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We will crack Patriot missiles (Putin)

Right.That is why even Iran is copiying HIMARS(Fath 360) istead of buying Russian tech.
honestly it's not a copy of HIMRAS , we never had access to the system and all subsystem and missiles are different, its only also it belong to 4-5 year ago and before the war in Ukraine , its a miniaturized fateh-110 which itself actually was based on Zelzal missiles and those zelzal missiles were based on USSR missiles, we were just trying to build something simpler than SCUD
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Don't push your luck. HIMARS is just a kid compared to Tornado-S. 227 mm vs 300 mm. 70 km range vs 120 km range. And I'm not even mentioning Iskander and Geran.
LOL! Lockheed has already improved the missile even with smaller diameter to further increased its range to 150km. And if you want to talk about Iskander, you have the new PRSM which is the successor of the ATACMS. And that has the same length at 13 feet to fit into HIMARS and MLRS. Where the Iskander is like almost twice the length but the range is comparable. U.S. military plans to extend its range further than 500km.
Another C64 fan I see... I had one of the first C64's with the original 8010 Modem inPakistan, it was all thanks to my uncle who was a computer engineer for PIAC (Pakistan Airlines):

This worked by putting the telephone reciever over it and then executing the command - at the time only one company in Pakistan BrainNet offered dial up facility:

Young children thesedays don't even know what it was like accessing BBS using telnet.

Interesting fact - BrainNet was founded by Amjad Farooq Alvi who was the creator of the first ever mass replicating computer virus - also called Brain.


BBS on a C64... Those were the days...


Accuracy is the same. GLONASS is not less accurate than GPS.

Based on what we have seen of russian tech recently - GLONASS will be much much less accurate - i mean - how can systems built using cpu's scavenged from washing machine be ?

Seriously - russian tech is overrated in all domains ... we know this now.
Based on what we have seen of russian tech recently - GLONASS will be much much less accurate - i mean - how can systems built using cpu's scavenged from washing machine be ?

Seriously - russian tech is overrated in all domains ... we know this now.
GNSS could be developed even by well educated monkeys.
Science behind that is just measure journey time of several rf signals.

Accuracy differences between several systems is just due to sat orbits, every country adapt his system to his land, except USA which purpose is whole world domination and GPS works well in all American domination zone (full planet).

But it's not due to differences between IQ of engineers of each system, or the use of washing machines chips :lol:.
honestly thought was a better prepared army

they are so incapable and plain stupid

they have widely exported top tier equipment like Su35 and S400 known as the deadly Russian systems

what have they come to in this war ?
honestly thought was a better prepared army

they are so incapable and plain stupid

they have widely exported top tier equipment like Su35 and S400 known as the deadly Russian systems

what have they come to in this war ?
They expect Ukraine to fall easily. Just like Crimea fell but the Green Men aka Russian soldiers in disguise kind of confused people as to who they were. Were they Ukrainians breaking away from the Ukraine and wants to be part of Russia? By then it was too late. Same for trying to do the same thing in Luhansk and Donetsk regions. Course it was going way too slowly for Putin. Hence he try the faster approach by recognizing the new separate states of Luhansk and Donetsk backed by Russia and use that excuse to invade Ukraine days later in response to protect them.
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