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What a Sight India netra Awacs flanked by Indian designed fighters

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That is a stunning sight

Remember everything is supposed to fail

Yet we see two 4th generation indian fighters flanking a indian designed AWACS

That is good effort for this still new to indengious weapons manufacturer




Keep waking , DONT stop now

i MUST SAY all 3 look a absolute BEAUT.

The Russian MIG 21 glorious indian history comimg to end to SWADESHI aero power

to kabhi lao na border ki iss taraf, we still have sooo many "terror launching pads" on this side of the border with 300 terrorists in each, waiting to be dismantled by a brave wing commanders.
Yeah troll, everything India have or going to have is OUT OF THIS UNIVERSE, But China has a crappy military hardware LOL, they are taking on USN in SCS and facing Japan/South Korea with crappy weapons LOL just LOL, we JAMED your COM on 27/2/2019 with our old ECM aircraft, and you're talking about latest Chinese stuff confronting with latest US/Japan/South Korean with crappy weapons, stop living in your fantasy world and fairy tails

you are outdoing the Chinese in bragging about their own crap. not surprised
Pakistani government, media and politicians have spent considerable energy and time in the last few months about the possibility of a “false flag operation” followed by an attack by India similar to the one after Pulwama bomb blast.
If they are so sure about their own military power, why are they shouting hoarse about such a possibility. Sit tight and give a fitting reply to India, if such an incident is repeated.
As a sane voice, I look forward to peace but not at the cost of Indian lives.
Netra as shown in this picture and SU-30 would be on the frontline of any punitive offensive.
I just hope that so called “false flag” or “sponsored attack” doesn’t happen on Indian soil.
Hope that peace prevails.
it was a 2 minute minor engagement
not even.a real airbattleb

Yes, but you lost 2 aircraft (by some counts 3), next time there is a minor air engagement I take it SU-30 and 14 squadrons will still be asleep!?
You know guys
never understand why having critical high quality systems on board indian warships or helicopters or tejas becomes so much of an issue.

the gripen is Swedish fighter yet powered by same usa engines as tejas.and uses French meteore and asramm missles.

this does not effect origin of weapon system or indeed the effectiveness in battle or the fact that it is a indian trade mark arms industry .

your kick backs are mute points .
You know guys
never understand why having critical high quality systems on board indian warships or helicopters or tejas becomes so much of an issue.

the gripen is Swedish fighter yet powered by same usa engines as tejas.and uses French meteore and asramm missles.

this does not effect origin of weapon system or indeed the effectiveness in battle or the fact that it is a indian trade mark arms industry .

your kick backs are mute points .

No, we get that, and in fact understand most aircraft have many foreign sub-systems, it's the constant harping that Tejas is indigenous that is the point, we call bul**hit on that. It is no more indigenous than JF-17
Pakistani government, media and politicians have spent considerable energy and time in the last few months about the possibility of a “false flag operation” followed by an attack by India similar to the one after Pulwama bomb blast.
If they are so sure about their own military power, why are they shouting hoarse about such a possibility. Sit tight and give a fitting reply to India, if such an incident is repeated.
As a sane voice, I look forward to peace but not at the cost of Indian lives.
Netra as shown in this picture and SU-30 would be on the frontline of any punitive offensive.
I just hope that so called “false flag” or “sponsored attack” doesn’t happen on Indian soil.
Hope that peace prevails.
it's called "proliferating your narrative on a global scale". look it up, it's actually a thing in diplomatic education & international studies. having said that, Pakistan is doing an awesome job at making india look like a rogue banana republic that persecutes is own minorities & creates regional chaos by killing its own citizens in flag attacks. that way, the world won't ask us to descelate when we punish india by proving to her how irrelevant & ineffective her "punitive offensives" really are. don't forget, your frontline "punitive offensive" had to drop its payload in the middle of no where so that it could run away & couldn't even make it past the loc while it's 6 bases were getting bombed in broad daylight without giving a single response. if you truly choose peace then just leave the chest thumping aside & concentrate on improving the lives of those 1 billion plus people living below the poverty line in your country.
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We have 13 sqds ( 270) of these

We never worry about Thunders
Its THE F16 fleet of 73 planes we need chase down.
Break the F16 fleet and rest will be take care of ......

