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West not concerned about Bahraini, Saudi HR records: Analyst

Hasbara Buster

Aug 17, 2010
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West not concerned about Bahraini, Saudi HR records: Analyst

The West is more concerned about selling arms to Bahrain and Saudi Arabia than the two countries’ appalling human rights records, an analyst tells Press TV.

In an exclusive interview with Press TV on Saturday, Chris Bambery stated that when Western statesmen visit Saudi Arabia, they maintain silence about the country’s human rights records.

“They (Western statesmen) go to Saudi Arabia to sell their arms, to do contracts. They are not there concerned about Saudis’ human rights record, let alone in Bahrain. So, really it’s not on the agenda,” he noted.

Bambery, a leading member of the Scotland-based International Socialist Group, further asserted that US President Barack Obama apparently did not mention a word about Bahrain during his visit to Saudi Arabia in late March.

“Obama will not be making any speeches about the human rights situation in Bahrain…. The contrast is that Obama is saying we’re committed to staying in Bahrain, and yet the regime, an autocracy, undemocratic [regime] with a disgusting human rights record is still killing its own people,” he noted.

Bambery added, “It is a story that could be shouted from the rooftops, but it’s not. And the reason for that is essentially not so much the importance of Bahrain and the Al Khalifas to the West, although not unimportant, but in particular the importance of Saudi Arabia, who of course has been crucial to suppressing the Bahrain revolution and maintaining the repression inside that [country].”

The uprising in Bahrain started in mid-February 2011. On March 13 that year, forces from Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates were dispatched to the country at Manama’s request to help quell the nationwide protests.

Last month, Amnesty International denounced the “relentless repression” of anti-regime protesters in the tiny Persian Gulf country, blaming Bahraini security forces for their repeated use of “excessive force to quash anti-government protests.”

PressTV - West not concerned about Bahraini, Saudi HR records: Analyst
So what?take side of Salafi animal head choppers while they're not 10% Popular in the country!?

What is Irans stand about the North Korean human rights violations? After all North Korea is the black hole of humanity.

Tell me please what is Iran doing to help the people there?
What is Irans stand about the North Korean human rights violations? After all North Korea is the black hole of humanity.

Tell me please what is Iran doing to help the people there?

Honestly, no one is doing anything good for them. Western countries isolate them and put sanctions on them which directly affects civilians, not the regime elites. Don't you agree? No one can touch NK in current circumstances.
Honestly, no one is doing anything good for them. Western countries isolate them and put sanctions on them which directly affects civilians, not the regime elites. Don't you agree? No one can touch NK in current circumstances.

I know...and it is said. At least the UNO now starts trials against the human right violations there. I saw a documentary about the prison camps there. It is not believeable what happenes there...
Honestly, no one is doing anything good for them. Western countries isolate them and put sanctions on them which directly affects civilians, not the regime elites. Don't you agree? No one can touch NK in current circumstances.

The North Korean regime is extremely brutal, no one can hold a candle to it.

They made nuclear weapons, not to ensure the safety, and the security of their own country, but to guarantee the survivability of the regime itself.

Most of the noise you hear coming from them is all for show. They only want to reach a settlement with everybody including their own partner - China -

I know...and it is said. At least the UNO now starts trials against the human right violations there. I saw a documentary about the prison camps there. It is not believeable what happenes there...

The only thing you can do is to ship a massive amount of food for the people in there.
North Koreans have not killed anywhere near the number of innocent people killed by te West.

I think you don´t know what is meant here.

North Korea is a bizarre nation, ruled from a fat clown. Millions of people starve in prison camps and the things going on there are unspeakable.

I´m honest, i used to see North Korea as funny, because so much things from there look bizarre. But its not funny. Its a shame for humanity as whole. East and West. No matter if Christian, Muslim, Hindu or Atheist. It is the ultimate perversion of a nation.
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