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Weaponization of extraterrestrial-biological-entities (EBE)

Bro you should save your energy

English Translation 42:29 was to put. I copied 42:20
corrected now.

I like the idea. We could raise a battalion of soldiers trained in conjuring up Jinn and call it the Paranormal Activities Division. These soldiers could be designated as Mystic Commanders. Even if there are limitations to these Jin inflicting any substantial physical damage, they could come in very handy in putting the psychological pressure on enemy soldiers, distracting them, scaring them and causing valuable diversions.

Jnab Tussi v
i thought it was serious subject to talk
Turn out basically it was stress relieving episode :omghaha:
Things are not so simple in the spiritual world :-)

1. Jinns dont like to be captured and then forced to do something for humans
2. Jinns don't like to be given such type of tasks, they do not like to be bothered with.
3. Even if they do a task, they will make life hell for an Amil or Black magician by asking impossible favors in return. A dervish who has jinns as mureeds will never take such tasks from them. There are Amil jinns also who can control other jinns.
4.The most powerful jinns are very effective but hard to capture. The more powers they have, the more trouble they can give. That jinn will use his powers for his own needs.
5. An amil who will risk his life to capture jinns will use them for himself, for his needs, not for the country.
6. Amil's life will always be at risk, one wrong move like not securing himself or his family and the Jinns will damage or kill.

I think its best to leave God's other creatures alone and not involve them in messes made by humans.

There was a discussion on this forum about spiritual help from angels during 1965 and 1971 wars. I have read about Lieutenant Colonel Haq Nawaz Kayani Shaheed, he fought at Leepa Valley in 1971. He retired in 1970 but was asked to lead a battalion in war in 1971. I read about his account in Urdu, he led his troops through a mine field after reciting a wazifa and the troops remained safe while advancing through that mine field, according to that account.
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Extraterrestrial-biological-entities (EBE) are non-human-creatures such as jinn shaytan demons angel frishta etc.

Pakistan has many people who claim to have contact with these things:

Why shouldn't Pakistan fund a programme in order to weaponize EBE's?

If these things are nearly indestructible and can move from one side of the earth to the other in a blink of an eye, it would be stupid not to make a deal with them for military purpose.

These things are more useful than nukes. I mean how would India stand against a jinn army.
The Ehl-i Dunya has been using Sheyatin for intelligence gathering etc. for ages. And, they insert especially programmed Sheyatin into their top warriors (similar to "black magic" -Sihr- process, but with a different objective) to turn them into dare devils!!!

Now, using Jinn - only very few them are good compared to the human beings - is no easy matter!!! For they're also intelligent beings like humans, and ask for their interest, take etc.!!! Therefore, the best practice is to rely on one's own Iman and Ihlas, and engage in good Amels!!! As for the defense purposes, follow what the best rightly guided Muslim warriors, strategists, statesmen etc. used to practice as per the advice from the Kuran and Sunnet...
they would be incredibly useful for intelligence, counter-intelligence and "big data" tasks like predicting the outcome of an event. they could be used for attacking, they don't come on radar! I cant think of one thing a human does that they cannot do better.
What makes you think Modi doesn't employ an army of Sheyatin himself?????? As per the Kuran-i Kerim, most of the human being worship Sheytan....
they would be incredibly useful for intelligence, counter-intelligence and "big data" tasks like predicting the outcome of an event. they could be used for attacking, they don't come on radar! I cant think of one thing a human does that they cannot do better.
Don't worry!!!! The PAF fighters, piloted by the Muslims, in the recent episode couldn't be locked by the IAF fighters, piloted by the Mushriks!!! Hence, they're taking help from the other Ehl-i Kitap!!! Little they know they're already pushed into Delalet...
i would actually vomit if india already has army of EBE's
The Indian Army of Sheyatin, Insha'Allah won't be able to cross into Pak where Azan and Kuran-i Kerim are recited by some folks with Iman and Ihlas!!!! Look what happened to those Indian pilots. They couldn't fire even a single missile for they got utterly confused!!! The Israeli tech works fine over even El Kuds, but not over Pak!!! SubhanAllah!!! Couple it with the highly trained, skilled and motivated PAF folks with Hakiki Yakin, Iman and Ihlas!!! No wonder, Hazret-i Musa (PBUH) will burst into tears in agony and sorrow seeing the honor bestowed on the Ummet-i Muhammed compared to his own ones in complete Delalet...
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Put around your Neck a David's star... and learn some Hebrew words... and you will have free access to your enemy...
The Indian Army of Sheyatin, Insha'Allah won't be able to cross into Pak where Azan and Kuran-i Kerim are recited by some folks with Iman and Ihlas!!!! Look what happened to those Indian pilots. They couldn't fire even a single missile for they got utterly confused!!! The Israeli tech works fine over even El Kuds, but not over Pak!!! SubhanAllah!!! Couple it with the highly trained, skilled and motivated PAF folks with Hakiki Yakin, Iman and Ihlas!!! No wonder, Hazret-i Musa (PBUH) will burst into tears in agony and sorrow seeing the honor bestowed on the Ummet-i Muhammed compared to his own ones in complete Delalet...
نگاہ عشق دل زندہ کی تلاش میں ہے
شکار مردہ سزاوار شاہباز نہیں

The eye of love is in search of the living heart;
hunting for carrion does not befit up to the royal hawk

Wasnt it one KRL guy who wanted to use jinn for energy. Pakistanis after being done with khota gosht want to go after Jinn.

That being said; I remember some Indian pundits talking about using aatmas for spying so oddballs are around us.

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