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We will help to eradicate poverty in India, says Imran Khan

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Which begs the question that then why in Pakistan also so many people defecate in open??
And in past BD also had considerable percentage of population defecating in the open.

As expected you are unaware of the facts. :lol:
View attachment 71887

Lol,kid go and check your facts again,dont embarras yourself again and again here.

The World Bank announced in June 2013 that Bangladesh had reduced the number of people living in poverty from 63 million in 2000 to 47 million in 2010, despite a total population that had grown to approximately 150 million. This means that Bangladesh will reach its first United Nations-established Millennium Development Goal, that of poverty reduction, two years ahead of the 2015 deadline. Bangladesh is also making progress in reducing its poverty rate to 26 percent of the population.
Bangladesh: After Much Heartbreak, Some Good News at Last | TIME.com

As i said main reason of the open defecation is poverty.To uplift people from poverty they should get employment and for that Gov. is heavily investing to make India a manufacturing hub.So contrary to your claim gov. is actually serious about this issue.
Lol please don't make me laugh, when did I ever state I was Pakistani? Im a Bengali. Seeing things?

Bangladesh's open defecation rate is 3 percent. According to UNICEF and who. Don't embarrass yourself with your 5000 clearly useless posts here.

Bangladesh open defection stats and sources

'The report, however, hails India’s immediate neighbour Bangladesh and Vietnam, saying they are among the top 10 countries that have achieved the highest reduction in open defecation since 1990. Vietnam, Bangladesh and Peru have reduced open defecation prevalence to single digits, it says.'

One billion people still defecate in public despite health risks - UN

"India accounts for about 60 percent of the world’s residents without toilets, according to a World Health Organization and UNICEF report released in May. The country’s 50 percent open defecation rate compares with 23 percent in Pakistan, 3 PERCENT IN BANGLADESH and 1 percent in China, the report said."

Inventor Targets Open-Air Defecation of 600 Million Indians - Bloomberg

In your own source Bangladesh falls into the 1-5 percent key colour. :rofl:

Buy some casma's kid. Don't patronise me.

Just to further emphasise my point that poverty is not the main factor but rather awareness and mindset:

Our new research paper and policy brief summarizing findings from the SQUAT survey are now up! Check out the SQUAT Report website at SQUAT Report

It is clear that many people who live in households with latrines still defecate in the open. What we need now is a focus on motivating latrine use rather than continued efforts to build more latrines. Some of our key findings include:

40% of households with working latrines have at least one member who defecates in the open.
More than half the people who have government latrines don’t use them.
Among those who defecate in the open, 47% say they do so because it is pleasurable, comfortable, or convenient. Toilet use is often considered optional, not an urgent need.
51% of those who defecate in the open report that widespread open defecation would be at least as good for child health as latrine use.
People want expensive latrines: most families in rural India can already afford to buy the simple latrines that save lives in Bangladesh.
To achieve its goal of eliminating open defecation by 2019, the Government must redirect sanitation policy towards promoting latrine use. India needs nothing short of a Latrine Use Revolution, publicly directed by the country’s top leaders and known to every rural Indian.

If you want to learn more, we hope you’ll explore further on the SQUAT Report site. Help us spread the message and get everyone engaged in starting a Latrine Use Revolution!

So Stfu with your butthurt.
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Which begs the question that then why in Pakistan also so many people defecate in open??
And in past BD also had considerable percentage of population defecating in the open.

Well, the problem is also there in Pakistan but you gotta admit it's not that big as it is in India. And Bangladesh, well, 80-100 years back, people in the subcontinent didn't even know there's something called toilets! That's the reason behind the higher percentage of open defecation in the past.

India's case is totally different. You're mixing up two things, one is lack of toilets another, lack of interest to use toilets.

This article might help you to understand what I'm saying: India’s Toilet Race Failing as Villages Don’t Use Them - Bloomberg

Sunita’s family in the north Indian village of Mukimpur were given their first toilet in February, one of millions being installed by the government to combat disease. She can’t remember the last time anyone used it.

When nature calls, the 26-year-old single mother and her four children head toward the jungle next to their farm of red and pink roses, to a field of tall grass, flecked with petals, where the 7,000 people of her village go to defecate and exchange gossip.

Only dalits, the lowest Hindu caste, should be exposed to excrement in a closed space, “or city-dwellers who don’t have space to go in the open,” said Sunita, who uses one name, as she washed clothes next to the concrete latrine. “Feces don’t belong under the same roof as where we eat and sleep.”
Lol please don't make me laugh, when did I ever state I was Pakistani? Im a Bengali. Seeing things?
lol,where did i say that??? :lol:
Bangladesh's open defecation rate is 3 percent. According to UNICEF
Bangladesh open defection stats and sources

'The report, however, hails India’s immediate neighbour Bangladesh and Vietnam, saying they are among the top 10 countries that have achieved the highest reduction in open defecation since 1990. Vietnam, Bangladesh and Peru have reduced open defecation prevalence to single digits, it says.'

