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Couldn't have said better myself brother. Trust me, they are so jealous that Indai has made it this far. Even now, their media takes any given opportunity to put us down. Any chance they get, so our ppl need to be more aware and prepared to sling dirt right back at them.
No one is really jealous. Sorry.
All we are ever told on this subject if "oh, but look we gave them a railway network and a judiciary and a civil service and democracy!" but what is overlooked is WHY the Brits did this- it wasn't out of the goodness of their hearts or to devlop India it was all as a byproduct of trying to steal India's wealth and get it to the UK hence the trains to speed up the looting, the civil service to control their looting etc. Britain is proud of its history but it will never be mentioned by them that it s built of the suffering and misery of brown people. Similarly the Raj is romanticised by the UK and other whites but in actuality it was a period where the Brits butch heeded millions upon millions, allowed further millions to starve to death and stole and piled to their heart's content whilst they beat and assaulted the Indians for trying to live IN THEIR OWN COUNTRY!!

Agreed. But that is past. Screw it. This tiny land today is degrading piece of shitttt. Any attempt to do insult indians will be met by a reaction. They will either mend their ways or go down the atlantic ocean.

No one is really jealous. Sorry.

Thats good better not be.
Parties say India should refuse British aid; UK says it is changing approach to India - Times Of India

PTI Feb 6, 2012, 05.59PM IST

NEW DELHI/LONDON: Major parties today took strong exception to demands in the UK for stopping aid to India, with opposition BJP saying that the country did not require such help and should give a befitting reply to the "arrogance" of a section of the British political class by refusing it.

But despite demands by ruling Conservative party MPs and others to end it, Britain today defended its multi-million pound aid to India saying "now is not the time to quit".

The clamour to stop British aid reached a high after India last week decided to select the French fighter Rafale over Eurofighter Typhoon, which is partly manufactured in Britain, as its mainstay multi-role combat aircraft.

BJP MP Balbir Punj said, "I am surprised that in India which is seen as a rising economic power, inspite of the misgovernance by the UPA, should take these peanuts from the UK or anywhere else.

"I will call upon the government to stop this aid immediately. That will be a proper and fit reply to the arrogance of those British who think that they can influence the decision-making in India with the help of a few pennies."

Senior CPM leader Sitaram Yechury said Britain was "reacting in a typical manner in which a conservative Tory-led government would react. They are saying that if you are not meeting our interests, why should we give you any aid."

"So any aid, which is tied or conditional, is not going to be helpful to India," Yechury said.

Referring to the decision on Rafale, Union Minister and Congress leader Veerappa Moily said, "Business cannot work on monopolies, but (depends) on competitiveness. Whatever the best quality and whatever the prices, we do business.

"Any country cannot dictate and say that you do business only with me and not anybody else, I don't think this can run. We have to deal with things that are in the best interests of the country."

We are changing our approach to India: Britain

Britain today defended its multi- million pound aid to India, amid demands by ruling Conservative party MPs and others to end it, saying "now is not the time to quit".

International aid is among few areas that have not been subjected to deep funding cuts by the economically-strapped David Cameron government, which has faced much ridicule and more for continuing to send aid to an increasingly prosperous India.

The passionate debate was reignited on Sunday with the re-publication of remarks by finance minister Pranab Mukherjee, who said in 2010 that in the overall context of funds that India spends on development, British aid was "peanuts", and one that India could do without.

A spokesperson of the Department for International Development (DFID) told PTI today that there were no plans to reconsider the aid programme to India.

He said: "We reviewed the India programme last year. There are no plans to review again".

Conservative MPs Philip Davies, Douglas Carswell and Peter Bone joined a critical chorus, urging Prime Minister Cameron to immediately end aid to India in view of Mukherjee's re-published remarks, but International Development secretary Andrew Mitchell defended the aid.

Mitchell said: "We will not be in India for ever but now is not the time to quit. Our completely revamped programme is in Indian's and Britain's national interest and is a small part of a much wider relationship between our two countries".

He added: "We are changing our approach to India. We will target aid at three of India's poorest states, rather than central Government. We will invest more in the private sector, with our aid programme having some of the characteristics of a sovereign wealth fund."

Mukherjee's remarks sparked off waves of comments by readers of The Sunday Telegraph and the tabloid press that often splashes reports of millions of pounds of British money allegedly being pocketed by corrupt officials in India.

The remarks were seen as another rebuff after India last week preferred the French fighter Rafale to the Typhoon, which is partly build in Britain. The tabloid press today went to town with demands by Conservative MPs demanding an immediate end to the aid to India.

Tory MP Davies said: "India spends tens of billions on defence and hundreds of millions a year on a space programme - in those circumstances it would be unacceptable to give them aid even if they were begging us for it".

He added: "Given that they don't even want it, it would be even more extraordinary if it were to be allowed to continue. There will be millions of hard-pressed families wondering why on earth the Government is wasting money in this way."

