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We Shall Conquer Turkey - ISIS

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We had those discussion a thousands times in ME section, im not scared to be ''challenged'' by someone from the other side of the planet who has no clue about the region and who is trolling in every thread be it in ME section or Europe section.

I have enough knowledge to know that Wahabism is a group of terrorists which are being funded by 3 countries.

I oppose Sharia Law.
I oppose Wahabism.
I oppose Evangelical Christians.
I oppose the genocide of Palestinians by Zionists.
I oppose any form of radical religion or people that support extremist elements in any religion to achieve their geopolitical goal.

Religion is the biggest reason humans kill other humans despite being from the same country, or having the same language or having the same skin colour.

It's very sad what's happening in the Middle East.
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I have enough knowledge to know that Wahabism is a group of terrorists which are being funded by 3 countries.

I oppose Sharia Law.
I oppose Wahabism.
I oppose Evangelical Christians.
I oppose any form of radical religion.

Religion is the biggest reason humans kill other humans despite being from the same country, or having the same language or having the same skin colour.

What is Wahabism? Tell me. Show your knowledge.
Christianity, huh? You guys claim that Jesus is the son of the god and Mariam. Then Jesus became God itself. I refuse such polytheism and witness there is no human god.

We believe there is only One God called Allah, It is neither male nor female. It created universe and living beings. Thats all.

Your desert believes are none of my business. Nobody claims that Jesus became part of god himself. He was god from the beginning. God has many aspects. This might be a complext believe system for a desert bedouin.
Your desert believes are none of my business. Nobody claims that Jesus became part of god himself. He was god from the beginning. God has many aspects. This might be a complext believe system for a desert bedouin.

Yeah, that makes sense.

Your desert believes are none of my business. Nobody claims that Jesus became part of god himself. He was god from the beginning. God has many aspects. This might be a complext believe system for a desert bedouin.

@turkish posters.

This person openly insults Islam. Do not talk with this bigot. Just report his posts until he gets banned.
See similarities: one of them is Jesus, the other Zeus.

Guess who is who?

View attachment 125593
View attachment 125594

I´m Italian. We call him Jupiter. The way important figures are portrayed is always part of any culture. Christianity was not pushed with violence on the roman empire. It became the big religion from within. People did not break with their heritage and culture. It transformed. And thats what makes it great. Religion has to serve the people and not the other way around.

The virgin mary for example looks much like our old goddess Artemis.
Turkey military capability can crush these baboons called ISIS within a blink of an eye.

You must be an idiot to think that Hijaz (a region almost entirely covered in mountains) and moreover having a over 2000 km long tropical coastline along the Red Sea is a desert or Makkah for that matter which is one of the oldest cities in the world.

You must also have forgot that the ME (more specifically the Arab world) is home to the oldest civilizations on the planet and they also invented writing. Apropos being illiterate. Don't forget that the Semitic Phoenicians even gave you an alphabet because previously you had none. Almost the entire world follows this alphabet.

Phoenician alphabet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Moreover your Christianity just as Islam and Judaism are Abrahamic and Semitic religions (our peoples indigenous religions) who all originate in our ancient lands. So in a sense you are following one of our religions and your entire history and culture was shaped by it too.

Abrahamic religions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why are you no longer following the barbarian paganism that your illiterate German cousins followed? In terms of recorded history you are nothing so don't get ahead of yourself. In our lands you also find the oldest cities, agriculture, math, science, poetry, writing, wheel etc. was all invaded by our Semitic ancestors while you still lived in caves.

List of cities by time of continuous habitation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cradle of civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aside from the small minority of Jews that adopted Christianity the first Christians on the planet were and are Arabs and in our lands the first churches are also found.

@WebMaster @Chak Bamu @Horus @Manticore

Is obvious trolling and insults towards Islam and Muslims allowed on this forum or am I mistaken?

You must be an idiot to think that Hijaz (a region almost entirely covered in mountains) and moreover having a over 2000 km long tropical coastline along the Red Sea is a desert or Makkah for that matter which is one of the oldest cities in the world.

You must also have forgot that the ME (more specifically the Arab world) is home to the oldest civilizations on the planet and they also invented writing. Apropos being illiterate. Don't forget that the Semitic Phoenicians even gave you an alphabet because previously you had none. Almost the entire world follows this alphabet.

