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We want to solve all disputes with Pakistan: General V K Singh

Which part of just-try-reading-the-quotes-within-the-news you did not understand?

Ya I didn't read carefully. There are a few mistakes but they are very common. None which I don't expect people to make until they actively work on their English.
If you people has the balls to let them choose, go free and cross over to Pakistan, why not allow them a simpler method, referendum i guess?

Let's see how much water these balls of your carry.

Why were my grandparents not given the choice of referendum when they came from Bannu?

Why were your forefathers not given the freedom of referendum?

Why are Kashmiris any different? What's so special about them?

Oh and let's not get 'balls and all' into the discussion, shall we? Nothing will happen to you, I'll get banned. So if you have balls, talk like a man. No hitting below the belt.

It's not fear that stops us from carrying out referendum in Kashmir. I thought you were smart enough to judge your enemy better especially one with whom you've fought four wars.
^^^ If that be the case, why would india prep for a 2 front war at the first place? Is it that Pakistan, which is already committed on its western front and is nearly in an impossible shape to initiate an altogether new theater of war, is likely or possibly will attack india? Or may be you must have seen our COAS, COAirS, CONS, GD ISI, DG SPD etc issuing childish and retarded threats against india?

Now if this not be the case infact, the only thing left to ponder upon is the fact that it could indeed be india itself which is itching for a war or even worse, finding/awaiting a reason to go to war!

You're not even clear as to what you want to discuss. Do you want to discuss WHAT Gen. Kapoor said or do you want to discuss WHY he said it?

First decide and then we shall talk.

Your example is retarded.

It's like saying that every country which maintains an Army, wants to have war! Rubbish logic, indeed.

Exactly! The example IS retarded. Just like it was retarded to protray Gen Kapoor and Indian Army as warmongers because they want to be PREPARED for the eventuality of a two-front war.

Now you know who acted stupid.
Sir......the root cause of terrorism in india is its occupation of Kashmir (apart from other separatist problems), once it stops all this will automatically die. i am sure even an infant like yourself know this very well.

......And the root cause of the occupation for Kashmir was the invasion by the Pakistani based tribals in 1948, when Kashmir was still an 'independent country'..

And since that is irreversible now, so is India's occupation of Kashmir.

Deal with it or live with it.
Which globe do you refer to?

And the last time I checked, many global leaders reprimanded Pakistan, in differing words, for its links with terrorism.

Maybe she is referring to the Central Asian superpower of 'Azerbaijan'. :what:

that's like a gangster entering your home, dropping his bags on the ground, and saying ''not a damn word from you; rules are changed; this is my home now --abide by the rules i set just for this house ---otherwise vacate''

a naiive, immature and dangerous approach.....one that has failed to win you much affection in the disputed territory

And yet that was what which happened to the millions of Punjabis,Lakhvavis, Biharis, Sindhis and other communities during the partition.

Pakistan wants to finish this 'unsettled business' of partition ;aka Kashmir issue -Fair enough, lets finish it on the same ground rules established during the Partition.

Maybe as an added concession since we are economically good enough now, we will sponsor third class AC to the Kashmiris wanting to migrate.
dont bring kashmir issue to solve with pakisthan. kashmir people always want to live with india only.

:rofl: please have a referendum under neutral world bodies in country of Kashmir occupied by India and if you are so sure that they wana live with India then let them decide and oh well why you need thousands of invader army there if they want to live with bharat
^^^ If that be the case, why would india prep for a 2 front war at the first place?

Because on front we have a 'friendly' neighbour that claims one of our states (Kashmir) and will eat grass for it while on another front we have another 'friendly' neighbour claiming another state (Arunachal) and will sell nukes/missiles for it.

The Lizard on the wall of my garage said it understood perfectly why India is prepping for a two front war - Do you ?

Your example is retarded.

It's like saying that every country which maintains an Army, wants to have war! Rubbish logic, indeed.

And exactly it is this retarded logic (or the absence thereof) that the Pakistani media spouted about Gen. Kapoor which sadly some people are not able to comprehend.
My convo is directed towards the one who pointed this fact out. He also claimed that he knows the COAS personally, anywaz, you can feel free to ignore my posts.
Fine, believe him for all I care

i would rather believe his previous statements as they atleast were in symphony (all of them were talking of war), this one seems to shy out a bit. BTW, it was certain questions and concerns by your fellow countrymen that made my extrapolation of the indian COAS' character a bit lengthy, otherwise in my sincere effort was to limit it down.