One billion people still defecate in public despite health risks - UN

"India accounts for about 60 percent of the world’s residents without toilets, according to a World Health Organization and UNICEF report released in May. The country’s 50 percent open defecation rate compares with 23 percent in Pakistan, 3 PERCENT IN BANGLADESH and 1 percent in China, the report said."

Inventor Targets Open-Air Defecation of 600 Million Indians - Bloomberg

In your own source Bangladesh falls into the 1-5 percent key colour. :rofl:
Buy some casma's kid. Don't patronise me.
Moron,This is exactly what i was trying to convey you :rofl:,You clearly have some comprehension issues . :lol:
Since Bangladesh has been very successful in reducing poverty, % of people defecating in the open has also gone down.The reason of that is that gov. has spent considerable time and amount of money to uplift social indicators and unlike countries like India dont have to spend large amount of money on defence and technology.

Lol, again you are jumping like a typical Bangaladeshi without knowing the actual issue.
Most of these so called goverment toilets are only on paper.People just take money and dont build it since it is not enough for building a good toilet and use it for other purposes since they are living in extreme poverty.
Again as i said the main issue is poverty and not cultural mindset.

So now you STFU!!!

Well, the problem is also there in Pakistan but you gotta admit it's not that big as it is in India.
This article might help you to understand what I'm saying: India’s Toilet Race Failing as Villages Don’t Use Them - Bloomberg
Sunita’s family in the north Indian village of Mukimpur were given their first toilet in February, one of millions being installed by the government to combat disease. She can’t
Most of these government build toilets only exist on paper.
Those which are actually build are in very poor condition due to corruption.
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lol,where did i say that??? :lol:

Moron,This is exactly what i was trying to convey you :rofl:,You clearly have some comprehension issues llike a typical low iq Bangladeshi. :lol:
Since Bangladesh has been very successful in reducing poverty % of people defecating in the open has also gone down.The reason of that is that gov. has spent considerable time and amount of money to uplift social indicators and unlike countries like India dont have to spend large amount of money on defence and technology.

Lol,kid again you are jumping like a typical low iq Bangaladeshi without knowing the actual issue.
Most of these so called goverment toilets are only on paper.People just take money and dont build it since it is not enough for building a good toilet and use it for other purposes since they are living in extreme poverty.
Again as i said the main issue is poverty and not cultural mindset.

So now you STFU!!!
Are you seriously retarded? Stupid moron.
According to world bank

Poverty rate in India in 2010 was 29.8% and in 2012 21.9%.

Poverty rate in Bangladesh in 2010 was 31.5% and no data available for 2012. According to your 2013 stats you provided its currently at around 26%. So 2012 levels of poverty were higher than 26% at least.

You wanna pull up the open defecation rates image (from rice) you posted before for India and Bangladesh for 2012 when Bangladesh had confirmed levels of higher poverty according to WB and your link and check the equivalent level of open def.

You'll feel like the retarded low iq Indian you are. Heck you might even shit yourself.
Oops... Forgot that was normal for you lots, shitting anywhere and everywhere you go.

To make it easy for your pea brain
YEAR 2012
Bangladesh poverty 26+>India poverty 21.9.
=India less poverty
Same period
Bangladesh open def 3-5<India open def 50+
=India still more shitting
By a MASSIVE Margin.

Stupid kid I thought indias a super powaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa but their citizens shit in the fields everyday cos your govs to busy testing rockets the explode mid way through their launch. :Rofl:

Your own fellow indian soms posted that study so stfu go eat a chapatti you dhoti.

Don't quote me again
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Most of these government build toilets only exist on paper.
Those which are actually build are in very poor condition due to corruption.

Did you really read my post? The reason behind their lack of interest to use toilets?

typical low iq Bangaladeshi

Going with the comments posted by some Indians here, the "typical low iq" title best suits some other nationality!
Did you really read my post? The reason behind their lack of interest to use toilets?

Going with the comments posted by some Indians here, the "typical low iq" title best suits some other nationality!

Clearly whatever he reads goes in one ear and out the other.

Bitch boy doesn't want to accept anything so resorts to calling people low iq bangladeshis and lungis and what not.
Are you seriously retarded? Your Indian so you must be. Stupid moron.
The only one retarded and stupid here is you.Making up things like "I said that you are a Bangladeshi"lol
Btw you still havent answered my question,why a lot of people defecate open in Pakistan??,lungiman.
According to world bank

