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We want a United States of Europe says top EU official

Unlikely. European countries are very proud of their rich history and past, culture as well. Won't let go of all of that for a superstate. Eastern European countries as it is feel closer to Russia than to any of the Western European countries. Still lots of divisions and disagreements.

At best there can a confederation of sorts. But a single country or union ? Very unlikely.

Don't say that in public , they might kill you :P East european countries have only hatered filled in them towards Russia. Only those who are left from soviet times have some respect towards Russia. They do not want to associate themselves to Russia. All Baltic states politicians can talk against Russia all day long.
Wait...wait did you say 20 million ! :blink:

Thats about twice the population of my city & equal to the population of Pakistan's largest city - Karachi ! :unsure:

But then again - We do breed like rabbits ! :lol:

Yep,20 million in a country which is 60% bigger in size than Bangladesh (238.000 sq. km Romania-147.000-Bangladesh) which has 150 million inhabitants.

And it's not like we have deserts,we have everything,big plains,long mountain ranges,beaches,prime land for inhabiting.

Geography of Romania - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We are kind of the last place in Europe with large wildlife(5000 brown bears,lynx,wolves,etc-all extinct in most of Europe) and big natural,untouched landscapes:
Hm...difficult topic. I personal love the EU. Being able to travel to my italian family members as well like to my german family members without difficulty is wonderful. Ots already like a big nation. The concept is great, but needs reformation. It must be sure that small ethnicities remain intact. There must also be some economic change for sure. But i believe the EU will be a great power in 21st century
Don't say that in public , they might kill you :P East european countries have only hatered filled in them towards Russia. Only those who are left from soviet times have some respect towards Russia. They do not want to associate themselves to Russia. All Baltic states politicians can talk against Russia all day long.
That's not true. At least in Bulgaria and the Baltic states are many people who loves Russia. About Belarus and Ukraine, I do not say anything - it is an ancient Russian lands, and sooner or later Russia will reunite. Even if someone in the West does not like it and try to prevent it.
That's not true. At least in Bulgaria and the Baltic states are many people who loves Russia. About Belarus and Ukraine, I do not say anything - it is an ancient Russian lands, and sooner or later Russia will reunite. Even if someone in the West does not like it and try to prevent it.
You think too much about yourself. Do you honestly believe we care about you? You seem to believe we always think aout russia. Thats not the cause.
You think too much about yourself. Do you honestly believe we care about you? You seem to believe we always think aout russia. Thats not the cause.
If you look at the flags that you have under your avatar and the countries that I have listed, then you will not find a match. So - what have you talking about?
This proposal today wouldn't go through. But work is being done on the generation that are in schools now. Educating them on their common history, values etc, "showing the blue flag from which the financing came for their excursion" type of things.....

As for different social ideology, a Texan has a different one then a Massachusets resident also.....imho it's nothing that can't be worked through for the sake of bigger goals.

Will Switzerland join EU since all countries around Switzerland are the members of EU.
That's not true. At least in Bulgaria and the Baltic states are many people who loves Russia. About Belarus and Ukraine, I do not say anything - it is an ancient Russian lands, and sooner or later Russia will reunite. Even if someone in the West does not like it and try to prevent it.

Brother i have a lot of east european friends , what i see is Belarus guys find russia better and ukraine is all out against Russia (Which makes me feel strange) but they dont like Russia that much. And about Baltic states , i know that for sure that people just don't like russia.

You think too much about yourself. Do you honestly believe we care about you? You seem to believe we always think aout russia. Thats not the cause.

Dude , why you are so messed up , he was not even talking about you or your country. Tell me that you don't care about Russia , when they close your GAS supply. I guess you forgot that , have you :P
Brother i have a lot of east european friends , what i see is Belarus guys find russia better and ukraine is all out against Russia (Which makes me feel strange) but they dont like Russia that much. And about Baltic states , i know that for sure that people just don't like russia.

Dude , why you are so messed up , he was not even talking about you or your country. Tell me that you don't care about Russia , when they close your GAS supply. I guess you forgot that , have you :P
Then we order gas somewhere else. Russia needs our money, we can switc contracts...but they can´t shut down their transport system. Almost all their pipelines are heading to germany. We are their largest customer. They constructed their entire infrastructure to that.
hahahaha, chief immigrant being bitter. While his native country is getting closer to disintegration day by day. Naturally you feel sour grapes when other (ideologically opposed parties) make an attempt for unification. Is np AuZ, welfare and obamacare will always be yours in the USA. And even if you move over here to the dying lands we'll find some scraps to accomodate you. :lol:

Also kiddo, the process has just begun.

EU Drafts Plans for Military Mission in Central Africa - WSJ.com

Well, stop crying my swiss cheese and try to comprehend things...

Everything in this world is relative...and as I've written, Europe's influence has radically declined in the world and is declining by rise of China and other Asian economies.

And my native country is just 60 years old and still passing through the natural process of "nation-building" amongst wars and conflicts all around. Nothing to worry about..

Again, Europe is at its retirement age. Look at the average age in Europe...what is it? In next 20 years, it might be above 50!! :omghaha:

I feel sad for Westerners anyways...You can not do anything but to see your indigenous culture dying miserably with TENS OF MILLIONS of immigrants from ALL OVER THE WORLD coming here and making West, specially Europe, a continent of "MULTI-CULTURALISM" rather than 'European culture' ....Its not "influence" of other cultures, as that is normal part of human existence--different cultures influence each other all the time--but in Europe, other cultures have "physical" presence which has changed the face of European outlook. Shoooo shhaaaddd :D

Actually, its a good thing.... Germans can't make anything near as tasty as Turkish Kababs...So immigrants enrich Western lands..I don't know why you hate 'em :astagh:

Turkey is your last hope..how about making Erdogan the Sultan of Europe? :pleasantry:
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Well, stop crying my swiss cheese and try to comprehend things...

