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We will help to eradicate poverty in India, says Imran Khan

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With every passing year Pak is becoming more and more India centric and India obsessed.This is worry some for us.Just imagine that even after 68 yrs of independence the statesmen and politicians of a country requires to rake up India and India centric issues to win in elections and keep the nation from breaking apart !!! This tendency is only going to increase with time and the more they fail in every aspect as a state. I think that India should beat the shit out of Pakistan and teach them a lesson for raking up India's internal affairs in its internal politics for earning brownie points.

yeah we have seen in your election campaigns how hindu nationalist party BJP tried to take votes on name of pakistan poor indian :)
He is destroying Pakistani economy with his protests (in the name of bringing justice to pakistan).

Now, he is thinking about India? o_O :angry:

India should refrain from giving him a visa, else he'll start protests in front of lal Khila..:P :P

you should protest in front of pakistan embassy in delhi for the support of nawaz sharif by holding flags of pakistan :pakistan: :lol: and chant slogans "

aik wari fairrrr shairrrrr "
I like Imran Khan,if u dont like him its your on view. I am not forcing any body to like Imran Khan.
did he do that things which he has promised to do before election?

KPK is in front of us..
did he do that things which he has promised to do before election?

KPK is in front of us..

yes he changed the Police system which Shahbaz failed to change in 6 years in punjab ... yes PTI made the land records computerized with in one year which shahbaz failed to do in past 6 years .. medicines in hospital are free including expensive Insoline for the sugar patients which costs around 5000 per month for a sugar patient in pakistan
Says who??
LOL,Please do explain me then why so many Pakistanis also defecate in the open??
Why LOL? What's funny? And please do explain me?????
There are Many countries with higher levels of poverty than India that have single digit to nearly eradicated levels of open defecation. Anyways without going off on a tangent to the original thread, you can not put the blame solely on poverty. It's to do with mindset mostly.
yeah we have seen in your election campaigns how hindu nationalist party BJP tried to take votes on name of pakistan poor indian :)
They raked up Pakistan because they wanted to assure Indians that they will deal with Pak strictly if they attempt any mischief or misadventure and never did anyone say that they will help Pak eradicate poverty or terrorism for that matter.
And please do explain me?????
There are Many countries with higher levels of poverty than India that have single digit to nearly eradicated levels of open defecation.
Check your facts again.
Anyways without going off on a tangent to the original thread, you can not put the blame solely on poverty. It's to do with mindset mostly.
Then tell me why in Pakistan also a lot of people defecate openly??
They raked up Pakistan because they wanted to assure Indians that they will deal with Pak strictly if they attempt any mischief or misadventure and never did anyone say that they will help Pak eradicate poverty or terrorism for that matter.

You know what one need Balls to do soo you will never ever try to get directly in a conflict with pakistan ...

One question to u : Do Modi Drink cow's Urine Cola too or just Poor indians do so who dont have clean water to drink ???
Open defecation is due to poverty.Once poverty is finished open defecation will also cease to exist.

Don't think so, it's more related to cultural traits; having toilets at home is blasphemous for many Indian Brahmins.

bio toilets..

That's a nice innovation by DRDO but when I googled "biotoilets" I came across this article

Train bio-toilets get fouled by passengers - The Times of India

You see, the same problem persists.

Raising awareness is the key!
Check your facts again.

Then tell me why in Pakistan also a lot of people defecate openly??
You check your facts again

Bangladesh has got a higher poverty rate than India but only 3 percent open defecation rate compared to 50+. Why? Because its not all about poverty. If the Indian government wanted to reduce the percentage of people indulging in this type of activity, they'll start off a campaign raise awareness and push for it like bd gov did, but seems like the Indian gov don't care much.
Don't think so, it's more related to cultural traits; having toilets at home is blasphemous for many Indian Brahmins.
Which begs the question that then why in Pakistan also so many people defecate in open??
And in past BD also had considerable percentage of population defecating in the open.

You check your facts again.
I am started to get a feeling that you are a Bangaldeshi.
As expected you are unaware of the facts. :lol:

Bangladesh has got a higher poverty rate than India but only 3 percent open defecation rate compared to 50+. Why? Because its not all about poverty.
Lol, go and check your facts again,dont embarras yourself again and again here.

