countless times since 2001, but some answers may be surprising, and will differ from the official, received opinion dutifully communicated to us by a preponderance of the tame, corporate-owned fourth estate.

The tragedy of 9/11 did not happen because Osama bin Laden and his al-Qaeda terrorists hate democracy, capitalism, truth, justice or even the Western Hemisphere's mindless entertainment and rehab-driven popular culture. None of those were cited as casus belli by the as-yet uncaptured, cave-dwelling, Saudi native for the attack he ordered and financed.

No, in several videotaped messages since 9/11 bin Laden gave very different, specific reasons for the attack, to wit: the U.S.-led embargo of humanitarian aid to Iraq in the 1990s following Gulf War I (in hopes that starving, illness-crazed Iraqis would arise to overthrow Saddam Hussein), later replaced with a corrupt and equally ineffective U.N. food-and-medicine-for-oil program, which together were responsible for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Iraqi children; America's unwavering Israel-first Middle-East foreign policy which has so often ignored the rights of Palestinians and which contributes to so much instability in the region, and the continued, growing presence of U.S. military bases in the Middle East, specifically in Saudi Arabia, the holiest lands in Islam.

Regardless of the reasons for the 2001 attack, the inescapable irony of 9/11 is this: much of Osama bin Laden's inherited wealth came from U.S. petro-dollars recycled through his father's construction company; our CIA trained bin Laden in guerrilla warfare and armed him and his mujahideen to be “freedom fighters” in the 1980s Afghan war, and our “global war on terror” likely will, in fact, increase – not diminish – the possibility of future terrorist attacks in the United States.

The first component is that with our own money Osama bin Laden destroyed our symbols of wealth in New York City and power in Washington, D.C., killing in the process nearly 3,000 innocents, and drove us lemming-like over a neo-conservative cliff of hatred and fear to the abyss below of a liberty-diminishing, civilian-murdering global war on terror.

The wealth that Osama bin Laden inherited and so cruelly used against us was accumulated in life by his father, Muhammad Awad bin Laden, whose construction empire grew fat on newfound wealth represented by oil, largely from the flood of U.S. dollars pouring into Saudi Arabia, and made him one of the wealthiest non-royal Saudis. At the time of his death the elder bin Laden's wealth was measured in billions. Osama bin Laden, one of more than 50 children born of 22 mothers in the house of bin Laden, it is believed, received an inheritance measured in millions.

The second component is Osama bin Laden received arms and training from the CIA, and money funneled through Saudi Arabia, for use in Afghanistan in the 1980s when the United States supported the Afghan mujahideen fighting government and Soviet Union troops (the U.S.S.R.'s “Vietnam”).

We taught bin Laden how to be a terrorist, how to use our weapons and how to recruit and train other like-minded young Arabic men, and, again in a way, how to use our own money in the form of petro-dollars recycled through Saudi Arabia to further the jihadist cause.

Lastly, our undeclared global war on terror, in turn, has led to our current regime-changing misadventure in Iraq where we yet are to be greeted as liberators with flowers and candy, and instead are building at least four major, permanent military bases and a billion-dollar “embassy” complex.

By all accounts, we have squandered whatever international sympathy, empathy and goodwill may have existed immediately after 9/11. Thus completing this miserable trifecta, our policies and presence in Iraq have exponentially increased an environment of Islamic hatred of the United States, which creates a greater likelihood of future terrorist attacks on our soil - “here” - no matter how long and how purposefully we fight them “there.”

Author and professor Chalmers Johnson calls the destructive result of our actions “blowback,” a term first used by the CIA in the 1950s to describe the consequences of its (our) meddling in international affairs. In his 2000 book of the same name, the first of a trilogy meticulously detailing of the imperial nature of what by all accounts is now the empire of the United States, Johnson describes many instances of blowback, of which 9/11 is but the most recent.

In Johnson's view we are reaping what 60 years of policies and actions have sown, and unless we dismantle the U.S. empire, America inevitably will continue to experience blowback in the form of future terrorist attacks.

Few of us have spent sufficient time in the last five years to sort this out, opting instead for government's official version of 9/11 (they hate our freedom and democracy) duly channeled through our corporate-owned media – an evil-doing, liberty-hating bin Laden aided and abetted by a revenge-seeking, terrorist-sponsoring Iraq.

To those of us who have been able to “connect the dots,” 9/11 was the denouement of a macabre Greek tragedy and we its audience.

We realize how bin Laden was unwittingly funded through his inheritance of petro-dollars, how bin Laden purposefully was trained to be a terrorist by the CIA and how misguided Middle-East policies of the last five years in particular have intensified Islamic hatred, while America, the unknowing, possibly doomed, hero on the world's stage - is oblivious to a fate destiny may hold in store for it.

We can cast aside hubris and make an orderly retreat from empire before it's too late. As Britain completely shelved its empire by the mid 1950s and the former Soviet Union unwound itself fewer than 50 years later, it is possible to back away from this perceived, likely bankrupting, need to remain the planet's sole superpower.

Much blood was spilled in September 2001 and thereafter from the senseless deaths and injuries of thousands Afghans, Iraqis and Americans caught in the global war on terror. That so much of it flows upon those faraway sands, under which lies the fix for our oil addiction, demands each of us gain insight from the inescapable irony of 9/11 for a deeper and less friendly understanding, and, more importantly, the courage as a nation and its leaders, and as a people, to change.
The Irony of the current US War on Terror is that excessive US inteference in Middle Eastern affairs bred terrorism and lead to 9/11. Instead of revising US policy, Bush increased US intervention in the area. Guess what? That's going to bring about more terrorism. The US wars are making the country less safe. Think about that, the next time you hear rhetoric of "we're fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here".

Tarry a moment please.

When the Chinese occupied surreptitiously Aksai Chin, having soft soaped Nehru with Bandung Principles of Panchsheel and renegades, then what should have been the policy? Backward Policy?

No there are no deep scars of 1962. There is much good that came out of it. India realised that all the moral high horse of China was a whole lot of cunning skulduggery. The resultant was India moved out of its ceremonial Army avatar into a modern Army. The result was evident when the Chinese got a drubbing in Chola and Nathu La subsequently and the Chinese backed down after the Sumdorong Chu incident!

In so far as poverty and education, you would do well to see what is the latest in the country of your origin. I haven't had the time to check it out nor have the desire, but I take it that you are a Chinese, though I do not know of your actual origin as to whether you are a nei ren or a wei ren.

A country that classifies it some of its people in history as barbarians, can hardly claim to be civilised, let alone literate or semi literate in mindset.

Congratulations on your surprising resurrection on this forum!

Long time no see, how are you?

Panchsheel is mainly an Indian invention –can tell just by looking at the name. Nehru, and more of his jingoistic parliament members, miscalculated the situation, believing that as long as Panchsheel was accepted by China, Indians could forward into China in a Panchsheel way.

Nay, they hallucinated themselves with their own delusion.

I don’t care how poor India or China is. I do feel it is freekingly inhuman for 2,000,000 children to die every year. I don’t hear those types of atrocity from China, I don’t hear those types of atrocity from Africa, I do however hear those types of atrocity from democratic India.

Please don’t hallucinate yourself anymore. Face the fact and solve the problem!

Your knowledge of China is half-tuned, to say the best. Confucius said: becoming Chinese when you enter China, becoming Barbarian when you enter Barbarian (location). So learn more!

By facing your own problems, hope your life can span longer this time on this forum, even though democratic Indians’ life expectancy is much shorter than that of non-democratic China.


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