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We want a United States of Europe says top EU official

Belarus, Ukraine, Bulgaria , Poland , Latvia, Lithuania etc ? Being a European you would probably know more but I would like to hear about this from some other Russians or Eastern Europeans as well.
Belarus and Ukraine will build the Eurasian Union with Russia. We have a different project and a different vision of the world.
This is being used as a weapon by the anti EU folks here in the UK. No one and I include the pro EU crowd wants the above. This will only hasten the exit of the UK.

I wonder what other European folks say about this, particularly the more dominant states i.e. Germany and France.

From what i gather,but that's an internet sensation + a few people i know and interact there's no popular support with the masses for a superstate right now..Put this through a referendum tommorow and it will be rejected.Maybe a confederation,maybe.

My personal opinion.

[quote="flamer84, post: 5126313, member: 145300"
Of course there are divisions,we're talking about 28 countries but Europe is way ahead the rest of the world when it comes to bridging different ethnicities.Believe me Western Europe is wayyyy more fond of EE than outside Europe immigrants.With the exception of the UK maybe.I think they will leave anyway.

Not sure about other EU countries but here in the UK, even EE immigrants immigrants are not that well liked. It may have something to do with the numbers here.

Anyway, any EU superstate will have to leave out the UK.[/quote]

They don't like immigrants anymore per total.Plus the campaign i saw in the last few months,lead by the Daily Fail.......oh brother.....But,let's be real,due to the economy right now,who likes immigrants,be they EE ones or especially non european ?
Good post Flamer. i think the EU elections this year will be the first real litmus test.
Good post Flamer. i think the EU elections this year will be the first real litmus test.

Yes,we will see how many euro sceptic and nationalist parties will make it in the EU parliament this year.

The anti EU is split between West and East Europe.

In West they feel that EAst Europeans take their jobs,take economic hand outs.

In East we have the stronger nationalists,who feel that their countres are being absorbed by the West.
Yes,we will see how many euro sceptic and nationalist parties will make it in the EU parliament this year.

The anti EU is split between West and East Europe.

In West they feel that EAst Europeans take their jobs,take economic hand outs.

In East we have the stronger nationalists,who feel that their countres are being absorbed by the West.

In the UK, without East Europeans, industries such as vegetable and fruit growing could not exist. Native Britons, and 2nd/3rd generation South Asian immigrants, do not want to do this kind of work.

Despite the fact that the UK benefits economically from the good work ethic of East Europeans, most native Britons would rather wish they were not allowed to come here and work.
Personally, I wish only good for Europe. Live, rich, multiply and prosper. Most importantly - do not try to conquer Russia and do not teach us how to live.
In the UK, without East Europeans, industries such as vegetable and fruit growing could not exist. Native Britons, and 2nd/3rd generation South Asian immigrants, do not want to do this kind of work.

Despite the fact that the UK benefits economically from the good work ethic of East Europeans, most native Britons would rather wish they were not allowed to come here and work.

Honestly,i would wish this immigrant wave to stop to.

Romania's" in country" population is now 20 million,down from 23.2 in 1990,we're facing a demographic crisis.We've been told that they would return but not many did so,and even if they do,they'll be back when they're old to add a strain to the demographic make up.

On top of that we have a crisis in manual labour in agriculture,constructions,brain drain from oil industry,IT,construction engineers and most dangerous a crisis in the healthcare system.Doctors and nurses have left the national system and flocked to the West.

Last but not least a good portion of our national industries died because it could not adapt to EU rules,their share of the market was taken by western companies who floded our market making huge profits.The westerners are very hypocritical when they moan about the East.
Honestly,i would wish this immigrant wave to stop to.

Romania's" in country" population is now 20 million,down from 23.2 in 1990,we're facing a demographic crisis.We've been told that they would return but not many did so,and even if they do,they'll be back when they're old to add a strain to the demographic make up.

On top of that we have a crisis in manual labour in agriculture,constructions,brain drain from oil industry,IT,construction engineers and most dangerous a crisis in the healthcare system.Doctors and nurses have left the national system and flocked to the West.

Last but not least a good portion of our national industries died because it could not adapt to EU rules,their share of the market was taken by western companies who floded our market making huge profits.The westerners are very hypocritical when they moan about the East.

I agree with you here.

East European countries would have benefited more if the emigrants stayed at home and worked to rebuild the countries economies instead of flocking abroad.

Import access to the EU market and financial transfers to build up infrastructure would have sufficed for the 20-30 year period required to catch up to Western European standards of living.
I agree with you here.

