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We Shall Conquer Turkey - ISIS

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The Turkish nation and it's people have always been admirable but it's current regime has dragged it in to a quagmire because of greed and short sighted policies. You sleep with rabid dogs and you wake up with fleas it's an old saying and i think it's apt right now
worse part is ...that these rabid dogs played their part in breakup of the Ottoman empire and dont have any less hatred for Turks than they have for Persians, yet this goof for a PM is playing right in the hands of these regimes.

Time for Turks to get out as fast as they can, from this Game, Good terrorist Bad terrorist, Or Millions like @Alienoz_TR will be created over night. They dont have to look that far and can see what happened to pakistan using the same policy ,pleasing the same players.
Turkey will be the target of all accusations and hatred like Pakistan is today.
and like today.. those that fanned sectarian and religious mayhem in Pakistan and Afghanistan .. will still look pretty and safe from distance as Turkey will fall on its own sword
Time for Turks to get out as fast as they can, from this Game, Good terrorist Bad terrorist, Or Millions like @Alienoz_TR will be created over night. They dont have to look that far and can see what happened to pakistan using the same policy ,pleasing the same players.

You suffer from your state's stupidity. You allowed USA into Afghanistan. Now both drones and TTP are hitting you.
Turkey is in a unenviable position. The problem was , before the Syrian conflict started Erdogan and Assad were on good terms. Everything changed after Assad declined the idea of Qatar gas pipeline to Europe through Syria and Turkey, thus denying Turkey hefty transit income. After that Erdogan completely changed his policy towards Syria. Money - that is the reason, not any real threat from Assad. Now Turks enjoy the result of their support for anti-Assad forces, war at their doorstep. Greedy and stupid.

I heard this theory before. And it is non-sense.

- First of all we are not selling Gas, we are only paid for transit money at it's not much income. Don't forget there are multiple pipelines in Turkey.
- Our exports and trade with Syria halted. We were gaining money with exports before the civil war. Our gain from exports to syria far outweighs the income from Gas line.

So this theory doesn't makes sense.
Reality dictates that ISIS will become the ruler of a recognized state in the future. They are aggressively accumulating land and resources and are putting into place a government. Perhaps they would eventually create a Muslim Caliphate which will include land owned by nations like Turkey and Pakistan and India for that matter, who knows ? The sad part of it is that it will be a Caliphate which will flow with the blood of Muslims during its entire existence. If this is the beginning of the formation of this ISIS Caliphate, I seriously pity the people who will live under the rule of a fully formed and functioning ISIS Caliphate.
Excercise keeps the BODY IN SHAPE
first Russia then USA ...Now INDIA
Reality dictates that ISIS will become the ruler of a recognized state in the future. They are aggressively accumulating land and resources and are putting into place a government. Perhaps they would eventually create a Muslim Caliphate which will include land owned by nations like Turkey and Pakistan and India for that matter, who knows ? The sad part of it is that it will be a Caliphate which will flow with the blood of Muslims during its entire existence. If this is the beginning of the formation of this ISIS Caliphate, I seriously pity the people who will live under the rule of a fully formed and functioning ISIS Caliphate.
Reality also dictates that a state/government cannot function if it is to be in a continuous state of war and that too with multiple enemies on multiple fronts.
Reality also dictates that a state/government cannot function if it is to be in a continuous state of war and that too with multiple enemies on multiple fronts.

Look at the resources this state will have at its disposal together with the blitzkrieg like advancements it is making in conquering territory. Sooner or later, if it takes over say even 10% of the oil wells in the ME, the west will have to give in and negotiate with it. In my view, ISIS is similar to the Iranian Islamic revolutionaries in its early days.Scorned at inception but a reality of governance
Look at the resources this state will have at its disposal together with the blitzkrieg like advancements it is making in conquering territory. Sooner or later, if it takes over say even 10% of the oil wells in the ME, the west will have to give in and negotiate with it. In my view, ISIS is similar to the Iranian Islamic revolutionaries in its early days.Scorned at inception but a reality of governance

The coalition airstrikes are specifically targeting their oil refineries. Until a month back, the group used to earn $2 million a day from crude oil sales in the black market. Since the airstrikes, their production capacity has fallen from 18k bpd to 10k bpd, almost half wiped out in 2 weeks.

This oil has been the key to their success. All those toyota technicals, captured APC's and humvees which they use for their blitz run on fuel. Another factor is that their enemies are divided (just look at PDF threads in ME section for example, specifically the battle for kobane where no one is ready to assist the kurds)

Regarding negotiations, I don't think anyone will negotiate with them after the ongoing series of televised beheadings. These guys are pure evil. But they will be defeated ultimately by the Iraqi army with assistance from local Sunni tribes, also perhaps the Kurdish people. Maybe it is for the good, the Iraqi army undergoes baptism by fire and emerges battle hardened, unlike the incompetent bunch left behind by the Americans.
We dont harbour anyone. We dont mess with them either.

Hmm but I have learned via sources that they are recruiting from Turkey and they been partially helped as well by Turkey. I know its not easy to break their nexus to recruit but if tried it can be slowed down.
Time for Turks to get out as fast as they can, from this Game, Good terrorist Bad terrorist, Or Millions like @Alienoz_TR will be created over night. They dont have to look that far and can see what happened to pakistan using the same policy ,pleasing the same players.

Are you sure that Erdogan does not want that?
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