Poverty rate in India in 2010 was 29.8% and in 2012 21.9%.
About 33% of people are living below poverty line in India according to World bank.
Poverty rate in Bangladesh in 2010 was 31.5% and no data available for 2012. According to your 2013 stats you provided its currently at around 26%. So 2012 levels of poverty were higher than 26% at least.
You wanna pull up the open defecation rates image (from rice) you posted before for India and Bangladesh for 2012 when Bangladesh had confirmed levels of higher poverty according to WB and your link and check the equivalent level of open def.
You'll feel like the retarded low iq Indian you are
Typical low iq Bangladeshi,lol
The reason of showing that map was not to compare India and Bangladesh but to counter your earlier claim that poverty has no relation with open defecation by comparing India and Africa but as expected you were not able to comprehend such a simple thing,lol
Now coming back to Bangladesh,as i said earlier since Bangaldesh doesnt have to worry about
two nuclear armed neighbours and thus can spend a lot to uplift social indicators unlike India.
Now you get what i was trying to say retard?? lol.NOw you may want to pole vault into India and become a menial labour here in India.
Btw as a responsible citizen you should write a lettter to your government to spend more on technology and to earn some recognition for your country so that people in the world can know that something like lunidesh exits on this planet,:rofl:
Stfu Go eat a chapatti you dhoti
Now you STFU and eat a fish lungiman,lol

Did you really read my post? The reason behind their lack of interest to use toilets?
Lacks of interest due to the fact that quality of toilets built are of very poor quality due to corruption.I didnt answer this part because i thought you were reading my other posts also.

Some times I wonder if the Indians here are really weak in reasoning or just pretend to be! :confused:
Seriously this is coming from a Bangladeshi?? :lol:.You may want to take a look at Bangladesh defence forum,:rofl::rofl:
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The only one retarded and stupid here is you.Making up things like "I said that you are a Bangladeshi"lol
Btw you still havent answered my question,why a lot of people defecate open in Pakistan??,lungiman.

About 33% of people are living below poverty line in India according to World bank.

Typical low iq Bangladeshi,lol
The reason of showing that map was not to compare India and Bangladesh but to counter your earlier claim that poverty has no relation with open defecation by comparing India and Africa but as expected you were not able to comprehend such a simple thing,lol
Now coming back to Bangladesh,as i said earlier since Bangaldesh doesnt have to worry about
two nuclear armed neighbours and thus can spend a lot to uplift social indicators unlike India.
Now you get what i was trying to say retard?? lol.NOw you may want to pole vault into India and become a menial labour or sell your daughters and sisters in cheap prices to brothels like normally most of the Bangladeshis do here in India,lol
Btw as a responsible citizen you should write a lettter to your government to spend more on technology and to earn some recognition for your country so that people in the world can know that something like lunidesh exits on this planet,:rofl:

Now you STFU and eat a fish lungiman,lol

Am I a Bangladeshi citizen though :Rofl:
I'm not a 50 year old fresh pot student like you.


Look at the picture and Don't ever quote me again you fucking retard.

You've been reported for your disgusting comments. Have nothing to say in regards to the the matter so you spout out bullshit. Typical disgusting minded Indian.
Bitch boy doesn't want to accept anything so resorts to calling people low iq bangladeshis and lungis and what not.
Morons like you dont accept simple facts and try to troll,however i put them at there place in seconds.

@Jay12345 You are editing your posts after i have replied to them,lol typical lungi trait.
Morons like you dont accept simple facts and try to troll,however i put them at there place in seconds.

@Jay12345 You are editing your posts after i have replied to them,lol typical lungi trait.
Marrying dogs and frogs and god know what is a typical dhoti trait.
Must be into that animal shit
Lacks of interest due to the fact that quality of toilets built are of very poor quality due to corruption.I didnt answer this part because i thought you were reading my other posts also.

Let me repeat my own post again:

Sunita’s family in the north Indian village of Mukimpur were given their first toilet in February, one of millions being installed by the government to combat disease. She can’t remember the last time anyone used it.

When nature calls, the 26-year-old single mother and her four children head toward the jungle next to their farm of red and pink roses, to a field of tall grass, flecked with petals, where the 7,000 people of her village go to defecate and exchange gossip.

Only dalits, the lowest Hindu caste, should be exposed to excrement in a closed space, “or city-dwellers who don’t have space to go in the open,” said Sunita, who uses one name, as she washed clothes next to the concrete latrine. “Feces don’t belong under the same roof as where we eat and sleep.”

Sunita’s view reveals one of Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s biggest challenges in combating the world’s biggest sanitation problem, one that costs India 600,000 lives annually from diarrhea and exposes a third of the nation’s women to the risk of rape or sexual assault. With no toilets for half the population, Modi promised to build 5.3 million latrines by the end of his first 100 days in office -- one a second until Aug. 31, according to the Ministry of Drinking Water and Sanitation. Without education, they’ll make little difference.

India’s Toilet Race Failing as Villages Don’t Use Them - Bloomberg

Now you understand the reason behind the lack of interest to use toilets in India?
I get what you are trying to say,but the article just quotes a story of an incident.This may be one of the reasons but main reason is the poverty.
Post some poll if you have any then i will fully agree with you.

Never heard of any poll asking villagers in India why they don't use toilets, till then the articles I posted are best references!

@Chak Bamu could you please take a look at some of the posts here?
Last time i heard that India received $1m donation pledged by former Pakistani president Asif Zardar for Ajmer shrine. :lol::lol:
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