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We Shall Conquer Turkey - ISIS

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Wrong. The last Neanderthals were found in Gibraltar and that is Europe.

Read here below;

Neanderthals of Gibraltar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No, not in its entirety. Anyway many of your Roman Emperors were from our lands originally and either Semites or Arabs. For instance Philip the Arab.

Philip the Arab - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He ruled 1800 years ago.

Do you know that there are strong theories of the Etruscan culture being from the ME? What is now the Arab world?

Italians are mixed people. You have had many influences and don't forget that the Roman's imported slaves from all over Europe, the ME and even Blacks.

The point is that you should educate yourself before being a bigot. Then you are not any better than the Muslim bigots or other bigots regardless of religion.

Of course italians are mixed. That makes us so sucessful and loved in the world. Also whats your problem with arabs? I said not one word against arabs. All people in the mediterranean region are basicly the same.

The influence goes both ways.

and about Neanderthals. Arabs has as much neanderthalian DNA as we have. Between 1-4%. Neanderthalians had greater brains. So if you try this as insult you fail.
Im italian, not german. You know italians? The ones who conquered all your land and made it part of our empire
And then Got HAMMERED by 1st Persians and Then Outnumbered Rashidun Armies.
Of course italians are mixed. That makes us so sucessful and loved in the world. Also whats your problem with arabs? I said not one word against arabs. All people in the mediterranean region are basicly the same.

The influence goes both ways.

and about Neanderthals. Arabs has as much neanderthalian DNA as we have. Between 1-4%. Neanderthalians had greater brains. So if you try this as insult you fail.

We are all that. I must tell you that Italians are not popular everywhere. Just ask nearby countries. Anyway most the world's rivalries are rarely serious and Europe is now for once stable (outside of Ukraine) so people can joke when it comes to rivalries. For instance French people often make fun of Italians and vice versa. Due to rivalry.

It seems to me that you are highly ignorant about Arabs, Semites and the ME as a whole like a few other users here on PDF. Your initial comments in this thread proved it.

Not the same but yes there are mutual cultural, religious, linguistic, architectural and even genetic similarities aside from cuisine and geography obviously. But they are still distinct. Just like ME itself has many distinct cultures so talking about ME as one body is also wrong on certain areas just like talking about Europe as one.

No, Neandatalers only inhabited parts of Northern Levant and Iraq. I am not aware of them inhabiting the Arabian Peninsula outside of a few of them and North Africa but I might be wrong here.

But the Neanderthal stronghold was Europe and this is undeniable. Europeans on average have more Neanderthal blood than all others. I read that in Science Magazine not long ago.

Anyway in that documentary with Anthony Bourdain some of the locals say that the Sicilian custom of eating horses came from the Arabs but this is wrong as Arabs never ate horses as we consider horses especially noble and blessed animals. it is unthinkable to eat a horse.
And then Got HAMMERED by 1st Persians and Then Outnumbered Rashidun Armies.

well, we crushed persia and captured their capital Ktesiphon. Rome never was captured. So we make something right.

If you're discuissing with al-Hasani, it will always come to how great Arabs are in the end , doesn't matter if you have mentioned Arabs or not :D

If you're discuissing with al-Hasani, it will always come to how great Arabs are in the end , doesn't matter if you have mentioned Arabs or not :D

Well, he mentioned Islam (my religion and that of the majority of the world's 500 million Arabs) and it's origin was in Hijaz and wrote some nonsense that can be considered trolling/insulting so I just had to tell him a few historical truths.

Ignorants annoy me regardless of who they are. People should not comment on matters that they know nothing about. I dislike ignorants whether they are Arabs or Papuans or Eskimos.
We are all that. I must tell you that Italians are not popular everywhere. Just ask nearby countries. Anyway most the world's rivalries are rarely serious and Europe is now for once stable (outside of Ukraine) so people can joke when it comes to rivalries. For instance French people often make fun of Italians and vice versa. Due to rivalry.

It seems to me that you are highly ignorant about Arabs, Semites and the ME as a whole like a few other users here on PDF. Your initial comments in this thread proved it.

Not the same but yes there are mutual cultural, religious, linguistic, architectural and even genetic similarities aside from cuisine and geography obviously. But they are still distinct. Just like ME itself has many distinct cultures so talking about ME as one body is also wrong on certain areas just like talking about Europe as one.

No, Neandatalers only inhabited parts of Northern Levant and Iraq. I am not aware of them inhabiting the Arabian Peninsula outside of a few of them and North Africa but I might be wrong here.

But the Neanderthal stronghold was Europe and this is undeniable. Europeans on average have more Neanderthal blood than all others. I read that in Science Magazine not long ago.

