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We Shall Conquer Turkey - ISIS

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good luck isis. for teaching history.. kids can now see live how islam spread ...
Still wishing good luck?

Yeah... i have a friend like you who believes in all conspiracy theories.

He believes US downed their World Trade Center Tower with a mini nuke placed in the basement of the towers. :) Same as you.
are you denying that the US supplied and armed Bin Laden in Afghanistan? you must be really naive... I never thought you were that ignorant....
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When syrian crisis started I happened to listen to a discussion on some international channel and there a guy who had watched Pakistani condition well mentioned that Turkey is going to face same sort of threat as well. First US and allies are helping the groups in the name of Jihad regardless of being true jihad or not and then the same fighters are going to come back and cause trouble. I was just surprised that isnt Turkish Gov and Army getting it?
I heard this theory before. And it is non-sense.

- First of all we are not selling Gas, we are only paid for transit money at it's not much income. Don't forget there are multiple pipelines in Turkey.
- Our exports and trade with Syria halted. We were gaining money with exports before the civil war. Our gain from exports to syria far outweighs the income from Gas line.

So this theory doesn't makes sense.

Which theory does ? That somehow turkey found a sudden love for the Syrian people who they allege were being massacred by Assad ? Though majority of Syrians are with the regime, So why isn't Turkey showing the same concern for those being brutally murdered by the ISIS, And that right in front of their eyes ?

I'm sorry mate.. It's coming back to bite Turkey hard.. Your regime breast fed a monster to destabilize a sovereign nation for political and monetary gain at the cost of millions of lives.. The world history is littered with such destroyed by terror that they themselves created
Which theory does ? That somehow turkey found a sudden love for the Syrian people who they allege were being massacred by Assad ? Though majority of Syrians are with the regime, So why isn't Turkey showing the same concern for those being brutally murdered by the ISIS, And that right in front of their eyes ?
I'm sorry mate.. It's coming back to bite Turkey hard.. Your regime breast fed a monster to destabilize a sovereign nation for political and monetary gain at the cost of millions of lives.. The world history is littered with such destroyed by terror that they themselves created

Why the anger,sweety ? :) I said that teory is invalid. That's it.

Other than that. Assad is no longer ruler of Syria. He is a dictator barely clinging to his throne.

are you denying that the US supplied and armed Bin Laden in Afghanistan? you must be really naive... I never thought you were that ignorant....

So, you think that US nuked ıt's own soil. ? Because that was the point of my post.
Why the anger,sweety ? :) I said that teory is invalid. That's it.

Other than that. Assad is no longer ruler of Syria. He is a dictator barely clinging to his throne.


Not angry mate.. Just concerned.. As many would be :tup:.. Most of you guys seem to be in denial of Turkey's role, But us neutral's see a different perspective, Without nationalistic or religious bias

As i mentioned before i have a very positive opinion of the the Turkish nation and it's people.. But selfish political blunders like that can change history.. It's time people realize that, If you dont learn from history you tend to repeat it
Not angry mate.. Just concerned.. As many would be .. Most of you guys seem to be in denial of Turkey's role, But us neutral's see a different perspective, Without nationalistic or religious bias

You guys don't have a perspective. You are being fed by your biassed media. You are believing what your government wants you to believe. And we don't care what you believe.

As i mentioned before i have a very positive opinion of the the Turkish nation and it's people.. But selfish political blunders like that can change history.. It's time people realize that, If you dont learn from history you tend to repeat it

We like Australian people. :)

Other than that we don't care about the people's opinion who lives at the other side of the planet and thinks that he is an expert of ME issues.

You guys don't have a perspective. You are being fed by your biassed media. You are believing what your government wants you to believe. And we don't care what you believe.

We like Australian people. :)

Other than that we don't care about the people's opinion who lives at the other side of the planet and thinks that he is an expert of ME issues.


See this is where you guys have got it wrong.. Just because i may live far off, Does not mean i dont have a perspective, and to have a genuine view about the conflict in the middle east is not a sole right of a Arab or a Turk.. Sorry to say mate to even say that i find you condescending and obnoxious

This is the 21st century, The age of information, Where a person with the right tools can make a informed opinion given the wealth of information that is found, You dont need to be brain washed by biased media, You can get views from all sides and make an opinion. Sometimes that perspective from out side is more valid than yours which is clearly one sided owing to the regionalism and religious fanaticism and fed on that particular nationalistic aspects

Good day
See this is where you guys have got it wrong.. Just because i may live far off, Does not mean i dont have a perspective, and to have a genuine view about the conflict in the middle east is not a sole right of a Arab or a Turk.. Sorry to say mate to even say that i find you condescending and obnoxious
This is the 21st century, The age of information, Where a person with the right tools can make a informed opinion given the wealth of information that is found, You dont need to be brain washed by biased media, You can get views from all sides and make an opinion. Sometimes that perspective from out side is more valid than yours which is clearly one sided owing to the regionalism and religious fanaticism and fed on that particular nationalistic aspects
Good day

Okay, after reading your fancy words...... :)

Your first post.... about gas transit pipeline via Turkey.. You read it somewhere and you tell us these stories. If you had enough information about Turkey, Syria economy. You could have seen why that reason is invalid. But you don't know these kind of things. As you live far off, you don't have enough knowledge.