East European countries would have benefited more if the emigrants stayed at home and worked to rebuild the countries economies instead of flocking abroad.

Import access to the EU market and financial transfers to build up infrastructure would have sufficed for the 20-30 year period required to catch up to Western European standards of living.

They talk about EU funds given but they don't talk about that to be allowed in the EU we had some conditions.I've allready talked about deceased native companies replaced by western ones.
Another problem:we were asked to privatise national companies:Oil companies,Syderurgical,Mettalurgical ones,Energy producers,Major transportation ones.Most new owners are american and western european companies.And they took it at ridiculous low prices.You don't see that in the Western press.

Let me give you a clear example right now.The Netherlands who vehemently opposes Romania's accession to Schengen.Why is that ? Well,Romanian Constanta harbour ,one of the biggest harbours in Europe is increasing in size and cargo which runs through it each year due to it's location in the detriment of Rotterdam harbour.The estimation is that the Romanian harbour would be more and more important in the future.For years now a dutch company tries to buy Constanta harbour but they're denied and so the Netherlands practically blackmails us.

Plus,if cargo would not stop at the border,with the new romanian motorway ready in 2018 which connects Constanta with Hungary directly and from there through motor ways with whole of Europe the shipment from Asia will only increase generating revenue.So,they're trying to block that.
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Europe is near its retiring age. lol...

Europe's relevance and influence has radically declined since 1945, and is continuously declining...and as someone above said, with Asia's rise, Europe will become even more irrelevant.

Probably that is why they are talking about United states of Europe...

Europe's energy is almost completely exhausted. Their populations are old. Only Turkey can take Europe out of this energy-less state, but Europeans are too bigoted to let a Muslim peoples into Europe.

Turkey has the youngest population of entire Europe..and it has 75 million people with average age of less than 30! Turkey will do wonders for Europe.

Well, then Europeans must keep 'serving' Germany and France..afterall, EU is nothing but a body to keep these two nations happy.

No wonder Brits hate being in EU
Europe is near its retiring age. lol...

Europe's relevance and influence has radically declined since 1945, and is continuously declining...and as someone above said, with Asia's rise, Europe will become even more irrelevant.

Probably that is why they are talking about United states of Europe...

Europe's energy is almost completely exhausted. Their populations are old. Only Turkey can take Europe out of this energy-less state, but Europeans are too bigoted to let a Muslim peoples into Europe.

Turkey has the youngest population of entire Europe..and it has 75 million people with average age of less than 30! Turkey will do wonders for Europe.

Well, then Europeans must keep 'serving' Germany and France..afterall, EU is nothing but a body to keep these two nations happy.

No wonder Brits hate being in EU

hahahaha, chief immigrant being bitter. While his native country is getting closer to disintegration day by day. Naturally you feel sour grapes when other (ideologically opposed parties) make an attempt for unification. Is np AuZ, welfare and obamacare will always be yours in the USA. And even if you move over here to the dying lands we'll find some scraps to accomodate you. :lol:

Also kiddo, the process has just begun.

EU Drafts Plans for Military Mission in Central Africa - WSJ.com
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I am not sure how keen the Scandinavian countries would be to join up. They have a very different social ideology (high welfare, high taxes) compared to some other European countries.
I am not sure how keen the Scandinavian countries would be to join up. They have a very different social ideology (high welfare, high taxes) compared to some other European countries.

This proposal today wouldn't go through. But work is being done on the generation that are in schools now. Educating them on their common history, values etc, "showing the blue flag from which the financing came for their excursion" type of things.....

As for different social ideology, a Texan has a different one then a Massachusets resident also.....imho it's nothing that can't be worked through for the sake of bigger goals.
Honestly,i would wish this immigrant wave to stop to.

Romania's" in country" population is now 20 million,down from 23.2 in 1990,we're facing a demographic crisis.We've been told that they would return but not many did so,and even if they do,they'll be back when they're old to add a strain to the demographic make up.

On top of that we have a crisis in manual labour in agriculture,constructions,brain drain from oil industry,IT,construction engineers and most dangerous a crisis in the healthcare system.Doctors and nurses have left the national system and flocked to the West.

Last but not least a good portion of our national industries died because it could not adapt to EU rules,their share of the market was taken by western companies who floded our market making huge profits.The westerners are very hypocritical when they moan about the East.

Wait...wait did you say 20 million ! :blink:

Thats about twice the population of my city & equal to the population of Pakistan's largest city - Karachi ! :unsure:

But then again - We do breed like rabbits ! :lol:
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