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We Shall Conquer Turkey - ISIS

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After getting owned in every claim, did it came to who has better women ? :D


Using ancient linguistic ties to claim distant civilization is neither entirely right or wrong, @Charon 2 has a point too, Neither local Anatolian populations are completely disappered, we surely have some of their blood, I can claim some of their heritage as well but it would be still weird considering the history of my current ethnicity.
After getting owned in every claim, did it came to who has better women ? :D

Well i believe its worldwide know, that italian girls are the most hot in the world. And nope, you did not make any credible claim at all. Turkey is an unknown country in the world with almost 0 cultural relevance.

Let us compare:

turkish female politician:


Italian female politician:


Turkish girls:


Italian girls

turkish car:


Italian car:


Turkish aircraft carrier...

ooops you have none

Italian aircraft carrier:


Lago di como




Well...i think you can see yourself...


Using ancient linguistic ties to claim distant civilization is neither entirely right or wrong, @Charon 2 has a point too, Neither local Anatolian populations are completely disappered, we surely have some of their blood, I can claim some of their heritage as well but it would be still weird considering the history of my current ethnicity.

What ancient "linguistic claims"? Semites are Semites and inhabited a relatively small area of the world which fully correspondents to the Arab ME. All those peoples moreover originated on the Arabian Peninsula, shared religions, culture, ruled parts of each other lands, intermarried for millenniums, looked similar and today genetics also confirm this close connection. In our case it has nothing to do with linguistics. You cannot compare our situation with that of Turkic peoples or Indo-European speaking peoples unless you really believe that geographical neighbors whose cultures have been tied extremely closely for millenniums equal a Sri Lankan and Portuguese in terms of connection. Those two share NOTHING aside from belonging to a larger Indo-European linguistic family. They would not even understand each other if they spoke to each other. At most 3-4 words.

On the other hand the relations with the ancient Semites and people we call Arabs of the ME today are obvious on all fronts. Language, culture, geography, shared ancient history, customs, religions and modern-day genetics.

In terms of my peoples history (Arabs, Semites) I know what I talk about. Your fellow Turk obviously do not. Turkic peoples have nothing to do with those peoples as they did not even encounter each other. The only such claim can be made by people of Turkey.

While the ancient Semitic civilizations I speak about originated in the Arabian Peninsula and in our common region. Arabs "only" appeared in written history 3000 years ago but our ancestors were obviously those ancient Semitic peoples who migrated from our lands and who founded native civilizations in our lands. Be it ancient Yemen, Dilmun, Nabateans etc. So your comparison is obviously a comparison that no historian will take seriously.

Anyway this is not the topic.
Well i believe its worldwide know, that italian girls are the most hot in the world. And nope, you did not make any credible claim at all. Turkey is an unknown country in the world with almost 0 cultural relevance.

Let us compare:

turkish female politician:

View attachment 127705

Italian female politician:

View attachment 127706

Turkish girls:

View attachment 127707

Italian girls
View attachment 127708

turkish car:

View attachment 127709

Italian car:

View attachment 127710

Turkish aircraft carrier...

ooops you have none

Italian aircraft carrier:

View attachment 127711

Lago di como

View attachment 127712


View attachment 127713

Well...i think you can see yourself...

View attachment 127714
Using Super Mario as your knockout blow lol
You suffer from your state's stupidity. You allowed USA into Afghanistan. Now both drones and TTP are hitting you.

"You allowed USA into Afghanistan"

Do you realize how stupid you sound? No country has power to deny US military entry into any land. As for drones they are hitting in Waziristan against TTP.
easy every one
ancient Egypt italy (roman empire ) saudi home of the islamic empire turkey or ottoman empire all were a great civilization and no one can deny that. there is no point to try and make any seem less important than the other can we get back to the main topic

I did not made any claims, you made and I owned you, if you want we can do again :D why are you so obssesed with trying to look superior ? :D whenever you are owned you immediately start looking for other things to try making yourself look superior :D


When I look at 21th century Assyrians and Arabs, I see different pictures, and they are neighbours. I think in the end Charon's Indo-European example isn't entirely wrong.

But to not further heat this discuission, I'm repeating claiming their isn't entirely wrong, you just exaggerate things a bit.
Well i believe its worldwide know, that italian girls are the most hot in the world. And nope, you did not make any credible claim at all. Turkey is an unknown country in the world with almost 0 cultural relevance.

Let us compare:

turkish female politician:

View attachment 127705

Italian female politician:

View attachment 127706

Turkish girls:

View attachment 127707

Italian girls
View attachment 127708

turkish car:

View attachment 127709

Italian car:

View attachment 127710

Turkish aircraft carrier...

ooops you have none

Italian aircraft carrier:

View attachment 127711

Lago di como

View attachment 127712


View attachment 127713

Well...i think you can see yourself...

View attachment 127714

LOL, nice troll list. In all seriousness then Como and Firenze are beautiful cities.

Personally I believe that Sicily is the most historic and beautiful part of Italy though in terms of landscape and also to a great extent culture. It's basically the melting pot of Italy. I was disappointed by Milano as a city. Outside of the medieval castle founded by the Sforza Dynasty and the Cathedral there is not much to see other than museums and the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II.