Phoenician alphabet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Moreover your Christianity just as Islam and Judaism are Abrahamic and Semitic religions (our peoples indigenous religions) who all originate in our ancient lands. So in a sense you are following one of our religions and your entire history and culture was shaped by it too.

Abrahamic religions - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why are you no longer following the barbarian paganism that your illiterate German cousins followed? In terms of recorded history you are nothing so don't get ahead of yourself. In our lands you also find the oldest cities, agriculture, math, science, poetry, writing, wheel etc. was all invaded by our Semitic ancestors while you still lived in caves.

List of cities by time of continuous habitation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Cradle of civilization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aside from the small minority of Jews that adopted Christianity the first Christians on the planet were and are Arabs and in our lands the first churches are also found.

@WebMaster @Chak Bamu @Horus @Manticore

Is obvious trolling and insults towards Islam and Muslims allowed on this forum or am I mistaken?

Im italian, not german. :) You know italians? The ones who conquered all your land and made it part of our empire. The rest of your nonsense is not important to comment. As for germans, they did not live in caves. They build houses since roughly 20.000 years. Caves never were a home in europe. There simply are not enough of them. They were places of worship. And germans had their own writing system, based on runes.

Also i did not insult your islam in one word. You may have a problem to read and understand. I dont care about islam. Show me where i insulted it? :) You wont find one comment about islam itself.
Im italian, not german. :) You know italians? The ones who conquered all your land and made it part of our empire. The rest of your nonsense is not important to comment. As for germans, they did not live in caves. They build houses since roughly 20.000 years. Caves never were a home in europe. There simply are not enough of them. They were places of worship. And germans had their own writing system, based on runes.

Also i did not insult your islam in one word. You may have a problem to read and understand. I dont care about islam. Show me where i insulted it? :) You wont find one comment about islam itself.

All your land? Are you kidding? You barely controlled anything in the ME. Don't equal modern-day Turkey with the Arabs or Semites. You controlled nothing and you are half German born and breed in Germany.

Italains were also civilized by primarily the Semitic Phoenicians and then the Greeks. Italian culture is basically Greek culture.

Never a home? That is obviously nonsense as your last Neanderthal ancestors died in a cave in Gibraltar. Your runes are 1800 years old. Are you kidding me? And very primitive for that matter.

Greek, Latin etc. (oldest cultures of Europe of any worth) all used and use to this very day the Phoenician Alphabet.

Phoenician alphabet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You have insulted it in this very thread.

Also what is wrong with a scarf anyway? You prefer walking around naked with your girlfriend/wife? Do yo know that your "Virgin Mary" always wears a scarf? Why is that do you think?

Also have you forget that Arabs occupied Sicily and Southern Italy less than 1000 years ago? They gave that island and Southern Italy a lot and gave rise to the beautiful Arab-Norman architecture (see Cathedral of Palermo) and enriched the architecture, poetry, literature, music and most importantly food.

Sicilians themselves admit this and are proud of this.

See what the locals in Palermo say about the Arab influences in this short documentary;

Or watch the world famous chef Anthony Bourdain and his recent trip to Sicily. He also covers the Arab past.

Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Sicily - CNN.com

Let me once again state to you, as the bigot you are, that the first Christian communities in the world are found in the Arab world and that million of Arabs are Christians.

Do you know that it is considered rude to wear a hat in a Catholic Church or shorts? In most places they tell you to go outside if you do such things. This is called common respect for the local customs. When you are in non-native lands you behave like the locals or at least should. If I visited the Vatican I would not go around half-naked for instance.

Moreover apropos ISIS and Taliban then they make up 0,01% of all 1.7 billion Muslims. Also they are yet to even kill 500.000 people while Europeans killed almost 100 MILLION of each other during WW1 and WW2.

ME people would have to be in conflict for the next 1000 years to emulate that.
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All your land? Are you kidding? You barely controlled anything in the ME. Don't equal modern-day Turkey with the Arabs or Semites. You controlled nothing and you are half German born and breed in Germany.

Italains were also civilized by primarily the Semitic Phoenicians and then the Greeks. Italian culture is basically Greek culture.