The spoke of preperation for war, not waging war. I mean.. That's his duty ain't it?

If i reminisce correctly it was Pakistan that was fighting for its survival since its inception, i dont know why we didnt shoot out provocative statements back then. Also, it was Pakistan that was under constant threat of aggression from india, it is indeed heartening to know that the game is still the same but the sides have changed :) And oh yes i have explained about this 2 front thing being provocative in post # 185 and that thread dedicated to this particular news, please search it out.
You reminisce wrong. Pakistan has always been the little overconfident kid taking panga with India. Starting three major wars, you are LUCKY for your survival. Pakistan under threat of aggression from India? Lol, don't flatter yourself. India has been minding its own business.. But the moment we let our guard down, BAM! we have a kargil.


There are two neighbors who have a common enemy.
Whats the difference from my frame of reference?

And now this would become a crime?

i dont how can india claim to be a hero by assisting Afghanistan? :undecided:

Oh really, I'm sorry for having supplied Afghanistan with modern fighter jets and tanks. Especially those dangerous schools, hospitals and embassies.

Being prepared and keeping ones beak shut are two different things, believe me. As i said earlier, please go to the thread related to 2 front war, we can discuss this there to death, not here.

If the media is this paranoid about a two front war, he as the COAS has to say something. To put rest to their concerns. But fine lets not go off topic.

Just because they are not declared terrorists doesnt mean they arernt one. Maybe we need to have a relook at the word'd definition.

They are conservatives at most. Terrorists are the dudes running planes into buildings. By no definition of the word are they terrorists.

i can see that you are new on the forum. Please do some search and you'll find your answer, BTW, you being a physicist must have heard of a thing known as Dirt Bomb, anywaz i dont want to get into this discussion, i had my days replying these questions a few years back, would strongly suggest you do the kasht to finding them.

I know about the cobalt 60 case. Let me tel you my friend, Co-60 is not weaponisable. Its too low in the unstability series.
If you're taking about those 'Uranium truck missing' rumours we had a few years ago.. Let me tell you those allegations were baseless and media created. Other than that I have no Idea.

Last i heard, you govt and everybody else failed to prove this accusation.

BTW, i though you people gave our intelligence agencies more credit than they deserve, then what went wrong this time? They cant be that dumb that would have been radioing instruction across the border, believe me being a military guy myself i can assure you that's not only absurd, but lame too. But wasnt those guys being handled through cell phones? Where did the radios come in?

First of all, that your government does not accept proof does not make it untrue. I mean Kasab himself goes in record saying his handlers were Pakistani military men. Now you not choosing to believe it wont make it untrue.
Your government was unwilling to even accept Kasab was pakistani, when Navaz Sharif says he's been to faridabad and spoken to his parents. Wen villagers from the village accept on video that he's from there. What more proof do you need?
And my mistake on the radios. I implied cell phones.
Well the truth is their handlers were talking to them on cell phones. Now I agree thats stupid. but how does that prove they were non government?
I read the discussion on this thread and very disappointed that xeric is debating so long with incorrect facts.
1) He is blaming Gen Malik for what Gen Kapoor said. (It is like blaming OBAMA for Bush)
2) He is getting the context completely wrong.
This is what the Gen said.
Now I just clarified it, you can also check the video on youtube, but the way debates are conducted here, people rarely care to find facts but keep sticking to what they know.

Let's try to have the right level of debate, just because we are enemy nation does not mean we should not try to find the truth.
Oh please try to understand.

Gen Malik, JJ Singh or VK Singh, the faces are insignificant, what's significant is that fact that there has been a continuous war-mongering stance from the indian side. Starting from Theory of Simultaneous Attacks to Cold Start and from Limited War to a 2 Front War everything has been directed towards Pakistan.

So let's not miss the forest for trees here.


