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We want a United States of Europe says top EU official

Thats a lie. Christians are discriminated on a massive scale in turkey. Churches are not allowed to own property. Priests are not allowed to make the seminar in Turkey. Turkey does not allow new churches be build and even repair on old ones need tons of paperwork. Thats not acceptable in any way.

Is this true @Sinan @T-123456 @xenon54 ? :unsure:

@MarkusS - Do you know of a good University in Germany which offers graduate level (MSc) courses in the English Language ? :what:

And do you think Strategic Management Accounting would have job scope there ?
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Unfortunately Christiany are not free in Western meaning, but the last years more and more Churches get their property back.


And about restaurations, Turkish Goverment itself repaired many Churches the last years.

Category:Churches in Turkey - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Armenian church under repair in Turkish village - Armenian News | Tert.am

Turkish government funds reconstruction of Armenian Church - Society - Panorama | Armenian news

Another Armenian church under construction in Turkey - Society - Panorama | Armenian news
Just because Turkey has high GDP growth, it does not mean the EU needs Turkey!
Turkey has a large population, the vast majority of which is poor.
Thats wrong majority of Turkish population is not poor, i fact Turkish population is wealthier compared to Chinese.

GDP per Capita:

Turkey 11'000 $
China 7'000 $

If Turkey joined the EU then a significant proportion of its population would emigrate en masse across Western Europe in search of a better life. But you see, Western Europe doesn't want or need millions of poor uneducated Turks coming to their country!!!

Also wrong, the last couple of years more Turks emigrated back to Turkey than to Europe.

Leaving Germany for Turkey: Ethnic Turks Encounter 'Kültürschock' - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Migration Information Source - Turkey: A Transformation from Emigration to Immigration

Is this true @Sinan @T-123456 @xenon54 ? :unsure:

@MarkusS - Do you know of a good University in Germany which offers graduate level (MSc) courses in the English Language ? :what:

And do you think Strategic Management Accounting would have job scope there ?
i had much party last night and came back home late...i must take nap...when i wake up i will send you informations.

Lolz, have you been discriminated while you were on Turkey ?

no, but i heared christians in turkey face discriminations. Armenians for example. Of course i wasnt discriminated. Im tourist.
no, but i heared christians in turkey face discriminations. Armenians for example. Of course i wasnt discriminated. Im tourist.

Armenians are a whole different issue.... it's not being them christian.

If there were a mass discriminations against christians in Turkey, do you think more than 10 million christians would visit Turkey annually ?
Armenians are a whole different issue.... it's not being them christian.

If there were a mass discriminations against christians in Turkey, do you think more than 10 million christians would visit Turkey annually ?

why are no new churches allowed? Why is no priest seminar allowed? Why doesn't police act against murdering of christian priests?

It doesnt matter that 10 million christians visit turkey. would you allow 10 million to live there?
Is this true @Sinan @T-123456 @xenon54 ? :unsure:

@MarkusS - Do you know of a good University in Germany which offers graduate level (MSc) courses in the English Language ? :what:

And do you think Strategic Management Accounting would have job scope there ?

You should try Frankfurt an der Oder or Heilbronn. But courses in all Universities are in german language only and very rare in english. Only excemption are english language classes...but i don´t think Strategic Management Accounting would offer you good job chances here. Way too many study that here, so the job market is under stress in that segment. But it depends, if you specialize into a certain field, you could be sucessful. But without language skills in german you will be lost here. The majority of germans does not speak english in daily life. You would face real big problems evrywhere. In banks, trains, supermarkets. Most would not be able to communicate with you. Most had english at school but then never use it and can only the basics. English signs are only in tourist areas. If you want come here, then try to speak german. I promise you, without it you will go down. You don´t need to be perfect, but at least the basics.
why are no new churches allowed? Why is no priest seminar allowed? Why doesn't police act against murdering of christian priests?

It doesnt matter that 10 million christians visit turkey. would you allow 10 million to live there?
Who say Churches are not allowed? Did you even read the link i gave to you?

The Halki seminary is going to be opened soon, they just got their property back from state.
Halki seminary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And about priest murdering, there was one incident and the murder got arrested, he got 18 years for killing the priest.
Türkei: Türke muss für Priestermord hinter Gitter – News – Blick

Stop with the BS now.
You should try Frankfurt an der Oder or Heilbronn. But courses in all Universities are in german language only and very rare in english. Only excemption are english language classes...but i don´t think Strategic Management Accounting would offer you good job chances here. Way too many study that here, so the job market is under stress in that segment. But it depends, if you specialize into a certain field, you could be sucessful. But without language skills in german you will be lost here. The majority of germans does not speak english in daily life. You would face real big problems evrywhere. In banks, trains, supermarkets. Most would not be able to communicate with you. Most had english at school but then never use it and can only the basics. English signs are only in tourist areas. If you want come here, then try to speak german. I promise you, without it you will go down. You don´t need to be perfect, but at least the basics.

My Grandpa knew German - He was an Engineer in the British Indian Army & he visited Germany after the Second World War !

He held Germans in quite high regard - He used to say that Germans were some of the most resilient & disciplined people he had ever seen & he had traveled all over North Africa, Asia & the Middle East & later North America to know what he was talking about !

He even used to say that the first time I went to Germany - Just a few months after the War....entire neighborhoods in Berlin had been flattened to such an extent that you couldn't see a single standing building for blocks at a stretch & the rubble of destroyed buildings was everywhere & then when I visited Germany a few years after the war - No one would've believed that this was the same Berlin because it looked completely new !
My Grandpa knew German - He was an Engineer in the British Indian Army & he visited Germany after the Second World War !