The World Bank announced in June 2013 that Bangladesh had reduced the number of people living in poverty from 63 million in 2000 to 47 million in 2010, despite a total population that had grown to approximately 150 million. This means that Bangladesh will reach its first United Nations-established Millennium Development Goal, that of poverty reduction, two years ahead of the 2015 deadline. Bangladesh is also making progress in reducing its poverty rate to 26 percent of the population.
Bangladesh: After Much Heartbreak, Some Good News at Last | TIME.com
If the Indian government wanted to reduce the percentage of people indulging in this type of activity, they'll start off a campaign raise awareness and push for it like bd gov did, but seems like the Indian gov don't care much.
As i said main reason of the open defecation is poverty.To uplift people from poverty they should get employment and for that Gov. is heavily investing to make India a manufacturing hub.So contrary to your claim gov. is actually serious about this issue.
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Over 43 million people in Pakistan defecate in the open

Our correspondentTuesday, November 19, 2013
From Print Edition


Toilets are still out of reach for more than one-third of the global population. In Pakistan, more than 43 million people defecate in the open, with devastating consequences for the health and development of children, says the United Nations Children’s Fund (Unicef) on World Toilet Day, which is being observed worldwide today (Tuesday).

“Access to toilets remains the unmentionable, often shameful secret in Pakistan,” said Miriam de Figueroa, Unicef’s deputy representative in Pakistan. “But it’s invisibility doesn’t make it less harmless; in fact, it is quite the reverse especially as poor sanitation conditions contribute to malnutrition and the high level of stunting in Pakistan and provide a fertile ground for spreading the polio virus. Lack of access to safe sanitation is quite literally killing Pakistani children — day after day after day.” “Every action which spurs people to change their way of dealing with defecation brings us closer towards the goal of sanitation for all. It is not easy, but it is certainly doable, and moreover, it is absolutely indispensable,” Figueroa said. Every 24 hours, 320 children in Pakistan die from diarrhoea - the result of a deadly combination of unsafe water and poor sanitation conditions. Water and sanitation related diseases are responsible for some 60 per cent of the total number of deaths of children under five years of age.

Diarrhoea contributes to and aggravates malnutrition, which is an underlying cause of more than half of all the deaths of children under five. Poor sanitation also has a serious impact on children’s right to education when children miss school due to water and sanitation related diseases. In addition, girls tend to drop out of school and female teachers may not work where there are no gender-segregated toilets. Women, as the primary caregivers of sick children, have less time to care for other children and to do other work, when they have to care for the ill. Water, sanitation and hygiene related diseases cost Pakistan’s economy an estimated Rs112 billion each year. This economic loss is due to labour hours lost or reduced productivity, with household and public resources being diverted to curative services.

Although the world has met the global UN Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of halving the proportion of people without access to improved water sources, progress towards sanitation access remains the most off-track of all the sanitation related MDG targets in Pakistan. The MDG target is to reduce the proportion of the global population without access to improved sanitation, from 51 percent in 1990 to 25 per cent by 2015. Although since 1990 almost 1.9 billion people gained access to improved sanitation, in 2011 the total with access was still only 64 percent of the global population.

Programmes are being implemented to reach out an additional 1.3 million men, women and children in each province. More needs to be done by the government of Pakistan, communities and individuals to bring forth the taboo subject of toilets and open defecation for discussion and explore ways and means to tackle the problem.

I think its about time that the Pakistanis change their priorities and focus on wiping the shit off their own ***!!!

This is what the Prime Minister of Pak has to say about his own country,now pls dont tell me that even ur PM is a RAW,CIA or Mossad Agent!!

Pakistan has become a beggar state: Nawaz - thenews.com.pk

Punjab Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif said that Pakistan has become a beggar state despite being a nuclear state because of its dependency on foreign aid, adding that no nation in the world can prosper on aid.

Pakistan cannot be a ‘Nuclear’ and beggar state at the same time: Shahbaz – The Express Tribune

A country like this would help India in eradicating poverty!! Bhusssssssssssss. . . .I would be more than happy to pass some gas after reading such BS!!!:rofl:
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