Though this thread is not about the Limited War thingy (we have dedicated threads for this) but still let me clarify, does it even falls within the domain of sanity to even voice the possibility of a Limited War under a nuclear umbrella? No, i guess not! Can india guarantee that the war which they plan to be of a limited nature/scale will not become 'unlimited'? Man we cannot even guarantee the scale a fight between two guys punching each other across the street what to talk about to nuclear powers in a conflict. Though i agree alot and alot of planning goes in before going to war, but then no one knows what step of india or Pakistan would mean crossing of that thin line and before we even know we all are plunged back into stone age!

To execute a Limited War india would need a very very very superior force, especially in terms of mobile elements on ground and air supremacy above there (note, why i am not using 'air-superiority' here). i know most of you would jump in now and educate us all about the 'massive' advancements india has and is still undergoing. We know india may become a giant in military terms in future but dont know think Pakistan would also be keeping something in its kitty at all times to counter india, even in future? So what i mean to say is, even if india acquire a 1000 more Raptors and some kinda flying tanks but still the net difference between your and our military would always remain the same, which is not guud/suitable for india attempting a limited-type-war, as i have said earlier that for a blitzkrieg kinda thingy you people need a very superior ratio of forces so that even before we can fully react and the world jumps in to stop the war from escalating, india have done the requisite damage to Pakistan.

May be with the kind of technological edge the US has over us in particular and the world in general, they can think of attempting a blitzkrieg on Pakistan in the 21st century that too under a nuclear shadow. Gone were the days when Rommel would go, give a guud phanti to the enemy and still manage to come back to the base by the evening!!

So you know what, all this 'hinting' towards a Limited War is nothing else then war-mongering. Your journalist and the guys who answer them, both should start thinking from their brains - the ones which are above ones torso. How many times did you see a Pakistani journalist asking a stupid question like "is war possible between two nuclear neighbors" from Kiyani? No wonder we say you people long for war!
Because on front we have a 'friendly' neighbour that claims one of our states (Kashmir) and will eat grass for it while on another front we have another 'friendly' neighbour claiming another state (Arunachal) and will sell nukes/missiles for it.

The Lizard on the wall of my garage said it understood perfectly why India is prepping for a two front war - Do you ?

And exactly it is this retarded logic (or the absence thereof) that the Pakistani media spouted about Gen. Kapoor which sadly some people are not able to comprehend.

i loved the lizard on the wall:tup::yahoo:
Flatter yourself. Also you probably have missed this:
Son kills father, buries body in backyard of house - The Times of India :rolleyes:

BTW, by this explanation the children are bound to revolt, perhaps the india soldiers are being exterminated on righteous grounds.

PW, thanks for this second tip, the first one was you telling us that your COAS is a noob.

I dont read much of "soldier extermination" in Kashmir dude. I do read alot of infiltrators being massacred there tho. Perhaps that is the righteous grounds to which you refer? Maybe that is your first tip huh ;)

Our COAS is a noob cos he despises Pakistan ? Using your flawd logic, that would make 98% of your mullah orientated populace and leadership noobs since they despise India ? C'mon X. Think b4 you ink
:rofl: please have a referendum under neutral world bodies in country of Kashmir occupied by India and if you are so sure that they wana live with India then let them decide and oh well why you need thousands of invader army there if they want to live with bharat

Why have a referendum in Kashmir? Can't you just take in those Kahmiris who do not want to live in India ?
Because on front we have a 'friendly' neighbour that claims one of our states (Kashmir) and will eat grass for it while on another front we have another 'friendly' neighbour claiming another state (Arunachal) and will sell nukes/missiles for it.

The Lizard on the wall of my garage said it understood perfectly why India is prepping for a two front war - Do you ?
So you agree that the indians are indeed a war-mongering nation!

Guud for you. End of debate!!

Oh btw, have you people ever wondered why is it only india that has issues with every neighbor that surrounds it? Come on, name me another state that has problems with ALL of its neighboring states.

You know what; The first time someone calls you a horse you punch him on the nose, the second time someone calls you a horse you call him a jerk but the third time someone calls you a horse, well then perhaps it's time to go shopping for a saddle. ;)

And exactly it is this retarded logic (or the absence thereof) that the Pakistani media spouted about Gen. Kapoor which sadly some people are not able to comprehend.
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