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We Shall Conquer Turkey - ISIS

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it is the truth.... come on we all know it, it is history repeating itself... don't tell me you don't know who created AQ and supported Bin Laden, it was the west, and now the same thing in Syria, the west and their puppets supported and created a strong I$I$...

Yeah... i have a friend like you who believes in all conspiracy theories.

He believes US downed their World Trade Center Tower with a mini nuke placed in the basement of the towers. :) Same as you.
The war will probably come to us no matter if you want it or not, they killed Iraqi Turkmens and other civilians in most barbaric way, the deserve to rot at the bottom of the hell.

Take Iraqi Turkmen to Turkey. Problem solved.
No biggie for a country like Turkey, heck the ISIS, even included us in their caliphate.


first the Ameer Ul Momeneen was Mullah Omar now Abu bakr Al baghdadi? they need to settle this
Turkey is in a unenviable position. The problem was , before the Syrian conflict started Erdogan and Assad were on good terms. Everything changed after Assad declined the idea of Qatar gas pipeline to Europe through Syria and Turkey, thus denying Turkey hefty transit income. After that Erdogan completely changed his policy towards Syria. Money - that is the reason, not any real threat from Assad. Now Turks enjoy the result of their support for anti-Assad forces, war at their doorstep. Greedy and stupid.
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please, Turkish army would mop the floor with them
We Harboured Wahabbis in Zia regime who himself a stinky a$$ wahabi and now you see what the mofo Talibs and associates are doing with us they are all the same.
ISIS are arsewipes and need to be killed, every last child of theirs as well. Having said that, there is no denying that Turkey (master logic of AKP) covertly aided their creation, and that too, BIGGGG TIME. ANYONE who thinks otherwise or tries to deny it is deluded!

They allready killed a soldier and a police officer of us, they declared jihad on Turkey long time ago, i cant understand how you can support those savages even against your own state.
in Turkey there are protests and 15 people are reported killed. the Kurds are blaming Turkey for harboring and training wahabi terrorists that are massacring Kurds in Syria and Iraq.

I am sorry to say, that Turkey is on the fast track of becoming Pakistan of this era what we did in the 80s. everyone was quiet and now everyone blames Pakistan for the issues in Afghanistan.

right now, Turkey and KSA have made the American deputy president to apologize for speaking up about the dirty role of some Middle eastern countries in equipping, training and financing the terrorists ... but in future world will speak up against Turkey.

one more thing.. what was stopping the KSA, UAE, Qatar and Turkey from launching air strikes on ISIS? why they had to wait for Americans? too busy toppling Assad? and too busy eradicating people of wrong faith in the middle east?

I hope Turkey wakes up and frees itself from the game of other Arab regimes. why its playing their dirty game? get out of it while there is till time otherwise it will bite you hard on the ***
harder than it had bitten us.

ISIS are arsewipes and need to be killed, every last child of theirs as well. Having said that, there is no denying that Turkey (master logic of AKP) covertly aided their creation, and that too, BIGGGG TIME. ANYONE who thinks otherwise or tries to deny it is deluded!
looking at the gunship and jet fleets of KSA, UAE, Jordan and Qatar ... I wonder what was stopping them from launching attacks on ISIS? why did they have to wait for UK's 6 tornados and American Hornets to launch attacks on ISIS?

Kurds in Syria's border town Qabani are Sunnis right ? why not save them from mass slaughter? not Sunni enough?

I pray for strong, safe and peaceful Turkey as it was before decade ago. I pray that the ISIS pests and their breeding grounds are crushed everywhere and they are kicked out of Turkey.

watch out Turks... the dirty team you have joined will use the same pests against you once Syria is reduced to a morgue and Assad has been lynched like Qadafi.
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in Turkey there are protests and 15 people are reported killed. the Kurds are blaming Turkey for harboring and training wahabi terrorists that are massacring Kurds in Syria and Iraq.

I am sorry to say, that Turkey is on the fast track of becoming Pakistan of this era what we did in the 80s. everyone was quiet and now everyone blames Pakistan for the issues in Afghanistan.

right now, Turkey and KSA have made the American deputy president to apologize for speaking up about the dirty role of some Middle eastern countries in equipping, training and financing the terrorists ... but in future they will all speak up.

one more thing.. what was stopping the KSA, UAE, Qatar and Turkey from launching air strikes on ISIS? why they had to wait for Americans? too busy toppling Assad? and too busy eradicating people of wrong faith in the middle east?

I hope Turkey wakes up and frees itself from the game of other Arab regimes. why its playing their dirty game? get out of it while there is till time otherwise it will bite you hard on the ***
harder than it had bitten us.

looking at the gunship and jet fleets of KSA, UAE, Jordan and Qatar ... I wonder what was stopping them from launching attacks on ISIS? why did they have to wait for UK's 6 tornados and American Hornets to launch attacks on ISIS?

Kurds in Syria's border town Qabani are Sunnis right ? why not save them from mass slaughter? not Sunni enough?

I pray for strong, safe and peaceful Turkey as it was before decade ago. I pray that the ISIS pests and their breeding grounds are crushed everywhere and they are kicked out of Turkey.

watch out Turks... the dirty team you have joined will use the same pests against you once Syria is reduced to a morgue and Assad has been lynched like Qadafi.

The Turkish nation and it's people have always been admirable but it's current regime has dragged it in to a quagmire because of greed and short sighted policies. You sleep with rabid dogs and you wake up with fleas it's an old saying and i think it's apt right now
Time for Turks to get out as fast as they can, from this Game, Good terrorist Bad terrorist, Or Millions like @Alienoz_TR will be created over night. They dont have to look that far and can see what happened to pakistan using the same policy ,pleasing the same players.
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