He held Germans in quite high regard - He used to say that Germans were some of the most resilient & disciplined people he had ever seen & he had traveled all over North Africa, Asia & the Middle East & later North America to know what he was talking about !

He even used to say that the first time I went to Germany - Just a few months after the War....entire neighborhoods in Berlin had been flattened to such an extent that you couldn't see a single standing building for blocks at a stretch & the rubble of destroyed buildings was everywhere & then when I visited Germany a few years after the war - No one would've believed that this was the same Berlin because it looked completely new !

Yes, people here can´t stand chaos. When chaos breaks out its worked hard to clean the chaos. We had a massive flood last spring:


Just few months later evrything was back to normal:

You can come to germany and i´m sure you will like it very much. :)
Who say Churches are not allowed? Did you even read the link i gave to you?

The Halki seminary is going to be opened soon, they just got their property back from state.
Halki seminary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And about priest murdering, there was one incident and the murder got arrested, he got 18 years for killing the priest.
Türkei: Türke muss für Priestermord hinter Gitter – News – Blick

Stop with the BS now.

Why you lie here? Even wikipedia says christians are discriminated in turkey till today:

Christenverfolgung – Wikipedia

Churches aren´t allowed to own property. No new priests are educated so churches die out. There are attacks against catholic priests. The catholic priest Andrea Santoro got shot in Trabzon. In march 2007 the catholic church in Mersin was attacked and destroyed. The priest Hanri Leylek got atacked with a knife. In 2007 3 christs got their throt cut and killed for being christians.

The guy who murdered Hrant Dink was celebrated from policemen infront of a turkish flag...


Do we want such a country in the EU? I say no. It has no european values ad is an asian country. Partnership is ok, but i don´t want them be part of EU.
why are no new churches allowed? Why is no priest seminar allowed?
Why doesn't police act against murdering of christian priests?

Building chuches is free in Turkey since 2003....and built/being built in Yeşilköy, Yalıkavak, Balat etc...

But if you are referring to renawal of some old chuches... there has been problems.

But it's a political decision rather than a religious. Think it like a responce over Greece's mistreatment over it's muslim minority.

It doesnt matter that 10 million christians visit turkey. would you allow 10
million to live there?

As immigrants ??? Answer is no, immigration policy of Turkey is strict. We don't even let Turks let aside muslims.

The guy who murdered Hrant Dink was celebrated from policemen infront of a turkish flag...


So what about Germany ???

You killed "three Turkish girls and two Turkish women " in cold blood ?

Solingen arson attack of 1993 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And it was just the start there were many attacks on Muslim people in germany, the last was in 2013 ?

Do we want such a country in the EU? I say no. It has no european values ad is an asian country. Partnership is ok, but i don´t want them be part of EU.

Do you think we wanna join EU..... please do a research on resent polls. ;)
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Why you lie here? Even wikipedia says christians are discriminated in turkey till today:
I never said there isnt.

Churches aren´t allowed to own property.
They are.
Halki seminary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

In January 2013, the Turkish newspaper Today's Zaman published news that the Council of Foundations returned 190 hectares (470 acres) to the Aya Triada Monastery Foundation, which is the owner of Halki Seminary. At the time, this was the largest return of immovable property to a minority within the Turkish nation. Most of the property which was returned included forested land around the seminary. [22]

There are attacks against catholic priests. The catholic priest Andrea Santoro got shot in Trabzon. In march 2007 the catholic church in Mersin was attacked and destroyed. The priest Hanri Leylek got atacked with a knife. In 2007 3 christs got their throt cut and killed for being christians.

I forgot about them, and didnt even know about some of them but thx for information.

The guy who murdered Hrant Dink was celebrated from policemen infront of a turkish flag...
Some idiots did idiotic things, but the murderer is jailed thats the important point.

Do we want such a country in the EU? I say no. It has no european values ad is an asian country. Partnership is ok, but i don´t want them be part of EU.

Do we want to be a Part of EU? I say no, but the neogations are good for increasing the Democratic values though.

Dont act like Germany is the heaven we all know about the Neo Nazi group NSU, who killed 8 Turks 1 Greek a Police Officer and attempted several bomb attack across whole germany, and the best part is, the German intelligence acted blind about them.

National Socialist Underground - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Or the burning of houses where Turks are living inside.
Building chuches is free in Turkey since 2003....and built/being built in Yeşilköy, Yalıkavak, Balat etc...

But if you are referring to renawal of some old chuches... there has been problems.

But it's a political decision rather than a religious. Think it like a responce over Greece's mistreatment over it's muslim minority.

As immigrants ??? Answer is no, immigration policy of Turkey is strict. We don't even let Turks let aside muslims.

So what about Germany ???

You killed "three Turkish girls and two Turkish women " in cold blood ?

Solingen arson attack of 1993 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And it was just the start there were many attacks on Muslim people in germany, the last was in 2013 ?

Do you think we wanna join EU..... please do a research on resent polls. ;)

When Turkey joins EU it would join Schengen. That means evry EU citizen is allowed to move into Turkey and work and live there. As i said i have nothing against Turkey, but i don´t want it in EU. The entire process is a farce anyways since we all know EU would never allow Turkey to become a member state. EU would win nothing with that. And i doubt i could do business there.
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