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We will help to eradicate poverty in India, says Imran Khan

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Has he ended poverty in KPK? This guy is such a tool. I can't believe I liked him at one point.
so what, are'nt both of these things possible at same time?
he just want to help poors of the region,, wherever they are in the region.
btw this statment of IK is itself a shame for india and its goverment
Plz dont give them advice.:partay:
Army have nothing to do with Imran Khan. All Pakistan is standing behind Imran Khan. I Think u also watch Geo News. Lol watch them as we have dumped Geo in Dust Bin.:rofl::partay:
Yea. All Pakistan including Baluchistan right? If IK is a tool, some of his followers are even bigger tools.
It hasn't but NS isn't the one making idiotic comments.

Fix your probelms first before trying to help others.
I like Imran Khan,if u dont like him its your on view. I am not forcing any body to like Imran Khan.
Pakistani obsession with India is amazing. One says he will take Kashmir from India , the other says he will eradicate poverty in India (god knows how). Why so much focus on India in order to get public's support ?
Yeah, I agree I'm a bit obsessed with India and Indians and have been a member of an Indian defence forum for over 4 years and have over 7000 posts. I need to see a therapist asap. lol wait what! :laughcry:
Pakistani obsession with India is amazing. One says he will take Kashmir from India , the other says he will eradicate poverty in India (god knows how). Why so much focus on India in order to get public's support ?
It was just a slip of tongue and u are getting so serious.He cares about Pakistan first than other.:partay:

Most Indians wouldn't even be on this forum if Pakistanis didn't start making almost every thread about India. Every time anyone types in any news about india in google this forum appears and loads of Pakistanis are circle jerking over India. Seriously, look at the amount of threads made about India when the forum just started and there were barely any Indians.:lol:
You indian do the same thing.:omghaha:
Most Indians wouldn't even be on this forum if Pakistanis didn't start making almost every thread about India. Every time anyone types in any news about india in google this forum appears and loads of Pakistanis are circle jerking over India. Seriously, look at the amount of threads made about India when the forum just started and there were barely any Indians.:lol:
Even though most threads about India are started by Indians and are replied by Indians.The reason this forum is popular is because it allows open debate unlike Indian forums.We are just too tolerant something you Indians could learn from.:laughcry:
what ever it is ... just costed him a lot of supporter with this one statement. Someone please tell IK to handle his sh!t !!!
Mr.Ranjeet You should First handle your own shit correctly than talk about Imran Khan.
Mr.Ranjeet You should First handle your own shit correctly than talk about Imran Khan.
[Knight Rider theme song] ..... No I won't handle my own sh!t .... [/Knight Rider theme song]
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