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We Shall Conquer Turkey - ISIS

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I don't how important it was for you, but it wasn't for us, it was just a minor campaign without the partipication of main army, defenders in fortified locations always have advantage, but given casualties are usually exaggerated.

Yeah Ottomans were a war machine with the sole aim of massacring anybody in front of them, such Barbarians.

You serious want tell me that Ottomans would let italians alive. That the renaissamce would have happened? Leonardo da Vinci and all the art of Fireze? The eternal city Rome would have been destroyed, the pope murdered.

Otranto showed that no italian ever bows his knees infront a turk. It was the beginning of the end for the turks. They lost the sea at Lepanto. They lost the land at Vienna. From then on was steady decline. The final blow was the italian-ottoman war. But this was an unfair war. We conquered large parts of north africa. We bombarded the ottomans who did ride on horses...from zeppelins.

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You serious want tell me that Ottomans would let italians alive. That the renaissamce would have happened? Leonardo da Vinci and all the art of Fireze? The eternal city Rome would have been destroyed, the pope murdered.

Otranto showed that no italian ever bows his knees infront a turk. It was the beginning of the end for the turks. They lost the sea at Lepanto. They lost the land at Vienna. From then on was steady decline. The final blow was the italian-ottoman war. But this was an unfair war. We conquered large parts of north africa. We bombarded the ottomans who did ride on hores...from zeppelins.

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Are you Italian?
Lol.... Italian's view of history if also fun. :)

Lol, go read some history books.... we took the city in our first attack and butchered you all. And that was just a small portion of Ottoman war machine.

Even after you you decide to retake the city. You had no guts to retake the city with fighting so you resort to diplomacy. :) Your nation has no heroes, it's complied from cowards and pussies.

Let me tell you, non of you stand equal to a Turk on the battelfield.

For anyone who is wandering about the event here it is: Ottoman invasion of Otranto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

We have no heroes? You start to become racist again and go into Bozkurt mode? With all respect...we saw how weak you are as we pushed your nation to the sad state it is today. All you murdered in Otranto were small children, women and elderly people. In the end you were kicked out of europe to the abyss you inhabit today. Don´t even try. You will never join the EU and simply act as groundhogs for our NATO forces.

If we have no heroes, i wonder what is with Ceasar, Marcus Aurelius, Scipio, Octavian, Tiberius or Hadrian. What is with Andrea Doria? The entire world knows our great heroes. The name of one of them has become the title of a leader in general. Ceasar...This is a level no turk ever achieved.

Your Mehmed wanted rome so much...he called himself "Cesar of Rome"...which was quite laughable for a dwarf like him. He never stepped one foot into rome.

The turks always wanted to conquer rome. It was their ultimate goal. They never achieved it.

In the end their empire withered and died away. Ended as the sick man of the Bosphorus. It left no glory outside of turkey. No fame and no heroes.
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You have been even more ridiculous, what do you mean if they would let Italians live ? why would they not ? Ottomans had a lot of Christian and Jewish minorities, which they gave a degree of autonomy, they had their own state approved leader and their own property as well as religious freedom, meanwhile Europeans were busy kicking Jews out.

Now thats some nationalist bullsh.t, do you think Ottoman decline has started because of Otranto ? :cheesy:

If it was British, I would understand to a degree, but what pride are you taking from capturing a land piece that was barely an Ottoman land and had no proper military at all ? such a success to bomb local tribesmen :D if Ottomans could send even a little more help, you would be defeated, everyone knows Italians of this age were not particularly known for their miltiary talents :D

Other then Caesar nobody knew or gave a f.ck about these people, I guess your "entire world" is just western europe.

Rome in his title doesn't refers to the city, it refers to Roman lands, Anatolia was also called Rum by Muslims and Byzantines.

Incorrect, certain leaders wanted to conquer Rome such as Mehmed II , if he lived longer he would, sorry but your puny Italian city states were nothing.

Every political entity lived and died, that is the nature, your glorious Rome and Italy has been raped by Germanic tribals hundred times, we at least never let our heartland conquered.
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Has Turkey finally closed its border? Did they not think the foreign fighters from all over Europe and the Middle East would eventually threaten them?
Italian saying 'Mamma li Turchi'.
Does this ring a bell @MarkusS ?
Every Italian wants to be a Turk. Even the pope begged Mehmed the conquer to become Christian in return he would become emperor of Rome. LOL, we come and conquer eastern Rome and then the Pope in western Roman empire wants to hand it over to us on a silver platter.

Yep, one of the many negative sayings we have about turks. Its funny. We connect not one positive thing with your people.
Not one single positive thing? My, my, sounds more like a cliche elitist a la markus exaggerated desperate argument to make yourself feel better after experiencing unpleasant butthurt from anyone non-western ;) Anyway that you have a saying like that, means that italians, who btw were nothing but a pesky little mosquito that almost always needed the backup from several european nations to save its skin, had a serious butthurt from Turks.
Not one single positive thing? My, my, sounds more like a cliche elitist a la markus exaggerated desperate argument to make yourself feel better after experiencing unpleasant butthurt from anyone non-western ;) Anyway that you have a saying like that, means that italians, who btw were nothing but a pesky little mosquito that almost always needed the backup from several european nations to save its skin, had a serious butthurt from Turks.

No, it just means that turks only create chaos and barbarism. And as far as i know we crushed the ottoman empire alone in the italian-ottoman war in 1911-1912.

Why is turkey even in NATO if you hate us that much? In worst case we must stand united. And i have my doubts if Turkey would be loyal.
No, it just means that turks only create chaos and barbarism. And as far as i know we crushed the ottoman empire alone in the italian-ottoman war in 1911-1912.

Why is turkey even in NATO if you hate us that much? In worst case we must stand united. And i have my doubts if Turkey would be loyal.
colonialism, assimilation policies, religious purgings, world wars, massive scale of slavery, apartheid regimes, crusades, holocaust etc. but of course a magnitude of this savageness and greed was needed to appease the self proclaimed civilized superior Europeans, was worth it, right? Majority of the non-Europeans&Americans will forever remember you as the biggest terrorists of the world, and you shall be treated accordingly once the rest of the world gets back on its feet again and get less and less dependent on the west.
colonialism, assimilation policies, religious purgings, world wars, massive scale of slavery, apartheid regimes, crusades, holocaust etc. but of course a magnitude of this savageness and greed was needed to appease the self proclaimed civilized superior Europeans, was worth it, right? Majority of the non-Europeans&Americans will forever remember you as the biggest terrorists of the world, and you shall be treated accordingly once the rest of the world gets back on its feet again and get less and less dependent on the west.
Turkey, the enemy of imperialism lol. I think Greeks, Bulgarians, Yougoslavs, Arabs, Kurds, Armenians and Assyrians might have something to say about that.
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What sort of a Islamic (terrorist) group is this .. it is threatening to attack every other neighbor and Muslim country except Israel the REAL enemy of Muslim countries ?? Isnt it clear where the instructions are coming from ??
ISIS = Israeli State of Terrorism in Syria

ISIL= Israeli State of Terrorism in Levant
IS = Israeli State
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