Fellow Tory MP Douglas Carswell said: "This is concrete proof that Britain's aid programme is run in the interests of Whitehall officials and the DFID machine. The fact is that India's economy is growing much faster than our own. We should be encouraging free trade with them and trying to learn from them rather than handing out patronising lectures."

Another Conservative MP, Peter Bone, urged ministers to abandon the 'vanity project' of pursuing a target to hand out 0.7 per cent of the UK's entire national income in aid.

He said: "India has its own foreign aid programme so it is absurd for us to be still giving them aid. They are more than capable of looking after their own issues. As for the 0.7 per cent target, it is a vanity project that is being pursued for no good reason at all. I do not understand the Government's position on this and I don't think the British public do either."
Agreed. But that is past. Screw it. This tiny land today is degrading piece of shitttt. Any attempt to do insult indians will be met by a reaction. They will either mend their ways or go down the atlantic ocean.

Thats good better not be.
Finished with your childish insults?
I better not be jealous? :blink:
Keyboard warrior.
Finished with your childish insults?
I better not be jealous? :blink:
Keyboard warrior.

Arnt u exited for the day when the country of poor, hungry, impoverished, dirty, smelly, pathetic indian that u guys once rule will overpower mighty britain for the coming centuries. You guys will step by step loose all your major companies to Indian and chinese soon. Most of your engineering graduates will come from asia. Most of your top buisnessmen willbe asians. Your mighty west will be defeated in every game step by step.

I live in canada and i am seeing it happening with my eyes. Accept the fact west will again left behing asia. Only difference will be this time u guys cant invade us to ruin our countries.
Who wants their stupid aid, it would be better if they return back all precious items they stole from India instead of sending a paltry sum as aid to NGO's who resort to conversion tactics and then wail and cry that they are giving aid. idiots!!!

We should ban NGO's & charity organizations who receive any kind of aid from GB.
Who wants their stupid aid, it would be better if they return back all precious items they stole from India instead of sending a paltry sum as aid to NGO's who resort to conversion tactics and then wail and cry that they are giving aid. idiots!!!

We should ban NGO's & charity organizations who receive any kind of aid from GB.

exactly, keep the money. Give us what belongs to us.
Arnt u exited for the day when the country of poor, hungry, impoverished, dirty, smelly, pathetic indian that u guys once rule will overpower mighty britain for the coming centuries. You guys will step by step loose all your major companies to Indian and chinese soon. Most of your engineering graduates will come from asia. Most of your top buisnessmen willbe asians. Your mighty west will be defeated in every game step by step.

I live in canada and i am seeing it happening with my eyes. Accept the fact west will again left behing asia. Only difference will be this time u guys cant invade us to ruin our countries.
Yep, bravo. It's not like you have a billion more people than us or anything.

Yet here we are...speaking in English.

Now, calm down and have a cuppa.
I am more angry at GoI for letting those whinny Brits to insult us like this. Just ask them in plain English to shove it up their a**. I am not being arrogant, we are still one of the poorest countries in the world. But a yearly aid of $280m is a very insignificant amount for a huge country like India, if it was something substantial then there was a scope of discussions. This paltry sum doesn't even warrant any serious consideration. Just ask them to buzz off and stop whinging.
Yep, bravo. It's not like you have a billion more people than us or anything.

Yet here we are...speaking in English.

Now, calm down and have a cuppa.
Yep, one of the few positives the Brits left India with. And the billion plus extra people help but it is more than that, the work ethic in India is a thousand times better than that of British born citizens. There are no CHAVS with 20+ kids living off benefits, living in council homes sitting on their fat backsides contributing nothing to the world who havent got two qualifications to run togther and thinking doing certain menial jobs is beneath them. Britian in the 21st century is a fricking joke.
I am more angry at GoI for letting those whinny Brits to insult us like this. Just ask them in plain English to shove it up their a**. I am not being arrogant, we are still one of the poorest countries in the world. But a yearly aid of $280m is a very insignificant amount for a huge country like India, if it was something substantial then there was a scope of discussions. This paltry sum doesn't even warrant any serious consideration. Just ask them to buzz off and stop whinging.

IIRC Pranab Muckerjee tried this back in 2010 but the UKG literally begged India to accept the aid. The fact is India spends close to $100BN/year on poverty alieviation and the contribution made by UK aid is next to nothing.
This language will always remind us about the dead superpower. rip the great britain.

I have been taught British English in school but most of us use American English.
Finished with your childish insults?
I better not be jealous? :blink:
Keyboard warrior.

Get that chip off your shoulder hun. Better read a variety of books to update your knowledge of India. I was hoping to see you on the site again haha, so i could give you a free lesson or two. Remember, it was you who brough the British contributions in India like railway, postal service, court system,etc. Well, you need to wake up or write a letter to the editor of the book that published that garbage.
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