Remember 6 F16 tried to take out a single MKI and missed all shots
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Indian netra with MKI

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Indian netra with MKI
Wow 6 F-16 means 30 Aim-120 missiles missed by mki Why this mofo is not banned yet ?
Pakistani government, media and politicians have spent considerable energy and time in the last few months about the possibility of a “false flag operation” followed by an attack by India similar to the one after Pulwama bomb blast.
If they are so sure about their own military power, why are they shouting hoarse about such a possibility. Sit tight and give a fitting reply to India, if such an incident is repeated.
As a sane voice, I look forward to peace but not at the cost of Indian lives.
Netra as shown in this picture and SU-30 would be on the frontline of any punitive offensive.
I just hope that so called “false flag” or “sponsored attack” doesn’t happen on Indian soil.
Hope that peace prevails.
Cz to have a reason to drop bombs direct on delhi....
So obsessed with airforce that we don't talk about how we spared indian sub,,, a 1-2 billion $ piece would have been sunk...
That would be awesome.
Their inferior radar design merely has 240 degree coverage and doesn't even give the range.

LCA is a clearly 3rd generation plane on par with F-5s. Look at how the canopy does not give 360 view range but has a blind spot at the 6 oclock. Compare to an F-16 for a real 4th gen light fighter. Look at the wing design. It doesn't even have AESA radar. lmao 4th gen.
it's called "proliferating your narrative on a global scale". look it up, it's actually a thing in diplomatic education & international studies. having said that, Pakistan is doing an awesome job at making india look like a rogue banana republic that persecutes is own minorities & creates regional chaos by killing its own citizens in flag attacks. that way, the world won't ask us to descelate when we punish india by proving to her how irrelevant & ineffective her "punitive offensives" really are. don't forget, your frontline "punitive offensive" had to drop its payload in the middle of no where so that it could run away & couldn't even make it past the loc while it's 6 bases were getting bombed in broad daylight without giving a single response. if you truly choose peace then just leave the chest thumping aside & concentrate on improving the lives of those 1 billion plus people living below the poverty line in your country.
It is that stage in an argument where it gets into “I said vs you said”. This is regarding Pakistan’s daylight bravado and Indian night time failure as per you. From an Army building now 6 bases have gone under attack? Is it the latest build up on the narrative? I wouldn’t refute it. If it makes you contended then I accept it.

Look at the number of times your ministers and officials have spoken about false flag op. One odd mention or press conference would have also done the job. When the entire government machinery is in a frenzy on a certain topic then it creates a doubt in minds. Are they scared or what? I am not claiming it. It just creates an impression.

While a lot of people in Pakistan think that they have created a solid narrative, I don’t think so. It is people within Pakistan who have got convinced by that narrative.

There is no chest thumping here. We are very clear that any repeat of Pulwama like act would receive a solid reply. I know you would say “bring it on”. But I hope that we stay clear of any conflict. Because focus should remain on bringing people out of poverty and hunger.
Coming to the point of Indian Payload falling in the middle of no where. Your point taken on this aspect. Because refuting it wouldn’t serve my point here. What has been missed by a large number of observers that side of the border is that Indian Air strike was a clear signal for the shape of things to come in future if an act of subversion of that nature happens again. This time payload “might fall on the intended target” as a lot of people claim that last time they were off target. It could be a night strike again since daylight bravado is the forte of few people in this region. I know that you would strike back in broad daylight.

As far as looking after our poor population goes, just a humble request to not engage in or support any subversive activity on Indian soil. We want to focus on upbringing our population and not waste our effort and money on war fighting.
Aap humko mauka to do.🙏🏽🙏🏽
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It is that stage in an argument where it gets into “I said vs you said”. This is regarding Pakistan’s daylight bravado and Indian night time failure as per you. From an Army building now 6 bases have gone under attack? Is it the latest build up on the narrative? I wouldn’t refute it. If it makes you contended then I accept it.

Look at the number of times your ministers and officials have spoken about false flag op. One odd mention or press conference would have also done the job. When the entire government machinery is in a frenzy on a certain topic then it creates a doubt in minds. Are they scared or what? I am not claiming it. It just creates an impression.

While a lot of people in Pakistan think that they have created a solid narrative, I don’t think so. It is people within Pakistan who have got convinced by that narrative.

There is no chest thumping here. We are very clear that any repeat of Pulwama like act would receive a solid reply. I know you would say “bring it on”. But I hope that we stay clear of any conflict. Because focus should remain on bringing people out of poverty and hunger.
Coming to the point of Indian Payload falling in the middle of no where. Your point taken on this aspect. Because refuting it wouldn’t serve my point here. What has been missed by a large number of observers that side of the border is that Indian Air strike was a clear signal for the shape of things to come in future if an act of subversion of that nature happens again. This time payload “might fall on the intended target” as a lot of people claim that last time they were off target. It could be a night strike again since daylight bravado is the forte of few people in this region. I know that you would strike back in broad daylight.