Never a home? That is obviously nonsense as your last Neanderthal ancestors died in a cave in Gibraltar. Your runes are 1800 years old. Are you kidding me? And very primitive for that matter.

Greek, Latin etc. (oldest cultures of Europe of any worth) all used and use to this very day the Phoenician Alphabet.

Phoenician alphabet - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You have insulted it in this very thread.

Also what is wrong with a scarf anyway? You prefer walking around naked with your girlfriend/wife? Do yo know that your "Virgin Mary" always wears a scarf? Why is that do you think?

Also have you forget that Arabs occupied Sicily and Southern Italy less than 1000 years ago? They gave that island and Southern Italy a lot and gave rise to the beautiful Arab-Norman architecture (see Cathedral of Palermo) and enriched the architecture, poetry, literature, music and most importantly food.

Sicilians themselves admit this and are proud of this.

See what the locals in Palermo say about the Arab influences in this short documentary;

Or watch the world famous chef Anthony Bourdain and his recent trip to Sicily. He also covers the Arab past.

Anthony Bourdain Parts Unknown Sicily - CNN.com

Let me once again state to you, as the bigot you are, that the first Christian communities in the world are found in the Arab world and that million of Arabs are Christians.

Do you know that it is considered rude to wear a hat in a Catholic Church or shorts? In most places they tell you to go outside if you do such things. This is called common respect for the local customs.

Moreover apropos ISIS and Taliban then they make up 0,01% of all 1.7 billion Muslims. Also they are yet to even kill 500.000 people while Europeans killed almost 100 MILLION of each other during WW1 and WW2.

ME people would have to be in conflict for the next 1000 years to emulate that.

You are wrong.

1. Neanderthal ancestors? In case you missed it, Neanderthalians survived far longer on the middle east than in europe. Their last remnants can be found in what is today israel and syria. Als they did not die in caves, they were buried there. I would also like to tell you, that the europeans and arabs have the same amount of neanderthalian DNA. Its also your ancestors. And we can be proud for that, since they had a larger brain and made us smarter.

2. As for the roman empire, we controlled entire north africa, including egypt, levante, syria, asia minor.

3. Italian culture is a mixture of etruskian and greek culture. Greek settlers mixed with etruskian natives and created what we are today.

4. My girlfriend does cover her head in a church. Thats custom in italy. A mosque is not a church. Its a normal building for us. And my girlfriend is not virgin mary. Dont bring my religion into this, Thanks. Also i did not wear shorts in the mosque. I did wear a business suit. We were modest clothed.
You are wrong.

1. Neanderthal ancestors? In case you missed it, Neanderthalians survived far longer on the middle east than in europe. Their last remnants can be found in what is today israel and syria.

2. As for the roman empire, we controlled entire north africa, including egypt, levante, syria, asia minor.

3. Italian culture is a mixture of etruskian and greek culture. Greek settlers mixed with etruskian natives and created what we are today.

Wrong. The last Neanderthals were found in Gibraltar and that is Europe.

Read here below;

Neanderthals of Gibraltar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No, not in its entirety. Anyway many of your Roman Emperors were from our lands originally and either Semites or Arabs. For instance Philip the Arab.

Philip the Arab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He ruled 1800 years ago.

Do you know that there are strong theories of the Etruscan culture being from the ME? What is now the Arab world/ME?

Italians are mixed people. You have had many influences and don't forget that the Roman's imported slaves from all over Europe, the ME and even Blacks.

The point is that you should educate yourself before being a bigot. Then you are not any better than the Muslim bigots or other bigots regardless of religion.

Look, I am partially European and have Catholic relatives and I have visited Catholic Churches in France, Spain, Germany, Italy and Portugal. There is an dress code in Catholic Churches too. It is not about whether you are religious or not.

Likewese when you enter a Mosque (the House of God) you must leave your shoes out of respect and the female should cover her head with a scarf. Again out of respect. It hurts nobody last time I checked. When you leave the mosque you can take it off. But nobody forces you anyway. Otherwise you would not be able to do such things.

But it is idiotic to oppose such harmless customs just to oppose it or make a point. Why not make a point in your own Catholic Church? Why not dress provocatively there and see the reaction? Or is is only to target Muslims?
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