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What a Sight India netra Awacs flanked by Indian designed fighters

:lol: :lol: :lol: LAST CHANCE AIRCRAFT


Quadruplex FBW
Composite Airframe
Soon Aesa Radar from Elta
Dash 5 HMD
Astra & Derby ER BVRS
Asraam or Python 5 or R73 WVR
Listening Pods
View attachment 706609

Quadruplex FBW
Composite Airframe
Soon Aesa Radar from Elta
Dash 5 HMD
Astra & Derby ER BVRS
Asraam or Python 5 or R73 WVR
Listening Pods
And how many these things are indigenous of India??? :fie: ane we are already test flying Block-3 in China with similar or better capability than your MK-1A,First fly a porotype of you MK1A than talk, we already flying block-3 in China with same capability
View attachment 706609

Quadruplex FBW
Composite Airframe
Soon Aesa Radar from Elta
Dash 5 HMD
Astra & Derby ER BVRS
Asraam or Python 5 or R73 WVR
Listening Pods

Calm down


When the LCA Tejas had got the initial operational clearance (IOC) in December 2013, the number of concessions was around 32, sources said.

In July 2018, the Comptroller and Auditor General (CAG) found “53 significant shortfalls” in the Mark-I version of the Tejas (weaponised version), which “had reduced its operational capabilities and survivability”.

Among these concessions, the CAG had pointed out the lack of a trainer model of the aircraft which would adversely impact pilot training, and said that the LCA Mark- I fails to meet the electronic warfare capabilities as the self-protection Jammer could not be fitted on the aircraft due to space constraints and about the poor percentage of indigenous content in the aircraft.

The LCA Tejas project has also been given as many as 22 waivers from 1985 when the IAF’s air staff requirement for the aircraft was put out. Unlike concessions, waivers are requirements that have been permanently waived."

why rush
we have su30mki.
mig29 up
and now Rafale
that's 400 fighters just here.
tejas is the lower end of our fire power
ie close air support and air combat over indian airspace and line of control.
when we cross the border that is led my mix of Rafale mirage2000 and mki.
that means scalp Brahmos and spice air launched missles
and meteore mica r77ve and Astra bvrs

Look at military obsessed opresssive hellhole called india. why does it need so much ? and why does it pour billions in to tejas? except for kashmir and some border isues with china - india faces no threats which require such massive re-allocation of resources to military. I never met a pakistani who had any desire to occupy tamil nadu or maharashtra.

All india needs to do is solve kashmir as per kashmiri people wishes and come to a settlement with china with give and take . This saves india billions of forex and resources.

Clearly the immoral arms obsessed india is the biggest danger to world and poverty within india.
So you tell us? What is the official Indian content, you seem to be the expert
i thought by now you must be equally knowledgeable like anyone else who is actually reading.... details with partner names....


this will make you an expert as well... can you help your pakistani friends now to understand?

what we outdo Chinese stuff??? explain it you troll, and comes up with some with some solid logical and technical explanation that how Chinese military stuffs are crap./junk
solid logical and technical? you guys wouldn't now it it bites you. we have tried these for a long time.
i thought by now you must be equally knowledgeable like anyone else who is actually reading.... details with partner names....

View attachment 706691

this will make you an expert as well... can you help your pakistani friends now to understand?

View attachment 706692

Same pic posted hundreds of times showing most important parts of LCA are foreign? Sometimes I feel you Indians are your own worst enemies when it comes to debating on here......
Same pic posted hundreds of times showing most important parts of LCA are foreign? Sometimes I feel you Indians are your own worst enemies when it comes to debating on here......
even then you don't learn and still asking questions is a pathetic attempt to troll and seek a face saving exit?

pictures are clear, why dont you learn yourself?

and yes next time you can bring some official diagrams showing its content and country of origin of jf17 and other 'Indigenous' pakistani products?
even then you don't learn and still asking questions is a pathetic attempt to troll and seek a face saving exit?

pictures are clear, why dont you learn yourself?

and yes next time you can bring some official diagrams showing its content and country of origin of jf17 and other 'Indigenous' pakistani products?

khortay, we never claim JF-17 is indeginous, clue is in the name "Joint", but you constantly show us image of "indigenous" LCA with foreign engine, radar, missile, probe, seat etc
i thought by now you must be equally knowledgeable like anyone else who is actually reading.... details with partner names....

View attachment 706691

this will make you an expert as well... can you help your pakistani friends now to understand?

View attachment 706692
Picture 1: Indian locations of assembly lines assembling parts like the foreign imported GE engine into larger components. Just like Indians are assembling iPhone parts if they aren't bussy burning down American factories in India.

Picture 2: Random Indian fanboy adds Indian flags to 30 generic aircraft component names and abreviations for generic aircraft component names like "ruder" or "antena" without are sort of refence to the actual component name. 5 references to non-Indian components and generic component names. 1 reference to a 25 year old actual Indian component based of Russian aircraft design and previous German, French and Russian design proposals.

Where is the promised detail about Indian components?
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Do not backtrack now.
Ok, let me put it across in a little detail. Even a tiny nation will have a certain level of influence.
The countries that you mentioned are quite big and have decent economies and associated influence. Can this influence be strong enough is the question.
Influence in international arena can be a relative thing also. These countries have massive influence vis a vi’s Pakistan but not India. China does have a lot of muscle. But I am sure that we will sort them out over next few years. Sorting out doesn’t mean starting a war but a comprehensive solution so that China stops messing around. How successful we are in this only time will tell.

That doesn’t mean that we don’t want to engage with these countries. A case in point is Iran where India has been actively involved. As far as Turkey is considered we never had any stake or play with them. Turkey can keep saying and doing what it wants. We can just ignore them. They don’t have any leverage in terms of economics, military or even regional. Iran on the contrary has a lot of play due to its location and oil.
You want to hobnob with Turkey? Please go ahead.
India has already engaged the Middle East and the OIC in a manner that Pakistan has been sidelined by them.
Malaysia was taught a lesson through Palm oil diplomacy. Hopefully, it knows it’s place now.
I hope you would withdraw a baseless claim of smoking against me. Now don’t say that Pakistan has same or more international influence than India.
If you do say that, I wouldn’t blame it on any act of doping but nationalistic fervour. 😀😀
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solid logical and technical? you guys wouldn't now it it bites you. we have tried these for a long time.
what we bite for our Chinese military equipment, i am asking you in a simple words that how we suffers from Chinese military equipment, its burden upon you that give us the answer how our Chinese military equipment are unreliable/junk/carp, if you haven't any answer then get a hike
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