Btw, did you know that the Savoy family (Italian Royal family) is French originally?


It is complete nonsense in fact. I explained the reasons for that and there are tons of them. Arabs and Assyrians have very similar features and often you cannot tell us apart. So this is wrong too. See the Syriac people of M'aloula for instance and there is no difference between how your average Arab looks. Nor in terms of genetics. Semitic peoples are closer to each other than any other people. Not strange since they originate in the same region and have been neighbors always and intermarried for millenniums. Turks on the other hand is more linguistic if anything. At least the Turks of Turkey. But yeah, let us not start that discussion as some might not like that. In terms of features and genetics Turks and Kyrgyz Turkic peoples for instance and most Central Asian Turks are remotely related only. Much less so than an Omani and Moroccan to take the most extreme example from the Arab world. So be careful with such conclusions.;)
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This MarkusS I think is an Indian troll, he use to fly Indian flags and went offline for sometime and comes back with a new avatar and pretending to be Italian.
Mate, did you know that in WW1 Brits, forced Ottoman people into chemical pools. Which made them blind.

Ancestor's of the other European who barks here, made soaps out of people. And they are trying to lecture us on humanity.

Typical two-faced Europeans. :meeting:
Native American Quote:
"How smooth must be the language of the whites, when they can make right look like wrong, and wrong like right."

Well I can tell apart.

Genetics are irrevelant really, tons of unrelated ethnicities share similar make up, because its have nothing with foundation of an ethnicity. after all we were not closed societies. Turkic people until 1000s were pretty much same ethnicity, they were mutually intelligible with some minor local elements, culturally as well they were almost same, they only started to differ after Islam, seperate cultural influences and expanded geoghpraphy. Today if I claim the success of a Kyrgyz that would be just plain nationalist bullsh.t. I just think that differentation happened earlier in Semitic peoples, may be not in the degree of Indo-Europeans but Phoenicians and Peninsula Bedouins were still in different worlds.

Well I can tell apart.

Genetics are irrevelant really, tons of unrelated ethnicities share similar make up, because its have nothing with foundation of an ethnicity. Turkic people until 1000s were pretty much same ethnicity, they were mutually intelligible with some minor local elements, culturally as well they were almost same, they only started to differ after Islam, seperate cultural influences and expanded geoghpraphy. Today if I claim the success of a Kyrgyz that would be just plain nationalist bullsh.t. I just think that differentation happened earlier in Semitic peoples, may be not in the degree of Indo-Europeans but Phoenicians and Peninsula Bedouins were still in different worlds.

The problem using your logic is just though that genetically modern-day Turks of Turkey have little in common with the original Turks of Central Asia. Let alone appearance wise. On the other hand an Moroccan and Omani (most extreme Arab comparison) will largely look alike.
Let alone historically. It's more a linguistic thing with most of you guys. Bedouins did not exist back then. They were just town-dwellers or nomads of mixed backgrounds. Genetics also confirm this if you take a look at the population of Central Arabia (Najd). Moreover they made and make up a tiny minority of the population of the Arabian Peninsula. Moreover you have now Bedouin tribes in Petra whose ancestors were undoubtedly Nabateans and they were not nomadic. So people who are now nomadic (100.000 people or so) might not have been that 2000 years ago and similarly people who are not nomadic now and have not been for 2000 years might have been nomadic back then. Even the Arab Bedouin tribes were never purely nomadic. When Islam appeared the vast majority of the Arabian Peninsula was settled. After all the Arabian Peninsula is home to some of the oldest civilizations and cities on the planet. Besides all Semitic peoples were at one point nomadic. In fact it is pretty much commonly acknowledged that the earliest Semitic peoples (Akkadians, Babylonians, Canaanites, Dilmun, Phoenicians) migrated out of the Arabian Peninsula and Southern Levant into the nearby remaining Arab ME. They also migrated southwards toward the Horn of Africa. Hence why you have Southern Semitic speakers there and hence why the Habesha people trace half of their ancestry to the ME unlike all other nearby non-Semitic speaking peoples in their region. They also look more ME than other locals and they themselves consider themselves ancestors of those ancient Semitic peoples who came from the ME and who then married with locals and gave rise to important civilizations in the Horn of Africa.

I don't know why I should agree with you when history on all fronts, culture, customs, shared religions, appearance, linguistic history, modern-day genetics, geography, the attested mixing between our ancient Semitic peoples etc. confirms what I say. It's not a secret either that what is now the Arab world geographically is solely composed by areas that were or are formerly inhabited by Semitic peoples or peoples related to the Semitic peoples. I have studied those fields for years on all fronts and consulted various experts and read our ancient Semitic history thoroughly from the very beginning to the current status.

Anyway let's leave that. You have your own theories it seems. We are off-topic anyway once again.
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everybody in the world had mixed eachother why are you debating each other
for me all the peoples in the world is superior except arians:partay:
God does judge, not the average Joe. :)

True, but sometimes you can just tell. It's kinda like watching a boxing match. You might not be the judge but sometimes it is so one-sided you can pretty much tell which way the judges are going to lean :)
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