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We Shall Conquer Turkey - ISIS

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See this is where you guys keep loosing the plot.. You cant keep playing the victim card of the whole world is against you and that people do not have any idea unless they happen to live in Turkey etc.

First of all i never claimed to be an expert, But i have an informed opinion based not only from biased western media but also from first hand information from people directly connected to the area's of the conflict, People and colleagues just so happen to have origins and families in Turkey,Syria, Cyprus, Lebanon and many others

Now i very well know how mass media works on their own agenda especially those based in the West, Coming from a Sri Lankan perspective we have experience on this.. So my opinion is not solely based on that

Now if there is really valid reasons and in disputable facts regarding my post about Ergodans change of face regarding the Assad led Syria.. Do share it, Without going on blanket denials and claiming no outsider has the right to question the issue. I dont have an anti Turkey agenda, I'd rather see a stable Turkey than any other middle Eastern state, I have my reasons for that, So there is no bias here

Mate are you not accepting the fact that

Turkey's exports to Syria and if we add our $4 Billion expenditure for Syrian refugees. Far outweights the income which will come through Qatari gas pipe.

Do i have to bring out charts and graphs from state sites, to make my point ? I don't wanna waste my time for an obvious thing.
We have NATO, Turkey, Israel, EU, Saudia Arabia, CIA, Mossad, MI6 in the pot...
I raise to Russia, China, Iran and Micronesia...

It is ridicolous to believe that EU / NATO / USA would stand by and watch if ISIS creates attacks against Turkey. So this topic is a non brainer.
It is ridicolous to believe that EU / NATO / USA would stand by and watch if ISIS creates attacks against Turkey. So this topic is a non brainer.


What about PKK, they are attacking us for 30 years now.

Also US president said that, they will not deploy any ground units. Incase Turkey faces ISIS, we will be left alone.

What about PKK, they are attacking us for 30 years now.

Also US president said that, they will not deploy any ground units. Incase Turkey faces ISIS, we will be left alone.
Well, Europeans see pkk as the result of internal problems of Turkey wich Turkey has to solve by itself and they arent wrong at all to be honest, isis is a whole different story.

What about PKK, they are attacking us for 30 years now.

Also US president said that, they will not deploy any ground units. Incase Turkey faces ISIS, we will be left alone.

PKK is not our problem. Turkey created PKK. Once turkey gives Kurds more autonomy the problem will solve itself. So far in this entire topic we care too much about Turkey and don´t deliver enough weapons to PKK. PKK fights ISIS much better than the other fractions.
PKK is not our problem. Turkey created PKK. Once turkey gives Kurds more autonomy the problem will solve itself. So far in this entire topic we care too much about Turkey and don´t deliver enough weapons to PKK. PKK fights ISIS much better than the other fractions.

I see back to usual trolling business. Have fun. :wave:

Well, Europeans see pkk as the result of internal problems of Turkey wich Turkey has to solve by itself and they arent wrong at all to be honest, isis is a whole different story.

And we see ISIS as wrong policies of US and it's Western allies in ME. They should solve their own problems and not beg at our door, for us to hit ISIS.
I see back to usual trolling business. Have fun. :wave:

And we see ISIS as wrong policies of US and it's Western allies in ME. They should solve their own problems and not beg at our door, for us to hit ISIS.

Its not trolling its a simple fact. PKK never causes problems in europe and their policies seem rather normal. Pkk is not our problem and PKK can help to fight ISIS. Thats a simple fact. Turkey cant beat PKK with violence. Turkey can only find an agreement with them. Thats the simple fact.
Turkey cant beat PKK with violence. Turkey can only find an agreement with them. Thats the simple fact.
We tried it and look what the outcome is, molotov cocktails at Kidergartens, schools, Supermarket, public busses (several people burned to death by those attacks).

There are peace negotiations since 2-3 years and Kurds got all their rights, there is nothing forbidden anymore regarding them but pkk simply doesnt want to give up armed fight, there isnt much more option left, now the army is rolling in again...



Turkey should be thrown out of NATO for their actions.
UK should be thrown out of NATO for sending so much Jihadis.
Its not trolling its a simple fact. PKK never causes problems in europe and their policies seem rather normal. Pkk is not our problem and PKK can help to fight ISIS. Thats a simple fact. Turkey cant beat PKK with violence. Turkey can only find an agreement with them. Thats the simple fact.

If you don't know why PKK doesnt cause any trouble in Europe I suggest you to read EUROPOL Terror reports years 12-13-14... You will see how PKK use your beloved innocent European countries as logistic base... Some of them fund PKK itself and some just ignore what they are doing in the shadows... And this all happening because PKK is not you problem... Fvck your mentality old continent, your turn will come too...

Turkey should be thrown out of NATO for their actions.

If someone will be punished because its actions uk and usa play to the top of the list.. stfu please

Well, the Border situation doesnt exactly suit the ISIS. The Border is well defended by Turkey and unlike Iraq with an untrained military or Syria where there was already an existing insurgency.. this is just not possible unless they get their hands on more hardware such as Surface to Air systems and sophisticated Anti-Tank weaponry. Humvees and MRAPs wont cut it against Turkey.
Turkey helped to train ISIS and now it's watching them butcher the Kurds.

We watch terrorists butcher terrorists... with 9/10 rating enters IMDB top100 list ))
Israelis say the same about palestinians, yet the Turks don't seem to see the hypocrisy of their actions.

You think a few molotovs are a pain? try 4,000 rockets in 4 weeks.

Turkey helped to train ISIS and now it's watching them butcher the Kurds.
Look whos back mr troll with 20 accounts, did you have problems with the supply of Turkish coffe? I hope not.
Look whos back mr troll with 20 accounts, did you have problems with the supply of Turkish coffe? I hope not.

I thought the same, with a new acoount 5 of 7 posts are anti-Turkey.... where this pain *** comes from? :woot:
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