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We should learn from Turkey and launch an offensive to liberate Kashmir.

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War has already started a couple of months ago, eventually the ceasefire line will be crossed. But the real question is, does Pakistan want to fight in IOK or Azad Kashmir
Too late. Golden opportunity is lost. India has set aside Mahawir Chakar for some Pakistani.

no takers for your strategy in pakistan , not even khadim hussain rizvi .

What was your strategy on 25th February, early morning?
War has already started a couple of months ago, eventually the ceasefire line will be crossed. But the real question is, does Pakistan want to fight in IOK or Azad Kashmir

It is useless for us to add any Muslim dominated area to our country....Politicians may talk lot of things but unless Pakistan initiate a war, BJP will plan to get a tighter control with the politics of Kashmir and try to support all the people who may not be pro India but they will be against anything in support to Pakistan..
It is almost 3 months...Nothing significant loss of life is reported from valley...If you recollect the time of killing of wani...pepple are protesting in large numbers even if large number of army was already present...So you guys should really think why valley is so silent even after 70 days of removal of 370..
We should learn from Turkey and launch an offensive to liberate Kashmir.

Turkey is non-Nuclear Power country, don't have long range WMD but still ignores, force two superpowers and launched an offensive to create buffer / safe zone to safeguard its national interested.

We should immediately take similar actions against rabid Hindu regime not only to liberate Kashmir but also to avoid imminent war for IJK.

No need at all.. Bjp/rss are doing our job for us. They are heading towards Civil War. We just need to wait for the right moment and then jump in for the Kill.

Btw Rss wants to Make India a truly Hindu nation and be done with secularism. That's their next step
I agree but you should also look at the behavior of your government.imran Khan is still talking about peace which is defensive approach but you guys are talking about our kashmir.you are trying to change this conflict according to your own narrative and you are doing it well.as I said earlier,those who take action are respected and this is happening all over the world.fanboys exists on both sides but you should give respect to this Kashmir conflict.
Believe it or not but i feel My Govt has done nothing short of illegally locking away its own people, you cannot claim the land without the people . IK has IMHO been far more mature and levelheaded. But on my side of the fence we have a govt who believe in jingoism and theatrics to win elections and divert attention from the main issues facing my country today .
That being said , this whole thread is nonsensical !!! Being the son of a man who served the IA for over 30 yrs and having joined the NDA my self , i know these flights of fancies that many indulge them selfs in is ridiculous , there are no winners in a war . The Pak army will not be able to take an inch of indian kashmir just like the IA will not be able to take an inch of Pak kashmir. Just lives lost.

Both sides have some stupid people who keep claiming the other sides land saying it belongs to them . A land they have not seen in their own lifetime and whose peoples and the ones who have actually suffered due to this . But thats another debate for another time.
When we do something we captured monkys alive, Abinindon, Nachiketa etc

So don't talk about beghairat bharti, wait for us until we made u shit in the dhotis.

Agreed. Looking at all of the above is why I am saying, your idea should be executed. In fact, just thinking about it, I am already doing what you are are saying. I am an ordinary baniya.
Too late. Golden opportunity is lost. India has set aside Mahawir Chakar for some Pakistani.

What was your strategy on 25th February, early morning?

lol pakistan got kashmir that day .

Agreed. Looking at all of the above is why I am saying, your idea should be executed. In fact, just thinking about it, I am already doing what you are are saying. I am an ordinary baniya.

ha ha ha ............:omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Well, I have in fact expressed same thoughts but in more polite language on this forum. But still it does not change the fact that the main reason behind of the wars is the Kashmir issue which is due to the terrorism of Hindu Maha Rashtra.. a terrorist pariah state.

terrorism ?
look who is talking , already in grey list of FATF .
go ahead and see the result . 1965, 1998 all failed in such endeavours .

1998 kargil was a tactical success.. only Americans forced us to withdraw.. no skill no your ineffectual infantry
The Pak army will not be able to take an inch of indian kashmir just like the IA will not be able to take an inch of Pak kashmir. Just lives lost.
First part I did't agree since we have proved we can during Kargil, it was political Govt which turned military success into blunder and as far as second part concern yes you are quite right you can't take single inch of Pakistan controlled land since you did't have resolve or wish for right now but can't say about future....Your forces are occupiers and satisfied whatever you managed to snatched with the help of rabid Hindu Raja but for us Kashmiri are real Pakistanis who started struggle for independence from tarrant Raja who bought Kashmir from British.
A Counter Insurgency Operation against a Militia in a territory that is not controlled by its own government. Turkey having full air Support and all technologies of NATO while Kurdish Militias only having ground forces with low end weapons, no AA systems, No where to get resupplied with modern weapons. And a flat ground terrain. Besides Bulk of Fighting is carried out By Syrian Proxies like SNA sponsored by Turkey. Kurds are hopeless against Turkish Might.
And comparing it to
Pakistan should go to War with a Country 7 Times larger in all aspects.

Bravo and Slow Clapping on the comparison. Even Zarb e Azb was more difficult then Counter-Terrorism operation against Kurds.
It is useless for us to add any Muslim dominated area to our country....Politicians may talk lot of things but unless Pakistan initiate a war, BJP will plan to get a tighter control with the politics of Kashmir and try to support all the people who may not be pro India but they will be against anything in support to Pakistan..
It is almost 3 months...Nothing significant loss of life is reported from valley...If you recollect the time of killing of wani...pepple are protesting in large numbers even if large number of army was already present...So you guys should really think why valley is so silent even after 70 days of removal of 370..
No significant loss of life is reported in the valley because it's been locked down with no internet and media access. Are you delusional?
Even Zarb e Azb was more difficult then Counter-Terrorism operation against Kurds.

YPG does not represent the Kurds. Do not repeat this crusade propaganda. YPG / PKK is what ISIS is, because their masters are the same. Enough is enough!
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