Your knowledge about certain issues formed over a few articles and videos and your news channels. Then you came here and act like a international relations expert. But to us locals, your lack of knowledge is obvious.

But it's not a problem, lot's of people does it too in the forum. You can do it too.
Okay, after reading your fancy words...... :)

Your first post.... about gas transit pipeline via Turkey.. You read it somewhere and you tell us these stories. If you had enough information about Turkey, Syria economy. You could have seen why that reason is invalid. But you don't know these kind of things. As you live far off, you don't have enough knowledge.

Your knowledge about certain issues formed over a few articles and videos and your news channels. Then you came here and act like a international relations expert. But to us locals, your lack of knowledge is obvious.

But it's not a problem, lot's of people does it too in the forum. You can do it too.

Again shows your lack of knowledge than mine.. My sources of information is not solely based on mass media, I live in a multi cultural society where i have contacts with multitude of people,Including those with direct connections with the regions of conflict, From both sides mind you, So i can make well informed opinions on many aspects sans any loyalty to either side

You on the contrary may well be cocooned in your own nationalistic view points as often is the case, It's obvious to anybody who's side your on, I dont have a side

Btw the point about the gas pipe line.. I have valid information given in detail, You on the other hand have just debuted it with no real reasons

1. Just take your word for it
2. One cannot get valid information unless you're a Turk yourself

I never claimed i was an expert, But your expertise does'nt seem to hold much water either, Btw mate no need to get overawed by the vocabulary. This is a forum not a grammar test
Btw the point about the gas pipe line.. I have valid information given in detail, You on the other hand have just debuted it with no real reasons

You have no valid information. Talking like Erdoğan won't help you. :lol:

Your claim is already debunked, i suggest you move on.
You have no valid information. Talking like Erdoğan won't help you. :lol:

Your claim is already debunked, i suggest you move on.

And you did ?? You have debunked nothing bub..

Only the ability to come up with a solid argument.. :enjoy:
And you did ?? You have debunked nothing bub..
Only the ability to come up with a solid argument..


Okay, i see you are stubborn one. :)

I will come with a detailed explanation, why this "Qatari Natural Gas Line" is not a plausible theory. We can debate on this.
@Sinan what do you expect people to know? Western media often has been biased against Turkey (and any ME country, except Israel of course). Have you ever seen western media objectively backing up Turkey all the time? I didn't, often it is half informing or false, hence recently Biden and NYT later on apologized.

Then we have Presstv and RT, which are exactly the opposite western media. Either way they are very anti-Turkey as well.

Then you have those conspiracy sites, which are often filled with anything anti-west (incl. Turkey and Israel).

A foreigner looking for 'objective' news is dependent on such media while the Turkish voice is barely heard. It would be like us reading some biased articles about sri lanka or australia here and there, and then claiming knowing it all.
@Sinan what do you expect people to know? Western media often has been biased against Turkey (and any ME country, except Israel of course). Have you ever seen western media objectively backing up Turkey all the time? I didn't, often it is half informing or false, hence recently Biden and NYT later on apologized.

Then we have Presstv and RT, which are exactly the opposite western media. Either way they are very anti-Turkey as well.

Then you have those conspiracy sites, which are often filled with anything anti-west (incl. Turkey and Israel).

A foreigner looking for 'objective' news is dependent on such media while the Turkish voice is barely heard. It would be like us reading some biased articles about sri lanka or australia here and there, and then claiming knowing it all.

See this is where you guys keep loosing the plot.. You cant keep playing the victim card of the whole world is against you and that people do not have any idea unless they happen to live in Turkey etc.

First of all i never claimed to be an expert, But i have an informed opinion based not only from biased western media but also from first hand information from people directly connected to the area's of the conflict, People and colleagues just so happen to have origins and families in Turkey,Syria, Cyprus, Lebanon and many others

Now i very well know how mass media works on their own agenda especially those based in the West, Coming from a Sri Lankan perspective we have experience on this.. So my opinion is not solely based on that

Now if there is really valid reasons and in disputable facts regarding my post about Ergodans change of face regarding the Assad led Syria.. Do share it, Without going on blanket denials and claiming no outsider has the right to question the issue. I dont have an anti Turkey agenda, I'd rather see a stable Turkey than any other middle Eastern state, I have my reasons for that, So there is no bias here
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