Anyway in that documentary with Anthony Bourdain some of the locals say that the Sicilian custom of eating horses came from the Arabs but this is wrong as Arabs never ate horses as we consider horses especially noble and blessed animals. it is unthinkable to eat a horse.

Neanderthalians had a 10% greater brain than anciant homo sapiens sapiens. It is believed that interbreedmg with neanderthalians made us as intelligent as we are today. The largest percentage of neanderthalian DNA can be found in asians who also mixed with a 2nd species called Denisovian. As for arabs. I'm quite sure that neanderthalians did inhabit the entire arab peninsula down to yemen. There simply is no natural boarder and you may agree that it would make no sense for them to not go there.

in general i believe alot more research must be done in this field. We found tools on crete which are over 1 million years old. This means that even much earlier anvestors like homo erectus was able to sail with boats over the sea. All this is a big mystery.
Reality dictates that ISIS will become the ruler of a recognized state in the future. They are aggressively accumulating land and resources and are putting into place a government. Perhaps they would eventually create a Muslim Caliphate which will include land owned by nations like Turkey and Pakistan and India for that matter, who knows ? The sad part of it is that it will be a Caliphate which will flow with the blood of Muslims during its entire existence. If this is the beginning of the formation of this ISIS Caliphate, I seriously pity the people who will live under the rule of a fully formed and functioning ISIS Caliphate.

Once the Mullahs of Iran go, we are going to see a strong and Nationalist Iran. Its time for Pakistan to make a formal alliance with nations like India, Iran and Russia. Sadly that won't happen because our Army is infiltrated with Zia's left over wahabis.
Atilla the Hun, enough said.

Atilla the hun got hammered from roman and german troops in the battle at the catalaunian plates. This ended the hun invasions and saves europe from barbarism.
Neanderthalians had a 10% greater brain than anciant homo sapiens sapiens. It is believed that interbreedmg with neanderthalians made us as intelligent as we are today. The largest percentage of neanderthalian DNA can be found in asians who also mixed with a 2nd species called Denisovian. As for arabs. I'm quite sure that neanderthalians did inhabit the entire arab peninsula down to yemen. There simply is no natural boarder and you may agree that it would make no sense for them to not go there.

Let's just leave that debate for another time and another thread. Anyway you never answered why it is such a big problem to visit mosques without shoes or let your girlfriend/wife cover her head as a sign of respect. Likewise I already told you that the Catholic Church has such customs and traditions that they want outsiders to adhere to and if they do not do that it is considered a sign of disrespect. I have been told to take off my cap before visiting the Cathedral of Milano when we visited. I did so as a sign of respect to the local customs. Similarly most Catholics, when they address their religious figures (priests, nuns, bishops, cardinals) it is with respect. Let alone the Pope that you guys call "His Holiness"…...

You talk about your visits to Egypt and Turkey as if you were doing it deliberately to show some point. The locals will not change their 1400 year old and HARMLESS approach just because you do not respect it. Likewise I disagree with how Jesus is viewed in Christianity but you don't see me preaching in Catholic Churches about how much I disagree with their view. This is common sense.

If not nobody forces you to visit a mosque. Egypt is home to thousands of churches anyway and the Saint Catherine's Monastery in Sinai (one of the oldest monasteries in the world). It is Eastern Orthodox though.

That approach is as annoying as those Muslims and others who do not respect the local customs of the country they live it. It is rude and annoying to witness. I respect the laws and local customs of Denmark (despite disagreeing with some and funding others silly and outright idiotic) because I am now living in its lands no matter whether it is temporary. It's called common decency. If you cannot respect that you should not visit foreign countries but just stay in Germany or Italy.

PS: You have a problem with something as harmless as scarfs I can see and from other debates too. What do you think about the traditional and current portrayal of your "Virgin Mary" then? She always wears a scarf. Where are the protests about that? Why are nuns wearing scarfs?! Even many elder Catholic ladies still wear scarfs today. So much for the hypocrisy ah?
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Atilla the hun got hammered from roman and german troops in the battle at the catalaunian plates. This ended the hun invasions and saves europe from barbarism.

Invasion of nomads never ends. History proves it.
Atilla the hun got hammered from roman and german troops in the battle at the catalaunian plates. This ended the hun invasions and saves europe from barbarism.

Well hammered is a rather serious word, it was more like a stalemate which in the end made Huns retreat without being actually defeated.

We have to give the right to Huns, a rather small group of asian warriors not only subjugated way more numerous Germanic and Iranian tribes but also harassed the greatest western empire to a great extend, it was a miracle in the end that this small elite managed to hold this much authority over much of Europe.

Actually it didn't end, Avars and Magyars came later.
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