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We want a United States of Europe says top EU official

No, boss is Turkey and boss has been Turkey. You nation isn't even relevant dude.

Secondly, Turkey's literacy rate is in high 90s..how can you say they don't have educated masses?

Poor infrastructure? seriously? lol

Kurdistan? Oh well...

Let's put it this way. Both of these countries are great and hopefully they will keep working together for the betterment of the lives of their people.
De Gaulle knew that, therefore, vetoed twice the membership applications and kept the Brits out of the EU. The Brits have taken the euroscepticism to another level, their sensational tabloids like Daily Mail are also successfully inciting anti EU feelings among the Brits. The biggest proponent of the expansion and accession of Eastern European countries to EU was UK, and now UK itself is in a quandary about its own EU membership. Funnily the same country is still adamant on its position to support Turkey's bid to join the EU, while Germany and France are mostly against it but ready to offer a privileged partnership. An economic and political union of Northern and Western countries would be more viable and such an union would be more powerful and stable, both politically and economically. Countries like Germany, Sweden, the Netherlands or Denmark have far more in common than the countries like Germany and Greece. But anyway, as we know, these kinds of decisions are mostly taken on the basis of political expediency.

I don't know much about the British media but I expect Rupert Murdoch would be a big player, and he tends to be hardcore supporter of the Anglophone, pro-America camp.
Let's put it this way. Both of these countries are great and hopefully they will keep working together for the betterment of the lives of their people.
I doubt he is able to understand that.
Let's put it this way. Both of these countries are great and hopefully they will keep working together for the betterment of the lives of their people.

I agree. I respect Turkey for how far it has come and the bright future ahead.
I also consider Italy to be the most likely country to match France and Germany's power in continental Europe.
Turkey's economy is growing so fast exactly because it's not in the EU.For example,before the crisis Romania had 6-8 % growth ,than it all went to the dogs because EU members economies are so intertwined.It still had a 2.8% growth this year (highest in the EU) and the future prognosis is good with higher EU funds absorbed (34 %of funds absorbed this year from 7% last year,rising to over 80% in 2016-that means at least 10 billion euros in before 2016 and some 20-25 more before 2020,)shale gas exploatation,natural gas in the Black Sea (all to kick in in 2016-2018),gold exploatation (the biggest reserves in Europe set to bring billions in revenues),higher investments (only China promised 8billion $ 2 months ago at the Bucharest summit),etc.

Sry to dissapoint,but economically,the forecasts are good.
Well,it's debatable on how this Union will work.For example,today,i don't like how unelected EU commissionars get to impose laws on all of us.The process must become more democratic.

Second,altough it's clear that this is the natural way for Europe if we want to retain a significant geo-political role in the future i don't want our cultural-ethnicity to disapear in a melting pot where only the strong shall prevail over the weak-let's say in 2 generations everyone will speak german/french/english as de facto language of this superstate.I want (personal example) romanian language,traditions to endure even if only with a regional,marginal existence.

All in all,i am for it but with several conditions:

-Total democracy and transparence on how the state is ruled.
-Continental Referendums as a rule for major decisions
-Cultural and Educational autonomy for all the future "regions" to ensure the survival of different ethnicities,especially the smaller ones which risk to be engulfed.

In my opinion this Union will be more powerful if Russia joins it.
Turkey's economy is growing so fast exactly because it's not in the EU.For example,before the crisis Romania had 6-8 % growth ,than it all went to the dogs because EU members economies are so intertwined.It still had a 2.8% growth this year (highest in the EU) and the future prognosis is good with higher EU funds absorbed (34 %of funds absorbed this year from 7% last year,rising to over 80% in 2016-that means at least 10 billion euros in before 2016 and some 20-25 more before 2020,)shale gas exploatation,natural gas in the Black Sea (all to kick in in 2016-2018),gold exploatation (the biggest reserves in Europe set to bring billions in revenues),higher investments (only China promised 8billion $ 2 months ago at the Bucharest summit),etc.