Everything in this world is relative...and as I've written, Europe's influence has radically declined in the world and is declining by rise of China and other Asian economies.

And my native country is just 60 years old and still passing through the natural process of "nation-building" amongst wars and conflicts all around. Nothing to worry about..

Again, Europe is at its retirement age. Look at the average age in Europe...what is it? In next 20 years, it might be above 50!! :omghaha:

I feel sad for Westerners anyways...You can not do anything but to see your indigenous culture dying miserably with TENS OF MILLIONS of immigrants from ALL OVER THE WORLD coming here and making West, specially Europe, a continent of "MULTI-CULTURALISM" rather than 'European culture' ....

Actually, its a good thing.... Germans can't make anything near as tasty as Turkish Kababs...So immigrants enrich Western lands..I don't know why you hate 'em :astagh:

Turkey is your last hope..how about making Erdogan the Sultan of Europe? :pleasantry:

sorry...but turkey won´t even exist in 20 years anymore as independ nation. Turkish nationalism is the most laughable in the world.
sorry...but turkey won´t even exist in 20 years anymore as independ nation. Turkish nationalism is the most laughable in the world.

lol, why?

Is Italy gonna take over Turkey by 2030? :lol:

Why you don't like Turkey to be in EU when;

Turkey has more land area than any European country.

Turkey has more young people than any European country.

Turkey has a larger military than any European country.

Turkey has way more influence in the region (outside Europe) than any European country..

Also, while European countries are stagnated, Turkey is a "growing" market since they aren't as developed as French or Germans...it means alot of future growth..alot of jobs and creation of capital.

Turkey controls some of the most important parts of historical European civilization--Constantinople, Troy etc etc.

Turkey is a transcontinental country having intimate history and interaction with Europe and its civilisation for centuries.

And so on....

A Turkey in EU would promote stability of Europe and will increase its reach to central Asia, Middle-East, and Red sea region...
lol, why?

Is Italy gonna take over Turkey by 2030? :lol:

Why you don't like Turkey to be in EU when;

Turkey has more land area than any European country.

Turkey has more young people than any European country.

Turkey has a larger military than any European country.

Turkey has way more influence in the region (outside Europe) than any European country..

Also, while European countries are stagnated, Turkey is a "growing" market since they aren't as developed as French or Germans...it means alot of future growth..alot of jobs and creation of capital.

Turkey controls the most important part of historical European civilization--Constantinople, Troy etc etc.

Turkey is a transcontinental country having intimate history and interaction with Europe and its civilisation for centuries.

And so on....

A Turkey in EU would promote stability of Europe and will increase its reach to central Asia, Middle-East, and Red sea region...

I was in turkey this september. Istanbul and Izmir. Sorry bro...but what i saw was nothing that would impress me. Come back when you reached the standard of the poorest european countries. Turkey doesn´t match our cultural standards. Thats the simple fact. Its also no democracy there, no freedom and no freedom of speech. I had a turkish girlfriend btw. She was quite cool and loved italian boys ;)

But to answer your claims why we don´t want turkey in EU. Turkey seems unstable. Just look at Erdogan and how he struggles. He also appears like an oriental despot, not a moderate president.

Most of turkey land area is waste land. It boarders iraq and iran. Doe we really want a boarder with Iran and Iraq?

Turkey has more young people? It also has more illiterate and poor people...The eastern regions of turkey are undeveloped.

Turkey military has bad equipment and i don´t see it able to join into EU forces.

Turkeys influence in the region is crippled and shrunk. Your ambassador was recently kicked out of egypt. And erdogans play in Syria failed. That went not unnoticed in the EU.

The most important parts of european civilisation is rome. I find it interesting that you brag on one side about a "Sultan" of europe...and on other side seem to love europe so much that you see yourself as part of it? Why is that?

I share chancellor Merkels idea about turkey. privilidged partnership, but no EU membership.
They talk about EU funds given but they don't talk about that to be allowed in the EU we had some conditions.I've allready talked about deceased native companies replaced by western ones.
Another problem:we were asked to privatise national companies:Oil companies,Syderurgical,Mettalurgical ones,Energy producers,Major transportation ones.Most new owners are american and western european companies.And they took it at ridiculous low prices.You don't see that in the Western press.

Let me give you a clear example right now.The Netherlands who vehemently opposes Romania's accession to Schengen.Why is that ? Well,Romanian Constanta harbour ,one of the biggest harbours in Europe is increasing in size and cargo which runs through it each year due to it's location in the detriment of Rotterdam harbour.The estimation is that the Romanian harbour would be more and more important in the future.For years now a dutch company tries to buy Constanta harbour but they're denied and so the Netherlands practically blackmails us.

Plus,if cargo would not stop at the border,with the new romanian motorway ready in 2018 which connects Constanta with Hungary directly and from there through motor ways with whole of Europe the shipment from Asia will only increase generating revenue.So,they're trying to block that.

Do you guys get any immigrants to Romania? South Asians migrate to Europe NA Australia in large numbers! Shouldnt that solve your population problems?
Highly unlikely and will be problematic.

The European countries are old and mature. It will be difficult to have a congealed relationship between states. The constitutions would be so long and complicated it would need a front loader to carry it.

Just look at Canada, a young country. Quebec a province, of French heritage wants to separate from Canada on language and cultural basis. In Quebec the French business signs must be a certain size and must be bigger than the English signs. All products must be labelled in bilingual. Quebec has its own immigration policy, pension fund policy, etc. It is like a state within a state. Always bickering. A lot of resentment.

Europe has so many different languages, cultures, wants, needs, visions,.....I can imagine what it will become.
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