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We Shall Conquer Turkey - ISIS

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It did end. :) After we smashed Atilla his lands broke apart and huns were all destroyed.

I liked this Italiano. So much fun.

Let's just leave that debate for another time and another thread. Anyway you never answered why it is such a big problem to visit mosques without shoes or let your girlfriend/wife cover her head as a sign of respect. Likewise I already told you that the Catholic Church has such customs and traditions that they want outsiders to adhere to and if they do not do that it is considered a sign of disrespect. I have been told to take off my cap before visiting the Cathedral of Milano when we visited. I did so as a sign of respect to the local customs. Similarly most Catholics, when they address their religious figures (priests, nuns, bishops, cardinals) it is with respect. Let alone the Pope that you guys call "His Holiness"…...

You talk about your visits to Egypt and Turkey as if you were doing it deliberately to show some point. The locals will not change their 1400 year old and HARMLESS approach just because you do not respect it. Likewise I disagree with how Jesus is viewed in Christianity but you don't see me preaching in Catholic Churches about how much I disagree with their view. This is common sense.

If not nobody forces you to visit a mosque. Egypt is home to thousands of churches anyway and the Saint Catherine's Monastery in Sinai (one of the oldest monasteries in the world). It is Eastern Orthodox though.

That approach is as annoying as those Muslims and others who do not respect the local customs of the country they live it. It is rude and annoying to witness. I respect the laws and local customs of Denmark (despite disagreeing with some and funding others silly and outright idiotic) because I am now living in its lands no matter whether it is temporary. It's called common decency. If you cannot respect that you should not visit foreign countries but just stay in Germany or Italy.

PS: You have a problem with something as harmless as scarfs I can see and from other debates too. What do you think about the traditional and current portrayal of your "Virgin Mary" then? She always wears a scarf. Where are the protests about that? Why are nuns wearing scarfs?!

You cant compare that. In italy women were a veil over their head in church and thats totally fine. I told you we did respect the area. We did both were modest business clothes. The thing id, that i did not want walk without shoes there. Inside that building was terrible air. It did not smell good...I suppose that happenes when alot people walk around without shoes. I find this not very hygienic. But thats my personal opinion. Also my girl simply had no scarf with her and nobody knows who did wear one you can get there before her. She did not feel comfortable to put something on her head that someone else did wear before her. We did not want go in but it was obligatory. The entire group went in and we feared to lose them if we wait outside. it was very full.
Now you call me an "organism". You use this word to basicly take the human character away from me, to insult and belittle me and label me as a subhuman. In otjer words, you insult gods creation and greatness and with that show more disrespect to islam than i ever could. thanks for proving my point.

C'mon mate, biologically everything from bacterias and complex life forms are considered as organisms, if you take this an insult go talk to your creator... He may setup something special for you
It was much more fun when we destroyed all turks who tried to invade italy (battle of otranto) and finally simply ended this shit as we murdered sultan mehmet with poison.

What is your source for this poisoning event? English, Italian, Latin.. Doesnt matter. I am interested in this source.
It was much more fun when we destroyed all turks who tried to invade italy (battle of otranto) and finally simply ended this shit as we murdered sultan mehmet with poison.

Seriously ? :D Otranto was taken as a preparation to invasion of Italy, if Mehmed wasn't died(dead cause is disputed), you wouldn't be talking with this much pride :D his son simply didn't had any intention to continue invasions, as he was occupied with his brother, small city states in Italy weren't a big deal.
Seriously ? :D Otranto was taken as a preparation to invasion of Italy, if Mehmed wasn't died(dead cause is disputed), you wouldn't be talking with this much pride :D his son simply didn't had any intention to continue invasions, as he was occupied with his brother, small city states in Italy weren't a big deal.

Otranto is very important for us italians. A small group of italians killed many turks to halt them long enough until joined forces arrived. They sacrificed their own lifes so italy can live. They are true heroes for us. They not only saved italy but also rome from this barbarians.
ISIS new song...lolzzz. fail to understand how come these bitches are so organized in funding and military discipline....

It was much more fun when we destroyed all turks who tried to invade italy (battle of otranto) and finally simply ended this shit as we murdered sultan mehmet with poison.

Lol.... Italian's view of history if also fun. :)

Otranto is very important for us italians. A small group of italians killed many turks to halt them long enough until joined forces arrived. They sacrificed their own lifes so italy can live. They are true heroes for us. They not only saved italy but also rome from this barbarians.

Lol, go read some history books.... we took the city in our first attack and butchered you all. And that was just a small portion of Ottoman war machine.

Even after you you decide to retake the city. You had no guts to retake the city with fighting so you resort to diplomacy. :) Your nation has no heroes, it's complied from cowards and pussies.

Let me tell you, non of you stand equal to a Turk on the battelfield.

For anyone who is wandering about the event here it is: Ottoman invasion of Otranto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Otranto is very important for us italians. A small group of italians killed many turks to halt them long enough until joined forces arrived. They sacrificed their own lifes so italy can live. They are true heroes for us. They not only saved italy but also rome from this barbarians.

I don't how important it was for you, but it wasn't for us, it was just a minor campaign without the partipication of main army, defenders in fortified locations always have advantage, but given casualties are usually exaggerated.

Yeah Ottomans were a war machine with the sole aim of massacring anybody in front of them, such Barbarians.
Lol.... Italian's view of history if also fun. :)

How much fun do you see in the battle of Lepanto?

The free world against oriental despotism. It marked the end of ottoman naval coquest. Tenthousand christians were rescued.

Giandrea Doria is one of our greatest heroes for that

Battle of Lepanto - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is said that when our troops entered the ottoman ships we did free the christian slaves. They did storm on deck and killed many turks in the chaos with their chains.

After 1580, the discouraged Ottomans left the fleet to rot in the waters of the Horn.[29] Especially critical was the loss of most of the caliphate's composite bowmen, which, far beyond ship rams and early firearms, were the Ottomans' main embarked weapon. British historian John Keegan noted that the losses in this highly specialized class of warrior were irreplaceable in a generation, and in fact represented "the death of a living tradition" for the Ottomans.[21] Historian Paul K. Davis has argued that:

This Turkish defeat stopped Ottomans' expansion into the Mediterranean, thus maintaining western dominance, and confidence grew in the west that Turks, previously unstoppable, could be beaten.[30]

Thus, this victory for the Holy League was historically important not only because the Turks lost 80 ships sunk and 130 captured by the Allies, and 30,000 men killed (not including 12,000 Christian galley slaves who were freed) while allied losses were 7,500 men and 17 galleys—but because the victory heralded the end of Turkish supremacy in the Mediterranean
As per my understanding Turkish people are not fundamentalists for that to happen.
Turks are my favorite people.

People will a strong and powerful country, with a long history, secular, tolerant, nationalistic and yet pragmatic.

Jinnah modeled Pakistan on Turkey, its so sad we have veered so off course.
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