Would Romania be better off with its own currency?
Surely it would be worth less than the Euro, which is good for exports.
(Germany benefits from the Euro for precisely the opposite reason.)

What Romania needed was a free-trade zone with Western Europe, not currency integration.
Do you guys get any immigrants to Romania? South Asians migrate to Europe NA Australia in large numbers! Shouldnt that solve your population problems?

No,that's not a solution.
In my opinion this Union will be more powerful if Russia joins it.

Honestly ? I would like that,this way all ghosts of the past will be burried forever,and Russia does have more in common woth Europe than Asia.

But Russia will never join.

Would Romania be better off with its won currency?
Surely it would be worth less than the Euro, which is good for exports.
(Germany benefits from the Euro for precisely the opposite reason.)

What Romania needed was a free-trade zone with the Euro, not currency integration.

Romania has it's own currency,at least thank God for that.We should join the Eurozone in 2018 but i hope it gets delayed,many believe it will set us back.And yes,we benefit from the "leu"(our currency),exports boomed this year.
Personally, I wish only good for Europe. Live, rich, multiply and prosper. Most importantly - do not try to conquer Russia and do not teach us how to live.

No one wants to conquer Russia :laughcry:. Only a fool would think that. An average Joe in the streets of UK don't give a damn about politics. All they want is their jobs back and limit on immigration. They want to keep the NHS and stop the conservatives stealing more money from the working class and handing it out to big businesses.

coming back to the topic i don't think most of Brits are in favour of any more unon with EU. Too much confusion in UK right now. Scotland might be heading out of the United Kingdom.

On the other hand a united Europe could be good for serving the interests of big European countries such as Germany, France and UK and counter rising China, India and Russia. I also doubt USA would like to see another power block developing. Israel would definitely not want a European block.
No,that's not a solution.

Honestly ? I would like that,this way all ghosts of the past will be burried forever,and Russia does have more in common woth Europe than Asia.

But Russia will never join.

Romania has it's own currency,at least than God for that.We should join the Eurozone in 2018 but i hope it gets delayed,many believe it will set us back.And yes,we benefit from the "leu"(our currency),exports boomed this year.

Notice the If.
Would Romania be better off with its own currency?
Surely it would be worth less than the Euro, which is good for exports.
(Germany benefits from the Euro for precisely the opposite reason.)

What Romania needed was a free-trade zone with Western Europe, not currency integration.

This is what I also would like to know. The membership of EFTA wouldn't be more profitable than the full EU membership?
In my opinion this Union will be more powerful if Russia joins it.


Russia, the former superpower who kept America awake, will not play second fiddle to Germany and France.

Russia is interested to carve out its own empire, with itself as the unchallenged leader of the pack.

Russia, the former superpower who kept America awake, will not play second fiddle to Germany and France.

Russia is interested to carve out its own empire, with itself as the unchallenged leader of the pack.

russia also has no european values. If we let russia in, we can also let japan in.
This is what I also would like to know. The membership of EFTA wouldn't be more profitable than the full EU membership?

It depends.For Eastern European states EU membership brings tens of billions of euros in development funds.If you have capable elites like Poland who,from the moment they got in managed to absorb over 80% of the funds then you will benefit.If you have retards and crooks in power like Romania had between 2007-2012 with 7% EU funds absorbtion than you've wasted time,money and a golden oportunity.

Example of corruption: EU gave us 50% of the money to build a motorway.The contractor took the money and bought jets for his firm instead of building the motorway.:hitwall: EU asked the money back and froze the program.
It depends.For Eastern European states EU membership brings tens of billions of euros in development funds.If you have capable elites like Poland who,from the moment they got in managed to absorb over 80% of the funds then you will benefit.If you have retards and crooks in power like Romania had between 2007-2012 with 7% EU funds absorbtion than you've wasted time,money and a golden oportunity.
but you can only blame yourself then.
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