As far as looking after our poor population goes, just a humble request to not engage in or support any subversive activity on Indian soil. We want to focus on upbringing our population and not waste our effort and money on war fighting.
Aap humko mauka to do.🙏🏽🙏🏽

You are right! Our Politicians and your netajis were simply doing politics or play with emotions of people.

To be Honest I have No Idea about Pulwama Attack but What India did on 26th Dec 2019 was an act of war. No country can actually bear ( lets face it India and Pakistan are enemies) that their Airspace to be breached.

While some on PDF thinks PAF should have gone to war but I think we do not want war with India. What we did on 27th Feb 2019 is violated and bombed you just like you did.

This time we shot down an India mig21 that violated our airspace and all you managed to do was shoot your own helicopter down killed 6IAF personnel.

I guess what followed after that was everyone trying to prove their point.

But Your Army and Netajis got the message loud and clear, You cannot bully Pakistan.

So Next time you try anything like 26th Feb 2019, than get ready to get bombed back and Please if " the payload hits the intended target" than I guess the last time we missed the target on Purpose. This time we wont.
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It is that stage in an argument where it gets into “I said vs you said”. This is regarding Pakistan’s daylight bravado and Indian night time failure as per you. From an Army building now 6 bases have gone under attack? Is it the latest build up on the narrative? I wouldn’t refute it. If it makes you contended then I accept it.
uhm...its not I said vs you said. it's more like the world said vs india said. for example, even india's closest allies & even well known indian journalists & retired military officers have called your F16 claim a total lie.
Look at the number of times your ministers and officials have spoken afalse flag op. One odd mention or press conference would have also done the job. When the entire government machinery is in a frenzy on a certain topic then it creates a doubt in minds. Are they scared or what? I am not claiming it. It just creates an impression.
it's same tactic that india has used for the last 20 years against Pakistan while sponsoring terrorism in Pakistan. you have no room to complain.
While a lot of people in Pakistan think that they have created a solid narrative, I don’t think so. It is people within Pakistan who have got convinced by that narrative.
it's not to convince you, it's for the eyes of the rest of the world. result has been that india has been resoundingly losing elections for chairmanship of a number of un offices like human rights commission for example. whether you admit it or not, that's irrelevant. doesn't change the fact that Pakistan's narrative is fast grabbing attention across the globe.
There is no chest thumping here. We are very clear that any repeat of Pulwama like act would receive a solid reply. I know you would say “bring it on”. But I hope that we stay clear of any conflict. Because focus should remain on bringing people out of poverty and hunger.
Coming to the point of Indian Payload falling in the middle of no where. Your point taken on this aspect. Because refuting it wouldn’t serve my point here. What has been missed by a large number of observers that side of the border is that Indian Air strike was a clear signal for the shape of things to come in future if an act of subversion of that nature happens again. This time payload “might fall on the intended target” as a lot of people claim that last time they were off target. It could be a night strike again since daylight bravado is the forte of few people in this region. I know that you would strike back in broad daylight.
I'm actually NOT gonna say to bring it on because you haven't been able to bring it on. isn't the indian claim that Pakistan supposedly had increased infiltration across the loc and therefore india has to the blackouts, lock downs & move basically its entire army to the streets of iok to supposedly fight those infiltrators? what happened to giving a "solid reply" now? haven't we been pumping in freedom fighters (what you call atank vadis) en mass since your 9th of August 2019 debacle? haven't you lost many soldiers in "terrorist attacks" since then? hasn't your army chief claimed that "launchpads across the loc are still being used to send terrorists over"? why the silence? I'm gonna tell you why; new delhi has finally realized that it's just not in their kundlis to walk the talk.
As far as looking after our poor population goes, just a humble request to not engage in or support any subversive activity on Indian soil. We want to focus on upbringing our population and not waste our effort and money on war fighting.
but Pakistan is not found anything on indian soil. kashmir is not indian soil & the world recognizes it as disputed territory.

Aap humko mauka to do.🙏🏽🙏🏽
my oh my how the tables have turned, look who asks for...mauka mauka!😄
It was a good picture and now the thread has become a troll fest. We engage in useless trolling !
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