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We Shall Conquer Turkey - ISIS

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I dont like Erdogan but i wont accept lies about my country either, we simply dont have an alternative to Erdogan, just like you have no good alternative to Merkel.

But thats not good at all and our nations are similar in that. Merkel is very similar to Erdogan. She started as "Kohls girl". Nobody took her serious. She destroyed evry "enemy" of her. There is no oppossition in germany anymore. She stands over the things and dirty politics. The two big parties SPD and CDU are merged in one coalition. There is nobody who could replace her. And not only that, she basicly has become an empress of the entire EU. Some commentators compare her with Palpatine from Star Wars.


She even copies the style ;)



Of course Merkel is sucessful and popular... and i have no doubt that she will propably rule for another 10 years. But what then? Same about Turkey? Or Putins russia.
But thats not good at all and our nations are similar in that. Merkel is very similar to Erdogan. She started as "Kohls girl". Nobody took her serious. She destroyed evry "enemy" of her. There is no oppossition in germany anymore. She stands over the things and dirty politics. The two big parties SPD and CDU are merged in one coalition. There is nobody who could replace her. And not only that, she basicly has become an empress of the entire EU. Some commentators compare her with Palpatine from Star Wars.

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She even copies the style ;)


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Of course Merkel is sucessful and popular... and i have no doubt that she will propably rule for another 10 years. But what then? Same about Turkey? Or Putins russia.

That woman belongs to kitchen. This is even higher level than she deserves, imo.
That woman belongs to kitchen. This is even higher level than she deserves, imo.

Thas the difference between 1st world and 3 rd world countries. We dont push our women in kitchen. We see them as equal. Because of that we are more sucessful. :) Women are better leaders than man in most cases.
Thas the difference between 1st world and 3 rd world countries. We dont push our women in kitchen. We see them as equal. Because of that we are more sucessful. :) Women are better leaders than man in most cases.

Yeah, European men do kitchen work, clean the bathroom, while female Europeans dominate men.
Thas the difference between 1st world and 3 rd world countries. We dont push our women in kitchen. We see them as equal. Because of that we are more sucessful. :) Women are better leaders than man in most cases.
we had Tansu Ciller as PM in the 90's, way earlier than many European countries. Women can make it far in Turkey too, there goes your 3rd world argument ;) @Alienoz_TR's reaction does not reflect Turkey's general stance on women.
Conquering Turkey is hell of a task for these Isis terrorist. No chance
they stand no chance against the Turkish military.....

i think the Turks' strategy is they will join the anti-ISIS fight but want to let the Kurds know that in order to get Turkish defense they must renounce Kurdistan-objectives

months ago I predicted that on this giant chess-board puzzle, the west will gain the most from this.....they want to cut Iraq, Syria and Turkiye down to size and get them to be more subservient. What better way than to apply "pressure points"

We in Pakistan understand this narrative quite well, given our extensive Cold War/Afghanistan experiences.
i think the Turks' strategy is they will join the anti-ISIS fight

Mate, real problem is there is no-ground fource accept Turkey.Coalition will do bombings from sky but our soldiers will be the ones to give casuelties.

We are not going shoulder this boulder alone.

West can accuse us with anything. We don't care.
Best for ISIS to confine itself to Iraq and Syria. Turkey and Saudi Arabia would be glad to assist ISIS to massacre Shiites and Christians and Kurds in Iraq and Syria as long as ISIS does not infringe on Turkey and Saudi Arabia.
ISIS are nothing.

They need to be confronted by a powerful conventional military and they will get wiped out.
ISIS are nothing.

They need to be confronted by a powerful conventional military and they will get wiped out.

I disagree. ISIS easily has millions of members in the ME. Plus, Allah's creation the Sun powers reproduction and adds hundreds of new fighters to ISIS every day. Even if the US sends in ground forces, ISIS cannot be beaten. Go Islamia :yes2:
Yeah, European men do kitchen work, clean the bathroom, while female Europeans dominate men.

Even better. i told my girl to remove the headscarf when we visited the blue mosque in Istanbul.
Turkey is a great country.

I wish Pakistan will one day become like Turkey.

A strong secular, modern, tolerant, nationalistic society, proud of its history and traditions.
Stop being delusional, thats a open threat just like all the other ones before, Turkey is allready in the alliance.

I have my sincere doubts if its a threat, its only empty chest thumping. If ISIS attacks Turkey, their so called Caliphate comes to an end right there and than. They don't even have the firepower to match Turkey on a Brigade Level, forget about mobilizing Divisions or Corps. Turkey has without a doubt the most well disciplined fighting force in the Region, ISIS does not stand a chance.
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