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We Shall Conquer Turkey - ISIS

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ven the pope begged Mehmed the conquer to become Christian in return he would become emperor of Rome.

Not Rome mate... umum, rum and şark. He means Eastern Roman Empire's territories.

Conquerer's answer was.

"We erected banner of Islam in the heart of Eastern Roman Empire. We will rule the world with the consent of Allah".

No, it just means that turks only create chaos and barbarism. And as far as i know we crushed the ottoman empire alone in the italian-ottoman war in 1911-1912.

Why is turkey even in NATO if you hate us that much? In worst case we must stand united. And i have my doubts if Turkey would be loyal.

No, its the thoughts of people about another people which they fear might conquer them, nobody praises their conqueror this have nothing with reality.

You crushed a bunch of libyan tribesmen led by a few Ottoman officers, as I said you're taking pride in wrong things and ridiculing yourself.

But I already gave answers above, I guess you don't read.
Has Turkey finally closed its border? Did they not think the foreign fighters from all over Europe and the Middle East would eventually threaten them?

Border can't be %100 controlled. It's virtually impossible. We expect more cooperation from countries who allows these Jihadist to come into Turkey. European countries especially. We interrogated thousands of guys whom we had suspicions about them being Jihadist and deported hundreds of them. But they come steadily from foreign countries.
Turkey, the enemy of imperialism lol. I think Greeks, Bulgarians, Yougoslavs, Arabs, Kurds, Armenians and Assyrians might have something to say about that.
Lmao what a bullshit. If all those people still exist and have their unique identity and religion, it's thanks to the tolerant Ottomans. We have seen what Europeans did with their conquered subjects. We have seen what Russians did with other Turkics.
Lmao what a bullshit. If all those people still exist and have their unique identity and religion, it's thanks to the tolerant Ottomans. We have seen what Europeans did with their conquered subjects. We have seen what Russians did with other Turkics.

Mate, did you know that in WW1 Brits, forced Ottoman people into chemical pools. Which made them blind.

Ancestor's of the other European who barks here, made soaps out of people. And they are trying to lecture us on humanity.

Typical two-faced Europeans. :meeting:
Lmao what a bullshit. If all those people still exist and have their unique identity and religion, it's thanks to the tolerant Ottomans. We have seen what Europeans did with their conquered subjects. We have seen what Russians did with other Turkics.
Of course Ottoman imperialism was relatively tolerant for its time (but not by the nineteenth century) but it was still imperialism and in the end your subjects revolted and in the case of some (particularly Bulgarians and Armenians) your response was quite brutal. It is the norm of all countries regardless of whether they are Eastern or Western to want to expand their territory and this is often not pretty.
You start to become racist again and go into Bozkurt mode?

What do you know about Greywolves ? Ever talked with one face to face ?

The are maniac people, say these things into a Greywolves face. He will make mince meat out of you.

No, its the thoughts of people about another people which they fear might conquer them, nobody praises their conqueror this have nothing with reality.

You crushed a bunch of libyan tribesmen led by a few Ottoman officers, as I said you're taking pride in wrong things and ridiculing yourself.
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But I already gave answers above, I guess you don't read.

One of those officers we kicked in the *** in libya was Ataturk. But on a serious note...italy is home of history, art, science and beauty. Turkey has nothing of that. No renaissance, no fireze, no venezia, no roma, no milano, no Tuscany. Italy has a positive image all over the world. Best food, best women, best climate. God simply loves our country. He simply gave us the best of Evrything. What is turkey? A big nothing.
why everbody angry to turkiye :what:
Of course Ottoman imperialism was relatively tolerant for its time (but not by the nineteenth century) but it was still imperialism and in the end your subjects revolted and in the case of some (particularly Bulgarians and Armenians) your response was quite brutal. It is the norm of all countries regardless of whether they are Eastern or Western to want to expand their territory and this is often not pretty.
True words, i'd like to add that during those times (nationalistic uprising)s many Turks got killed and expelled, so it's not like it was just Turks waking up one day with the idea of killing some Bulgarians or Armenians for fun. Action - reaction.
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